Donovan Rowland

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Donovan Rowland (Scenesys ID: 4319)
Name: Donovan Rowland
Superalias: Faoladh
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: Investigative journalist (retired)
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Residence: Brooklyn, New York
Education: Master's degree in journalism, Boston University
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 71 Actual Age: 71
Date of Birth 01 Oct 1950 Played By Asreal
Height: 6'6" Weight: 270 lb
Hair Color: Silvery grey Eye Color: Pale blue
Twitter: @DRowlandMedia
Theme Song: Modern Magic Formula - Biffy Clyro

Character Info


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In the wilderness of New England, average journalism student Donovan was visted by a faoladh - a guardian werewolf from Irish folklore - in his college years who guided him home when he was lost. Determined to discover the truth, he went back into the wilderness and became a faoladh himself after drinking a mysterious fairy wine. Over the years, he used his powers to protect his friends and foil his enemies among the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, but has since become washed-up and retired quietly.


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* 1950 - Born and raised in Newton, Massachusetts by his mother Maria, a policewoman, and his father Richard, a politician.
* 1968 - Began attendance at Boston University to study journalism.
* 1969 - A beast claiming to be a faoladh appeared to him. Drank magic wine and became one himself, discovering supernatural abilities.
* 1975 - First encounter with the Unseelie Court (evil/malevolent fae entities).
* 1977 - First encounter with the Seelie Court (kind/benevolent fairies) and became associated with them.
* 1988 - With friends, protected Newton, MA from fae spell threatening to paralyze all residents.
* 1993 - Moved to Boston to pursue career opportunity.
* 1995 - Another encounter with Unseelie Court; captured by a villain called Oberon (no relation to folkloric character of same name).
* 1996 - Freed from captivity by friends, not without scars.
* 2000 - Retired from career and attempted to reture from supernatural hero business.
* 2022 - After close shave with former Unseelie captors, moved to NYC for a "change of scenery."

IC Journal

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Likes and Dislikes:
Donovan enjoys sticking to his schedule, old video games, reading, tea, coffee, and light alcohol. He's an orderly person and likes to get 8 hours of sleep no matter what, or else he gets irritated for the whole day following. He doesn't like loud people, seafood, hard liquor, and has a great aversion to iron to the point that it causes him panic.

Donovan is a gruff, but kindly person who has more faith in others than he does in himself. He tries to stay low and not draw attention, not out of fear of his powers being discovered but out of paranoia and a desire not to be noticed by potential bad actors, but if someone were to seriously threaten him or those he cares about, he wouldn't hesitate to fight. He believes he's washed-up and an old invalid, and sees himself as a has-been. The sight of iron chains are enough to induce panic attacks as he was bound with them during his stint in captivity.

Character Sheet


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Faoladh Form:
Donovan is capable of transforming into an eight-foot-tall wolf-man at will. He can transform parts of his body, like an arm or a leg, or his entire body, but a full transformation requires more mental focus and is sometimes not possible without great stress or anger as a catalyst, or if his powers are not currently needed to guide one who's lost. While in wolf-form, Donovan possesses improved speed and strength, sharp claws, lupine sensing abilities such as enhanced hearing and smelling, and phenomenal physical endurance allowing him to take a great deal of abuse before he drops.

Guide the Lost:
The other facet of Donovan's abilities are those associated with the myth of the Faoladh, a guardian werewolf who guides the lost. He is capable of creating a mental map of any place, and by touching sufficiently loose dirt, ash, or other such dust, he can impress that map onto the surface for others to be able to view. He can also locate any single person or thing within a place he's made a map of, though once he's located someone or something, he can't use it again for a few minutes without getting a bad migraine. Most notably, he has a passive 'sixth sense' which allows him to sense the location of anyone who's lost (someone who doesn't know where they are or how to get back to where they want to go) from up to a mile away.


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In his youth, Donovan learned how to cook from his father. He's not quite a chef, but he's very good on the grill at barbeques and makes some mean eggs of any kind.

Donovan has decades of experience in the field of investigative journalism. He has a keen sense of when something's amiss and a strong eye for detail, and is a skilled interviewer and a very good writer.

Life Experience:
Donovan has all sorts of little bits of knowledge from interviewing and being around such a massive variety of people as well as his college education and advanced age. He has small stocks of knowledge on chemistry, mathematics, basic physics, and other such things that he uses to his advantage in many situations.

Donovan picked up some self-defense lessons at a local school. He's no prodigy, but he's got amateur-level skills at Wing Chun, and a strong body as a result of decades moving in the field and in his classes.


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Donovan has decades' worth of friends (and rivals) from his career as a journalist and as a supernatural guardian, many of whom he can call upon for minor favors in the field. He's not able to pull any seriously big favors, but he could, for example, get a bit of insider info from a newsroom.


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Cold Iron:
Donovan cannot cross any threshold made of iron shavings or pure iron, especially if it's cold. He has difficulty crossing thresholds that are only partially made of iron, with the difficulty increasing with the iron content. Physical contact with pure iron completely negates all usage of his powers, including his sixth sense and his transformation, and causes him to turn back into a human if he is in faoladh form. Materials partially containing iron weaken his powers and make them more taxing to use.

Enemies from the Unseelie Court may plot to kidnap or kill him, and could be persuaded to team up for a common cause against him. His paranoia isn't so unfounded after all...

Donovan's powers can be over-used, causing headaches and severe migraines at the lightest. Further overuse can cause him to pass out, and further use past that can cause spontaneous internal organ damage and even death. The greater the physical and/or mental burden placed on him in a short timeframe by using his powers, the greater the risk of these adverse effects occurring.

Donovan's actions are constantly colored by paranoia, and this can be manipulated by a clever enemy who discovers what makes him tick and exploits it, causing him to expose his own weaknesses or make bad decisions in a fight. In particular, iron, chains, or very small knives (not normal or big ones, but small switchblade type knives) cause him unusual amounts of distress.



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Donovan Rowland has 5 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Pigless Iron August 25th, 2022 Donovan comes into Klein's Bottles looking for help after someone powdered his apartment floor with iron. Luckly, Detective Chimp was there to take the case!
Urban Legends: East Village Godmother August 24th, 2022 In chasing down the East Village, NYC 'Fairy Godmother' who left DeMarcus Winston full of cancerous tumors incongruous with life, Phoebe Beacon finds a familiar face. Delores Klein finds that vigilante investigators don't like signing paperwork, and Donovan Roawland meets acquaintence of one of the occultists out of the Curio in Gotham City.

Phoebe still is very suspicious of *any* fae dealings.

The Wrong Supplement August 20th, 2022 Delores makes Donovan a potion to help him with his migraines. He drinks too much at once and gets knocked out for a fortnight. Oops?
Sleepless Moonchild August 9th, 2022 Donovan comes into Klein's Bottles hoping for an herbal remedy. He finds two!
It Came From the Not-Very Deep! August 9th, 2022 DOne!


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Donovan Rowland has 5 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Donovan Rowland has been credited in 0 shows.

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Donovan Rowland has been credited in 0 albums.

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Donovan Rowland has authored 0 books.

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