14879/That Would Take One Creative Insurance Writeup

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That Would Take One Creative Insurance Writeup
Date of Scene: 09 May 2023
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: Warren comes to check on the attack at the school. Kitty fills him in on what happened.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Warren Worthington

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The alarm had gone out to all the X-men. A fire alarm, followed by another notifying of intruders at the school. Hambone had initiated the latter one. One could be forgiven if they were hesitant about the veracity of the alarm from that particular student at Xavier's. Though in conjunction with the fire alarm, and the lack of any kind of all-clear over the next half hour, it seems there was something real going on.

Which one can see if they arrive at the school the next morning. A few students and staff are outside, going over the remains of vehicles something like Humvees, though a foreign brand. They have been burned or blown apart for the most part.

There's also an honest to goodness Japanese light armored vehicle. It was also disabled apparently, though in this case there's a LexCar electric luxury sedan half embedded in it. No sign of damage on either vehicle, just the LexCar is sticking out of it like the two were fused together. Given that Kitty Pryde was known to have that exact model and color of vehicle, those who know her can probably guess how it got that way.

Kitty is outside as well. Lockheed is on the ground instead of her shoulder for a change. That might be because she's got an arm in a sling as she's looking at a recoilless rifle that was set up on the lawn, aimed towards the school. Kitty has a sword in the uninjured hand, just letting it dangle down, tip touching the ground as she looks the launcher over.

There are no signs of its shells having hit the school. However there is a crashed helicopter that looks like it raked the side of the building outside of some of the staff rooms.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren had left instructions that he was not to be disturbed in the observatory, the massive building housing an even more massive telescope, that he'd paid an insane amount of money to line jump a dozen very angry researchers. He'd aimed the telescope at the moon, and had spent the entire night studying its surface, looking for clues about the cryptic message he'd gotten out of Cypher on his grandmothers ring. There was no reception in the building, but when he emerged early the following morning, his phone blew up.

Now he was passing through the new machine Stark industries had built for him, that he'd questioned commissioning, since he'd begun to have the creeping notion that the X life was behind him. It was shaped and looked almost like a portal to another world, that applied his new state of the art elastic polymer suit onto his naked body. It didnt look like it was painted on, it was actually pained on, and for the most part would stay that way until it was released with a catalyst when it was no longer needed.

Now, with his body stuffed in his armor, he flew towards the school as fast as he could, stuffing his feelings of guilt and worry into the back of his mind as he did.

He landed in front of the school, body surface silky from the air cured armor, wing tips and elbows tips sharpened and bulwark-ed by silvery armor, and the new long blade strapped to his back; he looked other worldly, not of this plane, Angelic and divine. There was literally no missing his arrival, but this was no time to be gawked at, and he was preparing himself mentally for the worst.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The fires were put out, making sure no smoke trails were rising into the air to draw attention to the school. A few people raise hands to wave to Angel as he arrives. From everyone's relaxed demeanor, the danger clearly seems to be in the past.

Kitty doesn't turn at first, seemingly lost in her thoughts or deliberations. Though finally she turns as one of the students calls Warren by name. Her eyes go over his gleaming outfit. "That's new," she comments to him as she starts walking across the lawn which is finally more green than yellow now that the snows have gone for good.

She glances around. "Ninja team, heavy weapons. Targeting Logan. He led them off and we lost touch," she tells Warren. "No serious casualties otherwise. Apart from Jean's hot tub," Kitty says. The sling that holds her one arm suggests there were at least injuries. "One of them produced a gas that made it so people couldn't sense the rest of them, apparently. Was inside though, I was out here fighting," she says, glancing back at the recoilless rifle, and then over at the armored car-LexCar melded vehicle.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington surveyed the area as she explained, he nodded to indicate it was new, but they could always talk about that in better times. He pressed his lips together and furrowed his brow. "No -serious- casualties, or no casualties?" he wondered, clarifying. He looked to her arm, inspecting her injuries without making it into the focus of the moment. "The damage is extensive but, that's just money. Money is easy." he took a deep breath, "Finding Logan, figuring out what this was about, and then dealing with the long term consequences...." he drifted off, "...some this stuff looks military-ish." he grimaced. "They could have just texted Logan that they were going to attack if he didn't leave the school, he'd do anything for these kids...and then the mix of stealth tactics and heavy weapons. I dunno Kitty, something strange about this, beyond just the fact that it should never have happened."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lockheed has trotted over, following Kitty. He moves over to give a little rub against Warren's legs. Meanwhile Kitty glances down at her arm at his comment. "It'll be ok. I threw myself at the launcher there to try to keep it from hitting the school. Had my upper arm and shoulder against it when it fired. Bit of a burn, but shouldn't leave any scars," she says.

