6412/The Framework: Goodbye and Hello

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The Framework: Goodbye and Hello
Date of Scene: 01 June 2021
Location: The Framework: The Carter-Sousa Household
Synopsis: The Framework: Melinda and Peggy start to talk after the visit from HYDRA, but soon they have another surprise guest -- Sharon Carter. The woman is given warm greetings before she too starts talking nonsense about the world not being real. Heartbreak goes all around. The clock is ticking.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter

Melinda May has posed:
The townhouse has always been a haven, a cozy home and retreat from the stress of the outside world. No longer. As the thrum of Quinjet Prime's engines fade, the atmosphere in the house is almost oppressive. Little Lily's muffled sobbs and Michaels infantile fussing breaks the silence. The ticking of the clock in the kitchen is loud, like an executioner's drum counting down the footsteps to the gallows.

May stands as still and impassive as she has almost since the encounter with the Doctor and his newest pet began. Somehow, she can still feel both Morse and the Doctor, in the back of her mind -- Morse's taunting pleasure, the Doctor's dark, hidden anger. But overwhelming it all is Peggy's fear and anger, mingling with her own.

She should move. She knows this. She should go to the door. She should leave and lock it behind her. But the overwhelming thought in her mind is that she *must* speak again with Daniel Sousa.

Slowly, as if in a fog, she reaches into an inner pocket of her jacket and pulls out the burner she has been using to communicate with Peggy and Dottie. Her thumbs move mechanically over the screen. She texts Underwood: <<They know. Go to ground. Burn this.>>

It's quite literally the least she can do for the SHIELD double agent.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's not even minutes after the HYDRA jet took off from the road outside the little cul du sac where the Carter-Sousa townhouse dwells. The screaming from the childrens' room is nearly untenable. Peggy looks back at May, reaching a hand immediately for the back of the woman's hand. "I... understand now. Thank you." It might be the strangest reaction the woman ever expected from Peggy, and none of that anger she was feeling is any longer directed at May. She's had time to process and calm from that. The fear is still there, especially for her children, but not the anger.

"I need to get them. Stay... stay here. We can't get him... Yet, but," Peggy winces a bit more as the wailing from that bedroom grows. She then dashes down the hallway, opening the door to her childrens' bedroom with a waterfall of gentle hushes and reassurances. May, if she's listening, might catch scraps of Peggy's voice as she mutters to Lily, "No, no, love. He's not gone. That's why they think May did. She hid him. She helped him for us. She lied... he's not gone, it's fine, my darling." She whispers over and over as she scoops up the infant. A few moments later, the whole family is coming back out. Lily is staring up at her Aunt with wide, slightly still untrusting eyes.

Sharon Carter has posed:
Having acquired the address from Jemma, Sharon was already heading towards the residence. She was still riding that bike; a ten speed sleek black thing that allows her to hunch forward when she's peddaling. Helmet on, the photostaic veil still in place. There was no telling what this worlds' Sharon had gotten into, and she really didn't want to waste time finding out. It was funny. After their meeting, she googled Daisy. But she didn't bother looking for herself.

That fatalistic thought in her mind has her gunning for the Carter-Sousa home; fingers white knuckling the handle bars, weaving through traffic and alleyways until she stops at the loud sound that she could hear. A HYDRA jet? It was not odd, Jemma did make mention of May and Peggy together at the school. And in search of Melly..

Instead of continuing on her bike, it was discarded against a row of public garbage cans. Helmet stripped off and tossed behind her recklessly, apparently, if she wanted, she could get a new one.

Hands were tucked into her bomber jacket; the freckled face plan Jane that did NOT look like Sharon at all approaches the house proper. There was no hesitation, not like the first time she knocked on the door of a Carter-Sousa home. No. For her hand reaches up to smack against her face, ripping away the veil to shove within her pocket, all the while knocking a little too hard upon the surface.

Melinda May has posed:
To say that Peggy has managed to completely confuse May is, as understatements go, an instant classic. She's actually flummoxed for a moment or two, until her brain finally catches up to what Peggy is saying. She opens her mouth, but then snaps it closed. It is *not* in her best interest, right now, to dissuade Peggy from that illusion. She knows she's twice damned by not admitting it...

Thrice damned, really, since she *wants* Lily to believe her mother's lies.

Then a knock is sounding at the door, and her head snaps around to it. She pulls her weapon out without even thinking about it. "Take her back to the nursery," she tells Peggy. "I'll see who's there."

