4499/Dinner, Take Two

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Dinner, Take Two
Date of Scene: 26 December 2020
Location: The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Jacqueline and Hank enjoy an uninterrupted dinner out.
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Jacqueline Falsworth

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym enters the Strait Lace and looks around. He's been here and the club upstairs as well. He preferred the dinners here of the two. He had quite a few dinners here with Janet. Regardless he plans to enjoy himself here tonight and part of the reason is there is no Janet. The other is he hasn't ad a good steak n ages. As he's arrived first he takes a seat at the bar.

The bartender is prepping lemon and lime wedges and doesn't notice him so he calls, "May I please have a ginger ale?"

The bartender jumps, a little startled and says, "Dr. Hank?" before turning around to confirm. He hurries to shake Hank's hand. "So good to see you sir! How are you?"

"Wallace, I thought you'd be retired." The two make a little small talk while the soft drink is produced. Hank relaxes visibly.

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
Jacqueline enters some few minutes after Hank. She's not late, one might note. But neither is she particularly early. Given the more upscale nature of the place, she is garbed in designer wear -- wide-legged, high-wasted trousers in a dark, rich green, a golden blouse, and complimentary jacket. Her makeup is tasteful, her jewellry understated, and her hair done up in a simple French roll. She leaves her overcoat with the coat check and enters carrying only a small clutch large enough to hold keys, a cellphone, and perhaps a compact or lipstick.

She pauses not far inside, sharp eyes scanning the dim interior as the maitre'd steps forward to address her. "May I help you, madame?"

She smiles courteously to him. "I believe I have a reservation. Two for Falsworth?"

He scans his list. "Ah, yes. Lady Falsworth. Please. Right this way. I'm afraid I haven't yet encountered the rest of your party."

"That's fine," the woman replies easily. "I'm sure he'll be here shortly."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym was pretty sure he had stated his party... wait, did he? He chances to spot Lady Jacqueline as she enters, keeping an eye out in anticipation, perhaps? He says hs good-byes to the mixologist. and gets up, drink in hand to plot an intercept.

The scientist eschewed his usual blacks and reds and is wearing a conservatively cut brown suit with a green shirt, open at the collar. He obviously had been to the barbershop recently, not a hair out of place, face clean shaven.

"Hello, Lady Falsworth, I'm here! I just was waiting at the bar." He lifts his drink as if in proof.

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
Jacqueline glances over to Hank as he makes his presence known. "Ah. Dr. Pym," she smiles, returning his more formal greeting. "Just in time, then." She turns her smile on the maitre'd, who gestures for them to follow him. In short order, they find themselves ensconced in a comfortable booth, away from both the main flow of traffic and any windows that might provide an unfortunate sightline for vengeful rogues.

As she sits, Jacqueline gives Hank a more relaxed smile. "I trust you had a good Christmas?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym draws a blank for a moment. Then 'ohs'. "It was fine. A little quiet. I met an old associate at a museum and we had coffee. Caught up, you know. I'm not a big one for celebrating the holidays. How was your holiday, did you do anything special, a show or opera, or did you stay in?" Hank too relaxes as he talks. One hand fiddles with the intricate silver bracelet he wears.

"Thank you for a second chance, by the way. I'm sorry the Whirlwind showed up. Now I am not accepting responsibilty for any of your grandmothers enemies popping up in wheelchairs and iron lungs. But, I'm better prepared tonight."

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
Jacqueline chuckles dryly at that commentary. "Yes, well, I doubt we've anything to fear from my grandmother's traditional foes." Mainly because they're mostly vampires. And mostly in Europe. Oh. And she can sense them closing in a mile off.

"I spent a very quiet day," she confesses. "I haven't any family of my own any more and what friends I do have are generally back in London. So." That answers that.

She glances up as a server comes along to introduce herself and take their drink orders. The English woman orders a gin ricky of all things and then returns her attention to Hank. "But, tell me, how are you better prepared, tonight?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym orders another ginger ale and spreads his hands to say, "I've been working very hard on my attitude and general health with good results. I'm. more optimistic and it is a scientificaley proven fact, optimistic people are more alert. For another thing... I have enough miniaturized gear on me to sink a battleship. And finaley, when a lovely, courageous lady like yourself decides to give me another chance, I will send Dr. Doom himself packing if he shows up to cause trouble."

As he speaks Hank makes a major commitment (for him anyway) and puts his hand over hers lightly, hoping her hand stays put.

