13382/One Evening At One Madison Park

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One Evening At One Madison Park
Date of Scene: 17 November 2022
Location: Warren's Penthouse
Synopsis: Kitty drops by and finds Warren about to watch a movie with popcorn. They reminisce and watch Die Hard.
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Kitty Pryde

Warren Worthington has posed:
     Warren gave the butler the night off. It was a long day with flying to Xavier's and back, and the playboy didn't expect a need for Niall so Warren showed the man the door and prepared himself for a night in. Puttering around in a pair of pajama bottoms, the blonde hero is currently in the kitchen area of his penthouse making a bowl of popcorn with the plans of sitting in front of the TV and watching something mindless. Probably an action or horror movie of some sort.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The phone rings, whether a landline or as likely it goes also to Warren's phone. It's the security down at the front desk.

"Sir, Miss Pryde is here. Said she was just dropping by and if you were unavailable it was fine. Should I Send her up?" he asks.

Should Warren access the cameras down there, as the building owner he'd certainly be able to, he'd see Kitty, wearing a pair of tight fitting pants and boots, wearing a sweater and with a long coat overtop, and a scarf about her neck though being inside in the warm, it's is undone and just hanging down either side. Her hair is down, the brown tresses lightened just a bit here and there in a becoming way.

Warren Worthington has posed:
     There is a moment of silence on the other end as Warren registers those words, "Um..." he says, looking down at his attire "Sure...but give me a couple of minutes before you end up sending her up. I'm not exactly dressed for company."

    Once Warren hangs up the phone he sets down the popcorn bowl he was carrying and heads up the stairs to find something a bit more covering, and by the time Kitty makes her way up he is coming back down the stairs in his robe, belting it at the waist.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The guards have her weight a good five minutes before the elevator indicates it is on the way up. The bell chimes as it reaches the penthouse and the doors open.

Kitty steps into the very familiar penthouse. Her eyes sweep about it, looking for Warren but also looking at the entry room itself, seeing what has or hasn't changed.

There Warren is coming down the stairs from up above. "Hi Warren," she says, flashing him a pretty smile. "I hope you don't mind. I was just down the street," she says, motioning behind her, though the street is of course much further down below than that. "And, ah, well I hadn't seen you in awhile. And the cold weather made me think of you and, ah, well. I just thought I'd stop and see how you were doing," she says, looking down at the end, realizing she stammered just a bit there.

Warren Worthington has posed:
     Nothing is changed really from the time that Kit was living here, save for maybe some photographs of the two of them together no longer occupy frames and now the spaces that they occupied are either bare, or have just some generic photos. "No, of course I don't mind." Warren says with a chuckle, "It's always good to see you. Funnily enough I was over at the mansion today. Ran into Sam, we had lunch. Half expected to see you over there, but I guess you were over here."

    Warren finishes his way down the stairs and moves over to give her a quick hug, keeping the contact brief like ex's tend to do. "I was just making some popcorn and was going to watch a movie. I can get out a bottle of wine and you're welcome to join me if you want, unless this was just a quick pop-in to say hi."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde hugs Warren back. He might notice that he lets go before she does, but she lets go as he is releasing her and pulling away. "Yes, I was doing some patrols in Bushwick and Chinatown the last few nights," she says. "And sort of fell behind on a few errands I needed to do in town as a result."

Kitty hesitates just a moment, tongue touching her lips. "If you didn't have any thing I'm interrupting," she responds. Of course they spent a lot of evenings like that, so it's not too unusual if that's what he's doing tonight. "I wasn't even sure if I'd catch you at home," she says. "I don't have to be back to the school anytime soon. Rahne's helping with guidance counselor stuff now," she says. "A glass of wine and a movie sound great. What were you thinking of watching?" she asks, removing her coat then.

