15279/Conjure by his Name

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Conjure by his Name
Date of Scene: 01 July 2023
Location: The Griffin
Synopsis: Satana conjures up Kurt once again, making all sorts of promises. Some of which she might even be willing to keep.
Cast of Characters: Satana Hellstrom, Kurt Wagner

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana is bored.

It is rare that anything good comes out of those rare occasions when the Devil's Daughter does not have a suitable diversion close at hand. But this is one of those times. Roaming around her home away from home restlessly, a smile suddenly curves over her lips and she turns, disappearing into the study. A flick of her fingers sets a fire to blaze in her hearth despite the warm window. A little turn of her hand sendsone of the rugs flying, rolling itself up to reveal the pentagram etched into the floor while another lazy motion causes candlesticks to float down off their place on the nearby shelves, taking up positions at each corner of the symbol on the ground.

Then she begins to chant, lowly at first, the words strange and alien. But that chanting slowly builds up in it's rhythm, all of it rising up to a cresendo. For a moment as the chant ends she lets her lips curl into a smile. And then she completes the incantation with the name of the creature she wishes to summon.

"Kurt Wagner"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Ahhh, summer. No more classes to teach, no more responsibilities at all!

Well, almost. While formal classes might be done for the next couple of months at the Xavier Institute, it is not as if all supervisory responsibilities cease when one is a teacher at a mansion full of gifted children. And that doesn't even touch upon those things that come up which require the X-Men's attention.

So maybe things aren't all sunshine and lollipops. At least not all the time.

But for today at least, Kurt is enjoying the sun, lounging out by the pool in his swim suit with a drink in one hand and a suitably pulpy novel of swords and sorcery in the other.

Sure, he prefers movies but that doesn't mean he can't settle in with a good book every now and then.

Or maybe it does. It is as if an inky black mists passes over his eyes and he blinks them irritably, waving a hand in front of his face as if to clear them. And when they do clear the fuzzy blue elf of the X-men finds that he is no longer lounging by the pool. Instead he stands in the middle of a summoning circle, book and drink in hand in his swimsuit, staring at an all too familiar figure.

"Mein Gott. You must be kidding me. Again?" he complains to the devilish young woman who stands there before him.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
The response draws a musical laugh from Satana and she flashes a sultry smile towards the captive X-Man, slowly walking around the confinement circle with an enticing sway to her hips. "Why Mr. Wagner, is that any way to greet an old friend like myself?" she asks coyly, a slow smirk slipping across her face as she regards her captive like a particularly hungry cat might observe a canary with a broken wing.

"There is no reason to be so defensive. It's not like I'm actively harming you -- at least not unless you ask me to," she purrs, the tip of that pink tongue flicking enticingly against her lips before she laughs again. "If anything, this is a good news story. I wanted to commend you. I have seen a noticable drop in the number of your Bamfs that are causing mischief around my place. So keep up the good work," she praises

Kurt Wagner has posed:
While Kurt might not be thrilled to find himself summoned up once again, he has learned his lesson from his last run in with his devilish tormentor. This time he doesn't try to escape the circle, nor does he even try to teleport away, remembering well just how fruitless his efforts were the last time he attempted that sort of thing. "I'm not quite sure that we qualify as old friends. We're barely even acquaintances," the fuzzy blue elf counters.

At the mention of just why she has conjured him up once more, a look of disbelief slides over Kurt's features and he gives a slow shake of his head. "You summoned me like I'm some sort of demon to tell me I'm doing a good job?" he asks incredulously. "Have you not heard of the US postal service? Or if you wanted the more personal touch I bet you could have pulled my cellphone number out of the ether. We could have even Facetimed," he says, perhaps a little petulently to her ears.

He really doesn't seem to like the fact that he can be simply magicked up at her whim. It's disconcerting. And maybe just a little insulting.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
That indignation only draws a low laugh from the Devil's Daughter and she feigns a pout his way as she continues that sultry little parade outside the unseen barrier that locks him away in that summoner's circle. "Oh Kurt, that's not very personal at all. And I am a very up close and personal type. I make such a better impression in person, you understand," she says, fluttering eyelashes at the imprisoned mutant.

