2910/The half life of a donut is 35.7 minutes

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The half life of a donut is 35.7 minutes
Date of Scene: 14 August 2020
Location: Pym's Mobile Lab
Synopsis: Following the resizing of the people of Genosha yet another care package gets delivered to Hank Pym by Vivian Vision.
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Vivian Vision

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym had realized, and confirmed with tests that he had a huge amount of Pym particles in and around his body. In a way his powering the enlargement of the Genoshans was a detoxing. Pym particle build up was a likely cause of much of the stress and power complications he had in the past. He absently hoped the Genoshans had no serious complications to their enlargement. that combined with thousands of subtly different Mutant physiologies... well researching the effects had him licking his chops in all honesty. However, research also implied treatment to Hank at least. There were many unknowns. Laying back in a recliner in a red smoking jacket Hank sips at a red Bull and ponders. three scratchpads by his side have already given their lives for science.

Vivian Vision has posed:
With school back on track it's a little harder for Vivian Vision to just casually stop by and visit the Pyms. That flight out to New Jersey and back isn't impossibly long but it does eat into the day - especially if she's only briefly stopping by. But given just how chaotic and stressful the Genosha resizing was.. Well she decided it was worth the hassle.

Today of course there is no fruit basket. Nor is there any sorbet. Both of which would be too predictable. Instead what she does have is a couple of tupperware containers, brought straight from the family and consumer science class at Happy Harbour High School, containing... a mystery meal!

Thanks to the wonders of advanced Synthezoid construction she somehow manages to balance the stack of containers on the upturned palm of one hand like she's doing table service in a restaurant as she knocks on the door. "Good day Doctor Pym, I'm sorry for stopping by unannounced. I thought I would make sure you and Aunt Nadia had a no fuss meal prepared for this evening." That and it saves on waste. She certainly wasn't going to be eating it after all.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym sets his energy drink aside. "Hello Vivian. How nice of you to come by. Thank you for the meal. That's very kind of you. Hmmm you taking a cooking class? That's sort of like organics taking computer classes. It looks interesting. What did you compile for us? Oh, for future reference... Red Bull is a very good treatment for Resizing stress. I have to figure out why some time. Anyway, let's see what my favorite synthezoid great granddaughter brought me!" He starts opening containers, examining each in a sort of clinical way. To say curiosity is a dominant Pym trait is to damn curiosity with faint praise.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It's very bad for your liver though," Vivian points out flatly, giving the energy drink a suspicious stare. "Not to mention the excess sugar content. I take as many classes as possible, the broader my education is the better. This is a beef tagine with apricots, there is couscous with pomegranate and herbs in here and finally some quick flat breads." She passes each container over as she explains the contents. "Each has a label with reheating instructions on the lid. Unfortunately I am unable to maintain serving temperatures in transit given the distances involved." The portion sizes are on the large side even if this was intended for a family of four. But a pair of size changers should get through it in short order.

So that's where she's hiding the get well fruit this time.

"Food seemed to be a good way of learning about various cultures too. This meal was inspired by Morocco. I thought about trying a Genoshan meal but I couldn't find a specific meal they are known for and.. Well I thought it might not be tactful."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym stares at the food a moment and an ant comes over to dutifully move the containers to a refrigerator. "Yes, well, I only drink it for medicinal purposes. I have the worst case of Resizing stress short of wrecking my heart a few years back. My hands still hurt. I'm glad Lorna kept the particles confined... I hope she's all right. I hope Magneto's 'faithful' are doing all right. I should do more for the Genoshans who remain. They pretty much are left on a bare rock. I should put my brain back to work."

He left any mention of Magneto out. If you can enunciate not mentioning a person clearly, Hank does somehow.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"You are in no state to be doing anything now," Vivian points out matter-of-factly. "What good would it do their limited medical supplies if you came back only to collapse while straining yourself. Besides Green Lantern and Power Girl were both dealing with the situation. If additional help is required they will likely involved the Justice League. There is little your brain can do for the situation which others could not deal with."

"Practically speaking it's a case of logistics rather than science. And that aspect has already got both Wakanda and Latveria involved.. I know you and Aunt Nadia will find it hard to accept. That genius can't do anything. But that is simply how the world is."

