13588/= Questions conducted contra Koriand'r!

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= Questions conducted contra Koriand'r!
Date of Scene: 16 December 2022
Location: Eastside - St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: = Mona questions Starfire and Hawkeye about the Krang and Mutagen, who promise to let her know if they hear anything!
Cast of Characters: Mona Lisa, Koriand'r, Kate Bishop

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Metropolis is an upscale town, bright and cheerful and upbeat all the way through. Sure, there's criminal underbellies, sure, there's Lexcorp's shenanigans, and sure, there's an alien encounter every few months, but the populace is a bit used to this sort of thing by now, and not nearly as reactionary as the superstitious and cowardly lot in Gotham or New York proper. This is a bright little cafe, where Koriand'r was asked to meet with a fellow alien on earth, going by the name of Mona Lisa.

     It's not her real name, nor is she anything like the real Mona Lisa, this Mona Lisa is an alien that looks like a giant salamander. Grey-blue scales in light, definitely alien sea-green armor, complete with tail and a head the shape of a triangle with the corners filed off, with wide amphibian eyes and a belt of technological gadgets along with white silicone-looking pads on the wrists and fingers of her armor.

     Mona waits in a booth for her fellow alien to arrive, sitting with a mug of coffee as she looks out the window at the people passing by, certainly catching stares from some of the human patrons of the cafe but they seem to be leaving her alone at least.

Koriand'r has posed:
Metropolis was a bright enough beacon for most and certainly aside from the well known man in blue the large 'T' shaped tower was very much an inspiring sight for others to know about the super-human protectors that watered over them.

Some might hide in plain sight, moving amongst the population...but that wasn't quite an option for others like Kori. The bright orange skin and flaming locks made her pretty recognizable and eyecatching even without her usual choice of attire, even so she seemed completely unbothered as she sweeps over the skyline from above and touches down outside the cafe.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    There may be a smidge of jealousy about the transportation method of all of the other members of the Titans. Rabbit holes. Super Speed. Magical teleports. Flying. She really wasn't kidding that one time she suggested she needed a jetpack to Nadia.

    Anyhow. Kate parks her purple speed demon motorcycle outside the cafe, kickstanding it, and then stepping off smoothly. The helmet gets removed and tucked under her arm as she looks around then gives a smile to Kori before peering at the cafe. She is definitely in her superhero not her civvies though, Kate Bishop can't go to coffee with Kori and an alien, but Hawkeye can tag along from the tower and is a regular around here. "Good choice." she notes about the Cafe to Kori.

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Mona waves from inside the cafe as Starfire lands, standing as the pair walk inside together and giving a bow to Koriand'r. "Your highness." the lizardlike creature says with a rather earnest feminine voice as she bows, "I'm honored you accepted my request. I've had... a bit of difficulty establishing contacts with the other extraterrestrials here, many of them seem to have important duties taking care of this planet, but my duty here is also important..."

     Mona sits down at the booth, sliding in, before she summons a hologram of a small alien that looks like a face and tentacles coming out of a brain. "Do either of you know anything about this creature? He calls himself Krang, from Dimension X, he is a Utrom and dealing in a highly mutagenic ooze and other bio-weapons and offworld weaponry in general... His mutagen is responsible for a number of mutants that have appeared in New York, but with the prevelance of mutants among humanity, reports of it have been slow to reach the Salamandrian Air Command and other galactic forces... He's wanted for many crimes against the galaxy."

Koriand'r has posed:
A smile was offered to Kate, the tall orange alien offering the archer a nod. "It was her that chose it, but I sure we will find plenty for us to enjoy!"

Ever the optimist, it was time to enter!

"There are more of us than you'd think," Starfire offers as she returns the bow, quite happy to accept that as the exchange of new greeting with the other alien. It was better to let others set the tone rather than to go by Tamaranian customs, and Mona clearly spoke english!

"As many of my closest friends are from off-world as there are humans here," she adds before listening in to Mona's words, tilting her head to the side and offering a frown. "He sounds dispicable, but I've not come across him before myself."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate clicks something and activates the bikes security then follows Kori into the cafe. She does muse as she listens to her friend and the very alien Salamandrian. "It is true.. most of the aliens here are like Superman or such... capable of being heros... or well villains... but all of them are pretty busy."

    Kate has no issues sliding into the opposite side of the booth though. "Hawkeye." she notes about herself, heck she has no idea if this person knows her. "Dimension X.. if it isn't alien invasions it is dimensional invasions." she pauses. "No offense." about the alien invasions.

