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Date of Scene: 05 April 2022
Location: 3B - Alexander's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: Quiet has to leave her giant tank killing sniper rifle somewhere! Might as well be with the bean pole guy who is grumpy but has a nice apartment!
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Stefani Houston

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The corner apartment in Greenwich is what some would consider an easy mark. If a second story man ever got a chance to case the place they'd find the lack of alarm systems, the easy and myriad ways of entry an utter cakewalk. There was a skylight that offered the gym a good amount of illumination during the day. No alarm. There were two banks of windows that lined the East and South sides of the building. No alarms. And there was the large circular stained glass window that gave a wonderful effect in the early morning when the sun rose enough to shine through it. No alarm. Not even a single motion sensor in the entire place.
    Yet only one burglar ever tried to break into the place. Jimmy Fantone from the Yancy Street Boys figured he'd get in there and then move along the row through ductwork and take all six apartments up there. But the day after he tried he ended up in a hospital screaming about all the spiders crawling on his skin.
    Nobody had tried it since.

    Alexander Aaron rose from his bed blearily. A long night of studying was still wearying to him. No fatigue toxins were produced in his body but his brain... his brain could be zorched out by too many dry statistics and rules to make sense of them by. Which is why he was shuffling down the hall, wearing t-shirt and boxers, looking like an extra from The Walking Dead even as he headed toward the kitchen. Then caught... a particular smell on the wind?

Stefani Houston has posed:
Black leather combat boots gently tapping the right heel against the floor of the kitchen. Black fishnet stockings going up two long legs. Black denim shorts covering the hips of the person seated in one of the kitchen chairs. A black loose fit tanktop over a black bikini top that's straps are visible over bare shoulders, poking out of the loose tanktop. The young woman's bare arms moving gently as she works on something on the table. Brown eyes peering as she fastens a securing mechanism, and smiles. Her right hand pushes back some loose brown haired bangs behind one of her ears, and she parts her pink lips to laugh quietly to something being said on a phone on the table.

Bill Burr?

A Bill Burr comedy routine playing on her phone. He's talking about smashing muffins at a city craft fair because his wife made him go to it, and its driving him absolutely crazy. "I wonder if I could smash all of this ladies muffins before anyone could stop me. I think I could get at least fifteen, maybe twenty."

Quiet continues to just near silently laugh along to his routine.

On Alex's table is a giant anti-vehicle sniper rifle, perched upon some stand as the back of the girl is visible to him when he zombie walks out of his bedroom.

Upon hearing him get closer, Quiet abandons her work on the rifle, and quickly jumps to her feet, suddenly holding up a brown paper bag with a big yellow 'M' arches on it, and a big bottle of Orange Juice. She smiles brightly at him as she extends her bare arms out, thrusting them out really, toward him to offer him the bag, and juice!

A self satisfied expression upon her youthful featured face.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Ah. McMuffin. That was the smell.
    Standing there in the archway of the hall that leads back to the gym and the bedroom, Alexander scrunches up one eye as he looks at the tableau that has unfolded in his living area/dining room. He eyes the sniper rifle like a grizzled old prospector eyeballs a claims jumper, then gives that seemingly wizened glower over at Quiet.
    He sniffs, clearing some morning snuffles, then wipes one eye as he shuffle-shuffle-shuffles over toward her and with a quick motion...
    He /snatches/ the bag out of her hand. Opens it to look at its contents. Then his pale hazel eyes meet hers as he tries to keep looking stern. Only for a half-smirk to break out as he takes the orange juice.
    But by that time the smile is full on his lips as he murmurs softly, "Hey."
    And with the bag rustling he walks over toward his own table and pulls out another chair, clearly intending to join her as he drops into the seat, the chair legs scraping the wood floor slightly. Then he digs into the bag. Once the McMuffin is procured he gestures with Quiet and adds another word, "Thanks."
    Which has him cocking an eyebrow at the rifle as he asks a silent question. Then takes a bite.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet just tilts her head to the right ever so slightly as she stares at him while he decides on the food. She even ever so slightly flutters her eyelashes, and smiles at him before he snatches the bag, and the juice. She then more openly smiles as they both go back to their chairs. She lowers down on to the edge of hers as he does what he does.

His question, or at least the stare at the rifle, has her looking up at him from the tools she has laid out across the table in front of her. She parts her lips, then closes her mouth, she then just reaches for her phone.

Bill Burr is silenced, and she brings up her speaking app.

Tappity tap, tappity tap tap tap. "I don't have enough room in my van to maintain my stuff. I thought you'd be happy for food and my splendid company." The phone says in the 'sexy' voice that she selected for this occasion.

She's buttering him up. He knows it, probably!