As if to emphasize that point, the horns atop her head begin to melt away and indeed her entire body seems to shift. Somehow she even makes that look rather slinky and in moments a second, fuzzy blue elf stands in the chamber, though this one has distinct, femine features. And is more than a little chesty. "You shouldn't knock me until you try me,"she says, those yellow eyes glinting impishly.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
While not precisely sure just what she has in mind, at least not at first, Kurt watches with a certain interest. He has a certain familiarity with magic and more with shapechanging of course, though it's not every day that he sees both up close. Still, her choice of transformation is a little bit of a surprise, catching Kurt off-guard. Just a little.

It's kind of like looking into a rather disturbing mirror, in part because of just how much she resembles him -- you know, accept for being female -- and for the fact that he is well aware of just what she is. While she has not harmed him -- so far -- and mostly seems intent on teasing, playing and generally annyoing him, a degree of concern and care still seems called for.

As far as tests of his faith goes, this is definitely one of the more unique ones. Still, the fuzzy blue elf sighs softly. "Consider me duly impressed. May I go back now, meine dame?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
That lack of reaction draws a pout from her once more and she juts one hip out, hands pressed to her waist as she continues to insist on putting on that little show for him, no matter how resistant that her 'guest' might be proving to be to her infernal charms. "You're not being very much fun, you know," Satana protests mildly, though the glint in her eyes suggests she's not quite as disappointed as she pretends to be. "I've invited you all this way to my home, even brought you here with my own magic. I've tried to make you feel right at home," she adds, hands moving in front of her as she showcases that fuzzy blue form she's put on. Just for him.

That glint in her eyes seems to grow a little brighter and that sultry smile reappears in a flash. "I know what might make you a little more friendly. Should I tell you a secret? I can promise you it's a good one," she says in that low, wheedling sort of tone.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
It is not as if Satana is not attractive, no matter which form she chooses to appear in.

It's more an issue that no matter what form she chooses to appear in, she's his captor. She might be a playful fun, an amusing one, an extremely sexy one. But still his captor. And while the fuzzy blue elf can appreciate a good game as much as anyone, it does temper down the fun a little. At least on his end.

While that tantilizing promise held out to him is surely just another game that she's playing, Kurt can't help but be a little intrigued. He has no doubts that she knows all sorts of things that he doesn't, all sorts of interesting little tidbits that would surely be of interest. So despite himself, he tilts his head and regards her with those bright yellow eyes. And works reaaaalllly hard to keep that gaze locked on her face. "What sort of secret?" he asks, a hint of wariness in his voice.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Oh, she does love her little games.

When she catches Kurt's interest despite himself, a little smug smile slides over her features and she resumes that slow, swaying walk around that circle of power that keeps her mutant 'guest' captive for the moment. Golden eyes a match for his own lower slightly, peering at him through a veil of lashes and a look of feigned modesty. "I'm not sure if I really should. I mean, what would people think if they found out that I spilled out secrets just for the fun of it? My poor reputation," she says.

Then Satana gives a wicked little laugh, that sultry edge creeping back into her smile, that tail flicking playfully behind her, swishing back and forth like it has a mind of her own. "I have all sorts of secrets Kurt, and I'm happy to put them at your disposal. Maybe you would like to know about your father?" she suggests playfully. "It's just a question of what you'll give me for it..."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
And there drops the other shoe.

He is hardly surprised. The only thing that his hostess seems to like more then a good game is striking a bargain. And while that is certainly fitting with her whole motif, Kurt is not about to fall for that quite so easily. While he might want to learn more about his parental side of his parentage, he is not about to solve the proverbial farm to learn it. He's a pretty resourceful fellow afterall, one capable of ferreting out secrets. Even of a supernatural bent. He's done it before. He can do it again.

"Now, now, the fuzzy blue elf counters with a disarming smile of his own. "That was hardly a part of our bargain, now was it? You offered me a secret. You didn't set any price on it," he points out oh so reasonably, slowly turning in his little cylinder of magical confinement so that bright-eyed gaze can track her progress through the room.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Given the opportunity, Satana is almost always going to press her luck. That is part of the fun. She can hardly be blames for that.

While his counter might not be the promise of his eternal soul, the demoness smiles regardless, lips curved temptingly as she gives a low, rich laugh at his counter. Clearly she appreciates a little daring, a little willingness to push one's luck and take a chance. Who knows? She might even appreciate it enough to give him a hint. Such gambits should be rewarded afterall. Chances are good that they will lead to further efforts and that way lies opportunity.

For her.

