3094/The Ladies Who Hunt

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The Ladies Who Hunt
Date of Scene: 25 August 2020
Location: Agent Morse's Office - Triskelion Operations - NYC
Synopsis: Peggy brings the missing files to Bobbi for evaluation and gets a lot more updates on SHIELD than she expected. Plans are made.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Peggy Carter

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Unlike the directors and higher level, field leaders do not have secretaries or waiting rooms. They have a slightly bigger office than most agents, but on the whole it's nothing special. Bobbi's office is decidedly spartan. She doesn't spend any more time in it than she absolutely needs to. Sometimes, it's a good quiet place to be - except that the moment she sits down to do research someone is often knocking on her door.

There's a window behind that is very realistic, but most definitely fake. She has no desire to have a real wall to the outside world. She couldn't handle having her back to it all the time. There's a desk and dual monitors. Her table occupies another corner of the room. She is wearing business attire, loose fitting grey suit jacket and pants, as well as a white blouse.

She studies the information on her screens - The Hand - Nobu? a name. That's something at least. Her vacation was 'exciting' to say the least, but it added to her work load at the end of the day. New York can't have a crazy death cult running around trying to find the secrets to immortality.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The knock on the door is polite but firm. "Agent Morse? Is this a poor time?" Peggy's accent is unmistakeable. She will wait to stick her head until there is some sort of affirmation, taking a moment to actually evaluate the lead agent's feelings about being interrupted. She, perhaps, catches an edge of that annoyance and so while she slips into the room, she doesn't cross the rest of the way.

"I can make an appointment if that's better. It's not exactly pressing, but I noticed you were in." Peggy's looking mostly her normal self, hair down in her usual vintage waves and that classic matte red lipstick in place. Even if her lip is still healing from being split, a few scabbed up scratches on her face, and her left arm holds a slim pile of old files because her right is in a generic sling from somewhere in medical. Her dark mustard yellow old fashion dress only slightly clashes with the bruising which can be seen around the edge of the shoulder.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks up from her work and sees Peggy. She smiles at her DNAcontributed child but also presses the close button on the case file. It's not something she's putting it on the books yet. Yet. "Agent Carter. Take a seat." She's not quite as paranoid as Maria, she doesn't have a gun hidden under her table. May be she should. But not for Peggy.

She motions to the arm sling. "Tell me who did this and I'll go beat them up," she says playfully and then taps her fingertips against the table top. "Soooo.. what can I do for you?" The ex-director of all of SHIELD, she's not quite sure how she can be helpful to someone who used to run the place.

There's a cheeky little smirk on her face though. Peggy was her idol when she went through SHIELD academy. She still is even flesh and blood and not just an idea. There are no non-matte surfaces in the room, no reflections to catch a glimpse of what is on her monitors. Not that she'd be concerned if Peggy did pry, it's more for the probies who want to prove themselves and jump in too deep not knowing how dangerous it can get.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A slight sigh escapes her throat as she looks down at the sling, more frustrated by it than other people, but it's in close contention. "I told Steve wearing it around would just worry people. It's nothing." She finishes crossing the room to Bobbi's desk, taking the assurance that her presence isn't too annoying at face value. She folds gingerly into sitting at that opposite chair, probably a few other injuries beneath that vintage piece. Cracked ribs from the motions. Never all that dangerous, just aching. "No reason to beat them up. Probably a future FIELD asset, if a... spicy one, you might say. It was a misunderstanding and has been handled." While that's a vague way of answering, her words ring of truth.

Then, she gets to work. She sets down a pile of six files, dusty and yellowed from decades of storage. Most from the late 50s and early 60s from the dates on the tattered tabs that stick out the top. "I..." She hesitates a moment, looking over Bobbi with evaluating, sharp eyes. "...How would you feel if I told you SHIELD conveniently forgot to digitize half a dozen files on old, pardoned HYDRA agents?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi's eyes dash over the various parts of Peggy's body that seem to be off kilter.. possibly bruises or strains. She must have had quite an experience with this 'misunderstanding', "Uh huh," is all she says in reply to that. But her eyes move the way a high level fighter does, taking in the weaknesses. She blinks it away though, Peggy is not a foe, never could be.

"I have bad taste in men too," she says with another smirk. Her eyebrows raise though at all the files dumped on her desk. She takes one and opens it up, her eyes flicking over the contents. "Forgot? or deliberately misplaced?," she questions. The digitisation efforts started under Director of SHIELD George Washington Bridge, but it is well known SHIELD was a 'leaky' place in those decades.