She moves swiftly down the stairs and looks through the peep hole. It takes her a moment to register Sharon's face. But... when she does, she lowers her gun down by her side. Her finger remains alongside the barrel, rather than over the trigger, and she presses it against her thigh. She pulls the door open, twisting her body so the weapon isn't visible from the street. "Sharon," she greets evenly. "Come on in." Sharon is family for Peggy. It's Memorial Day. May won't turn her away. She just thinks her timing sucks.

When Sharon has passed her in the house, she closes and locks the door, easing her weapon back into its holster. "I think Peggy's in Lily's room..." Unless Peggy refused to go. In which case... well, that's Peggy.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The house is incredibly different from the Long Island one, however. This is in a suburb of Washington DC and a tall, somewhat skinny townhouse on a corner of a row of houses. Having the corner lot, they've got a bit more yard where in a plastic swing set and slide rest, as well as a few other discarded children's toys. The second floor seems the living area and there is a sliding door with a balcony on which a grill has been going. The scent of freshly cooked meat is still carried on the air. Things look oddly idyllic for a HYDRA jet having just disappeared.

Peggy isn't much of a jumpy woman, but she practically jumps out of her skin as ANOTHER knock comes at the doors. It means she doesn't really protest when May tells her to take the children back to their room, though she's still bobbing with the quite fussy Michael. Not until she hears the news of who it is does she breathe a bit easier and step back down the hall.

"No, no...I'm here. Dinner is still up. *Someone* in this bloody house should eat." Peggy states with the exasperated tone of a woman who is at her wits end. But she's got a sniffly, hiccupy three year old little girl holding one hand, the child staring over the stairs to see who else it is. And against her other shoulder, crying into a spit up cloth, is a baby who looks barely a few months old. Peggy herself is soft, all round, warm curves of a woman who has had three children and not been in the line of duty for years now. It looks good on her, somehow. But her face is drawn, tired. She manages a smile as she sees Sharon. "I'd come for a hug but..." Arms full of children.

Or they were. Little Lily realizes who it is and then is launching herself down the hardwood floor to tackle at Sharon's legs, "Cuz Sharon, Cuz Sharon, they said Aunt Mel did it but she didn't and we're going to find Melly!"

Sharon Carter has posed:
The look upon Sharon's face is grave, thankfully she was staring at her feet for those few seconds and then lifts her head to put on a neutral face. Her head twists left and right, quickly surveying the community taking note on if anyone was watching. And then the door.

There wasn't a hint of shock that plays upon her face, only a grand smile and a lift of her hand to wave. "Hey Melina." Casual. All smiles. Even though this version of Melinda she wanted to yell and scream at. Try keeping your butt cool when you're faced with -this-!

As May steps aside, Sharon walks in, both arms now at her side, hands visible and lax. There was a slow turn towards May now, her jaw clenched and ready to speak but.. the sound of Peggy and the children causes her features to calm. "I really didn't come here to see her.." Sharon confesses.. or lies..

And as she turns towards Peggy, the smile was brilliant as ever! Her arms were already out, not for a hug but to reach for Michael.. her.. father.. "I came to see my cousinssss!" Sharon squees out, creating that high pitch to stave away the shakiness and.. what could be a cry as she reaches out for her dad. The baby. Who would have been her dad.. who isn't..


Before she could even get her hands on the little babe, Lily has already stolen her. Sharon stumbles back and reaches down, hooking her hands beneath the armpits of the girl to hoist her high into the air, and back down again to her hip. "Aunt Mel did what now?" She says to Lily, then turns towards Melinda. If looks could cause guilt, there it would be. Hopefully Lily could follow suit. "And where -is- Melly? Is she playing hide and go seek? Huh?" Fingers now tickle Lily's side, hoping to get out a laugh. Sharon already knew that Little Melinda was missing, she just wanted to see how much she was trusted.

Melinda May has posed:
May's brows dip faintly as Sharon shoots her that look. Though she can't see it in the young blonde's body language, she's sensing a hostile subtext, however. She just doesn't know why. It's simply one more confusing thing on top of another.

In response, she turns casually away and moves toward the balcony. "The meat must be leather by now," she says dryly, picking up a plate in the kitchen so she can collect the burnt sacrifices and bring it inside.

She doesn't hurry, however. The fresh air gives her a false sense of distance, but it helps.

