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Date of Scene: 05 November 2020
Location: Arrowcave
Synopsis: Ollie and Thea have a sibling chat, followed with a sparring match. :)
Cast of Characters: Thea Queen, Oliver Queen

Thea Queen has posed:
Fall days means that the weather is catch-as-catch-can. Some days, it's wet and cold; enough to start fires in fireplaces, and other days, warm and sunny. Almost balmy. And today?

Sunny, clear and bright. Not a cloud in the sky sort of day; one that really shouldn't be spent indoors, but here she is, anyway.

Little bits of Thea can be found around the Queen mansion, undoubtedly showing that the elusive sibling is spending a little more time 'home', though Mother may say that things are still 'fine' between them, things are a touch on the tense side. It shows in the matriarch's eyes.

So, Thea is downstairs, in the Arrowcave (yes, that name is going to stick!), a bottle of water beside her as she sits at the table with the bank of monitors. She's dressed down, looking all the world as if she either 1., has worked out and is cooling down, or 2., gearing up for a workout once things online are checked. Either way, she's in a bare-midriff top with yoga pants, ending in a pair of sneakers. Her bobbed hair is pinned back, up and off her face as she looks at the screens, the mouse clicking through pages.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Those small clues haven't gone unnoticed by Oliver, the man having noted the presence of his sister around. Not that he pressed to meet her. She would come out in her own time so in the morning he has busied himself getting his coffee, early. Ready for a morning practice down at the cave.

Vanessa isn't up yet so for the morning he has the cave for himself, or at least so he imagines for when he opens the door to the lair and begins on his way he notes the water bottle first, then the sister. "You weren't joking when you said you were getting up early." it's news to him. It used to be that days started at 10am for the young Queen. But he smiles nonetheless at seeing her down here, offering her a nod of greeting. "Hello Thea."

He is dressed in a pair of loose pants, black tight t-shirt on apparently also ready for a workout. "We have been trying to track Cupid but so far no luck." a guess on what she may be looking for.

Thea Queen has posed:
Not even coffee. The younger Queen doesn't have that 'guh... just woke up, don't talk to me face' either. She catches the sound of the door, and really the only indication that she's aware of someone entering is a slight cant of her head to hear the footsteps. A ghost of a smile appears, and as the footsteps approach, then she turns her head to look at her brother.

"Yeah.." Thea returns a little wistfully. "They say '30 days make a habit', and after awhile, I just got used to it." Perhaps she wishes that she could just go back to bed? But nope! She's up, moving around, and takes her water. The cap is untwisted, and with a quick swallow, she returns the cap and sets it aside.

"Then maybe we're not looking in the right place anymore?" Her brows rise as she looks at the computer, back to Ollie.. back and forth until her attention falls back to the computer screen. "As much as this is great," Thea gestures to the rig, "I think maybe I'll get out there and try and track her oldschool. Check the ranges. You know archers all know each other." A quirked smile rises and she continues, "Shoot at the range, talk about the kids. What deer got taken down when. Someone has to know something."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Look at it on the bright side, at least you have 30 days to make it a habit." The older Queen replies. Always a glass half-full kinda guy! Well.., most of the times at least. When not in brood mode. He is evil though, even if not intentional for he does bring his mug of coffee with him, the tempting scent lingering in the air while he moves to stand next to the woman's table.

"You were the one that used to call me old school." Ollie reminds her with a raised brow when he was still getting the whole thing set up. It took a while but eventually with the help of a computer wiz, along with Diggle they got it working. "It's a good idea though. Just .., be careful. She's devious, as you know. And her skills can only have gotten better since last time she was in town." his eyes then study his sister in a thoughtful manner. Curious.

"But I suppose that might be true of you as well." His tone lower, another sip taking from his coffee.

Thea Queen has posed:
"I survived 30 days, and didn't even get a t-shirt," Thea looks up at her brother, a ghost of a knowing smile on her face. Then, there's the coffee, and she //stares// at him as only a little sister can. "You.. you are horrible." At least she laughs when she says that.


Thea looks like she really wants to take the coffee from him, or die in the attempt, but she's really trying to be good. She's feeling good; her color is good, she's on the 'right' diet, and she's in fighting trim from the looks of her. Still delicately boned, there are properly toned muscles that lie under the surface. "No. I just called you 'old'," comes with the proper grin. "Big difference there, big brother."

Thea sobers up reasonably quickly and retakes her water, though she doesn't take another swallow. Instead, she just holds it in her hands; gives them something to do. "I'm not too bad." Her voice lowers, even though they're the only two in the cave. "I learned a lot from him." Him. "He's gone again," and she actually sounds a touch disappointed in it. Strangely enough. "No word, which is .. about right for me." Abandonment issues for the win!