She shrugs and crosses her arms. "Short of coming up with infinite supplies of clean energy and fresh water. Or some other patent that would make you so rich you can simply buy the people of Genosha a new homeland."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym frowns and says, "Genius has nothing to do with it... well it does because it involves Pym particles and cyber-psionic technology. That was genius but I did that already. Any idiot could think this up... ants are very good for a garden. Giant ants properly directed could crush rocks, move compost and revitalize the top soil in a matter of weeks. They could landscape the entire island. In fact they enjoy doing that. Why... Lang could do it if I gave him the directions and pout Baudalaire out there to watch him. I(n the meantime... maybe the Atlanteans could help with some fishing? None of this is really a huge mental undertaking. Also I'm not an invalid yet. I... you can't resize a hundred thousand people without it taking a bit out of you. Lorna burnt her hands from what I saw. She faired worse. No the thing that got to me was..." He looks uncomfortable and trails off.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"But the time it would take an ant to do that work is... well how many thousand times longer than the time it'll take the Justice League? Besides you are forgetting those people are by and large mutants. Some will have useful powers that they are no doubt already putting to work fixing things. Providing they don't simply wish to relocate. I can't imagine having your country stolen by an alien is very comforting, so I expect most will decide to find another place to live." Vivian points out with a slight tilt of her head. "I have no idea if it's ethical to ask undersea people to provide fish. I expect they are generally very unhappy with people on the surface thanks to all the pollution which rains down on them.."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym frowns and says, "I doubt very much that Power girl or Green Lantern will take it upon themselves to spread manure or aerate soil. In any case... this can be an opportunity to show what humans and Mutants can do working together. It is an area I would like to help in. Besides... you ought to know by now, saying someone else is better equipped to do something than me is a sure way to convince me to do it." Hank gets up, much more steady now. "In fact... I remember something regarding food production from way back that could prove... fruitful (pardon the pun). He adjusts his robe and taps his chin.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision sighs. She does indeed know how it goes when you tell a Pym something is a bad idea. "Aquaculture is a better way to quickly generate food than arable farming. You could convert shipping containers to produce crops and raise fish in the water. And it allows direct control over the nutrients the plants get and light levels, so yield will be much greater. You can even stack them vertically to produce more food in a smaller area of land." She follows along, taking care to ensure she's close enough that if Hank stumbles she can steady him.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym keeps chin tapping. "People though need arable land, plants, a healthy eco system, for their mental and physical well being. Let's see, 100,000 people require 2,255,000 square meters, triple that if you include range land... one dog sized ant could service... you know what? I don't know. I need to bring a couple to Genosha to run a study. We should also list all salient Mutant abilities... that might be a sore spot."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Perhaps try to avoid asking for a power census," Vivian suggests as she begins running searches of her own. "It would only create resentment and you have no way to guarantee those mutants would like to remain anyway. Do not forget to account for transport systems, food storage and living space in your calculations. And I still maintain aquaculture is more efficient. The extra land you save can be used for parks and green spaces."

She sighs.

"Another thing you are likely forgetting is /jobs/. People will not want everything done by giant ants if that means vast numbers of people remain unemployed and can't afford the food. Not that I agree with capitalism either. It's a terrible system but probably easier to impliment than a utopian abundance model..."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym hand waves. "Aquaculture is fine. I'm talking about resurfacing the island to make it livable. As for jobs, giant ants need direction. You can have them work under the Genoshan's guidance. Ant wrangling could be a respected position. They could also tunnel into mountains and create living spaces. Caves are phenomenally energy efficient dwellings. Go in a hundred feet and they're all 20-22 degrees Centigrade. Let them live underground while the terraforming is commencing. We could also use Pym particles to help shipping high priority or sensitive supplies. I know where there's a load of surplus Pym particles."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Doctor Pym I'm not sure it's very nice to call the other Ant-Man 'surplus Pym particles' like that," Vivian notes earnestly. "Does Genosha have mountains suitable for such digging? You would need to do a geological survay before making cave houses. What if the region was prone to Earthquakes or has volcanic activity? On the other hand it would be a quick way to extract minerals for a short term boost to economic growth."

"Perhaps you could work out some kind of system for thermoelectric energy harvesting from the sea? Cheap environmentally friendly power that takes advantage of the island nature and will not require any resource shipments long term."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods, "Thermal differential power stations have been on the drawing board since the 30's. The most exotic material they require is ammonia for a working fluid. As to mountains, time for a good geo survey! Slopes would also be good for solar power collectors. Kord would have ideas in that regard. He'a pretty smart for an engineer. I think I am going to have a crack at that food before I am beset by a hungry teenager." He'd actually calculated the half-life of a dinut in the house at 35.7 minutes at one point.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"You do not need to re-invent the wheel Doctor Pym," Vivian adds in response to the 'on the drawing boards' comment. "Providing that wheel is sufficient for everyones needs. Getting the country back on track should be the immediate step and then you can think about cold fusion power plants and other projects that will likely have companies like Roxxon sending lawyers and assassins round."

She nods when he mentions needing food.

"That's a good idea. Please relax while I reheat it all for you. I would not want you trying to toast the flatbreads using a plasma torch or anything else that's excessively dangerous...."