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Date of Scene: 13 June 2023
Location: An empty lot in Gotham
Synopsis: Red Hood meets with Riptide in a random empty lot in Gotham to discuss life choices and possible alternatives.
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, River Banks

Jason Todd has posed:
Following the would-be bank robbery that Red Hood interrupted, he made. Well what had he made? An offer? A threat? He wasn't exactlly sure what it was. But the girl who was trying to rob the bank didn't really seem like the criminal type. At least not the hard core sort criminal that Gotham is known for. He'd stopped her from taking the money and let her go - with the offer to meet some blocks away on neutral ground where she wasn't at risk of being arrested.

But why?

He can't actually answer why. And that, itself, pisses him off. It's an impulsive action and without clear purpose. The sort of action that gets a vigilante in trouble.

Then again, trouble is something Red Hood is very good at.

He parks his car in the back corner of the lot where the two adjoining buildings form a vee of worn brick walls that allow him to watch the whole lot with ease. Shutting off the engine he gets out and moves to sit on the left fender, his right foot resting on the bumper.

And he waits as he said he would - even though he doesn't expect the girl to show up. If he was her, he'd have gotten the hell out of town.

River Banks has posed:
    Well. Ordinarily Riptide would have gotten the hell out of here via the sewers, but she saw something shuffling by, and red balloon or no red balloon she just didn't feel like messing with something in a Gotham City sewer, she's already burned out all her GOOD karma tonight by the taser bullets hitting what little armor she had under the jacket. Otherwise she probably would be more of a mess than she is.

    There's a rattle as she comes over the side of a building, having chosen to hide on the roof, for all the good THAT does in Gotham, from the thing in the sewers, and she - with some difficuty - comes to a crouch on the ground a good twenty feet from where Red Hood's standing. She's removed the lower part of her now pretty bsuted and useless paintball gear, but keeps her goggles down hiding some of her injuries. They're in the turning-green phase of bruise healing.

    "Well. I'm here." she states, crossing her arms. "... stupid on both our parts."

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood heard the movement and waited. There wasn't anyone or anything in Gotham he was afraid of. Except one thing. Two. Two things. But that's final. Two things. And neither of them were the girl in front of him. Or supernatural pineapple. Three things. Besides. Pineapple, while tasty, is legit scary. Don't judge.


It could be stupid but he wasn't about to admit it to anyone. Least of all her.

"What the hell are you actually doing?" Direct and on the nose. There wasn't any reason to play it polite or tactful.

"You're going to end up getting yourself killed or tossed into someplace like Blackgate. Or Arkham."

He sits cavalierly on the corner of the fender, leaning forward to rest his forearm on his right knee.

River Banks has posed:
    ". . . well. I was robbing a bank. I'm actually pretty good at it, that's probably what... my..." she looks up a moment "... you know what Ah'm not quantifying that one." she states, crossing her arms and casually looking back at Jason. "Ain't no lock that's held me yet, but gotta admit, first time Ah've ever been chewed out for *not* robbin' a place. An' I got my reasons fer doin' what I do same's you got your reasons for shootin' people who cross ya shockin'-like."

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood just stares at her in silence. He isn't judging her.

It may feel like it, sure, but in truth he's trying to figure her out. She's new.

"Yeah. Just because you rob banks doesn't mean it's what you're meant for in life. Any more than my talent for shooting people is what makes me suited for stopping criminals." If it did he could have just been a cop.

"You've clearly got.. powers" he gestures vaguely. "I'm pretty slow but even I figured that out."

River Banks has posed:
    "An' here Ah thought Gotham heroes were known for their detectivin' work. Black sheep of the family?" she asks, and then she clearly winces, and moves to rub the back of her head.

    "Yeah. Got powers an' what the children's services lady called in scientific terms 'a lot of baggage'." she explains. "An' robbin' banks is easy. Stop the cameras. Short the computer systems. Unlock the doors an' bam. In an' out. Ordinarily don't got no trouble, but seems in this neck a' th' woods got a higher amount a' heroes who are bored." she figures out loud, and then she shifts her weight, and raises her hand.

    "Ah'm Riptide."

Jason Todd has posed:
Shaking his head, "Not black. I'm Red Hood." Even if he is the black sheep.

"Everyone's got baggage."

He shrugs. "I wasn't bored. I was going to use the ATM and saw people inside a bank that is supposed to be closed at that time."

"Riptide. Makes sense." He studies her. "I'm still not convinced you're actually a criminal and not just a kid who's gotten a shit deal and is trying to make something better from it all."

River Banks has posed:
    "Yeah well, you haven't leveled up the friendship score 'nough to get to know me that well, Red." she gives him an upnod of recognition.

    "So, if I'm just someone's who's gotten a shit deal, you gonna hand a business card and speil about services for powered folks who just need a hand up? 'Cause I got one a' those. Nice guy with the green power thingie. Didn't feel mad 'bout gettin' a bucket of mop water dropped on his head." she then gives a grin, and lays her chin on one arm.

    "So you're sayin' if those two numb nuts hadn't walked in an' started taggin' I mighta gotten away with it?" she lilts almost playfully.