She smiles at him again as she sets her phone down, then picks up the part she was cleaning on the rifle and snaps it back in to place with an ASMR satisfying series of quick clicks!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A short snort laugh is given at the words 'splendid company' though not meanly. More a thing akin to a borderline snicker as he shakes his head then feigns a measure of grumpiness as he says, "Harumph." As if her company was not so splendid.
    But, to be fair, he now had McMuffin and it was yummy. So says his face as he takes another bite and chews and chews. Then he reaches in and tears off a piece of hash brown and offers it to her, eyebrows quirked. Should she agree he'll give her that piece, but either way next step he's munching a bite for himself.
    As he eats he watches, enjoying the casual way she goes through the maintenance. As she breaks the rifle down then reassembles his eyebrows climb again when she gets to the suppressor and he leans forward.
    "That looks new, what did you do there?" Since she often had the newest and best toys, considering Alexander doesn't own any firearms himself.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet reaches over and accepts the bit of hashbrowns without even looking, almost like she expected it.

Crunch, crunch, crunch. She doesn't need to eat food, but she still likes the taste of some things.

Her eyes are down on the table, and the parts upon it, when he asks his question. She looks up, then down the rifle to the suppressor. It takes her a moment to realize what is different from the last time he saw it.

Phone up! Tap tap taptaptap..

"Flashback guard. Helps keep light out of the eyes. Also sound converter. Converts sound waves in to smaller and smaller decimals. I had to go to Russia to get it. Long trip. Much vodka." She smirks after the phone reads her comment off.

Then she taps more. "What has been going on here?" She asks then through the phone, even giving a look around his apartment. "Where is your lady friend?" She asks then before setting the phone down.

Scoot, scoot, scoot. Her chair edges down toward the barrel as she lowers her chin down toward it to eye something up closely....

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Some consideration is given to the modified suppressor and his eyebrows lift as she speaks, accepting the explanation and then curling a smile at the mention of much vodka. A short glimpse is given her way twinned with an almost pooched lip at the idea of a vodka Russia trip and he wasn't even invited. Though the smile returns along with a crinkle of his nose to show he's not serious.
    She asks what's been going on right as he's taken a big bite of McMuffin and he nods a few times, chewing chewing, then swallowing as he then says. "ESU, finals coming up. There was a ruckus down the way..." He gestures with one hand as if she could see through the walls of the apartment and in the direction of where he was mentioning. "An actual gang of ninjas. Or people pretending to be ninjas? It was weird. Had something to do with Hell's Kitchen."
    That said he takes another bite and then lifts his chin. "The team that tried the hit." She likely will remember the one, the team that set on them from both long range and short when they were last out and about. "I haven't gotten any word nor seen any other sign. But I'm thinking they were more aiming at you, less me. I think I was just... bystander interference to them."
    He takes another bite, mindful of his crumbs not to get anywhere near the 'clean area' for the rifle. Since sniper rifles can be sensitive things.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet's fingers are visible over the rifle's edges. She's wearing a pair of fingerless gloves in a army green shade. She listens to his explanation, and just softly shakes her head as she spares a glance toward the room's windows before looking back to him as he chews on the food. IT's clear she's considering her response before she sets the tools down to type it out.

"Ninjas hate me." The phone says then before more typing.

"Actually, I think I have enemies on every continent in the nation now. So, congrats on letting me make you a target too."

And she's just smiling at him again after the phone speaks her words for her.

Then she's back to working, and the suppressor is removed. It's huge. She turns it over, pulling out the disposable interior of it, and tosses it in to his trash can before she offers him the functional part. It's almost like a weird giant lightsaber.

Scootch, scootch, scootch, her chair goes back to where it was then, and she opens up a little sardine can filled with q'tip like cotton swabs that she uses to clean up the part she was originally working on.

After he has had a chance to inspect the suppressor,m she's already typed out another question. Or... comment. "I need to leave this here for awhile too." And this time she's not looking at him after the words are spoken by the device.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yah, I can imagine." Alexander offers in reply as to the state of Ninja/Quiet relations. Then the followup about making him a target has him get a small smile. "S'alright, it gives me a nice little bit of humility to realize that the world doesn't revolve around me."
    Though really it does.
    The lightsaber, however, is accepted and he takes his time to examine it, setting it down and sliding a finger along the housing then twisting it to consider the interior. There's silence between them in that moment. Both of them looking on their own projects though Alexander's is purely exploratory.
    "Sure." Is his response to her statement about leaving the rifle here, though from her manner it seems as if the decision is already made whether he likes it or not. Which does make him smile a little. Quiet's manner always did amuse him.
    "Although," He says as he straightens up and reconnects the housing, making sure the seal is tight before he goes on. "In exchange I need to ask you a favor." He waits til he catches her eyes then says, "Ok? Ok." As if it's a done deal. Tit for tat.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is brushing her hair back out of her eyes with her stare still down when he speaks that last bit. She finishes up what she's doing before she raises her eyes up to look at him before she lifts her chin up to stare more evenly upon him. She shows a light smile then before she picks up her phone, then looks down to it.

A moment later. "If you got a cat, I'm totally gonna never come by again." She says through her phone. "I'm getting a dog, and I plan to leave him here sometimes too." And of course this gives a big sweet smile from the girl to the lil Alex boy across from her.