"How many of these people are still alive?," she asks morbidly, "and if this is a request to help digitise a whole bunch of old files that aren't in our system.. we have whole floors of agents for that kind of thing."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A trained evaluation says Peggy is almost certainly hurting. Favouring her lower right front ribs and that right shoulder doing it's best to stay still. The shoulder is probably the recovery from a dislocation but the gingerness on the front? That means she either took a very awkward fall or a few body armored shots. But she maintains the pain with complete grace and over all inattention to it. If Bobbi wasn't an expert, she'd probably not even notice. The taste in men comment gets a slightly deeper smirk, "I... don't know that I'd call it that." But she's not denying it either.

The matter at hand is far more pressing, however, and Peggy is happy to turn attentions to that. She carefully lays each of the six files out. Five German names, one Italian. None famous enough that the history books ever breathed their names again. "...I'm not certain. If it's... deliberately misplaced, then there's a bigger issue in SHIELD than I'd care to consider. But we can't ignore that as a possibility." She admits with a slight sigh.

"One is still alive but probably no threat to anyone. That being said, this one..." She pushes forward the Wilhelm Richter file, "Passed his loyalties and his knowledge onto his son. I... handled it. There might still be a cell working around him. We had all of these supposed ex-HYDRA agents being monitored in my day. The notes are mostly gone from the files. And what they went on to do?... It's impossible to say."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Wilhelm Richter," she says as she looks over the dusty old file. Well, less dusty now but the stains of age are there. "You're hunting HYDRA?," she asks with a raised eyebrow. She taps on her computer with her free hand and brings up Peggy's 'misunderstanding'. She presses her lips together thoughtfully for a moment and then closes that report. Peggy seems to be handling it.

Her second monitor though, she turns it around and smiles, "Me too." There's a map of north east America with several dots on it. The title of the file is called 'HYDRA - Werner Reinhardt - Super SHIELD'. She presses a button under her desk and the view of New York out her fake window disappears and her door shuts itself.

"Tell me what you need."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The Reinhardt file is one she's been over before, especially when she was asked to give the lecture on him as Daniel Whitehall. Much of the older parts of that file are her *own* records, sign offs, sealing of the 084. But now she's looking at it closer, swiping through digital pages to see if there are any reports there she KNOWS she made which are now missing. She wasn't thinking about it before, but now she is.

"...Yes. I originally wanted to do this off the record because, well, clearly, the record isn't complete. Steve convinced me it's better to be above board about this all. But the only reason I'll let a HYDRA agent survive nowadays is so we can get more information from them." She shifts dark eyes from the file back towards Bobbi. "...so, if SHIELD has a problem with that, then I'd rather you forget this meeting every happened."

The expression on her face is serious and deadly. Literally. There is no hint of softness or forgiveness left as she talks about the possibility of more HYDRA agents out there. "...this Super SHIELD is the final part of why Reinhardt was taking people? And the serum he was developing? It's...not a surprise. But a messy one."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
She hmms thoughtfully and watches those challenging eyes. She's putting her case forward quite succinctly. A finger taps on the table top and she turns her monitor back around. "HYDRA isn't what it used to be. They've changed tactics. Well, most of them any way," she starts looking up Wilhelm not expecting to find much considering Peggy's problem with missing records.

"They utilise a lot of companies, individuals, cults, organisations, clubs.. all of which are completely unaware they're working for psychopaths who worship a space octopus or whatever it's meant to be."

Her eyes look back up and she says, "The ones who have swallowed that pill and bought in to their philosophy? I have little to no sympathy for them. The ones who are hedging their bets? well, ..they can be a useful source of information. So, take from that what you will."

She type type types on her computer, "On the other hand, my dear DNA contributed daughter," a small playful smile as she doesn't look back yet but continues to stare at her screen, "Staying above board and also clandestine is something I happen to excel at." She hits enter and looks back to Peggy finally, "Welcome to S.P.O.T. - Special Priority Operations Team. Under the SPOT banner you can classify your files such that only you, Hill, and Fury can access them if something in the operation goes wrong. Not me, not Coulson, not May, not Gonzales.. no one but level 9 and 10. Director Gonzales runs SPOT but it's a very loose structure and should be seen as a facilitator, not a superior."

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is nothing. Utterly nothing in SHIELD's files about Wilhem Reichter, despite the fact there is clearly a type written, hand signed file right here. The internet yields a touch more information, that he was pardoned for war crimes in order to assist with Wernher Von Braun at NASA, but it's a tiny footnote in history and he disappears after that. Clearly, something is off.

Peggy takes in a deeper breath, listening to Bobbi's consideration of it all. She doesn't look thrilled, sinking back a bit deeper in the seat and crossing her legs after a ginger moment, but she doesn't immediately argue. "I... am not interested in killing people who were simply tricked by a charismatic personality. But there is a fine line between clueless innocence and following horrific orders." Her voice is flat, distantly cool, as she makes her judgement on that matter clear.

