10797/I've Got A Secret

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I've Got A Secret
Date of Scene: 16 April 2022
Location: Empire State University
Synopsis: Alexander learns Kate has secrets!
Cast of Characters: Kate Cha, Alexander Aaron

Kate Cha has posed:
It was evening time on a Friday which meant not a lot of students were active on the quad. A handful here or there. Some meeting up with friends to head out into the city for a night of fun. A few actually going to some of the night classes that were available. But mostly it was quiet in the area that usually was such a bustle of activity.

One of the few people out there was Kate Cha. She was talking to a couple of friends as they discussed heading over to a local bar for a few drinks. Only problem, Kate had a class. But she found herself wanting to go hang out with her friends instead, which was always the conundrum.

"Tell you what. I'll meet you there in about fifteen minutes? Give me time to change."

That seemed to work for everyone and she waved as they rushed off. Then Kate turned and headed in the direction of her class. Only at the precise moment she passed some large bushes, thinking she was cutting off sight line likely for anyone that might be around, her body split into two different Kates. The original continued on the same path she'd been following, backpack hefted up on her shoulder.

The second Kate turned and took off at a run in the direction of her sorority. She would have just enough time to get there, change clothes, then get to the bar!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She had time to change assuredly.
    Into two different people. Or perhaps, more apt to say into two identical people. But it's a failing for people at times, even in a city that has such skyscrapers, that they fail to look up. Or don't imagine that there might be people above to observe. It was just such a moment when Fate took a hand in matters.
    For the science building was right next to the library near where Kate had met up with some of her friends. One of her other friends had been inside working on the lab for his latest science credit when he had seen the crew of compadres that Kate runs around with all wandering down the quad. Easy enough to see, as in some ways they were like the Spice Girls in their eclectic choice of fashion while they sauntered down the way.
    So the young Olympian had gotten up and walked toward the stairwell that clung to the outside of the building, covered against the rain but open to the rest of the weather. He had been about to call out when he saw the young woman perform that modern miracle.
    Which caused him to check his voice and instead he paused... considering what he should do. And for once...
    He held his tongue.

Kate Cha has posed:
It was later that same night. As the final classes had wrapped up. Leaving people heading home in the darkness. Most of the girls paired up to walk for safety. But a few were on their own and that is what drew the attention of the figure in the shadows.

Working her way through the shadows, trailing some of the people traveling the sidewalks. She was able to take refuge here or there, keeping herself unknown to those she played guardian angel to. She was wearing a purple bodysuit which honestly helped blend with the shadows instead of standing out. Solid black often looked like something against the night since darkness was varying shades of color and not the complete lack of. It was perhaps a little too purple and not enough black but it still was working for her.

And as each person slipped off into their homes, she came to the conclusion that she wasn't going to be needed. Just as she saw that movement in an alley ahead. She quickly closed the distance between herself and the potential victim--who happened to be someone she knew. Which didn't cross her mind as she was focused on that shadowy figure.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Exactly who was tracking whom might have been up in the air considering that one of the reasons Alexander had come out with the cadre of co-eds was that he had looked through that small window into the life of one Kate Cha only to see her split into two. So he had come along, wandered with, spent some time with the crew laughing at times and being oh so terribly charming.
    Until the time had come for people to split up and wander their own ways. Perhaps briefly he had said in passing to Kate that he'd talk to her later only for her to beg off to perform that role of guardian angel so well. And when she left to sekritly do her duty...
    He wandered off as well, on the trail.
    Only he didn't realize either how good she was with her shadowing, or what might have happened to the numbered version of Kate that he had been following. Either way he had lost the trail and ended up instead making his own way home.
    Though perhaps unaware that a third tracker had entered the game.

Kate Cha has posed:
The figure stepped out of the alleyway, into the path of the young woman. He was tall, slim, wearing a ski mask and dark clothing to help him blend into the alleys he used to stalk prey. He was holding a knife in hand as he reached for the woman's arm. "Keep quiet and be nice and you won't get hurt," he snarled.

The girl slapped her free hand over her mouth to keep from letting that scream out. But her other arm was caught by the man even as she tugged to get free.

Then there was a flash of movement. The woman was smaller, slim, she had caught hold of a ladder for a fire escape and swung into the air, slamming both feet into the chest of the man and sending him sprawling. She landed in front of him and moved to punch him while he was down, intending to take him out as quickly as possible.