Peggy Carter has posed:
There's something off about Sharon, but maybe Peggy's always a bit too paranoid now. Especially after tonight. Her head tilts a bit to the side, tired smile coming across her pale features as she stands at the top of the stairs and keeps rocking Michael a little more since Lily's going in for the tackle. It feels good just to see her little girl happily excited about something again. "Sharon, it's... very good to see you. Things are a little complicated right now." Peggy tries to explain gently.

But Lily clearly trusts the woman. She smiles, "The bad people said Aunt Mel killed daddy, but it's a *lie*." She holds one hand up, pointer finger making a big SHH motion. "Daddy's in the basement." Peggy rolls her eyes to the ceiling and gives a little groan. This is why she's not a spy any more. She gives a deep sigh, her now free hand running down her face.

Dark eyes follow after May, looking overtop the backs of her knuckles, "Something has to be saveable. Lily at least needs a hot dog. We should all eat *something*, for Chrissake." Peggy groans. "And if anything's salvagble, I'll bring it ... downstairs." She's yet to acknowledge they might be hiding someone in the basement, but Lily has somewhat spilled the secret.

Sharon Carter has posed:
It was a good thing that Sharon didn't know that Melinda was an empath, inside and out, for Sharon would have been pushing bogus emotions to disorient and wake up May from this nightmare if it were all possible. And then it would cause an effect of everyone waking up, and this mess over with. Though, another feeling that May would be able to feel was dread. She didn't tell Jemma or Daisy; but her mention of paranoia was that abject terror of something about to happen but when?

Sharon watches May move onto the balcony, then turns to look up towards Peggy. And then she smiles. "It's no worry. I do need to speak with you, though. In private." Her words may not have been heard, for Lily is spilling the beans, and a sudden wash of relief mixes along her face. Though, remember Sharon.. remember.. she tells herself. This isn't -real-.

Sharon does have to laugh, giving Lily a hug for that revelation, bending forward so that she could put the girl upon her two feet. "Well, Lily. I'll have you know that Melinda really likes you, your mom and gran- your dad. She could never hurt them." She nods emphatically, then releases the hold upon the girl. "Maybe, you should go and give Melinda a hug and help her with the food, could you do that?"

Whether Lily runs off or not, Sharon was standing, her expression now blank. Her hands return behind her back, she had nothing, but it was a stance that she's adopted from her father when he was going to go on a right lecture. Logical man that he was. "Can we sit? I can hold ..him for a bit while we talk." A little smile, a sad one.. but it was there.

Melinda May has posed:
"I'll see what I can do," May calls back into Peggy, when she's instructed to try to salvage what she can. Fortunately, she is, in fact, able to salvage a few pieces. Of course, those who like grill char on their bbq meat will have a feast.

She manages to pile most of it up on the plate and turns the grill off, leaving the lid down to retain the heat in case they decide they really need something more later.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The little girl really is hungry for her hot dog. So, after that little revalation, Lily nods eagerly towards Sharon in agreement about how Melinda feels about them, "I can carry plates. Both hands. Walk careful. Melly taught me." She really does look the spitting image of Daniel and Peggy. She's got Daniel's slightly lighter eyes and nose, but Peggy's jawline and both of their dark, slightly waving textured hair. She eagerly scampers out towards Melinda as the woman pulls food off the grill, both her palms up and out. "I can carry. Cousin Sharon said to help." It seems the little girl really has all trust back for Melinda. Kids are good at rebounds like that.

Peggy's watching Sharon, still not quite able to put her finger on the strangeness she's getting from her niece, but she's glad to see her. At the offer to take Michael, she gives a small smile and carefully starts picking him up, "He's fussy with all of this, you better take the cloth too..." She passes off the spit up cloth, carefully arranging it on Sharon's shoulder as the soft, warm weight of that baby sinks into her arms. A full head of dark hair already.

"Alright. Sit. What's going on? I know HYDRA... I know they are onto us. I know they took Melly and put her in some... Reeducation center. We're trying to get her out and running. If that's what you came to tell us, I... I know, already. But I can't leave her behind either. You know?" Peggy is clearly, completely wrapped up in this place.

Sharon Carter has posed:
Maybe they were out there recording this right now. The agents on the other side would catch the mystified look as she glances towards May, because she just realizes what she's now doing.


It was nearly as fantastical as Daisy being Mightnight Blue Skye.

