Just The Facts with J. Jonah Jameson (Seeing Red plot)

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Just The Facts with J. Jonah Jameson (Seeing Red plot)
Date of Cutscene: 26 October 2023
Location: Daily Bugle Building
Synopsis: A bomb two blocks away interrupts J. Jonah Jameson's radio editorial show. The bomber calls in to the show and threatens more devices will be going off soon.
Cast of Characters: 722
Tinyplot: Seeing Red

This Cutscene sets the situation for the start of +scene 16154 Seeing Red: Booms For Banner.

At 3 PM, one of New York City's latest daily traditions started up as normal. The 'Just the Facts' editorial show hosted by Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson. More people tune into it than some might expect, the show heard playing in delicatessens, barber shops and at news kiosks here and there about the city. By 3:15 pm, Jameson was already in rare form.

"... even the sheer number of police vehicles destroyed in Spider-Man's fight with Rhino reveal what a treacherous, unhinged menace the Wall-Crawling Disaster is for New York!" J. Jonah Jameson declares forcefully into his microphone. "The people of Brooklyn will be feeling it for weeks to come in the lessened police presence caused by Spider-Man's wanton destruction of police equipment!"

A voice recognizable as a caller for the reduced audio quality caused by a cell phone responds. "But that was Rhino that destroyed those police cars. Right? You can't be saying that it was Spid-"

The caller is cut off mid-word and Jonah's angry voice yells, "Jared! You're supposed to be screening out the kooks from these callers! We've had about enough of that Spider-Menace apologist. I can lead New York City to the water, my fellow citizens, but I cannot make everyone drink and realize the threat this brand of vigilante violence is to our dear city."

"And on this subject," Jameson continues, "visit the Daily Bugle website for our editorial board's picks for candidates for City Council in next week's elections. There is a shortage of candidates who have publicly admitted the threat of Spider-Man, but we have a list-"

Jonah's diatribe is cut off by a muffled booming that makes it over the airwaves. There are a few moments pause before Jonah resumes speaking. "Friends, there was some sort of blast in the nearby area. I assure you I am safe, though it rattled the window in the studio, and despite some amount of noise dampening in our walls, I was able to hear it clearly."

"I am taking my microphone to the window. I see a cloud of smoke and signs of debris about two or three blocks north of the Daily Bugle building along 39th Street. I am hesitant to try to name the location as the smoke is obscuring my vision enough to be sure. But rest assured that Daily Bugle reporters are at this moment on their way and will be soon be giving us updates on-"

Another voice cuts into the broadcast. The almost never-heard voice of Jared, the show's production assistant. "Jonah, we have a caller waiting for you."

Jameson is quick as ever to yell at his employee. "Jared! There is a news-worthy event happening. We are not going to take callers while-"

Surprisingly, Jared, the show's producer cuts his boss off and says in a serious voice, "Jonah, you really need to take this caller."

There are a few thumps as if Jameson has returned the microphone to its normal stand. "Alright caller. You're on 'Just The Facts' with J. Jonah Jameson," Jameson says.

"I'm so glad to get through," a voice masked with some sort of distortion says. "I would have hated to interrupt the show by setting off early the bomb planted in the Daily Bugle's newsroom had you not taken me seriously."

There's a moment of silence, then Jonah's voice comes, tinged with anger that he is trying to keep restrained. "Are you claiming responsibility for the blast near the Bugle building? And do you really have another bomb planted here in the-"

The abrasive host is cut off by the caller's modified voice. "Now is the time for you to listen, J. Jonah Jameson. You and the rest of the city. Too long has New York catered to the worst elements of our society. 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses' used to be a sign of the greatness of this nation and this city. But we have allowed the city to become infested with vermin. The lazy. Criminals. Mutants. Those who leach off New York's lifeblood. Bleeding us dry a little at a time. Well New York needs a jolt to realize just how bad it has become. That is why I have planted five more bombs across the East Side of Manhattan including one in the Daily Bugle Building. These bombs only show us with immediacy the devastation we are headed for if we do not change our ways. Let this serve as a lesson to the city. And if need be, there can be more lessons to come."

"To make sure we heard you correctly," Jameson asks, voice forceful if less so than normal, "are you saying that you planted five still unexploded bombs on the East Side? Are you with an organization, or acting alone?" When silence is the only reply, Jonah says, "Hello!? Caller? Jared, do we have a number for him or... no? Jared, get ahold of the police!"

"Alright, New York. You heard it here, on 'Just The Facts' with J. Jonah Jameson. Yet another psycho is attacking our fair city. With five bombs planted on the East Side of Manhattan, after one has already been detonated. One within the Daily Bugle building itself. I implore everyone who is not in an area likely to be affected to stay off the streets and make room for our valiant first responders."

"Jared! Get the building evacuated! Wait, not you, you numbskull, get back at your desk. We have a show to do and a story to report!"