17975/Red Reign: Stakeout gone Wrong

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Red Reign: Stakeout gone Wrong
Date of Scene: 17 May 2024
Location: Dixon Docks - Chinatown
Synopsis: Jason is on the trail of some of Chinatown's worst monsters...only to soon find out that it's now home to some even worse monsters.
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, Mary Seward
Tinyplot: Red Reign

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood sits in his personal 'moblile. A heavily modified matte black 69' Mustang Mach 1. Parked in the shadows, it almost disappears like a chameleon. He watches the digital display, reaching to tap a button, he adjusts the audio stream from the drone he deployed ten minutes ago.

The drone sits, hidden inside the building's office where a mob meeting is to take place. As Red Hood waits, the final member of this meeting arrives and the random conversation shifts to serious planning - strategies for expanding drug distribution and proverbial market share. It's a subject of contention for Red Hood; one that causes him to clench his teeth without realizing it.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for the opportune moment.

Mary Seward has posed:
Everything was nice and in place for Jason. Right where he needed it, when he needed it...Yet, his life always manages to find a way to go off rails. Seems that fate wouldn't hand him a bone this time either.

Up above, he'd hear some sort of screech, and the smashing of windows. All of a sudden. From then, he'd hear the screams of the perps inside.

The feed picked up by the drone was...questionable. All it showed was the men getting their throats torn, and blood spraying...but those doing the deed weren't showing up.

Jason Todd has posed:
Yeah. That wasn't on the meeting's agenda.

The clenched teeth shift into a scowl behind the mask as Red Hood watches the feed. Without hesitation he buries the gas peddle and drives the distance to the warehouse more quickly than he could have run that far. Skidding to a stop he bursts out of the vehicle with weapons drawn and moves inside the building toward the office that is now a slaughterhouse.

Mary Seward has posed:
Barging into the building, he'd find himself seeing an absurd massacre.

The perpetrators were revealed to him. Not invisible it seems, but something worse. With how pale they were, the fangs and claws they sported and the blood on their faces and hands...Gotta be vampires. About five, it seems, making a feast out of the mob men in the warehouse. Couldn't have happened to nicer people.

Now that Jason made himself present however, their gazes fell on him, their hunger clearly not sated.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd has been many things. Restrained is rarely one of them. Red Hood? There are only two people who could admonish him such that he would listen. One of them is already passing from the collecitve consciousness of the Bat Family. That, itself, is enough to piss him off even more.

The fact these are vampires doesn't really bother him. He's seen some trippy shit in Gotham. The fact they slaughtered mobsters? Might actually give them half a brownie point. But the fact they turn at him? They may as well have thrown a red flag at a 1500lb bull.

He begins firing at them without hesitation - sure silver is for dogs. And who in their right mind makes wooden slugs? Maybe he will soon. For now, however, his weapons are loaded with his custom taser rounds. Even vampires have muscles that need to respond to electrical impulses.

Mary Seward has posed:
The electrified slugs hit their mark on two of the vamps, causing them to jitter and stutter. Had an effect. Though, unlike a normal human, they weren't quite down for the count.

While their friends were staggered, one of the remaining free leaped for Jason, arms out in an attempt to strange him.

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood may be a loose cannon but he was trained by The Best. Then he went for a leisurely swim in a Lazarus Pit. He may not be superhuman per se; but he has far faster reflexes than the average bear on a pic-a-nic basket raid.

He continues to fire, emptying the clips into the attackers up and until the one breaks off to attack him. Empty clips or not, the pistols are a part of Red Hood as ranged or melee weapons. There was a movie about someone with the sot of equilibrium he displays. Spinning away from the attack, he just clears those hands and delivers a downward blow with the butt of his right pistol's grip.

Mary Seward has posed:
As the rest ducked away from Jason's assault, the one who missed him landed on the ground, crouched over. He looks up at Jason, only to find himself pistol-whipped.

A frustrated snarl leaves him, as he lunges for Jason once more, this time going to grab onto that shiny, scarlet helmet of his and attempts to pull it off.

Two others began to rush Jason, going for his arms.

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood's motions are fluid, as the charging vampire is slammed to the ground, the pistols are reloaded but it's about all the opportunity he has before the man is back on his feet. No time to raise the gun for a head shot.. so he goes for the other one, double tapping the vampire in the groin with taser rounds.

He uses the split second it buys him to drop a flash-bang that goes off instantly. His mask's filters block out the excess light and noise while the carnage in the office is bathed in blinding white light and a concussive blast.

Mary Seward has posed:
Vampire or not, a shot between the legs is still bound to really hurt. He collapsed onto the ground, knowing best to just stay down his time, as Red Hood proved to be well-versed at fighting dirty.

Just as his two friends were able to grab onto Red Hood's arms, the flashbang goes off, with them right in the blast zone.

They were blown away, joining their friend on the ground. But, there was one unaccounted for...

They announced themselves, in a lunge from behind, taking them both through one of the broken windows.

The vampire taking flight struggles with Jason in mid-air, their flight path made erratic by the after-effects of the flash bang and the fight.

Jason Todd has posed:
Well that didn't go quite as expected now did it?

It isn't exactly a mental conversation as it is an instantly realized thought as he goes through the window with a vampire tackling him. They hit the grimy pavement with a thud. He brings his knee and lower leg up to try and throw the vampire off of him with his own momentum. Successful or not, Red Hood isn't stationary. He's instantly wrestling and moving, to make himself more difficult to grapple.

Mary Seward has posed:
Made angrier more than anything else, the vampire remained clinging to Jason, trying and failing to get a decent bite in.

With how much Jason was fighting, the vampire was slowly losing interest in feeding on him and more just being rid of the frustrating Red Hood entirely.

Then, seeing the docks in front, they got an idea as to how.

With their legs around Jason, they took off sky high into the air. Their goal to just drop him down and let the pavement splatter him.

Jason's determined fighting however, made them less coordinated. Eventually, they couldn't take the abuse much longer, simply flinging Jason in the direction of the water.

Feeling satisfied enough with that, they laughed, taking off further, their recovered friends joining them as they took off for the rest of the city.

Jason Todd has posed:
What does a vampire bat know about the Bat Family? Not much, yet, it could be assumed. Red Hood? He's not done struggling even as he is taken to the air nor is he done thinking about the situation.

As he's tossed toward the water, he gets off one final shot - a button on the side of his pistol launches a tracer dart. He was aiming for the vampire's head. Just on general principle but it strikes lower on the back of the creature. He thinks.

It's hard to be certain when you're going for a swim in the second most toxic water way in the US behind the rivers in Cleveland.

Mary Seward has posed:
He would hear the vampire's disgruntled screech before they fade into the night sky. Probably Better off that way. That they assume some bug bit them or the like.

Jason is then left behind. Left to have some much needed time to breathe...provided he keeps his head above the water.