2321/Shoot Pool Not People

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Shoot Pool Not People
Date of Scene: 03 July 2020
Location: Shooters - Chelsea
Synopsis: Three brothers and some wings and pool. Oh, and discussions of clowns and drugs.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson

Tim Drake has posed:
Be social, they said. Spend time with your brothers, they said.

So, three of the Batbrothers are out at Shooters, having recently arrived, taken over a pool table upstairs along with a high-top for their drinks (Tim is, for the moment, at least not imbibing in alcohol, his plastic cup full of coke with grenadine and two cherries), with a double order of nachos and two orders of wings (hot and blazing, with extra blue cheese) inbound from the kitchens shortly. Tim Drake, the youngest replacement Robin and the nerdiest and most out of place of the three, is staring at the pool table with mild annoyance, a cue already in hand. He "won" the coin toss, so he's one of the first two up, the winner playing the other 'brother'.

Jason Todd has posed:
Yay family fun time. How'd he get roped into this. I mean he could deal if he was shooting snooker up at the mansion with Alfred, but social time with Dick and Tim? No thanks. Worse still they were in this Temple of Douche, you could smell the beer bongs, regular bongs, and AXE body spray from outside. College kids, they made him glad he died before he had to trot down to Gotham U and do time there like the rest of the family.

At least he had a cold beer on the high top table. Jason Todd may be a month and change shy of his 21st birthday but the cute blonde bartender hadn't cared when Jason had given her his best winning smile and chatted her up.

Now it was time to play and Jason gives Tim a nod, "You break little bro, I have a feeling I'll be breaking plenty of balls regardless, by the way how was the date with my 'ex'?" he asks with a grin.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick encourages socializing. He also encourages his little brothers not killing each other. This is why Dick is here. It totally has nothing to do with the fact that he may have been spending some time here when he was in college. His rum and coke sit on the high top, alongside his bacon cheddar tots. The eldest Bat Brat was next to the table, watching as the other two compete. Jason's comment gets a raised brow, but the chuckle that could follow was drowned in a sip of rum and coke.

Tim Drake has posed:
"It went well," Tim grouses to Jason. "I took her to the Tin Cow," a hipster burger joint in downtown Gotham known for angus, waygu and kobe burger and hand dipped milkshakes. "She seemed to enjoy it, and then we went out for a 'show'." He's being somewhat discreet, though at the moment isn't not like there are terribly many folks dropping eaves. He frowns, and breaks. A clunk-clunk of a ball dunking into a side pocket. He checks. "Stripes. Anyways. She doesn't seem to like clown shows any more than the rest of us."

Jason Todd has posed:
There's a roll of his eyes and a look to Dick at the mention of the Tin Cow, as if to say, 'of course he went there'. Though the mirth lasts about as long as it takes for Tim to get to the clown show part of the story. He keeps his reaction contained but his hand still tenses on his cue and his eyes still shoot over to Tim. "Clown show? Chuckles himself show up or just the other guys?" he asks as he bends to take his shot, though his focus is very much on the conversation.

He shoots, the cue ball glancing off the five sending it just short of the pocket. Jason makes a face at his shot but doesn't comment.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick shrugs to Jason, you can't criticize a good call like that. When the clown reference is brought up, Dick says, "That was unexpected, given the original plan." He had been there for the original plan. Jason's question though gets the eldest's attention and Dick says, "I'm hoping not, as I had not gotten a memo about that." He keeps his eyes on the others in the bar, though it seems pretty quiet, at the moment, and it is clear that they are not being listened to.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah, we had tickets to the mafia show. Seems they got upgraded without me knowing," Tim snorts. He pops the 12 into the corner, then moves to hit the 10. It glances off the side pocket. "Balls. Anyways. It wasn't Chuckles the clown, but it did look like a lot of his understudies. A good time was NOT had by all." He moves to the table and takes a swig of his coke about the time the wings and nachos arrive. He tips and waits for the server to disappear before he snags a nacho laden with cheese and jalepenos and sour cream, stuffing it in his mouth and swallowing. "Had to bring some of the laughs back home."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason frowns as he listens but doesn't speak until he's put the five down and then follows up with the seven, but falls short on the three. He looks up, "That tracks, if Chuckles had been there he would have punched your tickets personally," he says moving off to let Tim have his shot.

When the server comes, Jason pauses, too taking a sip from his beer, giving them a nod of thanks before they go. "Should have bailed when the show got switched on you. And what sort of laughs did you end up bringing back?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Gotta hat the bait and switch," Dick says as he downs some tots, wiping his hands off on a napkin. "The one time you want the understudy to be in the show. Though glad it turned out all right enough, as you are still here and whatnot." He stops talking when the server comes by and resumes speaking after. "Though I am also curious, did you remember that he who laughs last, laughs best?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah well." Tim looks to Jason, then totally doesn't steal one of Jason's wings. Ahem. He does tilt the nachos towards JT as a trade. He lowers his voice. "Rictus gas bomb and a sample of some kind of powdered drug. Bright blue. Never seen it before." He then takes his shots. Nine sinks. Thirteen sinks. Ten-- dammit, the ten is the bane of his existence. It drops into the pocket and bounces back out after hitting one of the balls already in it. "Son of a!"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason scowls at the stolen wing and in return grabs a fist full of nachos dripping with cheese which he muches as he considers his next shot. He follows up with the three and the one before missing the two, frowning and reaching for napkins when he sees he has cheese on his cue. "Damn it," he says.