"Oh Kurt," she says, with mock exasperation, the fact that she is anything but apparent in those dancing yellow eyes. "You can hardly expect me to just give it away now, surely? I have standards to maintain. A reputation to uphold. You don't want me to be the laughing stock of my kind afterall, do you?" she says, those blue devilish features pouting at him adorably.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
This is the sort of game of cat and mouse where he most definitely is the mouse. Which means that it is pretty hard for him to win, and he very much risks getting eaten.

Not the ideal sort of circumstances. At least not for the mouse.

Still, like it or not he is trapped here until she decides to send him back. Perhaps it is best to play along? At least a little. Trying to bore or guilt her into sending him home doesn't seem to have accomplished very much afterall.

"I suspect that you don't much worry about what others think, your kind or mine," the fuzzy blue elf counters. And though she has certainly hinted at the fact that they might have more of a shared nature then he might like, Kurt still very much counts himself amongst the normal people of the world. All appearances and powers aside.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
The demoness does smile at that, still circling slowly around him, outside that magical circle that seems to bind him in place. "You may have a point about that," she confesses. The opinion of others is rarely much oif a concern. But that doesn't mean she can't enjoy the game in the meantime.

"While I might not care overly for what others might think about me, I do have my standards. And having something to hold over you has proven to be rather delightful," she points out with a little pout.

"It is almost a shame that I can't just let you out to play," Satana admits with a feigned sigh, those glittering eyes turning his way once more as she continues to sway enticingly in that loping circle she makes around his confinement. "I suspect we both could have a much better time if I could just trust you not to teleport away, or make some other fuss."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
That makes him pause for a moment in consideration, brow arching as those bright yellow eyes track her movement beyond the confining circle. What? She does have a very nice sway in her walk afterall. It would be ungentlemanly not to notice, right?

"What if I promised to be on my best behavior?" Kurt counters with a toothy smile. "I suspect you know that I do consider my word an important thing. I'm happy to give it if it gets me out of the circle for the time being. Perhaps stretch out a little. It is rather confining in here afterall," the fuzzy blue elf points out.

"What's the worst that can happen? You let me out, I teleport away and you zip me right back into your little mystical cage? No thanks. Give me some credit," he points out, a wheedling note to his words.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
That seems to quirk Satana's interest and she stops that swaying circling of the magic summoning circle, turning to face her captive for a moment, one hip jutting out in exaggerated fashion.

"Mmmmm, now that is an intriguing proposition," she purrs at him, smiling slowly, those infigo features beaming back at him, so alike and still so different from his own. "I suppose you do make a compelling proposition. And I suppose it is just a little cruel to keep you all pent up like this," she says with another feigned pout, bright eyes dancing.

Taking the matter as settled, she steps forward and makes a gesture with one hand, idly scuffing the careful tracings on the floor. Even without any real power it is impossible to miss that sensation as the circle's confinement is broken, freeing her fuzzy blue guess from those unseen magical walls.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
There is a certain relief when the feel of being enclosed abruptly releases and while there is no visible change, Kurt almost at once stretches out his arms beyond the radius of the circle around him, taking a tentative step forward and finding nothing holding him in place. At last.

"Mmmmmm, now that is much better isn't it?" the fuzzy blue elf says, letting his gaze flick about the room a little more closely now that he is not confined to the center of it, tracing over the bookshelves and desks with some measure of interest. Though his gaze always darts back to his hostess quickly enough. She is, afterall, the most interesting part of the room. On a great many different levels.

"You know, if you're really so bored that you feel the need to just conjure me up on a whim, you could always come visit," he points out wryly. "You don't have to poof me into some magical trap and keep me all confined. I'm a pretty reasonable fellow in the grand scheme of things," he points out with a smile.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
That draws a musical laugh from her and Satana flows forward like a gentle wave, almost immediately closing that distance between them. "I will keep that in mind Kurt Wagner. Perhaps I might even take you up on that oh so pleasant invitation one of these days," she promises.

Then she is laying a hand on his chest, those yellow eyes staring back at him glinting with amusement, with mischief. "But I do rather like keeping the upper hand in all my relationships. I find that it just works out better for me and there are few better ways to show a man just where he belongs then binding him in place," she points out lightly.

The demoness certainly seems to be inviting some sort of counter from him, already showing that perchant for bantering back and forth.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Hey, Kurt enjoys a little playful bantering as much as the next fuzzy blue mutant. And to be sure, his hostess -- or captor perhaps -- is very easy on the eyes. But he has been given some pretty good reasons to exercise a certain amount of care. In part because of her nature, perhaps. But perhaps more importantly by the simple fact that she seems entirely willing to use him for her own amusement.