Jason Todd has posed:
Snorting, Red Hood shakes his head, "Not looking to be your friend."

So what is he trying to do?

"Everyone gets a shit deal sometime. It's what you do with it. Rise above it, or just stay down wallowing in the filth." He shrugs. "I'm not offering anything other than some advice. I'm no Justice Leaguer." Far from it. "Gotham is a bad city to try and break into crime. If that's the direction you're intent on going. You'd be wise to find another city to ply your trade in. Most of the others that lurk in the shadows aren't as inclined to cut someone breaking the law a break. Even if they deserve one."

He studies her. "I'm saying that you're choosing a bad path to follow. Nothing good comes from what you're doing."

River Banks has posed:
    "Well. Nothin' good comes outta what I did 'fore either." Riptide answers back, and she laces her gloved fingers together.

    "Wasn't planning on Gotham as a hit. Desperate times, measures, etcetera." she admits, and rolls her hand in the air, pulling a bit of water from elsewhere on her outfit. Just about a cup of water that she fidgits with as Jason speaks.

    "Well. Unless you're offerin' a lucritive position, 'fraid we're gonna part ways poorly. Still got mouths to feed an' bills ta pay, ain't nothin can be done 'bout it than pay 'em off somehow, right?" she gives a soft sound, curling the water into a thin line, shimmering like thread.

    "An' I know nothin' good comes outta it. I operate on borrowed time same's anyone else in the profession."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd slides off the fender of his car and starts to walk toward her slowly.

"Then change the pattern. Doing the same things will get you the same results. That's going to end up with more conversations like this one from more people like me. And the most common one you're going to run into here isn't going to be as quick to talk. He's quicker to take action and less quick to talk."

Standing just beyond arm's reach he pauses a moment before pulling a card out of his pocket. It's dark red and has a black stylized 'RH' on it. He holds it up between middle and ring fingers of his left hand a moment before offering it over to her.

Should she take it, it'll become clear it is plastic and has a magnetic strip. A credit card.

"Consider this an investment. In keeping you out of trouble so you -don't- run into The Bat. And an investment in seeing what else you can do with your life beyond robbing banks."

He hasn't, however, said how much is on the card. If anything..

River Banks has posed:
    ". . . you're giving me... a gift card... that isn't for an asswhuppin'?" the woman asks, and she slowly reaches out to accept the card, as if it might electrify her again, and she winces. She turns it over, and then looks back up at Red Hood.

    "... all you fellas here in Gotham who don't have the pointy ear thing so nice?"

Jason Todd has posed:
He holds onto the card for just a moment, making her tug at it. Because of course he did. Everyone does that when handing over free money.

"I'm giving you. A line of credit. A retainer. One you don't have to pay back. If you watch your expenses and don't spend foolishly there's enough on there to keep you comfortable - but not extravagent - for the next three months."

"But. I hear anything about you robbing banks again? I pull the plug."

He steps back and crosses his arms. "Most are probably nicer than I am. I break bones and shot criminals in the nuts with taser rounds because I enjoy it." A bluff, maybe.

"I don't know what will come of.." he gestures between the two of them, ".. this, if anything. But I don't see the cold look of a killer or hardened criminal in your eyes. You wouldn't have shown up here if you were committed to living the life of crime."

River Banks has posed:
    THe girl holds onto the card a moment, and she makes a grumpy face when Jason holds onto it, and then pulls it over to herself as she takes a deep breath, and gives a snort of amusement through her nose.

    "All right. So, what. AIn't nothin' that's a free lunch, what do you get outta it other than not havin' ta shoot me?" she asks, looking to Jason and pushing up her goggles a bit. Broken bits and bruises and her chin that probably needsd a couple of stitches in it.

    "Not that it's not entertaining. Last time a guy tried to get handsy I hit him in the nuts with a puddle. Purely self defense, mind." she states, and she gives Hood a bit of a salute with the card in her hand.

    "... an' no. Were I good at anythin' else, wouldn't have chosen robbin' banks, but the heroin' business got shit for dental."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "Actually? Not getting to shoot you is probably a down side to this whole thing" he snaps back at her.

"There are no strings attached beyond you going out to look for trouble."

She might raise her goggles but his mask remains on.

When she talks about someone getting handsy, he snorts. "Don't worry. If there's one thing I'm unlucky with, it's that. Just stay out of trouble. Find a decent place. If something happens and you need to reach me, use the number on the back of the card. Take a week or two to get settled. Get someone to look at those cuts" he gestures to her chin. "Then if you want to find another way besides robbery? Call me."

River Banks has posed:
    "... all right there cowboy." Riptide gives a small grin, and shrug of her shoulders.

    "Think I could use the time to lay low anyhow... thanks. Both for the uh... hand up and the not shooting me. Hate the smell of singed hair in the morning." the would-be bank heister says, and draws her head up. "... should get a move on anyhow. Hyperloop's bound to be full of creeps this time a' night."

    And the woman pulls her hood up again, and gives a wave of a gloved hand.

    "See ya. Or y'know. Not. On account a' the shootin'." she states as she slips around a corner of the building, and then can be heard bolting with a soft 'shit shit shit shit shiiiiit I'm gonna be late agaaaain...' as she escapes into the night.