Kate made sure not to look at the woman as she snapped over her shoulder. "Go. Now." Which sent Amanda, who Kate shared a Biology class with, running for a building two spots down and into the front door.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As the young Olympian witnessed the blur of motion and the sudden handling of the situation, his eyebrows climbed. Then a slight twist to his features was there, unseen in the dark of the night but there all the same. Hands in the pockets of his loose tan jacket, he walked along the sidewalk in the direction of the scuffle even as Amanda /rushed/ past him in a hurry, so upset that she didn't even look at the other pedestrian walking by her.
    But the other pedestrian did have eyes for the incident. His footsteps were quiet, but before he got too close he raised his voice. "Hey, I saw what happened!"
    The excitement was easy to counterfeit, as was the hint of labored breath.
    "I'm calling 911." Which he did have his cellphone out and in hand, the screen illuminating part of his face in the night.

Kate Cha has posed:
Oh dear God.

She had managed to avoid getting spotted by Amanda. But now the citizen on scene happened to be someone else she knew. Kate very carefully kept her face the opposite direction. The outfit wasn't something that would be familiar to him at least. Purple body suit all the way down to footies built in. There seemed to be a number written in black on the front. It looked like a 1. But the woman was being very careful not to let him see her face. Keeping it turned away, tilted down, to make sure he would see a wall of black hair instead of her face.

"Thank you..." No! She sounded like her! She cleared her throat and tried again. "Thank you, uh...citizen."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There was a twinkle in his eyes though she did not see it, entirely focused on the opposite direction even as the assailant lied there unconscious at her feet. He held the phone up a little and then said, "They're on the way, using the GPS on my phone, should be here in a few minutes."
    A pause as his smile grew a little, but then he stifled it. "I think you broke that guy's nose." Which might throw a small monkey wrench into her thought patterns, distract her with checking that guy out even as he steps forward perhaps enough to the side to get a look at her.
    "Though I imagine he deserved it." Which is all he says even as he looks at her sidelong.

Kate Cha has posed:
"He deserved it." Still using that fake voice, trying to keep it lower instead of her normal tone of voice. At mention of the guy's nose, she does turn her head that direction and for just that moment, he may see her profile.

A moment later she dropped to one knee beside the assailant. Reached down to check his pulse. He was breathing fine, had a strong pulse. "I forgot my zip ties," she muttered.

She stood up and immediately turned her back on Alexander. "Uhm. I need to go. Before the cops get here. They don't like spandex." Meaning the crowd, not the material she happened to be wearing.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Well," Alexander's smile shifted a bit wry as she turned away abruptly, his phone slipping into his jacket though it was still awake for now. He tilted his head to the side as he murmured, "I like the spandex, it looks pretty good on you."
    Which at this point she can hear the half-smirk in his voice even as he rocks back on his heels a little. And if she takes a glance or maybe looks at his reflection in that window nearby, then she'd see that smug look of that jerk.
    It's a look that says he knows, and he's just dying to say it.

Kate Cha has posed:
He sounded amused. Which had her about to peek through her hair at him. Instead, she found herself looking at the reflection instead. It was better that way. No chance of him figuring out who she was.

"Thanks. I think." Why was he looking so smug?

"Shit. Where did I screw up?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I'll talk to you later," Alexander says though there's no hint of malice in his tone. He takes a few steps over to the stairs that lead up the stoop of the building nearest the fallen unconscious mugger fellow. He plops down and takes a seat there, resting his hands on his knees as he looks up and sidelong toward Kate.
    "We can compare notes, for now I'll stay here and make sure this guy gets hauled off. You go..."
    A tilt of his head is given as he again gives that spandex a look over, then he shakes his head. "Go do your cape thing, and we'll catch up. Alright?"

Kate Cha has posed:
This did not go as planned at all. But now he knew she was out playing superhero. Still, it didn't mean he knew her secret. Didn't mean he knew that she was different. So while one secret had been revealed, the big one was still hers to keep.

"Alright." And with that, she turned and darted off down the sidewalk. Down two buildings until she got to an alleyway. There, she paused and glanced his way, hair still partially obscuring her face.

Then she ducked down the alley and was gone.