Sharon lets out a 'huh' in a half of a laugh, her attention now falling towards Peggy as she fits a cloth upon her shoulder, Sharon adjusting it a little bit more to cover the line between her jacket and neck to prevent what could be spit-up from reaching her skin. No one likes being milky.

And now.. the baby. The weight touches her arms as she instinctively begins to bounce-rock, her body swaying from left to right, knees at a bend.. her face nearly beet red as she looks down towards the baby..

She could barely remember how her dad looked when she was younger, she always felt that his hair had always been that light, far away from the dark hair that it was now. "H..hey.." She manages to get out, her bottom lip trembling as she slowly bounces and walks her way to a seat.

As Peggy confesses what she knows, Sharon creates a slight 'gah' sound, her eyes looking up towards the ceiling, her free hand reaching for the cloth that was upon her shoulder that wipes away at her face. Oddly enough, back at the lab, Sharon had thought to 'save' Melly from whatever clutches there were to use the kid as leverage. She wasn't real, right?

But there she was, holding her own -father- in her arms, and she was in near tears.

"Oh no no, I didn't come to talk about that, I know you'll get her back. I wanted to talk about something else. Well, you and Daniel, at least."

Melinda May has posed:
May gives Lily a smile that's broader than anything Sharon will ever have seen on the STRIKE Commander's face. And one that's meant just for that little girl. "Do you want to carry the hot dogs?" she asks her, ladening only a few on that single plate. A few, yes, but enough that it doesn't look like an empty plate. "Here you go, pretty girl," she says softly, setting the plate into Lily's hands.

It doesn't show on her face, but her heart is in her throat. The swirl of emotions splashing within her is requiring a great deal of concentration to keep at bay. She compensates by running through sequences in her head -- a checklist of next steps.

HYDRA will expect them to run. Bolt for the border and not look back. That means staying put may be the smarter move. She can't abandon the search for Melly, though. It's just going to become a whole lot tougher, instead.

She's going to want the rage staff, before this is over. It gives her super strength and endurance, not to mention a way to channel all these damned emotions threatening to kill her. She'll need that, a good vehicle of some sort -- preferable with wings. Or submersible. Isn't that how Daniel was going to get those damned Inhumans out at the docks? No. That was just how Achilles caught them.

Still, by sea, Achilles is the most likely one they'll send after her. It may work. She doesn't have his experience on the sea, however. That means it needs to be a short trip to another mode of transportation.

For the first time in a long time, May actually wishes she still had contact with SHIELD. But... Maybe Daniel, despite his insanity, will be able to help. She can't risk contacting Underwood again. Though, unless she misses her guess, it's possible Underwood will contact her.

It's also possible Underwood will cut her losses and run. Though not likely without Peggy.

Maybe that's the solution, then... Leave it to Underwood. Daniel is, after all, alive. That... absolves Melinda, doesn't it? Means she doesn't have to keep that promise to him? Because now he can do it... The idea of cutting her losses and running is appealing.

It also goes entirely against who she realy is inside. Like it or not, she'll always be the Cavalry.

All those thoughts. Hardly a heartbeat or two passes. She lays a hand gently on Lily's head, picking up the plate of half-burnt burgers. "Walk careful, pretty girl. Let's go to the kitchen."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Free of Michael's weight in her arms, Peggy watches Sharon with the the infant and her smile softens just a little bit, "I know you haven't seen him since right after he was born. He's getting so big. Picking his head up and everything. Almost rolling over. We'll be in trouble with two of them moving around the house." There is a strain behind Peggy's voice as she says that, a fear that Sharon's barely ever heard from her before. She's scared she's not going to SEE the day he rolls over. Or her children running together. Dark eyes look up to her and the terror is quietly evident, though Peg doesn't dare show her children.

"Daniel's downstairs, but HYDRA still thinks he's dead and I'm terrified they will even get a view of him in the window. Whatever you can tell him, you can tell me too. What's going on?" She looks up, nodding for Melinda to come back in as she and Lily toddle back into the room with food, "And I don't think he'd have gotten out alive if it wasn't for Melinda. So... talk to us. The only people I trust in this world are in this house right now. Tell us what is going on."

Lily looks back to Melinda, making certain she's carrying the plate good, though she plops it a bit hard on the table. She's automatically reaching for a hot dog with a little fist, more worried about food than listening right now.

