17971/Red Reign: Bat Woman meets Batwoman.

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Red Reign: Bat Woman meets Batwoman.
Date of Scene: 16 May 2024
Location: Penthouse
Synopsis: Kate Kane finds herself at The Queen of Blood's mercy. She actually manages to talk her way out with her life and humanity in tact...But ends up a lot more conflicted than she'd like to admit.
Cast of Characters: Kate Kane, Mary Seward
Tinyplot: Red Reign

Kate Kane has posed:
It's been a long day, and it's a decent way through the evening as well when Kate Kane comes in. She's dressed pretty casually, leaving her costume in the sub-basement in favor of torn black denims and a black NIN t-shirt that's seen some better days. Maybe not dressing like a multimillionaire but well, it's her own place so she can dress how she wants.

Not like she's expecting any company, as she makes her way towards the kitchen...

Mary Seward has posed:
Just as she was about to reach it, she'd hear the sound of shattering glass. Window glass to be specific. Were she to look over, she'd find a pair of pale people, with large bat wings hanging off of their arms.

Seems she was having company after all.

Their arms shapeshifted to a normal look, as they looked up at the plainly-dressed woman, both of them hissing in unison, showing fanged smiles that dripped with hunger.

Kate Kane has posed:
Your typical millionaire party girl would probably scream and run at this point in a panic. Easy prey for the likes of these things.

Kate Kane is not your typical millionaire party girl.

In this case, she registers 'vampires' and immediately reaches for a knife, hurling it towards one of the two as she goes into fight mode, not the flight mode they might expect. "Don't know who you jokers are, but breaking and entering here was a pretty dumb idea." With that, she pulls another knife out, holding it at the ready as she isn't sure how effective this is going to be... but she's looking for options. Fortunately, it /is/ the kitchen.

Mary Seward has posed:
In shock at Kate's sudden instant reaction, the one she tosses her knife at takes it right to the chest, falling back through the window he just made a mess of. Their friend gnashes their fangs as he made a mad dash towards Kate, not seeming to care just how ready to fight she is. He lunges at her, fangs and claws bared.

Kate Kane has posed:
One thing to say about Kate. She's got a full kitchen for her culinary experimentations. Really, for being rich she does a lot of hands-on cooking, sometimes for the best, sometimes for the worst, but no one could ever say that it isn't /interesting/.

Which is why the charging vampire might be forgiven for not expecting Kate to open the fridge, and pull out a glass jar to throw it /hard/ at his face, making sure it shatters.

And hoping that the garlic inside has the effect she's hoping for...

Mary Seward has posed:
It's debatable whether or not garlic truly is as the folklore says it is towards vampires. At least, with all the different kinds out there.

Regardless, the shattered glass in his face was enough to stagger him on his own. His shriek of pain just drilling it home as he desperately tried to pull out the shards imbedded in his face.

No time to relax just yet, though. From the corner of her eye, Kate would be able to see more of his kind starting to crawl down from other windows. An attack on the whole building it seemed.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods, "Alright, time to go." With that, she moves towards the emergency exit. In this case, from her penthouse it's a one-way express elevator straight down to the sub-basement. Which is where she can get her game face on.

And be better armed than just a couple kitchen knives, as she knows the 911 is automatically getting called. Though given the nature of these intruders, it might be a bit much for the GCPD.

Mary Seward has posed:
As the vampires break through, a mist trailing their sudden entrance, the first inside begin to give chase on Kate as she makes her way to the elevator. They stumble over eachother in their franticness to chase her, like wild animals.

Too little, too late as the door closes on them and the carriage makes its way down. Only the strange mist that was clouding the room manages to enter.

As Kate would manage to catch her breath...She'd hear a

"That was a close one."

From a strange, scantily clad woman who was equally as pale, clawed and fanged as the rest of those individuals.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate blinks, "Oh /hell/ no..." Though she's really at a disadvantage, given that she's got a knife in a relatively closed space with presumably the vampire's leader. Still, though, she doesn't hesitate, moving the knife up towards the vampire's throat, "Thought vampires were a little more subtle than /this/."

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward offers a playful smirk as Kate has her knife up against her throat. "Oh, but that's the thing, isn't..." She purrs, not seeming to move any muscle other than her head.