She lets out a sigh and nods. "Logan was familiar with them. Still trying to make sense of it all and who they were," she says. "The students accounted themselves well, heading for the Danger Room for shelter, and some helping out where they were confronted," she says. "Best as I can tell anyway. We took a few prisoners, they are down in the cells in the base. Not sure if we'll be able to get much from them. Maybe Jean or the Professor can break through, but I imagine they have some training in resisting telepaths if they knew what was going on here and attacked anyway."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington listened and nodded, "This forks in two ways, path one Logan brings his baggage to the school and puts everone in danger. This path is ruinous and we need to control and prevent this narrative. I know Logan, I know hes the kind of guy who would not allow children to be harmed because of him. Path two is simple, the school needs security upgrades, it has needed them for some time. We got caught napping. We will spend what needs to be spent." he placed a palm gently on the young woman, a shoulder or perhaps her upper back. "How can I help otherwise, I've placed myself on sabbatical, I'm here for what its worth. For what can be done, I'm not much of an X-man, but I will do whatever I can."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little scoff and repeats, "Not much of an X-man? You're one of the reasons the rest of us are here," she tells Warren. After a moment she turns to press a hug to him if Warren lets her, turning her uninjured shoulder so it is what presses against him before she lets go.

"I don't know that is is on our security systems. There's no foolproof system, and a group with this kind of training specializes in getting past it. Obviously they were planning this out," she says, sighing. "But yes, reviewing how they nullified the early warning enough to get to the foyer, and we'll upgrade as needed."

She looks back at the school. "I'm hoping Cerebro will be able to track him down. Beyond that, getting a line on these guys. Try to trace back the vehicles, anything on them," she says. She holds up the sword that she's left dangling in her free hand. "Their weapons," she says, looking at it in a way that suggests it must have been commandeered from one of the attackers.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington took Kitty gingerly in his arms, he hugged her too but perhaps a little too tightly until he could feel her stop him, "I know that, you know that, but its about the narrative. If we let Logan, when this is over, he will paint himself as some kind of liability and then walk. That's the last thing we need."

Angel was thinking far ahead, they would repair the school, they would find Logan, that was a given. Now his mind was cataloging long term damage.

"Cerebro." he nodded to affirm, the machine always creeped him out and so he often put it out of his mind. "Well, where to begin. Either he eluded them, or they have him. If they him, they went to ground, or they got away in some kind of vehicle. So maybe that's a place to start. I brought armor and a sword, but I think I need a satellite and some camera footage."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty looks thoughtful. "Worst comes to worst, Doug and I could hack some government satellites. Though, might be able to talk to Tony and Pepper and see if they have anything," she says. "There was a second helicopter. That one there Jean took down when it was flying overhead. But as they retreated, a second smaller one, maybe stealth enabled, took off from over there," she says, motioning past the school.

If Warren looks that way he might also spot where some trees had been blown apart and caught fire. Perhaps where the aforementioned recoilless shell had landed whose launch burned Kitty. It must have just narrowly missed the school.

"As much lead as they have I don't know that we're going to catch up with them right away," she says with a sigh.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington looks to Kitty for a long moment, his mind running with something unspoken. "Ok, first I will have my people talk to management here. Find out what they need and get stuff on its way. I don't want to be involved in it, don't need to be. For the few days at least, I need you to be comfortable with me being around you and here full time. Is there a place here I can stay? Can I stay with you?" he held up a halting palm to any objections. "I need to be here, and I need you to want me to be here. Its time for me to bang the rust off. These guys fucked with my friends and loved ones." he inhaled slowly, "They're about to find out what that means."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde rests her hand on Warren's chest, though feeling armor rather than the man. "Of course I'm ok with you here. I don't know when we'll have a lead though. It might be regular lives have to go on while we search to some extent," she tells him. "And I'll probably be going into the office to see if there's anything there I can use to help. Though I'm trying to be mindful."

The Jewish girl's lips pull into a grin. "Funny that the best way Stark found to keep me from breaking into his systems, was to hire me and let me in. And now I'm behaving in them. Well, was Pepper who hired me, but same idea."

She pats Warren and says, "Come on, let's get you set up," she says, heading for the school.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Walking side by side with her, the massive sword on his back shown brightly when the light hit it. A core of energy churning in the center void of the blade, it had been ready to fight and release its charge in violent endeavor.

But the hard work was always this: Someone had to pick up the pieces, dry the blood, put the doors back on their hinges, make hard phone calls, and even harder decisions. She would go to the center of technological innovation and ply her growing skills to search and sift. But here in the school, Angel, the billionaire would humble himself as a form of penance, searching and sifting through debris for the lost sense of security, the bits and pieces of optimism, and the shards of normal life that would be re-assembled into a school for very special children.