Sharon Carter has posed:
God, Peggy was deep into it. There was a look on her grandmothers face that she had never seen before. In all of the pictures and the burst of clips that were shown around SHIELD; there was always that slight smile that could be a smirk, and a stone look of determination.

In this case, it would be to never meet your heroes, because you'll love them, and seeing them as not what they are in the Framework would break your heart..

"Listen, I wish I could get involved but I can't. I don't even know what I'm doing here let alone.." She gestures around. And now her lips purse tightly.

She shuffles a bit where she sits, fixing Michael so that he's resting upon the towel, one hand upon his back and the other gently patting his butt. In one of her legends, she was a nanny for a few months, so this was natural. "You may not think that what I'm going to say isn't important, but it is. It -really- is."

Sharon had to shut down just to say what she was going to say, her chin lifting, neck extending to try to pop it. "I love you, Nona." She starts. "I love Daniel too. You tell him this. I spent -so- many years away from SHIELD because I wanted to be just like you, but not you. I wanted to be better. I wanted to be something that the famous Daniel Sousa and Margaret Carter to be proud of. And I wanted my father to see how much I loved you and how much just hearing about you made.. you me."

She glances over towards Melinda, who could probably attest to her dedication.

"I spent so many years hiding behind fake names, not making connections, killing whatever emotions that I had inside of me to get the job done that.. that you, Daniel, mom and dad are the only ones I've ever said I love you to, and mean it."

"I had every intention of coming here today to do away with myself in front of you both in hopes that you and May wake up and see me. Not me, here on this couch. But the real me. Someone to see.." She pauses in order to swallow, and refocus her efforts in bouncing Michael to make sure that he's soothed. He was her dad after all. Maybe.

"This life.." Sharon says then sighs, rising from her seat. She doesn't hand off the baby right away, but she does pull him away from her shoulder to get a good look at him. "..this isn't it." There was no booping snoots, but she does lean in to brush her nose against hers, creating that rocking from side to side again. And then she returns him to her grandmother. "Here.."

Melinda May has posed:
What the hell?

May's not entirely certain what she's walked in on. But as Lily reaches for a hot dog, Melinda scoops up a bun and helps the child put it inside. "Ketchup," she tells her. "Let me get the ketchup."

Oh, she's listening to Sharon. And as she squirts ketchup on to Lily's bun, her brows knit faintly at the weird subtext she's feeling. "Go sit at the table," she tells Lily quietly. "We'll be there soon. I'll bring you some juice."

She straightens once the toddler is sent off, turning as Sharon glances her way. Her expression is serious, now. Serious and sharp.

Truthfully? She's confused. Sharon's words don't make any sense. And as a cry for help -- suicidal ideation is the last thing she ever expected to hear from the woman.

"Yeah, life sucks right now," she agrees. "But let's not be hasty. There are *kids* in this house..." Sharon doing away with herself in front of the kids would be unforgivable, as far as Melinda is concerned. She extends a hand. "You want to give me your weapon?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
The first hint that something is off is when Sharon calls her Nona. That's not a word between them. Auntie, Aunt, but Nona is something different and she blinks in quiet perplexment about where that comes from. But the rest of the words make some sense, even as her face flickers in pain at the memories of SHIELD. Of the things they've lost. She shakes her head quietly, "Sharon. No. You can't talk about SHIELD that way. It's dead and gone. You need to stay away from it, stay in the CIA. SHIELD is why they tried to kill Daniel." Peggy's voice drops as she says that, May getting a thankful look as the woman directs Lily a far enough away that she's out of earshot of the conversation.

Then the words get darker. Peggy's heart tightens in her throat as Sharon mentions killing herself. She doesn't immediately take back Michael, not entirely certain that the baby is the only thing keeping Sharon alive, but she's ready to reach out and catch him any moment, just in case. She eventually does gingerly take the warm, now mostly asleep weight of her son back into her arms. "Sharon. I don't... entirely know what you're talking about. This life is miserable right now, and I'm scared, and tired, and want nothing more than to get these children to safety. But we need you alive to do that. We need your help."

Sharon Carter has posed:
Once Michael was out of her hands, Sharon felt relieved. It was something to be said about carrying a small child, how it makes the arms burn because the elbow is fixed at that one point and denied mobility, this thought alone has Sharon shaking out her arms. And she breathes.