The commentary about SPOT makes her blink. Very little surprises Peggy Carter, but this manages to do the job. The chill of her expression from before melts away a moment, and actual almost smile threatening behind her lips. "...that is...immensely useful. As long as we can trust Hill and Fury." She lets out a momentary breath and corrects herself, "We can trust Hill and Fury. If we couldn't...there'd be no reason to be here. I know Nick. I know how he operates. Alright. SPOT it... is." She's reassuring herself as much as Bobbi with those words. Eventually, she'll believe them.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods her head and smiles, "The thing you need to understand about SPOT is. Any time someone questions your methods or motives, you send them to Gonzales and he handles all the bullshit for us. Too much complaining he pokes Maria in the side and she glares at him, then calls you in to her office and glares at you and then you have to explain yourself. Pretty easy system really."

So this is how Bobbi has managed to piss off so many of the level 8s over the years? Yup. "And yes. If I can't trust Fury and Hill, then there's really nothing to save. There's plenty of people I trust, but I also cannot afford to deal with the leaky pipes. I tell Coulson something, he does the right thing and rope someone else in to help, they casually mention the wrong word in a locker room.. mission blown."

She leans forward a bit, "And it's only because you're Peggy Carter that I'm vouching for you on this. Any one else and I'd put them through the wringer before I even considered offering them a position on SPOT. I know you'll do it right because I grew up in to a SHIELD shaped and moulded by you."

She sits back and smiles, "I have one active SPOT mission. But the work consuming my time right now is this Whitehall fake super SHIELD nonsense. He has fake agents going out and doing fake investigations looking for Inhumans. I'm trying to find their base of operations. When we do..." She taps a finger to desk and nods her head, "I assume you'll want in on that raid."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The glint of respect and trust behind Peggy's eyes for Bobbi grows. Just a bit, but it's certainly there. SPOT's earned the woman a lot of credit. Peggy also has an energy now that she didn't have in those first few months. Either the propsect of really getting back into the field, or the adrenaline of having been in a few proper fights, finally. But she's back to her old self and ready to get to business.

As Bobbi explains why she's being brought in, Peggy dips her head once in agreement and quiet understanding. "I... did my best to shape SHIELD. We had no clue what we were doing in the beginning there but I think, eventually, we got it. It doesn't mean there weren't holes and cracks. Clearly..." She motions to the files in front of her, "I didn't get everything. Reasons to dive into clean up now. And I... appreciate the trust. I guess it shows I brought this to the right person. And I can choose my own team for this matter in SPOT?" There's clearly at least one or two people she already has in mind.

The Whitehall mission being brought up again tenses her jaw a bit. She nods firmly, "I would... very much want in on that. I'd offer to dive more into the research but it seems you have agents on it. But yes. I'd like to assist in cleaning up my old messes."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles, "I'm glad you came to me. I really appreciate it. I know you're the new kid on the block kind of field agent, trying to fit in to this modern world and fit back in to SHIELD. So, yeah. I do have a, usually, open door philosophy. I'm still learning how to be a field leader, even after several years of doing it. I'm still a senior agent at heart, who is a field agent at heart."

She leaves out the part where she could have been a director three times over by now if she'd just said yes. "I'll add your name to my list for the raid... and yes, as part of SPOT if you have an operation you want to enact, grab whoever you feel will help. Many agents have no idea what SPOT is so you may have to explain yourself. No one above your level is obligated to work with you on this stuff, but I think you'll find most anyone of worth that //you// choose will say yes. If you need a pilot for a quinjet and I'm not available, I highly recommend Agent May. She's not part of SPOT, she's not that kind of agent.. but she is very good people. Also, on that note.. if you need technical skills, I'd highly recommend Agent FitzSimmons. They're incredible." She smirks a moment, "Also Agent Simmons is my apprentice.. and if you need some oomf for your operation, I'd also recommend Agent Johnson. Excellent hacker and also. Hm. Well. I'm not sure if you've heard of 'Quake' yet?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I spoke at length with Agent Johnson yesterday. She actually helped me pull some of these files. I've still got a few boxes from the archives to go through but I think we've found most of them. Hell, I hope." Peggy admits with a sideways bit of a smirk. But the look in her eyes is someone taking mental notes of every name that Bobbi shares, burning them into the back of her brain without further fanfare. She doesn't need to write them down. Most of this won't get written down.