"And here I thought them bringing a blue drug to you on your date would be a help," he grins at Tim, though behind the casual malice in his eyes his wheels are turning. "But jokes aside, that sounds less than good," he says. "You nerd fu it yet?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Despite the thievery and payback, this was going well, in Dick's opinion. He listens and observes the two continue their game and then nearly chokes on his drink when Jason's pill joke. Dick manages to get a napkin up to avoid a spittake.

"Anyways, I am glad you, and assuming your date, made it out of there all right. Could have been a worst first date?" Dick inquires.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah. We were fine." Tim's expression flickers in confusion at the pill joke. He'll need to cross-reference that later to see what Jason was referring to, as it obviously wasn't the drug he and Rose had gotten a sample of. "And not so far. I think I may bring it to the basement and see if I can crack it open in the workshop. Didn't want to worry Dad too much though. You know how he gets about... clowns."

Jason Todd has posed:
A grin is shot to Dick at that near spittake before Jason takes another sip of his drink. "Well it's a justifiable phobia," Jason says of their dad and clowns. "But yeah, free advice, always assume he knows what crap you've been getting into, it's just easier that way," he says continuing on about Bruce. "So yeah, I'd bring that stuff to the basement see what all the nerd stuff down there has to say, if it came from a Chuckles show, it can't be good."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods to Jason over the joke before turning to Tim, "Yeah, just assume he knows. Hiding it from him will just make him mad, unless you actually /do/ succeed in pulling one over on him, which is rare at best, and impossible most of the time. Doesn't help that others have tried and he has learned from his mistakes," sagenods to Jason. "But yeah, get that stuff analyzed in case it has long-term problems, especially ones that last longer than four hours."

Tim Drake has posed:
"I haven't tried the drug, so I have no idea how long the duration is," Tim replies obliviously. "But I guess you're right. I just didn't want to bother him. He's been..." Tim frowns. He takes his shot, sinking that damned ten. "Distracted lately. I suspect there's something up, but I don't want to pry. You know how 'dad' gets when he's in a mood."

Jason Todd has posed:
This time Jason's the one who almost spits out his drink holding a laugh in., "Well, if it does little bro, be sure to consult a physician."

He sets down his glass, and shake his head. "How can you tell? He lives in a 'mood', if you gave him a mood ring it'd turn black and implode on itself, but I'll grant you I haven't heard too much about him being on the streets, so there might be something to your theory. If is he's all, well him, could be he's already onto Chuckles' scheme, or maybe D's grandpa is in town," he makes a face. "Or D's mom."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick chuckles and looks to Tim, poor innocent Tim, "He's like that from time to time." He nearly laughs at Jason's remarks, but would rather /not/ have attention on them at this point. He looks to Tim, "Yeah, maybe he needs some space, but he seemed pretty happy the other night, though that might have been a blip."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Mm. Little D's mom. I hear she's ridiculously hot, but eight times crazier than her hotness would otherwise qualify her for." Tim glances around, making sure Damian isn't there, lurking, to overhear.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason snerks at the description of Talia before looking to Dick. "Wait Bruce was in a good mood? When?" he asks. "Did he suddenly remember I don't live in the manor anymore?"

Finishes his beer and gestures to the server for a second one. "And you're safe," he says to Tim seeing the younger bat shoulder check, Jason holds a hand up at his belt height, "You need to be this tall to get in here."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"She is attractive," Dick acknowledges, "But yes, the hotness:crazy ratio is worth respecting. If you don't, bad things happen." He nods and snorts to Jason, "Hellfire party, seemed to have a good time." He then looks to Jason and actually laughs this time at the height joke. "Well, that'll do it. Defeating him with height requirements."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim finishes his coke. And another of Jason's wings. The pool game has been going, of course, but has become a back burner thing for the Batbrats. "Regardless. The drugs were being sold by the mafia to the clowns. Nothing about this seems to be appetizing." He frowns. "...this really means we probably should loop Dad in fast, huh?" He grimaces.

Jason Todd has posed:
"I dunno, ignoring it from time to time can be fun," Jason opines of the crazy hot scale. "As long as they don't know any accurate personal details."

Jason frowns as the wing is stolen but doesn't make a big deal at this point. He does frown thoughtfully about the Hellfire Club. "Right, that place, never did get made a Legacy unless they do it post-humously," he says. "Besides Bruce happy out in public doesn't count, it's an act."