"We're getting tired of all the subtlety, the hiding. Having to work our way around your world...Soon, we're gonna make ourselves a world where such things are no longer needed."

It's a big ol' revolutionary, societal upheaval thing. Don't expect a pampered rich girl to quite get it."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate scowls, "Guess you didn't read up on me, leech. I'm not /just/ a pampered rich girl. I was a soldier, and I've got no tolerance for bullies, no matter what sort of dentures they have." She narrows her eyes, looking right at Mary, "Now get the hell out of my house before things get really nasty."

Of course, looking a vampire in the eyes might not be the smartest move... but Kate has a bit of an adrenaline rush at the moment.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward laughs. "Oh, you're just precious! Just a cute little thing!" She smiles wide. If this was her way of flirting, she sure wouldn't tell.

"...But, a soldier, you say? Now, that's interesting...I could use someone like that."

As Mary and Kate's eyes remained lock, the vampire's own begin to glow with an authoritative power, showing just why it's not a good idea to look her in the eyes.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate tries to blink, but can't, feeling that supernatural pressure starting to push on her will. Though, her own will is formidable, as she tries to push the blade forward... but her hand isn't exactly responding.

Kate then says, "I'm... not... to be... used!" She tries to fight against those eyes, that she just can't look away from, as her will starts to feel like a sand castle, those eyes the incoming tide, sweeping it away.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward chuckles to herself as she slowly takes Kate's knife hand, and presses against the wall.

"Say, where's this thing taking us anyway?"

She asks, completely and willfully ignorant to the cries of resistance from Kate's remaining willpower.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate doesn't resist her hand being moved down and away, as she struggles against the mental grip of those eyes, "Down... safe..." She manages to keep it vague, as it does stop, but the doors don't open. Apparently there's a hand-reader that has it keyed shut until authorized.

Mary Seward has posed:
"Safe, safe. Now, by safe, what-" The elevator comes to a stop and the two remain their with their thoughts. A quick off-hand glance to the hand-reader before wasting no time in returning to locking with Kate's once more.

"...Be a dear and get that for me, would you?"

She gives her an almost affectionate pat on the shoulder.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's knife clatters to the floor of the elevator, and she moves towards the palm reader... and her eyes suddenly focus. As if reminded of something now that the gaze isn't directly pressing into her mind. Clenching her fingers into a tight fist, she suddenly spins and tries to punch Mary right in the face. If she can just stun her, get her reeling a bit, then she might be able to get out of this.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward gets a punch right across the face for her hubris. A valiant, defiant effort on Kate's end...

That unfortunately left the vampiress quite unimpressed.

"No, no. Not like that, honey. My cheek isn't the reader-thingy."

She grabs onto Kate's wrist, wrenching it off.

"It's right there. See, let me help..."

She pulls on Kate's hand, in a move to bring her palm against the reader.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate struggles, "You... don't... get there!" She tries to pull back, but while she's impressive for a human, she's no vampire, and then shouts, "Recall Priority Alpha, No Takebacks!"

And with a sudden shift and whirr, the elevator is moving back up again. Which is bad for Mary since she can't find out what's hidden down there...

But now Kate's going back to the wolves, and she's trapped with the pack leader.

Mary Seward has posed:
"Woah, shit!" Mary stumbles slightly, leaning against the mostly pinned Kate for support.

"...Man...You must really not want to show what's going on down there."

She manages to find her way back onto her feet. She remains looking into Kate's eyes as the door opens, revealing all the vampires in the now crowded room who were waiting at the ready.

Sickening fanged grins, dripping with their own saliva. Their own debased hunger.

"I'll have to remember to ask when you finish turning..."

Mary laughs, as she remains where she is to keep Kate pinned.

"Now, just hold still for little Miss Mary...She's gonna treat you nice and right..." A hiss left her as she leaned in for Kate's neck. Fresh blood for her fangs to unearth.

Kate Kane has posed:
That last bit of defiance drained out the remnants of Kate's will, as she stares helplessly into those glowing eyes, unable to see anything else as she is pinned against the elevator wall. She doesn't even notice the door opening.