Warren Worthington has posed:
     Moving as he talks, Warren shrugs a shoulder causing his wing to ruffle on that side. "No, you're not interrupting anything. I hadn't gotten that far as far as movie selection, honestly. I was probably going to put on some sort of action or horror movie to just state blankly at for a while to try and blank my mind from the day's events. Too many phone calls and meetings. I joked with Sam that I need Hank to clone me a few times to get everything done...but then again you know all that." After all, his being too busy was one of the reasons for their split.

    Back in the kitchen Warren finishes off the popcorn, adding butter and some grated parmesan to the popped kernels. "What can I get you to drink? Red? White? Something else? I can always set up a guest room if you don't want to head back to the mansion tonight."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde's shoes are removed at the entrance as well before she follows warren into the kitchen. As he mentions that she knows about him being so busy with work, Kitty reaches over, a hand resting on his lower back for a moment and rubbing upwards and down a couple of times in a reassuring way.

"A red sounds nice," Kitty tells Warren. "Now that I'm 21 finally I'm spending a bit more time in the city. Clubs are definitely more fun than they used to be," she says with a chuckle. Though drinking at a place was never really an issue when she was with Warren, that definitely changed when she was back to going out on her or with friends that she was sure to get carded. And refusing to just make herself a fake ID.

"When are you thinking of putting up the decorations?" she asks, looking around the penthouse. She always loved how the place looked decorated. Even at the end, right before they split, she put a lot of effort into them. "Old school action? Something like Terminator or Predator?" she asks.

Warren Worthington has posed:
     Chuckling and tensing ever so slightly at her touch, Warren says, "I bet they are. You don't have the ball and chain holding you back anymore." He wonders if they are at that joking stage that ex's that are still friends get to, but if they aren't it's too late now. "Take the popcorn over to the couch and pick a movie, I'll get the wine."

    Warren slips away, glancing around the place with a shrug as he moves over to the door that houses the 'wine cellar'...which is really just a temperature controlled room off the kitchen. "I don't know. I honestly hadn't thought about it. If I have it decorated at all, it will probably be soon."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a quick shake of her head as Warren misunderstands her. "Nah, not as fun as when we were together. But more fun than the last year without, before I turned 21," she tells Warren in a soft, warm voice. She seems comfortable enough with him so far at least.

Kitty picks up the popcorn with a nod and begins walking into the living room. "You have to have it decorated," she calls to him from the other room. She turns on the fireplace, getting a long match and lighting it, then blowing it out and replacing it.

"If you need I'll come do it when you're out and surprise you," she offers. Kitty sits down on the couch, drawing her legs up without really thinking about it, how she usually sat. She goes through the list of movies, navigating the controls with familiarity. After a moment's thought, she chooses Die Hard and pauses it at the start of the movie as she waits for Warren.

Warren Worthington has posed:
     Warren comes back out with a bottle and grabs a pair of glasses on the way over towards the couch. "Right, right... I'm sure you and the other women over at the mansion all get out and have a good time these nights. Sam was telling me that Illyana got married? I mean...talk about making me feel old. Yes, I know she aged differently than 'normal' but still, I feel like I met her when she was 6. Regardless of the skipped years, makes me feel ancient and I haven't even hit 30 yet."
    Warren opens the bottle and pours a couple of glasses before he takes up his spot on the couch. He looks over at Kitty and smirks, shaking his head in amusement. "I'd say you could try, but you would just phase your way in here and do it anyway. Or sweettalk the guys downstairs or Niall into letting you in. Still...not sure it is worth the effort." He looks around again, taking a sip from the glass, "It's not like I am here enough to enjoy it."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the wineglass from Warren, smiling over to him. If she feels any temptation to try to problem solve, she avoids it. They went down that road plenty, yet still ended up where they did. Instead she just reaches over to rest her hand on Warren's shoulder lightly. "Well, the time that you are though, you deserve the extra relaxation they bring," she tells him.

Kitty takes a from the glass and says, "Yes, definitely a few changes. People getting older and growing up. Seems like just yesterday Bobby was hitting people with snow balls," she says with a sigh. Then pauses a moment as if in serious thought. "Wait, that was just yesterday," she says after the moment of pretend remembering. "Well, everyone but him."