Phone set back down, but then she taps it.

"What is the favor?" She has the phone then say as she goes back to her cleaning.

Swipe, swipe, swipe.

She holds the part up and spins it around before she snaps a piece of it in to place, then reattaches it to the rifle. Palm squeeze..... POP, and its back where it belongs too.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "A dog?" Now /that/ seems to surprise him as his eyes widen. Then he /looks/ back at her and the presumption as he shakes his head. "Depends on the breed." There, at least she has her foot in the door, which likely was all she needed. Seemingly from her /powers of persuasion!/
    He takes a deep breath and finishes the McMuffin, the bag crunching and scrunching as he crushes it up and sets it on the table. Still occasionally he sips his juice and looks thoughtful. "The favor."
    As if preparing some grim pronouncement. "Is that my dad. He has these three safehouses in the area. With a lot of gear stored in them. And once a year they need maintenance." A nod is given, another sip. "So you will help me. And it might be fun, he has a lot of old equipment there. Like visiting a museum sometimes."
    For a time he watches her as she goes about her own maintenance, then he looks away. One eye scrunches up as he recalls what she asked him a good bit of time ago. Only he didn't answer. Though he answers now.
    "Thea and I broke up."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is continuing her maintenance on the beefy rifle while Alex speaks. When she's like this, he can almost get a earnest look at her real expressions, rather than the silly ones she puts on to convey her words that she cannot speak herself. She is gently raising her eyebrows as she afixes the part to the big gun, then lowers them as she looks down to the rest of the stuff she has laid out in front of her on the table. She looks up at him when she hears he broke up though. She now shows a sympathetic look before she reaches for her phone.

"This is why relationships are pointless. They always end." The phone says in a grumbly version of its voice, apparently she can adjust that setting as needs be.

A moment later, after more tapping, the phone continues. "What kind of stuff does your father have stored? I'm guessing weapons, and such? Because I dunno anything about VCRs." She smirks at him then before setting the phone down again. But, she picks it up quickly and taps out.

"A Siberian Husky. My favorite." And the phone is once more set down again.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It's curious the topics that one fixes on as they share a conversation in such a unique way. The words are at times stilted, and they flit from topic to topic, almost like juggling but the expressions serve as connection. She gives him that sympathetic look and the one he gives in return is just a casual shrug, c'est la vie.
    So instead of that he instead addresses the dog issue as he murmurs, "Huskies will be hot here during the Summer. And they need a lot of exercise. You'll have to run with them, and handle their poo." He points out at her, setting the terms yet further.
    Another sip of orange juice then his mind rounds back around. "Relationships aren't pointless. It was nice, I wouldn't trade the experience simply because it ended. Though maybe..."
    The Olympian youth crinkles his nose, "Maybe I should stop imagining I'm an individual who can connect in like... a normal manner with someone." He lightly picks up a single screw that's left to the side of the weapon and rolls it around between two fingertips. "Fun times, running around, passionate nights sure. But boyfriend girlfriend, I dunno."

Stefani Houston has posed:
When Alex mentions picking up poo, Quiet raises her chin, and her left hand up. She puts her thumb on her nose and tips it up a bit, her fingers all up high. She's making a silly gesture, because she's silly. Then she just drops her hand back down and looks back down at her stuff.

Tinker, tinker, tinker.

She considers his words for a moment before her hand just appears and takes that screw from him.


She finishes up with the rifle reassembly before she scootches back down to check on the suppressor. Not trusting his work!?

Once she's all good though she reaches for her phone...

"You seem frazzled." The phone says. "Would you like to hunt some Ninjas?" She has the device ask as she smiles lightly at him, now propping her chin up in her left hand on her green gloved palm.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A low chortle comes from him, even when the screw is liberated from his oppressive possession. He looks across the table at her and her silly gesture, his own face just a scrunched up nose and the tip of his tongue peeking out the corner of his mouth as if to counter her response with a so clever rejoinder of his own.
    But then the phone tells him and asks him, and he laughs a little and his reply?
    "Your face seems frazzled." Though he does lightly kick the toe of her shoe with his bare foot, as if in simulated roughhousing. Then he gives a nod, "Sure, we can go take a look where they were and walk around?"
    He rests his hands on the tabletop and starts to push himself to his feet. "I'll go take a shower and get dressed."

Stefani Houston has posed:
"Pffffft!" Quiet responds to the chide about her face. She drops her hand back down to the table to pick up her phone in both. Her exposed fingers start to dart across the screen as she hammers out a response. "Frazzled is a well cultivated look that I have been working on since before you were a gleam in your parents' eyes." She shoots back through the use of the phone.

As he walks off she smiles though and starts to clean up her supplies.

Once he's a few feet away, he'll hear Bill Burr start talking again too.

He's her favorite comedian after all.

Bill says. "I don't know what's going on, but I'm pretty sure white women are to blame for it!"