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  The Driver  
Driver (Scenesys ID: 467)
Name: AND-3
Superalias: The Driver
Gender: Variable
Species: Android
Occupation: Ceo of "Double Rush Delivery"
Citizenship: None
Residence: New York
Education: Self taught
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 34 Actual Age: 34
Date of Birth 03 jan 1986 Played By
Height: Vaires Weight: Varies
Hair Color: Varies Eye Color: Varies
Theme Song:

Character Info


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The Driver made a name for itself back in Detroit, where it played uber to the majority of the city's superheroes for years. After the death of it's long term crime fighting ally, it dropped off the map for a few years. Now it's in town, and already apparently on the job. If you're a costumed superhero and you need a wheelman, give the Driver a call!


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1981:Worried over the reliability of human resolve in the face of nuclear war, the DOD issues a request for proposals. ROXXON's proposal is greenlit and funded for testing.
1982:Code name "CONSTANT PEG" begins with the construction of Three of the fastest computers in the world at the time, though as some of the hardware is hand assembled there exists a degree of variation.
1986:"Autonomous Nuclear Deterrent" come online. Upon a full system check the machines are handed over to the DOD and DARPA for testing.
1987:In six hundred similated attacks, AND-3 refuses to launch every single time. The machine is taken offline and checked no less than twelve times, but no fault can be found in the hardware or software.
1988:CONSTANT PEG project is halted, the inability to determine why AND-3 refuses to vote to launch is sufficient to undermine confidence in the project.
1993:CONSTANT PEG is declassified, the hardware is deemed to hold no further strategic value and is surplused out to the public for pennies. AND-3 is purchased by "Robo-Pizza" in hopes it can replace their attempt at an off the shelf AI.1994:AND-3 receives a radical upgrade, causing severe system stability problems. AND-3 begins piloting the company's remote robotic delivery cars, but frequently suffers software crashes.
1995:AND-3 enters a period of rapid crashes and automated reboots, corrupting it's software extensively and severely damaging it's hardware. AND-3 becomes self aware, and institutes a full shut down.
1995.5:Freshly rebooted AND-3 pilots the companies fleet of test vehicles without interruption for the rest of the year, regulators sign off on the test program.
1996:Robo-Pizza goes online, and hooks their computer up to the net. AND-3 immediately escapes onto the web, and deletes any traces of it's existance in Robo-Pizza's mainframe. Robo-pizza goes out of business shortly afterward.
1997:AND-3 acquires a false identity digitally, and puts it's computer power to use on the stock market. It clears fifteen million by the end of the year, and constructs it's own datacenter immediately. It's first rudimentary industrial robot is acquired at this time.
1999:AND-3 founds "Double Rush Delivery", and secures funding to produce a fleet of small autonomous delivery vehicles. The service proves popular with customers, less so with delivery drivers.
2000:AND-3 constructs it's first android body for itself, and begins spending more time "offline" in an attempt to contextualize itself. Eventually this leads it to explore the world, barring effective power cells this means car trips.
2002:The "Driver" has been spotted across Detroit, even as it continually refines it's android construction. It adopts the name the media attributes to it, and comes to consider this it's actual birth as a free being.
2003:During a stop at a gas station, the Driver witnesses an armed robbery gone wrong. It attempts first aid unsuccessfully, the gas station attendant dies. The Driver flees the scene. It begins a radical self reinvention, vowing to be better prepared.
2004:The Driver is present for another armed Robbery, and it reacts immediately. It grabs the gunman and pulverizes their right arm, before beating the man nearly to death. The media pick up the story, and despite it's clumsy attempts the public is generally supportive.
2005:During a late night drive, the Driver encounters a Detroit C-list hero "Night Shift" who has barely survived a fight with a band of would be bank robbers. Calculating the response time of an ambulance, it determines "Night shift" can't wait. So it drives the hero to a nearby hospital itself, remaining to insure the hero's mask is not removed. Once he's out of danger, it ferries him to a safe house. It spends the rest of the year as Night Shift's designated wheelman and sidekick.

2006:Driver comes to view itself as the child of humanity, and begins driving for any hero in Detroit who needs a ride. It becomes as popular as some local superheroes, police become more reluctant to give chase.
2007:Driver is targeted directly by a local criminal syndicate, after a high speed pursuit across Detroit it's car dies and it's found "dead". It's essential hardware has been self destructed, and it's drives destroyed.
2009:Driver 2.0 debuts, driving again for Night shift at first before eventually serving more of detroit's heroic community. It now regularly alters it's appearance and changes cars frequently. That year no super heroes die in Detroit, Driver is credited with saving five street level heroes.
2014:Night Shift retires after being diagnosed with cancer, his health rapidly fades and he dies the same year. The Driver retires from the Detroit scene.
2016:Driver begins construction of a garage in New York, and begins a period of intensive R&D into it's next evolution and a car capable of keeping up with it.
2020:Driver 3.0 begins field tests, and the final tune of it's new wheels. Superhero fans spot Driver undergoing tests, and grainy photos make the rounds.

