14826/Snakes and Cats

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Snakes and Cats
Date of Scene: 02 May 2023
Location: Stuy town
Synopsis: Robbery goes off with a complication named
Cast of Characters: Riley Black, Patsy Walker

Riley Black has posed:
    Right on the edge of Stuy town, First Stuyvesant sits as a popular pay day bank. It's known to have a lot of cash on hand, and because it's known guys usually don't go for it. The place is only an easy hit on paper, there are too many cops too close by and too much traffic during the day. At night though, well this much activity should be attracting the 5-0 but they're on the other side of Stuy where a couple of capes are going at it like there's a boxing title up for grabs.

    Alarms blaring, BMW M5 with both passenger side doors left open at the curb and it's headlights manually turned off? The guy in the ski mask with a belt fed machine gun right out in the open, pacing up and down the sidewalk? This isn't crew isn't just "Rambo", they're downright crack pipe. When the cops do get swung around if these guys are still here it's going to be a blood bath, with gunfire going absolutely everywhere. It's a rare thing, when it's best the cops -not- show.

    Somebody showed though, namely "Holeshot". That jet black Torino parked in the shadow of an alleyway has escaped notice so far, even when the mooks circled the block an astonishing six times. Inside a familiar yellow raincoat is dimly illuminated by the glow of her radios and tablets, one hand resting on the dash above the safety'd ignition switch. Best not take them down here of course, especially not when they were all spread out like this.

Patsy Walker has posed:
This was a group Patsy'd had her eyes on for a while, now. They were a known problem and what's more, they roughed up someone she was helping with a different case. Whether connected or not, it didn't matter.

They were pretty good at covering their tracks, but she was better at finding small details others missed. A tire track in mud. Paint residue left from a getaway vehicle that was stolen, leading to finding surveillance video of the spot they'd made the carjacking. A discarded ski mask from someone who was sloppy.

This detective thing was kind of working out, after all.

She knew they were working up to this hit. It was the sort of high-profile heist that could make people in the criminal underworld. She also knew the cops were occupied. The time was right. The time was now.

Hellcat waited above, a scowl setting in. That car in the alley. That raincoat. "Why does /she/ have to be here?" she muttered under her breath, gritting her teeth. It'd just have to be. Just better not get in the way.

Moving closer to the bank itself, she hops across buildings to take up a spot atop the one in question. None of them were looking up, and she'd counted the group. Four inside, a fifth in the car, and of course, the sixth strolling up and down the sidewalk like he was the man of all men. She had to wait. Get them grouped up closer. Then act.

Riley Black has posed:
    One by one they come racing out of the bank, hurriedly crowding around the trunk to divest themselves of their loot. One slips into the passenger seat, another into the backseat and then comes a quick scuffle. Two men move to file into the back seat, only the guy there seems like he doesn't want to move. There's raised voices, and they certainly dont notice the security man stroll up behind them. Then everything happens very quickly, the two are kicked out into the street and immediately fired upon. A string of automatic gunfire from close range, before the security man settles into the back seat.

    Even before the BMW pulls away, the Torino begins to stir. A faint red glow flickering in those four big headlight lenses before they flare to amber light. This Torino isn't just powered by a mere cobrajet, no "King Fucking Cobra" is what Riley hand painted on the rocker covers for good reason. That hellish V8 shakes itself awake with a rush of nitro-methane, Nitrous oxide, and of course Gasoline. Just at idle it sets off car alarms, it rattles glass. Slowly it glides from it's alleyway and comes to a stop in the middle of the road. White fog pouring from the front fenders as the cooling system gets going, cycling closed with an audible -click-.

    The BMW's driver knows what this all means the moment he hears that big block ford, he doesn't need to see the hellish thing in his rear view. He doesn't wait for people to get belted up, he doesn't wait for anything at all infact. The initial launch so sudden and so coarse the engine nearly dies, before he gets the rear wheels going and the BMW takes off.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Wait...wait...wait...cheese and crackers!

Just as the group is getting in the position she's hoping for, Hellcat even flinches at the sound of the other car going into motion. "Damn it, if you blow this for me..!" she practically growls.

Seems the bank thieves know what that other car means, too. Panic sets in as the Beamer is put into drive, and the timing couldn't be any better. As it lurches, the jolt helps mask Hellcat's landing atop the roof. It's soft enough that there isn't much more than a thump that could pass for hitting a pothole.

They aren't given much time to wonder, claws digging through the metal and fabric of the roof itself. "Oh, look what the cat dragged in! I've had my eye on you boys. Why don't you do the polite thing and pull over? It's not safe to drive without a seatbelt!"

Riley Black has posed:
    The BMW pulls through traffic in a rush, sliding all over the place and side swiping a string of parked cars but it's only going faster and faster. Thankfully traffic is light this time of night, because what the driver doesn't hit the guys inside inside sure will. The guy in the backseat with the belt fed just opens up on the roof, the guy next to him is caught between firing and holding his ears against the noise and well it certainly doesn't help the car drive any straighter. Even the Torino seems to have, well just not followed it down the block as it makes it's first turn towards the highway.

    Holeshot simply doesn't hurry, pulling away smoothly and waiting for the BMW to get around the corner before she actually gets into the throttle. The big roar of that V8 plain over the road noise, but well it's all but impossible to discern where it's coming from exactly.

Patsy Walker has posed:
"I was wondering when you'd do that!" Hellcat holds steady amid the reckless driving, and she slams a fist along one side of the car to blow out the window to the back seat. From there she grabs hold of the car's frame and swings her way inside, leading with a kick from both feet. She connects with the jaw of the one with the big weaponry, which is doing a fine job of making the car itself less safe to drive.

She scowls. "Kind of cramped in here with that thing. I think you need to lose it!" She drives an elbow sharply into the side of the same guy, following up with a backhand at the next one closest to him. "It's time to pull this jalopy over. I know what you've got in the trunk, and it's not the groceries."

Riley Black has posed:
    The MG goes off between the two front seats the moment Hellcat makes contact, which is both -intensely- alarming to the other passengers and disasterously destructive to the car. The guy in the rear driver side just pops his belt and bails right out of the car then and there, which might just be for the best as the windshield erupts with oil and coolant. The big guy however was rocked thoroughly with a kick to the face, and the elbow has him absolutely seeing stars.

    The Car swerves across the street, wheels locking and coming to a rest without hitting anything else in a proper miracle. The Driver at least has the brains to simply lift his hands and surrender, through it takes the front seat passenger a minute of fussing with his jammed seatbelt before following suit.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Hellcat isn't shy about knocking out anybody who needs it, or demanding again that they stop the car. "This was over the moment I found you! You just didn't know it yet!" She's faster than them, stronger, and overall just simply better in all the ways that matter. Her sense of direction within the vehicle is also advantageous, allowing her the opportunity to 'assist' further in making sure the ride comes to an end before anything worse happens.

Hitting the engine and causing it to basically stop working sure helps.

"Do you even know how stupid it is to fire a gun like that in this car? If you hit the gas tank..." She mouths 'Boom' while using her hands to mimic an explosion.

Sparing some attention toward the Torino that's been in pursuit, she waits until it's come to a stop before calling over, "I /was/ planning on going at this a different way, you know." Or maybe Riley doesn't.