10623/Park HOppin

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Park HOppin
Date of Scene: 01 April 2022
Location: Washington Square Park
Synopsis: Evan meets a strange, possibly homeless, lady in the busy Washington Sqr Park.
Cast of Characters: Stefani Houston, Evan Cooper

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is in the park today, her black hooded poncho on, but her hood back off her head. She's got ripped up stockings on her lower half with her black leather boots making up the rest of her visible outfit. Her bare arms are half-exposed from under the loose flowing garment though, and she's sitting on the edge of a park bench with her knees together, her boots apart, and her feet turned inward.

She's eating a hotdog. Just happily chewing on it as her hair gently flows in the park winds, her gloves resting on her lap as she chews, munches, and looks around at all the people around her.

Evan Cooper has posed:
Evan is slow strolling today. His expression is a bit vacant, like perhaps he is currently deep inside his own head. His hands are in his front pants pockets, and his gait is slow and meandering. As he walks past a man walking his dog, the dog stops and looks at Evan and starts growling and barking menacingly, straining against the leash.

"Axel, stop it!" the mans says, tugging firmly on the leash. "I'm sorry about that, he /never/ does that."

With a half shrug of one shoulder, Evan says, "Don't worry about it." And he continues his slow, aimless walk.

That walks sends him very close to where Quiet is sitting on the bench. A woman in a bikini in early April in New York City. He actually stops his walk and stares oddly at her. He's not leering at her or looking like he's teeing up some cheesy one-liner. The sight of a hog-dog-eating, poncho-draped, bikini-wearing woman out here in this weather simply seems to have shirt-circuited his brain.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The poncho'd Quiet just perches there on the edge of the bench enjoying her snack this afternoon as the wind gently blows the dark material of what little covers her otherwise arguably scandalous attire. She runs her fingers through her hair across the side of her forehead, then smiles up at Evan when he gets close enough to notice his stare.

She offers him a place to sit on the bench by scooting down a foot or so, then reaches to the tray on her lap and lifts up a uneaten corndog in a glossy wrapper that she waggles at Evan, if he's in the mood for taking food from a strange woman in the park...

Evan Cooper has posed:
Perhaps it has been a slow, lonely few days. Perhaps Evan is a sucker for stays and oddities. Maybe he just wants to see where this wacky train is going to take him. He shrugs a bit and approaches the bench. Evan sits on the bench and accepts the corndog. A small smile touches one side of his mouth in a way that suggests that perhaps he doesn't smile all that much.

"I figured if I kept walking in this park long enough it was just a matter of time before a bikini-clad girl in a poncho offered me a corndog." He tugs open the wrapper from around the corndog and takes a bite. "Hopefully you're not also a homicidal murderer," he says around his mouthful of food.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet sets down her hotdog and then wipes off her fingertips with a clean napkin before she picks up the smart phone on her lap up by her stomach. She taps away on it before she aims it at him. The phone speaks in a sweet and warm voice. "I only murder bad people." Which is followed up with a big smile from the woman in the unusual clothing.

She then taps a few more things before repeating. "Most here seem to think I am homeless, and avoid me. I have a home. It's got all my stuff in it too, like a good home should."

She sets the phone back down then, picks up whats left of her food and then smiles at him again.

She's... odd, no question, but seems like odd-nice, if that's a thing.

Evan Cooper has posed:
Evan makes a pleasurable sound in his throat as he chews. "Man I love corndogs," he says. "One of the best portable food items."

While he eats, Evan studies the woman in a curious way. "I'm Evan," he says. "I have a home too. It has some stuff in it, but very much." He starts to put pieces together in his head as evidenced by his furrowed brow and the concerned expression on his face. Underdressed woman with a plain, matter-of-fact way of speaking giving away food to strangers in the park. "Are you...are you okay?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
With the park being busy this afternoon, there are a lot of people around, coming and going as the weather starts to get nice again for the upcoming summer. Quiet just sweeps her brown eyes around everyone as they walk to and fro, before the question from him draws her stare back. He garners a big grin from the woman who finishes off her food, then sets the tray aside. She goes through her routine again, phone in hand, and typed words out.

"I'm happy. Sorry. I'm not from around here. My name is Quiet, I'm unable to speak anymore." The phone speaks for her.

The young woman reaches up and clutches her throat, miming something to the nature of her mutedness to Evan.

She taps a little more then. "I was in the military. Had a mishap on the job." The phone speaks then as Quiet looks a bit more somber for just a moment.

"I hope the corndog was good." She then offers him a smile again, a sweeter and softer one.

Evan Cooper has posed:
Evan listens intently as Quiet types out her response. This afternoon is definitely not turning out how he thought it would, that's for sure. When she explain about military accident, Even momentarily lifts his partially eaten corndog in a salute of respect. "I'm sorry that happened to you. Thank you for your service."