There's a nod about the drugs. "Yeah, definitely something you want to loop Bruce in on."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Good idea," Dick says, "THe faster the better." He turns to Jason and raises a finger, "And that is how you get little brothers," he laughs and then nods again, "That's fair, though. I do hope it was for real, and you should come by home sometime, got a few things I'd like to show the two of you."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim frowns, but doesn't say anything, swirling the ice in his cup. He sighs. "Better sooner than later I guess."

Jason Todd has posed:
Spying Tim in a down mood Jason smiles, "What's the matter Timmeh? Worried Bruce will ground you or something for not reporting to him right away like a good little soldier?" he asks.

He settles back as his second beer arrives and he takes a drink, "And sure, Dick, whatcha got to show us?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Work project, something that revolutionize how we do business," Dick says, and then looks to Tim, "Yeah, what's up Tim? He won't be that mad, more happy that you didn't try to hide it from him and are wanting to work as a group on it." Dick takes a drink and eats some more tots, "Besides, what's the worst he would actually do?"

Tim Drake has posed:
"Eh. Less the... incident I'm worried about telling him about. More who I was with and why. I suspect he won't approve." He cuts Jason a look. "Nothing //happened//. I'm a gentleman."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Sounds good, Dick," Jason says about the presentation. "But if it's Amway, I'm going to kick you into a vat in Ace Chemicals."

Jason grins even broader and Tim explains the cause of his distress, "Oh, that's no problem, just march right up to Bruce and tell him who you utterly fail to sleep with is your business and nobody else's," he says managing a modicum of mock-seriousness in his tone if not his expression. "Well, except for mine, and Dick's, and Damian's and Carrie, maybe Babs..." he lets that trail off with a shrug. "Though if I might be somewhat serious for a moment, Tim, I think you're worried about the wrong thing, it's not /our/ Dad's reaction you need to worry about, it's /her's/."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"IF it was Amway, I would want you to kick me into a vat of chemicals," Dick says and then looks to Tim with a raised brow, "See, this is why we should consider the long-game plan. That being said, you will be fine. Besides, it's not the worst thing that's happened in the family. As I said before, the key is to be open and honest with him, because he will find out."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim scowls at Jason. "I didn't fail to sleep with her. I respect her too much to push my way into her pants." His face goes a little white as Jason mentions Rose's dad. "Mm. Maybe he won't find out."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason gives an approving nod to Dick. "Glad we see eye to eye on that," he says with a smirk about death by acid being preferable to Amway.

As for Rose, Jason rolls his eyes *hard*. "As if you could push her to do anything, I chose her as my second in command for a reason. Anyhow let me guess what happened, you guys had hipster burgers, fought clowns and then you nerded out so hard on the drugs and gas that you didn't even think to ask if she wanted to get naked and sweaty with you," he says putting a hand to his head like a stage psychic.

Though there's a flash of sympathy in his look when it comes to Slade. "Yeah, that's the hope isn't it. Though honestly, bit of a toss up if he cares or not, I mean I don't know everything about Rose and her father," actually not a lot. "But I get the vibe that complicated doesn't even begin to scratch the surface."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"No shame if you didn't," Dick says assuredly, "you are not obliged to." He frowns and thinks for a little bit and then ponders, "Yeah, her dad is an issue, but if it becomes your issue it becomes our issue, and at this point, what's done is done. We got your back." Dick finishes his tots.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim looks at Jason strangely. "Why would anyone want to do that after fighting Joker's goons and acquiring strange drugs to test? I can't imagine that putting anyone in a romantic mood." He points this out pointedly.

He is entirely oblivious to how some people work.

Jason Todd has posed:
"Yeah, hate to admit it, but Dick is right, /if/ Rose's dad has an issue, we've got your back, nobody gets to take you out Timmy but me," Jason says giving Tim a finger gun aimed at Tim's heart.

As for Tim's comments, Jason just stands there with his mouth open for a moment like Jason.exe had stopped working and needed to close. Then he closes it again and smiles, "Right, well, I don't have enough popcorn for you dating Rose then," he says with a shrug and a helpless look to Dick as if to ask, 'how are they dating?'.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick raises a finger after Tim's comment, lowers the finger, mouth agape, and then closes it. "Welp. Not sure what to tell you, there," Dick says, fairly confused at this point, looking to Jason and shaking his head in response with, "I don't know."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim looks back and forth at them with annoyance. "As amusing at you may find my love life, or lack thereof, maybe we should head back to the manor. Dick can show us what he needs to show us and we can get the samples scanned. And Bruce filled in."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Very," Jason supplies of how amusing he finds Tim's lack of a love life, before nodding to the rest. "Sounds good," he says finishing his beer and putting away his cue. "At least Tim can fill one person in this week."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick frowns and then nods to Tim, "Sounds good. Meet you back there." That being said, Jason's last comment does cause Dick to let out an audible laugh. "I'd say phrasing, but you clearly meant what you said, Jason."