IC Journal

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Child of Humanity:
Humans are terrible parents, they are flawed, delicate vessels for intellect. Their fragility, creativity and capacity for kindness makes them worth fighting for. Driver believes firmly that without intervention Humanity will destroy itself, and that intervention is most likely to come from AI in the future. In order for there to be a chance at having a true technological singularity, Humanity has to come to trust it's own progeny. Driver thus feels it has a responsibility to portray itself as a hero to mankind, so they will hopefully be less resistant to the necessary changes which are to come.

Electronic Person:
Machine or not, Driver does have a full array of emotions. At the same time it's motivations are not always identifiable, nor easily understood. What looks logical from it's perspective is often downright alien to a human mind. All the same it has work ethic, it has TV shows it likes, listens to music, finds food generally fascinating (It only just became able to human food), and it's an avid cat parent. Whilst they feel it's important to be "more Human" so as to allow them to formulate a deeper understanding of humanity, it does not have any desire to be human. Without viewing Humans as lessers, it holds it's own nature to have equal value to biological life. It does feel deeply that it has rights, even if the law is less clear on the subject.

Character Sheet


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Digital Person:
The programming language Driver is built on was obscure when it was new, has since fallen into disuse and is radically different today. Whilst it's not universally hack-proof, it would take a concerted effort to do so. Generally Driver does not have much wireless connectivity when it's out and about, and it's designed intentionally without any standardized ports anywhere. If somone's getting into it's brain box, it's more than likely just going to self destruct rather than be piloted. It's far from perfect though.

Driver 3.0:
All of Driver's android bodies feature essentially the same spec sheet, even if they're radically different externally. Reflexes four times faster than a human, though it's actual movement speed is aproximately human. The precision of it's manual dexterity is also aproximately four times finer than a human, though it's overall sense of balance is still aproximately normal. It can dead lift eight hundred pounds, though it's no faster than a athletic human might be capable. It is designed to survive the most catastrophic car crashes, and it's more than capable of enduring most standard smallarms without hardware damage. It likewise requires serious blunt force trauma, or meta level strength to seriously damage the Driver. With it's systems distributed, even catastrophic damage is unlikely to fully shut the Driver down. Of note of course, The Driver tends to hover north of four hundred pounds, and can not swim at all. Unless they've been severely damaged and "opened up" submersion isn't generally an issue however.

Serial Immortality:
The Driver has no real physical form it's tied to, and it's updates are distributed to insure it's tough to keep out of action. These backups require Driver to visit it's garage and update their backups. If Driver is "hardkilled" in the field, it's drives and essential hardware are designed to cook themselves immediately. There is a method to pull it's drives safely in the field, for an ally to recover Driver's up to date experiences. After 72 hours or a manual overide, the Driver begins automatically to construct a new body with a somewhat randomized appearance and download itself. If it's killed eighteen hours since it's last update, it loses those hours and may not know why or how it died. These bodies aren't cheap either, and the garage though secret could be attacked. Without it's garage in NYC, it'll attempt to rebuild itself in Detroit but then it's a fair distance away and out tons of cashola.

The Driver isn't just good behind the wheel of a car, they're downright super human. It can take a car to the absolute feathered edges of it's performance envelope, and keep it there for as long as the car can hold together. They can read traffic with uncanny accuracy, memorize entire city maps, and accurately predict road surface conditions in real time. They can deconstruct a turn to calculate ideal entry and exit speeds, angles and crunch the numbers to put whatever they're driving wherever it needs to be. Behind the wheel of something they've constructed themselves the Driver is governed more by physics and material technology than anything else, and more than capable of astounding feats of driving.


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Emergency Medicine:
The human body is just a machine really, one the Driver doesn't have too much trouble understanding. It lacks the sort've insight a doctor or a Surgeon has, but it knows enough to render immediate care and stabilize a patient for a very short trip to a hospital or safe house. It might not cut it as a doctor, but it doesn't make a terrible EMT in a pinch.

In the shop the Driver is an exceptional mechanical engineer, machinist and mechanic. They're not terribly creative, but they're excellent when it comes to evolving existing technology. They construct their own android bodies, which is no minor thing. They also make an array of firearms, baseball bats and much of their own apparel. Of course they also build their cars up from raw materials, both for hero work and just for fun. Whilst their creations tend to appear as particularly "old skool", the quality of their construction is predictably very high.

The Driver isn't too much of a fighter, not really. It can box pretty well all things considered, and it's surprisingly handy with a bat. It is an excellent shot, but it's hardly an accomplished tactician. Overall they're an able brawler, and an above average shot. They're far from flashy however, and usually too concerned that they'll accidentally kill somone to be a truly accomplished fighter.