Not something to take lightly to be sure.

HIs own yellow eyes glint with a measure of impish mischief to them and he arches one brow. "Oh? It seems to me that it might be a little more fun and enjoyable for both parties when there is a measure of movement. But to each their own I suppose," he says with a little sigh.

Thrust and parry.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
If nothing else he has proven himself to be a fairly good sport about all of this. That deserves some reward, right? So Satana gives an absent twirl of one hand, a flippant little gesture and then scuffs the binding circle with her foot, breaking those energies that bind him in place.

"I suppose this does make it a little easier to entertain. But I'm trusting you here Mr. Wagner," she says, making a tutting sound as she flashes a long, sultry look her way, turning to slowly walk through the room once more, that forked tail flicking behind her like an agitated cat.

"So," she begins coversationally, sinking down into a comfortably padded chair before turning bright eyes his way once more, a little smile playing over her expression. "What is it that you would like to discuss?" she asks with an artful little shrug that does some very interesting things to the body suit she wears.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
While he might not be any sort of magic sensitive, Kurt can never the less feel when that containment spell around him is broken, can feel the lessening of invisible, almost intangible bonds. A certain degree of freedom flooding back. It is more then a relief for the fuzzy blue elf.

For just a moment he considers immediately teleporting away. Not knowing exactly where he is makes it a little more tricky, a little more risky, but after being brought here against his will it is perhaps an understandable impulse to consider following. But the fact that she has proven she can summon him up seemingly at will stays his hand, makes him consider carefully.

There is also the fact that he has at least implied he will be a good guest and Kurt does strive to keep his word. It just makes things easier, keeps things pleasant. So he gives a little stretch and makes a show of starting to walk around, to take in the plush room they find themselves in, glancing towards the desk, the bookshelves loaded down with books before his eyes flicker back to her. Her display is not missed, but he doesn't let it distract him either. "I don't suppose you might feel like talking about family, some, hmmm?" he suggests archly.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
For her part, Satana does give a little pout when her fuzzy guest does not show a little more interest in her unspoken invitation and she gives another chest-heaving sigh as she wiggles as if seeking just a little more comfort from that plush chair she lounges so haphazardly in.

"Oh Kurt," she retorts, a hint of reproach coloring her words and that tail coiled around her jutting out, flicking chidingly at her guest. "I thought we had already clearly established that any discussion about your father, any clarification or details would have to be negotiated," she points out, yellow eyes glittering from those dark features as she takes him in. "Information is valuable. Surely you understand that. I can hardly be expected to just give it away, no matter how fond of you I might be," she points out, that tail wagging at him in playful disapproval.

"Care to try another gambit?"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Strolling along those bookshelves, he can't help but lean in for a closer look at some of those books, strange sigils and languages he doesn't recognize frequenting those shelves. Most of the collection looks old and leather bound and more then one of those old tomes look like they might be bound in human flesh instead of simple leather. None of it is designed to be very reassuring, though he has no doubt at all that his foster sister and foster mother would have a field day here.

When she shoots down his little effort to pry something from her, some clue, some hint to his parentage without offering anything in return, the fuzzy blue elf doesn't even bother to look abashed, simply flashing an unapologetic grin her way and shrugging his shoulders with that easy, casual grace with which he carries himself. "You can hardly blame a guy for trying," Kurt counters. "You play your sort of game, it is only fair that I should try out mine," he points out.
"Since you're setting so many of the rules, perhaps you have something that you would like to discuss? Even if you no longer have me as a captive audience."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Much of the room has an overstuffed, decadent feel to it, which is only added to by the fire that burns in that large fireplace, those thick velvet curtains that block out any trace of the outside world. To be sure the large desk with the computer there gives at least a hint of a modern feel, but the sorcerous writings in their strange, spidery script, the scent of leather and old paper only add an interesting counterpoint to the entire thing.

Satana makes no effort to stop his slow survey of her bookshelves, those yellow eyes glinting as he takes in those titles, the exotically-bound books that no doubt seem ominous, she seems perfectly content to allow him to come to his own judgement about them, offering up no explantion or defense. But then she doesn't seem like the sort that often feels the need to defend any of her actions, for better or for worse.