"...Quake? No. I cannot say that I have." Her head tilts curiously, dark eyes narrowed a bit more as she considers just how much around here she really doesn't know. "...as for being a field agent at heart, I... Yes. I know that feeling. Fitting back into this time is occasionally a challenge, but... being out in the field instead of behind a desk? It's something I desperately missed. I'm glad to be here now." Oh yes, it's the fact that she WAS in a violent fight or two which has charged her up. Another bit of the profile slides into place.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi gives Peggy a slightly critical stare and then nods her head, "Quake." It really is a silly name, not that Daisy chose it. She turns her monitor around again and types on her keyboard. A video pops up of Daisy Johnson at the tactical training range. She's on one side of a maze and there are five agents on the other side with airsoft guns. The quartermaster Hightower signals the go and Daisy flies over the walls, lands in the center and while throwing out her arm seemingly pushes away the first agent with an invisible blast.

The second agent she holds out her hand and his gun begins to jiggle and shake until it falls to pieces in his hands. The rest of the video demonstrates some of Daisy's hand to hand combat skills, but they're no surprise for a field agent with talent. The final agent she takes down with her own airsoft gun, sensing him around the corner and shooting him the moment he turns the corner. Spooky.

Bobbi turns the monitor back around and grins, "Uh huh. And on top of that she's a top notch hacker. That's how we all met her actually. She hacked SHIELD. Coulson tracked her down, recruited her. She's probably going to run this place some day."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A low, quiet whistle comes from Peggy as she watches the video, dark eyes flickering between the woman causing the violence and damage, back to the exact details of what she can do. "...Fascinating. Mutant? Or... one of these ... Inhumans? Do we know?" Peggy gives a short sound, not quite a laugh, from the interior of her throat as she looks from the still video back to Bobbi. "I suppose I should be doubly glad she's on our side."

"Yes, she offered to help figure out if the files were never scanned in the first place, or if someone went back and deleted certain records. I suspect it's the former, but if not, she might be able to get us some sort of lead on who is making old loose threads disappear. So, I'd already want her in on this project. Not that any of your agents have MORE free time to take on work." Peggy smirks there, "But we always manage. Somehow."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Inhuman. Weird word that one. There's a lot of conjecture about how Mutants, Inhumans, and Metahumans relate. Three different mechanisms all triggering latent near supernatural abilities in people? Very interesting really. If I were a biologist full time I'd definitely be researching the connection between the three. I just call them and the rest of them - gifted. They'll make us all obsolete one day. May be they already have. Anyway...

If there's a problem with agent time sharing, well, talk to Coulson. He's another person I trust immensely. Well, and Gonzales. The two are on the opposite ends of the spectrum though. Gonzales, he is.. uh.. grizzled? Coulson, full of optimism. Both are excellent spies though. I don't envy their jobs. Sure, I take four quinjets full of a half dozen agents each in to battle - but they're the ones that give me the nod.

But, I'm preaching to the choir. Did you ever imagine SHIELD would get this big?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
The major situation at hand now mostly settled and tacit permission given for the hunt, Peggy actually lets herself relax by a few inches. She folds her neat hands in her lap, watching Bobbi far more than the computer screen. She's learning just as much about the agents by the microexpressions on Bobbi's face as she is the words the woman says.

A slightly rueful smile crosses her lips as Bobbi asks that question. It's both nostalgic and a little strange. "...This big? I... am not certain. Close. I'd have to fully understand just how big SHIELD *is* to answer that honestly. God knows Howard did. He always had plans larger than the world. But... it's hard to know, truly know, this many moving parts. I wanted more control than that. He wanted to have enough reach to protect the whole world. Together..." She shrugs her good shoulder slightly, "I'd like to think we laid the foundation for what you all are now and, while not perfect... We did more good than we did bad."

Her eyes drop to the folders a moment. A series of sins just sitting there in dusty yellow and manilla. "You always want to see your children grow up. It also always hurts a little. SHIELD was the only child I ever had."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi folds the files back up in to the folders in front of her and then looks to Peggy. "I think you did an excellent job." She smiles and offers the folders back to Peggy. "I'm going to kick you out of my office now, not because I want you to leave but because I need to get this research done before Hill finds out I logged on during my vacation and forces me to take more." She presses her hidden button and the door unlocks, the screen behind her becomes a live view of New York out the window once more. "Good luck. If you need any help don't hesitate to call me."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The files are neatly taken back, tucked into her chest under one arm like some sort of football she's protecting. She might be a bit wary of the only hard copies of this information, especially since most of the files are too thin to be complete. Some has already disappeared. She then folds forward and smoothly stands, still hiding injury on pure habit. Never let them see you bleed.

"Thank you for your time and the suggestions. I'll be starting on this shortly but... will make myself free the moment there's more action on Reinhardt. Just let me know. And...if you ever need other back up, I'm around. I... forgot how much I missed the field." With that, Peggy raises the hand of her injured arm for a little salute and turns on the ball of her foot, heading back out into the chaos that is SHIELD's home base.