She smiles to Warren and then starts up the movie. "If you don't want me to, obviously I wouldn't," she tells him, glancing around in a way that would make it clear she's still talking about the decorations. Then back to Warren. "But I'd like to do it for you."

Warren Worthington has posed:
     Warren takes in a deep breath and lets it out through his nose slowly, casting his eyes over at Kitty as the movie starts up. Warren has seen it so many times he could probably quote it so it isn't like he is missing anything. "When isn't Bobby hitting people with snowballs. But I said much the same to Sam earlier, it feels like yesterday it was just Scott, Jean, Hank, Bobby and myself. Now the mansion just feels so different."

    He shrugs, "If you really want to, I'll leave a note down with the guys to let you have access. I won't actively stop you." He lifts the glass of wine to his lips again, taking another sip, "I know you like to do it, I just..." He shakes his head, not finishing that sentence as he shifts his focus to the movie on the tv, reaching to grab a handful of popcorn and shoving it into this mouth.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
As Warren is talking to her, Kitty is watching him. Not just listening to him, but watching his face and the way Warren sits. Though she's only seen him a few times in the last year, gauging what she sees feels like no time has passed at all.

"You're so tense," she tells him quietly. Kitty looks down at her glass of wine. Takes a sip of it and keeps looking down for a moment before she looks back up. "Is it because I'm here? Or, are you always like this?" she asks him. Her eyes shine with the same concern for Warren that he can hear in her tone, and she turns to face towards him a little bit more. The man far more important than the movie they both know so well.

Warren Worthington has posed:
     Warren takes another sip of his wine to wash down the popcorn, and give him a moment to collect his thoughts. "Sorry," he says after a moment, "Probably a little of both if I am being honest? I wasn't expecting to see you here tonight. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you came to visit, I just wasn't...I don't know...prepped for it? I've spent the last year throwing myself into work more and more to keep myself busy as to not have to think about why we ended things, so of course the one night I do give myself a moment to try and chill and let my guard down is the one you pick to visit." He chuckles, shaking his head. "It's all good though. I'll sort my shit out in a few minutes."

    He looks away from her now, up to the screen to see McClaine gripping at the carpet with his feet. "I'm just glad you are doing well. Sounds like things are going good for you."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes a sip of her wine, then sets the glass down on the coffee table. She begins to climb up onto the back of the couch, and Warren will know where this is going. Kitty moves over behind him, her leg on either side of him as she sits on the back of the couch, and then reaches down her hands down to rest on his shoulders inside of his wings. If Warren doesn't protest by that point, Kitty starts massaging his shoulders, and his neck.

She knows all the places to work. The muscles that get tight if he's been flying too much. The ones in his neck that get sore if he's bending forward too close to his computer screen, especially if he's annoyed or upset at those on the other end of a call, or just at a report he's reading.

"I'm sorry if I made the night any worse," she tells Warren. She leans down and just gently rests her head against his as she continues gently rubbing his shoulders.

Warren Worthington has posed:
     The muscles in his shoulders are tight from flying to Westchester and back, but It's those later muscles, the ones that tighten up from work that are the most tight, like steel cords...or Pitor's skin when he is all metaled up. "No, of course not. Don't be silly, you don't make anything 'worse', Kit. Just 'different'." After taking a sip of his wine and placing it on the table in front of him, Warren lowers his head a bit to give her better access to his neck. "It's nice to have you here, it's felt pretty empty for a while."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Her fingers slide back over to Warren's neck. Taking her time and pressing gently, but gradually deeper as she finds the most tense muscles there, working to loosen them up. "I know exactly what you mean," she tells him quietly. Her voice carrying enough emotion he can tell she missed him when they split.

The terrorist are taking over Nakatomi now, and John is on the run. Kitty leans down and brushes a soft kiss into Warren's golden hair, her fingers continuing the gentle massage.