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
Yeah, this is... what? The third time the pair have met? And only the second in a less businesslike environment. Jacqueline looks at his hand for a moment, lets it rest there for a heartbeat or two, and then slides her hand gently out from beneath it and pats the back of his fingers lightly before she pulls her hand back. Call her old-fashioned, but she's still in the let's-become-friends-first stage of getting acquainted.

Nevertheless, she gives him a warm enough smiles. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I rather expect Dr. Doom has a Hellfire Club membership. Thus, I'm sure they'd frown on such behaviour from both of you." She's really hoping they don't repeat the scene from the bistro.

"I get the impression such occurrences are commonplace for you..."

Hank Pym has posed:
He definitely had the impression Lady Jacqueline was old fashioned, rather reserved so he doesn't raise an eyebrow as the hand is withdrawn. In fact the finger pats seem to be a bit encouraging even as she tells him politely to slow his roll.

Truth be told, his roll is not at all fast. Maria and Janet both had to light a fire under him. More than once he was accused of being as romantic as an insurance convention. "Being attacked, not as common as all that. Not since our early days as a team. Having a nice dinner out with good company is sort of rare for me. I usually do my own food and eat in. I just took a course in preparing sushi and my friends enjoyed it. Then too, cooking my own food wastes less time when I'm doing work. Other than lab work, I mostly explore the Microverse or watch old movies. I'm a fan of Audrey Hepburn." Yes he definitely had a type at least till the divorce.

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
"I've always preferred Katherine," Jacqueline replies, smiling as she does. "She's far more of a spitfire. But Audrey certainly has her charm." Yes, she apparently is quite familiar with old movies, herself. Not that she'll speak to when or how she first watched them.

The server returns with her cocktail and the gentleman's second gingerale. He also provides ice water to the pair and offers to return in several minutes to take their order.

Thus, Jacqueline opens her menu to peruse the options. She selects one she prefers and lays the menu down without much further thought

"What did you do to attract Whirlwind's ire, do you think?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks at the menu and apparently decides very quickly, shutting it to answer. "I stopped several of his one man crime waves. He escalated to trying to kill the Wasp and myself. It's a long running rivalry I guess. Sometimes a superhuman just gets fixated on you and almost becomes a stalker. Like the Captain and the Skull of Iron Man and the Mandarin. In my case... I wish he'd leave me alone but the authorities would frown on my making his knees bend the other way. I'd get a talking to at the very least."

"Katherine... Hepburn? I liked her with Spencer Tracy. Modern movies just lack something. Broadway is even a mixed bag these days. Everything is so commercialized, with franchising these days." Then he hits on a thought that plainly amuses him and leans a little closer to ask, "What's your favorite movie? Fast now!"

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
Jacqueline nods to Hank's opinion on superhuman fixations. There might be a hint of understanding in her eyes. She is, after all, familiar with the phenomenon -- though it's been quite some time since she's had to deal with Baron or Baronness Blood (depending on the day) or their Blood Cult. She won't risk mentioning it for fear of jinxing her peaceful streak. "At the very least," she concurs.

"Hepburn and Tracy were made for each other on screen," she says, as the subject changes. "I grow weary of the constant Disnification of Broadway, I have to admit. But I would be lying if I said I haven't enjoyed at least some of the more popular ouvres of the last twenty years or so." She looks 30, and her dossier suggests she's kissing 40. "But I am fonder of Rogers and Hammerstein era than current trends."

She arches a brow at his request to know her favourite movie. "It depends on the genre," she says after a moment. "His Girl Friday -- Carey Grant and Rosalind Russell -- always amuses me. But Hepburn and Bogart's African Queen, or Hepburn, Grant, and Stewart in Philadelphia Story are usually top of my list. At least for the era."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym taps his fingers on the table a moment before saying, "Breakfast at Tiffany's... the story of redemption hits me where I live, obviously. But then, when I want to be silly, it's Curtis and Lemmon: The Great Race. Tony Curtis was every bit the hero, fearless, always n control and flawlessly groomed. Jack Lemmon's Professor Fate would make me cry as a boy, I'd laugh so hard. Then my dad got angry and smashed the VCR tape."

Then the server pops up for their orders and Hank indicates the filet mignon for himself, looking a little relieved.

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
Jacqueline's brow rises faintly at the mention of Hank's father. But she pays attention to the server for a moment instead, ordering a rib eye, medium well. Once the server has retreated, she considers whether or not to redirect the conversation.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she says after a moment. "That seems a wee bit of an overreaction, I must admit."