    "I do agree, Krang sounds like a villain we will have to put a stop to, especially if he is creating mutants and selling bioweapons." she pulls out her t-comm and flashes it at the hologram and checks the results. "It doesn't look like any of our team has run into him though."

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Mona squints as the human calls herself Hawkeye, as if trying to figure out why, but then nods, but shrugs in response to everything being aliens. "There has been a lot of outside influence on this planet, for certain..." she says, but then furrows her brow, muttering "Rakka, rakka..." under her breath, "Nobody has any sign of him. He's covered his tracks well. But I can at least tell you what to look out for..." She brings up a new hologram, showing the brain-like alien in a robotic suit that resembles a human, inhabiting the stomach of it. "He and his kind inhabit bipedal mechanoids like this to blend in with other species, and when they have the outer skin installed..." The hologram morphs into a fully human looking figure, wearing a suit with sunglasses. "Indistinguishable." She then changes the display to show an anthropomorphic lioness wearing human clothes, a tank top, jacket and jeans, equipped with guns. "This is one mutant I've met that was created with the mutagenic ooze in New York. Sally Pride. So I have proof that he is here, and multiple organizations seem to be supplied by him, but one is reportedly a ninja clan so they have eluded me so far..."

Koriand'r has posed:
Well, he certainly wasn't someone that she was going to mistake for something else...at least until the robotic disguise is shown. "Interesting..." Kori muses before folding her arms, resting them beneath her bust as she considers for a moment. The mention of 'Sally' brings a little soft 'Ah!' and a nod, seemingly she'd encountered the mutant before, but the mention of the ninjas brings a shrug. "I have come across a few ninja types in the cities, it may take a while to work out which one."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate pivots the T-Comm again as the additional holograms are shown, catching them and bouncing them off the Titan's systems and databases. "He does definitely stand out.. not the incognito disguised one but in the true frame mech suit for sure..."

    "So the lioness is a mutant?" she archs an eyebrow. "I imagine she would blend in fine in Mutant Town over in Brunswhich .. though how you could tell them from the x-gene mutations I am not sure." she sets her t-comm down and picks a menu up listening.

    "I don't think I've run into Ninjas in New York or Metropolis..." she looks to Kori. "Did you run into ninjas with the lioness?"

Mona Lisa has posed:
Mona leans back in her booth seat, tail flicking, frowning thoughtfully. "Again, that's part of the problem, with the X-Gene in Humanity the term "mutant" is oversaturated, you have mutants all over New York even without his influence..." She then looks up, and then back down to her companions, saying "Oh well. You know what to look for now. The only other lead I have is that the head of the ninja clan doing the experiments dresses in bladed armor. There's been a lot of derogatory terms for him so I'm not sure what his real name is." She smiles as she looks to the other two, saying "Either way, thanks for entertaining me, I'm sure something will come up sooner than later, rakka rakka..."

Koriand'r has posed:
A shake of her head at Kate's question and Kori tilts her head. "I did not, but there are clans in Gotham, clans of the 'Hand' that we have encountered with the Titans..." listing, she trails off to look back towards Mona and offer a little laugh before gesturing to herself with her fingers. "Technically speaking, even among my own species I am somewhat of a mutant for my abilities...it is an odd term."

As for knowing what to look for, she nods her head and considers. "We can pass this knowledge to the other titans and pool our resources. What will be your plan when you find him?"

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate muses "Hey don't give up hope. Knowing that an alien warlord is backing Ninjas in new york city and creating mutant bioweapons is serious and we will do our best to help." she sometimes wonders about her life. Like at one point did saying sentences like that just become a normal part of her experience here on earth.

    She started out trying to be like her idol and use a bow to stop crime and much like her idol it has led to helping protect the planet. Okay well maybe she asked for this honestly. Still. Alien bioweapons.

    "Oh they do a lemon tart." she notes pleased.

    "Blade armor. Good to know. Yeah we can share with the Titans, I can pass to the Young Avengers since we operate in New York too."

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Mona smiles as she is told not to give up hope, but then looks to Koriand'r, looking a bit more concerned again. "I'm supposed to bring him in, dead or alive. It's... I am quite capable, but until I get more intelligence on his current hideout I cannot say if I can do it alone or not. But that's for another time. I'm sure it will be a glorious battle, regardless." She smirks, and looks up, saying "It is a bit ironic, I believe I possess a lot of the same skills the... ninjas of this planet seem to have, rakka rakka. And thank you for spreading word of my mission, I have a similar promise from the Blue Beetle if he hears anything."