But then two things happen.

One, the alarms go off in earnest around the building, as the 911 calls finally register in the building's mainframe. Which, when Mary breaks her gaze to move towards Kate's throat... allows for the second thing.

Which is to say, Kate brings her knee up to Mary's midsection, trying to knock her away, "I'm a goth lesbian. but damnit... I believe in /consent/!"

Mary Seward has posed:
At the sight of their queen being attacked, the rest of the vampires are ready to flood in. Mary however holds up her hand, holding them back.

"Oh, so that's where you swing, huh?"

She laughs, pulling back. "Sorry, is this not up to your preferred fantasy? I could throw on a cape or a gown if you wish...We can really go all 'The Vampire Lovers' with it, if you want. Even I'm a sucker for those Hammer films."

Mary teases, running a hand down her scantily-clad self.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate keeps her eyes off of Mary, though it takes a fair amount of effort. "Get... get rid of the entourage first. I'm not fond of audiences, despite what the tabloids say." Maybe it's a bluff, maybe not, but if nothing else, if she can buy enough time for 911, or others, to respond to the problem...

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward smirks, before wave off to the vampires. They seem to believe in her confidence, and walk off, leaving the two behind.

"...You know...I haven't been with someone in a while."

Mary stays close to Kate.

"Had a boyfriend...way back long ago...Made me into what you see now...But...He didn't understand me, for me..."

"...Couldn't suit my needs..." She runs a finger down Kate's cheek.

"Would be nice to find the right someone...Someone I can really share all this eternity with..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate shivers, "I... I..." She gasps softly as the finger runs down her cheek, trying to remember why she was trying to fight back, to resist. It would be pretty easy, wouldn't it, just to give in, let the darkness have her.

Then she says softly, "It's why they threw me out of West Point... it was dishonorable, they said. Broke the code." She hesitantly looks at Mary, careful to avoid her eyes directly as she says, "This isn't like the rest of Gotham... they'll be here soon. You shouldn't be here when they get here."

Pointedly, she doesn't necessarily agree, or disagree, with Mary's words. And she's not pulling away from that hand on her cheek.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward ignores the warning, leaning in just the slightest bit more. "Ah, right. Broke their code...Their human code..." There is spite on her tongue. "...How it holds us both back, my dear."

"I despise that sort of thing...So, I stand for freedom. Any vampire can be who they are under my flag...and it's so easy to join up. Just one bite, and you can be part of the dream. Free to have whatever you want...to sate your every single need..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate actually laughs softly at that, for some reason, "... interesting image." She seems to be slowly recovering, though she looks over Mary's shoulder, "But I don't think I'm ready to stop living just yet. No offense." Not that she can really physically stop Mary...

But maybe a vampire likes a more interesting challenge? Kate Kane seems to be more than she appears, after all...

Mary Seward has posed:
"Oh, can you really call this living?" She looks away. This excess?...This fancy place that's so big...yet only seems meant for one." She shakes her head.

"No. I think you know it's not." She looks down at the Nine Inch Nails shirt and denims.

"...I can show you what real living is...What Life Eternal is..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate frowns a bit, thinking about her loves, her life... and what she does beyond that. Then she seems to focus, "I never prey on the innocent. Can you say the same?" Bold claim from a millionaire, but she seems to believe it. There's definitely a hidden core of steel in this alleged party girl that makes her far more than she seems.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward smiles. "As far as I'm concerned, no one I prey on is innocent..." She goes for Kate's neck, her lips up against it.

"But, you're not prey right now...Are you?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate gasps at the cool lips on her neck, "... no..." She grits her teeth, even as it does feel better than she'd like to admit. "Not prey... never prey. Never again." The problem is, is that it does feel good... it could be so nice to give in, but what would that make her?

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward opens her mouth, about to bite...only to pull away. "...That's what I like to hear...But, not y yet." She leans in, placing a hand under Kate's chin. "Like you said...consent, right?"

She begins to walk out. "When you're ready...and let's face it, you will be...I'll make it so you'll never be prey again."

She blows her a kiss. "Till then, I'll keep you in my mind...Stay safe...and consider yourself an unofficial sister of the Blood Red Moon."