The answer to May wasn't sharp, but it carried a little bit of finality. Not fatalistic, of course, but as if she had never said what she said and this entire scenario did not happen. Because it isn't happening. Sharon had her moments of cruelty and they were quiet; she couldn't do this to these two. But she could tell them. That's how much she wanted them to wake up. She'd do it.

"I'm fine."

Hearing Peggy's pleas nearly makes her want to grab her grandmother by the shoulders to shake her. To scream, cry and howl at the moon. May could -almost- feel that flash of anger and desperation that rolls through Sharon but she tucks it back to not let it go too far. "Nona.. stop it." Sharon's teeth were gritted now. Her hand lifting to smack a fist into her palm. "This. Is. Not. Real."

Now she's reaching, both fingers pressed against her temples as she closes her eyes, lips pursing. She turns to glance towards the window, and back to Peggy and May. "I am helping you two. I am -trying-. And I thought of the most foul, horrible, disgusting way to -do- that but I cannot let you two think of me as some monster! But fine!" Sharon takes a step back now, then shakes out her hands. Hell, why did she even come here?!

Her head shakes as she strolls towards May, only taking that half a step aside to reach for two nearly burnt hotdogs, which were soon pointed towards the both of them. "I -hate- the CIA." She points out, wriggling her food in a fit of a tantrum. If she didn't sound crazy a few minutes ago, she does now. It was a good thing that she paced away from where Lily could see, perhaps subconsciously, for she was pitching a -right- fit. "I tried to be like you too, May. Just.. there. Not there there but be that one that people call as a last resort when they need to get shit -done-." She gnashes a bit of her hotdogs, nearly flinging bits upon the floor. "Maybe it worked, maybe you see a little bit of you in me because you made me your second in command, but.." She shakes her head, face wrinkling. "..-how- can I be that and I can't even wake you two up!?" She bites her hotdogs again, this time looking towards the two stumps, and then back towards the two women.

"You two are going to get an earful when I go to bed. You hear me? I don't even care how scary and angry you look.." Fingers were wriggling on her free hand, hotdogs flapping in the other. -AT- May. "Bllrughghghg!"

Melinda May has posed:
As Sharon strolls toward her, May pivots slightly. Both the other women in the room are savvy enough to recognize that May is automatically and instinctively providing Sharon with a narrower target by keeping her in partial profile. There's deep concern etched on her face now, though her dark eyes are shadowed and, perhaps now, there's a hint of all the anger and dread and outrage she's trying to channel away from herself. It doesn't show specifically as any one of those emotions. Rather it's this deep, closed wariness that, to be fair, is as much a result of the crazed words coming from the blonde's lips as any strange empathy she may be experiencing.

"You need to calm down, Carter," she says, sounding strangely more like her real world self than she has yet. Her eyes flick to those hot dogs the woman all but flings around. It's... a little obscene, really. "You're not making any sense, and your *Aunt* and I are having a very, *very* difficult day."

She glances briefly at Peggy and then squares her shoulders, for all that she's still pivotted in profile away from Sharon. She moves sidelong, reaching out to gently take Sharon by one shoulder and guide her to the far side of the room -- AWAY from where Lily is more likely to overhear. Her voice pitches low, but her consonants are crisp and clear, bespeaking a certain level of urgency that otherwise doesn't appear in her tone. "Are you aware of Dr. Leopold Fitz? The *Doctor*? You should be. You're CIA. You have more intel than the general public. You *should* know who he is. What he's capable of."

She pins Sharon with a direct look. "He has your cousin. And what he is doing to her right now should be done to *no* child. Ever. For *any* reason. Now, I don't know if they've gotten to you, just like they did Daniel, but the Doctor and Sky Commander Morse will have absolutely no compunction about killing anyone in this house. No matter who they are... or how old they are. Do you understand me? *That* is what your Aunt and I are dealing with, right now. They're going to kill us. They will kill you, if they hear this. For your own safety... you need to stop talking. Right now."

The fact she sounds so entirely calm is so entirely deceptive, it's almost funny -- in a literally hysterical, so very not funny sort of way.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's like Peggy is watching the woman fall into madness before her very eyes, and yet, the words sound somehow similiar to the strangeness that Daniel's been spouting. She stares in confusion, shaking her head very slowly. "They got to you too, didn't they. The same things Daniel started saying, after HYDRA supposedly killed him. They got to you. Please, Sharon, listen to Melinda." Peggy's voice is practically begging as she says that, stepping backwards, trying to lead the woman away from where her daughter is. But that's a risk. She's still holding Michael, after all. She only has one free hand.