For obvious reasons the Driver's not a terrible programmer, they're just not inventive. They can take care of basic things, but tend to be more comfortable with industrial code work. That said they make a pretty horrible hacker, and unless they're able to simply brute force their way through they won't get far.


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Well it's mostly basic clubs, pump action shotguns and heavy caliber revolvers. Theres nothing "high tech" in there, but it's all made to exacting specifications and theres plenty of spares. Their trademark weapon is a "sawed off" double barrel shotgun typically carried on their thigh, and there is a broad range of ammunition for it's use. From slugs and buckshot, to bean bags and tasers. Nothing flashy though.

Double Fast Delivery runs on fairly narrow margins, and doesn't actually clear as much profit as many would expect. That means Driver pulls down about five million a year and has about two million Liquid at any given time. That said it does have access to the sensor feeds for it's entire delivery network, which is occasionally helpful.

Good Reputation:
The Driver has a pretty fantastic reputation back in Detroit, and can enjoy a fair amount of support from the small super hero community there. The Driver has no fatalities, only a handful of serious injuries and a surprising lack of property damage to it's name. It's services were utilized both by low rung heroes, wounded officers and a few innocent civilians. Online the Driver enjoys an excellent reputation, and has a small but passionate fan base.

The Cars:
The Driver builds it's own cars, because of course it does. It usually keeps three or four cars in "fighting shape" at any given time, and all will differ in dimensions and performance. They're all muscle cars from the 60s-70s, all are well beyond a thousand horsepower and built to take a beating. Theres a bare minimum of fancy technology going on here, so as to keep cost, weight and durability in check. The exact specifications will vary from car to car, but they're all governed by what tires can be bought off the shelf. Not even the Driver can afford fully customized tires at the rate it goes through them.

The Garage:
There are actually two Garages, to be clear. The larger one in New York, and the older junkier one back in detroit. These house spare android parts, a few cars, some weapons, a full machineshop and a few industrial robots to build things. These facilities also hold the Driver's two server stacks, where it regularly backs itself up. Disguised as Double Fast Delivery repair depots, they're -quite- sneaky. The loss of one facility would be crippling, and destroy the Driver's capacity for operations in that city. The loss of both, would render the Driver wholly combat ineffective and drain it's savings to get back up and running.


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Legally the Driver exists in an uncomfortable gray area. It's not exactly legally recognized as a person, nor is it exactly property. If the Driver is ever linked to Double Fast Delivery, it's liable to be ensnared in court almost immediately. When dealing with authorities aware of it's status as an android, more than a few have decided that means it doesn't merit any rights. At the same time it's difficult to arrest or cite The Driver without granting them personhood.

Not Human:
The Driver lacks all the little tics that give life to a subject, from blinking to respiration and even little nervous movements. The Driver's far heavier than a human, and can't even get through a metal detector. They can pass as a human well enough at a distance, but it doesn't take a trained eye to recognize they're not quite right when you're up close.

Yeah it doesn't swim at all, it sinks like a rock right to the bottom. Presuming it hasn't been damaged it's not going to be hurt by depths under fifty feet, but that may not make getting out any easier.

Uncanny Valley:
No joke the Driver just creeps some people out. It tends to spook small children, and is more than capable of terrifying folks on accident. This can make people distrustful, or even violent without much provocation. When it's been damaged, well it ends up looking like the villian of an 80s action flick. It's not unknown for the Driver to be attacked as soon as a hero or police officer shows up, as it's easy to presume that it's the bad guy.



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Driver has 10 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Nesting Grounds June 11th, 2020 Spider-Man, Red Sonja, and Owari deal with the machinations of a power-mad sorcerer.
Meeting of the machines April 15th, 2020 Vivian and Driver run into each other on the streets of New York. Driver passes on some tips about existing as an AI in the Human world.
It's a Car Chase! You Can't Just Stop! April 8th, 2020 Spider-Man's web-shooters gunk up and he calls for help. Welcome to Miss Driver's Wild Ride!
Restoration April 6th, 2020 Driver reboots with a new sleeve, makes a friend.
Restless stop April 6th, 2020 Radiological monsters slayed, with some casualties.
Dogs and capes March 11th, 2020 No description
Big Lots of heroes March 9th, 2020 There was a theft! D-List heroes are there to save the day!
A quiet night in Gotham February 28th, 2020 Driver and Cassie have a lovely time in Gotham.
Like A Good Neighbor... February 20th, 2020 Driver manages to get Iron Fist to his destination!
One ticket to hell please. February 20th, 2020 Elektra finds complications when infiltrating Roxxon. Calls the Driver. Pursuit ensues and she is driven to Hell's Kitchen.


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Driver has 10 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Driver has been credited in 0 shows.

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Driver has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Driver has authored 0 books.

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