There's a pause as Thea takes the moment, and once again, unscrews the cap of her water before taking a swallow. "She doesn't know about me. As in, I'm just some little sister. She's never seen me fight, never .. anything. She's going to think that I'm an easy target. Easy enough to make me look like one." After all, the only news about Thea Queen in the papers? Social rags about her excesses.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I have no idea what you are talking about." Of course he does! And Oliver does note the look on Thea's eyes. His own blue eyes narrow dangerously. One does not mess with Oliver Queen's coffee, no matter how close they may be to him. So he mainly just stares at her, perhaps almost daring her to try. Or testing her will! (Hopefully it's made of iron now)

"The man has surprised me in some ways. But not in others." Did he expect it? Maybe. Hard to change the habits on old wolves. Even with 30 days. He does reach over with one hand though, briefly resting it on his sister's shoulder. A note that he is still here. His coffee does stay, of course, out of reach on his other hand.

That makes him consider for a moment. Use his sister as bait? Harsh, but could be a way. Those thoughts probably do cross on his eyes while he measures her, considering possibilities. "We can use that in our favor." he says, "Create a trap for her. But I still need to figure out how ready you are for this next step."

Thea Queen has posed:
Don't think the younger sibling wouldn't try, Ollie! And, it'd be a show as to whether or not they could keep from spilling a single drop in what could turn into mortal combat!

Still, when talking about Slade, Thea does have a touch of disappointment lingering, which is probably why she's been haunting the house for a little while. She shrugs, and looks at her brother, a flickering smile in response to his words. He understands, sure.. but she's handling it better than in the past. One thing she's learned, then... don't show it. Don't act on it. Don't let it cloud judgement.

Thea is a different young woman, certainly.

Reaching up to lay her hand on his, she nods in the sentiment before she catches that he's reading her thoughts, as it were.

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying," is answered to the unspoken thought before she elaborates further. "We can. Whether we throw a party where she's bound to attend, or something. If she really wants to take away your support, go for someone who looks helpless. That way, she thinks she's forcing your hand."

Blue eyes look into her brother's, holding them briefly before she nods, "I can do this, Ollie."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Eventually that hand leaves Thea's shoulder, coming to wrap about his waist, supporting his other elbow and arm that still holds the mug. He appears to be considering the possibilities, how to go along with it. "How far are we to getting the club going?" he asks, fingertip tapping on the side of his mug, "Because I do not think she'd resist messing with the start of the party, would she?" a thought to consider though he frowns somewhat. It doesn't particularly feel right.

His eyes eventually find their focus again and he looks back at Thea. "I know you can." he doesn't doubt it. One way or another he knew she'd do what she can to have it happen. Doesn't mean he won't still worry or feel protective.

"Or perhaps something smaller in scale. A small gathering at the mansion for the high and mighty? It could have her bite in too." the way he asks it seems he is looking for her opinion on what the best option might be.

Thea Queen has posed:

Still, from the tenor of the word, it doesn't sound soon enough for Thea's taste. "I'm looking at a New Year's opening. That'll be our kickoff, I think." And, that'll be Thea's biggest test, truthfully. A recovering alcoholic opening a nightclub on New Year's Eve. Glutton for punishment! Still, if she can survive that one, she's got a will of iron.

Then again? She's a Queen.

"I'm not sure I want Mother involved. If it's at the house, she may not take the bite of me. But, we could use the club anyway. Put some ads in the paper about the opening, and she'll stake out the place. Particularly if my name is all over it." Again, little bit of research would mean she could be an 'easy target'. Ne'er do well little sister.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"That might just be enough." Ollie says in agreement. "Not too obvious, letting her do her own research and come to it on her own while we provide the breadcrumbs." he grins, perhaps a bit deviously. Yes, the plan should work well. "Let's begin with that, get some ads going at the papers about your club opening soon and we will go from there. It will also mean not being caught unaware." a pause, Oliver looking at Thea more closely again. "Should I put one of us watching you?" He asks. "Roy? But he is back at Happy Harbor now. Could be Diggle." he then suggests.

He finishes with his coffee, leaving the empty mug down on the table and folding his arms together and chinjerking towards the training room.

"Now get your rear out of that chair and show me what you got." He doesn't seem to care whether she has trained already or not. It was time to show the big brother some new moves! Or maybe learn a few new ones too. He starts to make his way over to the training area, eyes on the weapons. Escrima sticks would do.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea nods as she puts her water down, "Exactly. If she does the tracking, it'll seem less like a trap if that happens." There's a cant to her head, and her own smile echoes his own in its deviousness. There's a moment when she considers before shaking her head, and while she knows it's dumb, they both know that she's probably right.

"I think she'd know if someone was watching. She'll check all the approaches. Just, before we do it, we lay little traps down on the less obvious spots she may take to watch. I'll start heading to the club daily now, set up a pattern. Then, we release the ads, just to sweeten the pot." Thea has been working with Slade!

Rising from her seat, there's a sisterly smirk on her face, and she feisty-postures at Ollie as she gets up and follows him to the mats and the weapons of choice. She'll have a couple of sticks too, thankyouverymuch. "Full contact, first touch," she calls as she first appears to look at them in hand, weighing them as if she's unfamiliar with them. It's a ploy, however, and in the next second, Thea's in for the attack, and knowing her brother? It's an attack that may lead to a defense...



It's as if the siblings hadn't ever truly been parted. Now, it's time to get (back) to work.