"We are awake, Sharon. You work at the CIA. You are not May's second, she still works for HYDRA. In STRIKE. It's... complicated, but I still trust her. And Daniel is downstairs, saying the same nonsense you are. I think we... we should get you to him. SOmewhere you both can rest and relax before you get us all killed. Because Melinda is right. The Doctor and Sky Commander are done giving is chances. *Done*. We can't afford to slip up. So, just come downstairs with me, and we'll figure it out..."

Sharon Carter has posed:
"What's not making any sense is.. the -two- most strong willed, powerful women are trapped in this make believe world and.." She finishes off the hotdogs, her hands now dusting against each other even though there was nothing there. No grease, no debris, nothing. "..I just don't get it. But I suppose I do now.." She resigned herself to that fact. She was also banking on the fact that they wouldn't remember how she poured her heart out, confessed her motives, showed a little moment of weakness and even threw a temper tantrum.

She, in her own way, stood up to May and was risking life and limb, or her temples being smacked together just to wake them up. Nothing was working.

As May grips her, Sharon doesn't do much to resist, she follows along like an angry teenager being pulled aside so that she can be told that she was being wrong. But now it was time to get serious, no tantrums or any other words that refute anything that May was saying. She knows of the Doctor; there was mention of Jemma getting close to him. But now it was imperative for her to get back to her apartment to get down to the -real- search. "Why does he have her." Flat. It wasn't even a question. "How did he get her. What happened a year ago, do you remember?"

But she was quiet now once Peggy speaks; already stepping clear away from Melinda to create a little bit of distance. "Nona, I know who I am, no ones gotten to me, okay? But do you two know who you really are?" Her hand lifts to press against her lips, her gaze lowering. Her head was even nodding, and soon her hands were dropped down to her hips. "I don't want to see him." Her head shakes, and soon, she was pulling her veil out of her pocket. For some reason, she didn't want to put it on her face while Lily was nearby.

"I'm going to work." She couldn't even believe she was going to say what she was going to say, but.. they were so deep into this, did Sharon have a choice -but- to play along? "I'm going to -try- to get some supplies to you two, okay? That's the least I can do.." She lets out a breath, her shoulders slumping. "Sorry. Just.." Sharon shakes her head, then leans her head forward to fix the veil upon her face. She moves it in such a way that it meld perfectly to her skin, then pulls the hood up over her head to hide the gist of her features. "I'm sorry, okay?" She mutters, preparing to head the back way instead of the front. All to avoid Lily.

Melinda May has posed:
May is very tempted to forcibly keep Sharon with them. It's occurred to her that this could very well be another way that HYDRA is testing them -- getting them to spill their intentions. If so... well, she's just burnt herself. The latest of many such moments, if she's honest.

But, at the end of the day, it may also be that keeping Daniel isolated is the smarter move. So, she watches Sharon go, knowing Lily will be upset her cousin left without a proper goodbye.

If they're not careful, that kid is going to start developing a complex around that sort of thing.

She regards Peggy as the CIA agent slips out the back. Her lips press tightly together. "I want to talk to Daniel, again," she tells her. "Are you okay with the kids, or..." She *should* feel guilty about wanting to exclude Peggy from the conversation, but she needs to be sure neither Peggy nor Lily overhear what she has to say. If Peggy doesn't acquiesse, however... well, she'll find another way.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The series of words and desperate attempts to convince Peggy and May of things they know aren't true continue. Peggy stares on at Sharon, not entirely able to hide her heartbreak for the woman. Watching the greatest minds, people she loves incredibly, just fall apart? It's almost too much. She swallows back tightness in her throat, searching for words of protest, but much like May, she has no heart to stop the woman from going. "What in the world are they doing to you all...?" She asks softly, not really meant to be an answered question.

"Be safe. I love you." She calls after the woman. That is meant to be heard, even if she'll be handling a fussy Lily afterwards. There's glassy tears in Peggy's eyes she's not quite let herself cry yet. She stares back at Melinda in numbed confusion, no fight left in her. "You... you know where he is. Go ahead. Someone should eat with poor Lily. She's going to think everyone's abandoning her..." And with those heartbroken words, Peggy carries her son back into the kitchen to go sit with her daughter. At least the fractured family could a little dinner together.