Her smile grow a little at that question and she leans forward in her seat once more, showing off the plunging neckline of that bodysuit with absolutely no hint of shyness to her demeanor. "Why Kurt, I shold think it should be obvious by now just what it is that I'm interested in discussing," she counters with a slow, sultry smile.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
The offer is hardly a surprise by now, though it does raise the question in Kurt if he is going to have any luck at all in gleaning some useful information. While the offer might be a tantilizing one, it is also one frought with all sorts of warning bells and concerns as well.

While the fuzzy blue elf might thrive on adventure and excitement, even he has a few restraints in place. Some measure of good judgement.

"I know you certainly want me to believe that's all your interested in, but you will have to forgive me if I find that a little difficult to believe. I suspect that it is not a particularly great challenge for you to find company of that sort if you wish it," he points out. Between her flirting and ability to appear like anything one fantisizes about, he is fairly certain he is on solid ground there.

"But you keep conjuring me up."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Give away information? Easily? Without playing games or earning her price? That hardly seems like a good idea afterall.

Still, it's pretty clear that her fuzzy blue guest has no intention of easily succumbing to her many, many charms and while she flashes a pout his way, Satana does not seem particularly bothered by that fact. Instead that smile is quickly sliding back into place on her expression and she gives a little sigh.

"That is an excellent question. You're being most troublesome about ruining all of my fun," she points out with a shake of her head. "Though I suppose I can really blame you," she conceed.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
That draws a faint smile to Kurt's demonic features and he merely arches a brow and dips his head ever so slightly, not immediately offering a counter to her claim. It might be fair. That might even be the point. Playing along, at least too much, might only encourage more of these sorts of summary summons.

And while all of this certainly holds a degree of amusement, even curiousity, the fuzzy blue elf is not at all sure that he wants to encourage it too much.

"Would you believe me if I said I was sorry?" he finally offers, sounding anything but. "Though I suspect that you're not quite as put out as you've made out," he notes with a faint smirk.

"Either way, I do appreciate that you've let me out of your little summoning circle," he allows, still looking about the room.

"It's quite the place you have here."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
As it seems that her efforts to entice her fuzzy blue guest with a familiar, if far more feminine sight of a matching indigo elf have not tipped the scales in her particular favor, Satana settles near one of the high-backed chairs across the room, resting one hand atop it.

And then she seems to start to melt, to shift, slowly returning to her equally curvy, human-appearing form, with that blood-red hair and slinky black dress clinging to every curve. "I am passingly fond of it, true. But I somehow expect that you are not that interested in the decor or the books on those shelves," she says in amusement. "Though I am sure that you know those who would be. You do have some intriguing friends, Herr Wagner," she muses with a smile.

"No, I think we both know what you are still curious about. Though sometimes one is better off not knowing certain things..."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
It is an interesting point to be fair.

While she might have teased him with the possibility about learning more about one half of his heritage, is that really something that he should pursue? Is that something that he really wants to know more about? It seems unlikely to be anything good. Anything that is likely to enrich his life.

On the other hand, knowing always seems to be the better alternative to not knowing, right? Ignorance might be bliss, at least for a time, but sooner or later it usually seems to cause more problems then it solves. Quite the little conundrum.

"Shouldn't I be the one to decide that thought?" he asks, pausing in his survey of the room, glancing back towards his rather impressive hostess.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
For the most part Satana is very much a believer in free will.

Free will insures that so very many people will take the wrong path through their lives, giving her a plentiful supply of damned souls to feed on, to continue her existence with that particular brand of sustenance.

It also ensures that there is no shortage of surprises, when people surprise her, when they rise above some of those darker, baser impulses and take that path less travelled. Eternity is a long time and having a few surprises along the way helps keep everything interesting afterall.

"Perhaps," she conceeds thoughtfully. And then smiles wickedly. "But I wouldn't want you to get used to anything being too easy or predictable darling," she purrs, winking at the fuzzy blue mutant and practically draping herself over that chair in appealing fashion.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Well, that is pretty much what he expected truthfully.

And, admittedly he is still something on the fence about it all too. While he might not like the decision to be taken out of his hands, if Kurt is honest there is a part of him that is glad that he doesn't have to deal with it quite yet. That his hostess has no intention of just filling in the blanks and laying it all out there.