He chomps down the rest of the corndog and rises to toss the wrapper in a trash can. He glances around for a moment and finds a vendor with a cart. He turns back to Quiet. "I'm gonna get an iced tea over there. You want something? To say thanks for the dog?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
Back up on her feet, Quiet picks up the tray and dumps it in the waste bin. She then sets it upon the top with the others. She hears the question from him, and offers another smile before she uses her phone to speak back once more.

"A water would be wonderful." She tells him before lowering the phone back to her side, her gloves clutched in her other hand. She gives another look around the area before smoothing out the fabric of the black cloth poncho she's wearing over her rather odd attire.

"Are you going to school here?" Quiet then asks with her phone.

Evan Cooper has posed:
Evan heads over the vendor cart. He buys a bottle of iced tea and a bottle of water, then returns. As he sits he holds out the water for Quiet. "No. Went to school here. NYU. But I graduated. Now I just sleep until past noon every day and run a blog site." He smirks. "Yep, I'm living the dream."

He opens the iced tea and takes a deep drink. "What about you? Are you on medical retirement from the military maybe?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
the water is accepted with another quick smile on her pink lips. Quiet uncaps it and pours just a little on to her left palm. She then starts to rub the water on to her right forearm and up to her elbow before she switches hands and does the same to the other exposed arm.

More odd behavior...

Now with her arms wet and glistening in the sunlight, she just nods to what he asks of her.

After a moment she taps away on her phone again. "I am on assignment, actually. For private contract work. It is complicated... But at the moment, I am enjoying the sun, the park, and all the happy people."

The phone reads it off, its delivered with another little grin from the brunette.

Evan Cooper has posed:
Watching Quiet rub the water on her arms has Evan looking even more amused than he was before. With a small quirk movement of his head and a furrowed brow he says, "Oh you should have said something," he quips. "I would have...I would have gotten you a bottle of arm water. It's a couple buck more, but totally worth it."

In response to her explanation of assignment...well that sparks the freedom-fighter blogger in Evan. "Oh?" he asks. "Private mercenaries in New York? What's up with that?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
The joke given to the young woman has her smiling, and even laughing a little, though the sound she makes is restrained, and she clearly tries to stop herself. She raises her left hand up then to cover her mouth and nose before she just shakes her head at him.

AFter another moment to tapping at the screen the phone speaks up again.

"I am training private security. Sorry if I explained it wrong. I am a weapons and martial trainer." She explains through the use of the device as she hears someone whistling at her. She looks over to see a couple college dudes with their sunglasses up eyeing her side profile, the part the poncho does little to cover. She just smiles and offers them a wave as they keep walking with their lingering stares.

She looks back to Evan then, and a quick smirk and eyeroll is given to him, conveying her true feelings!

Evan Cooper has posed:
With one leg crossed over the other, Evan sits calmly and quietly and listens to Quiet's electronically spoken explanation. "Okay, note to self, do not piss off Quiet." A brief, flashed smile.

When the college kids walk buy and whistle, Evan smirks a bit. "Wow, I can't believe that approach didn't work on you," he banters. "Bold of them to assume that you aren't my wife or girlfriend, though. I have half a mind to run over there and start yelling at them just to scare the shit out of 'em." His tone of voice indicates that he's not at all upset about it, but rather he seems to like to find the absurd in a situation.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is listening to him as he responds, even dabbing her fingers in the water a bit more to stroke the wet fluid across her cheeks and browline, for whatever reason.

She strikes another grin at his response before she glances after the guys who'd taken one of the side paths now headed toward the theater area. She looks back to Evan then, raises her free hand and points at them, then balls up her fist and holds it under her chin to mime a threatening position, wobbling it even a little, and putting up a cutely mocking angry face.

She then grins again as she drops her hand back to her side and gathers up her phone from her belt.

"Fight for my honor, Stranger." She jests with the phone voice voice assistant, flashing another smile there-after.

"Thank you for the water, too. I won't hold you up with my weirdness any longer though, I am sure you have places to be. Blog work and all. Just remember to write about me a little?" She asks with a grin chasing the automated words.

Evan Cooper has posed:
Evan snorts out a brief but enthusiastic laugh. "Oh don't worry, I'm going to write about you a lot. This has, without a doubt, been my oddest walk through this park." He stands up and tosses his now-empty ice tea bottle into a nearby recycling barrel.

He turns to continue on his way then he stops and glances back at Quiet. "I hope I run into you again." Then he walks on, his body language and expression indicating a much more upbeat mood than when he first came upon Quiet.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The odd woman just offers a light wave of her hand, her poncho flowing around her form in the spring wind. She just waves toward him before she turns back to the bench and steps over to her bag to gather it up.

Soon there after, when he looks back to her, he'll see her slinging the military bag over a shoulder and walking straight toward the green grassy lawn with the fountain on it that has a bunch of ducks fluttering around in the water.

She might really actually be homeless and crazy, who knows?