She picks up her cocktail and enjoys a small sip. "I will confess a certain weakness for the redemption story in Casablanca, instead. Rick's transformation is one of my favourites." Even if he doesn't end up with the girl.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym gasps as a little ginger goes the wrong way, "Oh my dad? He was and as far as I know still is a jerk. Casablanca? My gosh yes, and the banter of that movie. 'The Usual Suspects' which became the title of a fantastic crime film. I'm past that. As to heroes getting the girl, the only one I could name offhand is Reed Richards," oh another mental snag and he concentrates on his drink.

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
Jacqueline cants her head as Hank speaks. It takes her a moment or two to sort out the connections he's making as the words come out. "I've known others who've gotten the girl, so to speak," she says with a mild shrug eventually. "Albeit most of them are British." And dead. So, that probably doesn't count.

She takes another sip of her drink, waiting patiently for the steak. "What are your plans after New Year's?" she asks presently, deciding a topic change may indeed be in order. "God knows, I'm going to be swamped with work. We've got some new production lines coming online and there's the Stark Expo, as well."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym hmmms. "Well I'm doing a sort of retreat. I've worked hard on myself and it occurred to me working on my life while it is going on is sort of like working on a jet aircraft. So I am stepping back and considering just what I want to do with myself regarding, family, work, the Avengers. I'm an Avenger, a Scientist, a dad, aaaaaand I have no idea who Hank is. The fact is, apart from becoming Ant-Man, I've done what others expected of me my whole life. I can really do anything I want. I'll possibly attend Tony's show though. I'm sure Janet will be showing off Pym-Tech and my daughter."

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
"Reinventing one's self can be a challenge," Jacqueline says, watching the man across the table. "Knowing one's self even more so, in this busy world. Where will you retreat?"

It's not so much longer before the steaks are brought out and the pair can begin to eat while they speak. At least, it gives them something to do with their hands.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym smiles. He almost doesn't answer but then says, "The Microverse. No electronics besides recording devices and my armor. There is time dilation there and I can spend months there and perhaps a week will pass here. Just in case I'm needed by my team mates. But they're used to not hearing from me for a week or two. I'll be alone but hopefully I will be good company. Hopefully I can put things behind me or have the courage to walk away. Oh this is good steak." Hank tries to keep his tone level and as if he were speaking of buying a tie or watch.

"When I get back, if I get back in time, I'd be glad to help you with any technical matters you may have. I'm pretty well rounded," he finally ventures.

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
"Ah," Jacqueline begins to understand, some. "That's convenient for you, then. When I want to get away, I usually have to clear it with my assistant." Who, much like Pepper for Tony, will then clear it with everyone else. It's either that or... well, there are those times when something wicked this way comes and she disappears per force of dealing with that. But that hardly needs mentioning.

"If I need the help, I'll certainly leave you a message. Though, really, I am leaving much of the technical work to my staff. My sole purpose at the Expo will be to gladhand potential business partners and the occasional rival. I will be the pretty face, I suppose." More like the iron hand in the velvet glove, but propreity must be observed.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym smirks a bit. "Jacqueline, you are far more than a pretty face. You're a superheroine... Proper Lady! You can always follow rules of decorum, in evacuating a bistro even, and you make a gentleman of me. I hope you'll consider me a friend. Perhaps I can even... what's the word? Pay court to you? -if the friendship goes well. I admire the way you pace yourself. Life moves too quickly today and much of it goes to waste. Sometimes I feel like I should have been born earlier."

Jacqueline Falsworth has posed:
"I've had more practice than you can imagine," Jacqueline says with regard to his praise, an amused smile on her lips. "That makes it easier."

Her brow arches faintly, however, and she takes a sip of her gin ricky as he speaks about paying court. "Mm," she says, swallowing briefly. "I am happy to count you a friend, Hank. Let's reserve anything else until we are first comfortable with that. I have lost too many lovers in my life to rush headlong into any relationship presently. But, friendship is always welcome."

Indeed, the Lady can be bold and impetuous when she wants to be. As quick and fiery as her alterego's name suggests. But not when it comes to matters of the heart.

Then, she moves glacially.

She redirects the conversation skillfully after that, inquiring more about his work in the microverse, getting him talking about himself as if it were the easiest thing in the world. But, then, she's had lifetimes to perfect it. Always keeping the attention off herself. He may not even realize it until the night is over and she bids him good night with a sparkle in her eye and casual nod of her head.

Of course, by then, it's too late... but at least they've both had fun.