"You, madam, are a tease," the fuzy blue elf accuses with a smile, giving a little shake of his head. "Very well. Keep your secrets for the time being. You might be right. I'm not sure that I want to know," he admits with a shrug and a quiet laugh. "Though I do hope you intend to return me home soon at least."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Again a little pout slides over Satana's oh so attractive features, and she gives a small faux-sigh of discontent, still practically boneless as she leans over the back of that chair, one arm lazily draped about it, painted nails idly tapping with little clicks against the wood lining that runs around it.

"Oh Kurt, I could only be considered a tease if I wasn't willing to come through with my promises. And I assure you that I'm very willing," she points out archly, little smile playing there. "I'm just not sure you should want me to when it comes to dear old dad," she points out reasonably.

"As to returning you home, I could do that. But aren't I being a good hostess? I let you out off your invisible little cage and everything," she points out.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
It is an uneasy feeling to be sure, to be simply summoned here like this. To be pulled so casually away from the life he knows and virtually trapped in this unfamiliar lair.

Though even Kurt can't deny that on the whole his hostess has been faily obliging. She's let him out afterall, let him indulge his curiousity about her lair to a certain degree as he's made his way about the room, taking in all the mystical, sensual trappings that she seems to favor. And if she hasn't given him the answers that might have been nice, well, he remains conflicted on that front anyway.

"Fair enough," the fuzzy blue elf conceeds with a smile. "And your charms are ample I assure you madam," he teases, just a little. It's a game, one she seems to enjoy playing. Truth be told, so does he. "But at some point I really must depart, return to my real life, as bland and mundane as that might be," he points out oh so reasonably.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Her guest has something of a reputation for being a swordsman, a fencer, and in truth he has done more then an adequate job of walking that line between civility and courtesy right along with playfulness. That answering part of Satana simply has to approve.

Still, it does seem such a shame that he is proving most unwilling to take up her other offers. As entertaining as he might be, they could still clearly have even more fun together. Fortunately if there is one thing that she has, it's time. No, he hasn't fully escaped her clutches just yet.

Again, that put upon sigh escapes her and she dips her head in acknowledgement. "I cannot fault your courtesy Herr Wagner and though I think you are giving up an experience of a lifetime, I suppose this need not be good bye, definitively. But if you wish to go back to your mundane, worl a day existence, who am I to stop you," she allows, winking playfully his way.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
So that would be success then?

Still, Kurt isn't quite willing to jinx the entire thing so there is no grin, no gloating, just a sweeping bow of courtly acknowledgement to her concession, dipping his head in apparent gratitude as if she has bestowed some great favor on him instead of simply granting him a pretty common courtesy under the circumstances.

"I assure you, my beautiful hostess, that your profferred temptations were most exceedingly difficult to resist. But I do have duties and responsibilities to attend to I fear. Were that not the case I would like nothing more then to wile away the hours in your company with artful little thrusts and parries aplenty to occupy our time," he says, lips twitching only a little as he goes a little over the top.

Then he moves to stand in the center of the room, waiting with seeming patience for her to fulfill her promise and return him to his home.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
A sardonic smile slides over Satana's features and she gives a little shake of her head as Kurt goes over the top with his praise and promise, lavishing her with more then enough flattery and eloquence to smooth over any hurt feelings regarding his charming refusal to completely indulge in her game.

"Very well. I suppose you have been suitably reasonable over this whole affair," the demoness conceeds with an amused smile. "Just don't expect this to be the last time that we meet and converse, my little fuzzy blue elf. You intrigue me. I think we could have a great deal of fun together," she asserts.

Then, straightening from where she is artfully draped over the chair she makes a motion, a little flick of her wrist before turning it over and wiggling fingers at her guest in a gesture of departure. "See you soon Kurt," she promises, blowing a kiss.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
And so that, it seems, would settle that. At least for the moment.

Kurt has no illusions at all that this is all settled, that this is the last time he has met this particular temptress with her apparent knowledge about his origins and all the other promises she seems only too happy to make. He would hardly be surprised if he finds himself summoned up, conjured like some demon imp again, all too soon.

But for now he will just be grateful that he is being allowed to depart without apparent cost or unholy bargain.

Again, he offers that sweeping, playful bow, winking one of those golden eyes her way and raising a hand to wiggle fingers in return. "Then, until we meet again," he offers.

Then he finds himself once more standing where he was summoned from, back on the grounds of the school that also serves as his home. Tilting his head to the side he considers for a moment. Then he shakes his head, turns and starts to walk towards the waiting main house.