11435/Aggressive Therapy

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Aggressive Therapy
Date of Scene: 02 June 2022
Location: Athletics: Triskelion
Synopsis: Peggy tries to take her frustrations out on a punching bag. Melinda comes in to join her and let her work off some steam.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Melinda May

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's fairly late. Peggy had to wait until no one was in the gym, or at least no one was anywhere near the bags, for her to start wailing on them. She knows the looks that she gets from other officers when, round as she is, she starts going at the bag. She hates it. She needs to work off some of this anger, some of this doubt, and sometimes it can only be through her fists. She started about ten minutes ago, and now she's deep in it. Her pulse racing, sweat through the back and front of her shirt. She's gone from clean, sharp punches to messy ones that are a mix of anger and pain at just how unfair it all is. She can't get Framework out of her head. She can't stop her anger at HYDRA from taking this happiness from her. So she tries to punch it out. It's the only solution she has.

Melinda May has posed:
Working out her anger in the gym is something of a habit for Melinda. She does it... every day, actually. Often early in the morning or late at night. Thus, it's not really a surprise that she finds herself walking into the gym, moving with purpose toward the practice mats.

Except, of course, there's someone else in the gym this time. And it's someone familiar. It's been a while, though, since she's felt that much anger from Peggy. Months, perhaps. Since before the pregnancy.

She would like to say that it's a surprise, but given how unsettled May has felt since discovering the existence of the Framework 2.0... It's just not.

Her steps slow and she adjusts her course toward the punching bags. Wordlessly, she moves behind the bag Peggy wales on and braces it for her. Because, pregnant or not... May knows her friend needs this. So, she'll spot her.

'Cause she gets it.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Looking up, Peggy has a moment where she's about to ge defensive. The fact that she didn't realize who had come in the room when May enters already says a lot about her mental state -- she's lost in her emotions and somewhere safe enough that she's letting her guard down and just drowning in the anger of everything that's happened. She gives May a brief, thankful nod, but since the woman isn't lecturing her about it, she continues with the beating on the bag.

"I know... I know... I need to stop. I should. I will... soon." She grunts between a few vicious right crosses into the meat of the bag.

Melinda May has posed:
"I'll let you know, if I sense any distress," Melinda tells Peggy, still holding the bag. The infant is a distinct enough an emotional signature that she's fairly certain she'll sense it if the baby is in pain. Yes, the baby is probably a little uncomfortable, but Melinda suspects Peggy's body will force her to stop before the baby is in too much danger.

Pregnant woman have tended fields and worked hard physical labour right up to the moment their water breaks for centuries. Melinda knows this. So, she's willing to take the risk.

For now.

"What's this in aid of?" Not that she can't guess. Administrivia doesn't bring on this level of aggression therapy.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A little grunt escapes Peggy's throat again at May's question and she shifts to her left fist, focusing on a few clean jabs. Peggy's out of practice but also has 80 years of muscle memory behind her, so most of her punches are clean, if full of emotion.

"Just... just bloody well pissed about it all. I was supposed to be *happy*. This... dammit, this was our second chance. I had it... have it all... and bloody fucking...HYDRA has to make me doubt *everything* again. I don't know how to STOP it and I hate it."

Melinda May has posed:
May shifts her body weight, leaning fully into the bag as Peggy's fists strike harder. She can feel her friend's rage. It echoes her own. "If I knew how to stop being angry," she tells her, "I wouldnt be half the fighter I am."

There's unfortunate truth in that. Generally, May is *not* good about talking out her feelings. Hell, she and Dottie are slowly becoming... well, not friends, certainly. But allies. After a fashion. All because neither of them actually discuss feelings. They have fists and feet for that.

"You doubt something? Hit it. It's the bag. Just be careful. It hits back."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I AM! I have been! For near an hour, I have been, and it still feels real, and... is real, and..." Peggy grunts out tiredly, a less effective punch coming. Her whole body is burning with exhaustion. She's pushed through all the rage and is spilling into running out of adrenaline now, "And yet I still...wonder. I don't know how... I know it'll take time. That's... all I can do. Is time." She smacks the bag one more time and then just stops, dragging in shallow pants of breath.

Melinda May has posed:
Melinda peeks around the bag as Peggy stops, feeling the spike of anger, doubt, and perhaps even a lingering panic. "Time. Yeah."vvIf she sounds a little skeptical, it's not because it's not true. It's because she's had lots of time and it's done jack all for her.

Ultimately, a bit of a wry twist to her lips, she moves around the bag towards her. "I'd take it from you, if I could," she says. Truthfully, she probably could. But it wouldn't be right. It wouldn't be healthy. "I'd give you my dampening blade, but... I don't know that it works for anyone but me."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A gentle shake comes to her head and Peggy steps away, just far enough to grab her towel and the bottle of water she did smartly set aside. She's wearing nothing but a pair of loose gym pants tied off under her round belly and a sports bra. She looks *incredibly* pregnant, even if she has a month and change to go, that line darkening up her stomach and skin stretched, angry. She doesn't really seem to give a damn about looks right now as she gulps back some water, catching her breath.

"I wouldn't want to either. You need it. I...hell, I'm worried about what I'm doing to you right now just standing here. You don't need this spill over either."

Melinda May has posed:
"Pretty sure I can't get much angrier," Melinda says, letting a critical eye drift over Peggy's body. She's less worried about the stretch marks and darkening line and more about the way Peggy breathes and how her body moves -- whether or not there are signs of serious distress.

"Also pretty sure the blade doesn't do anything for me any more, anyway." She gives that sardonic smile and a half-shrug. "I think I've finally gotten used to it all." Probably not entirely true. But she's so angry so much that there's a very real apathy that eventually settles in. It's less a depression and more a state of such deep familiarity it just doesn't register any more.

"Now that Viper's back in her box, we're going after the Framework." At least she said 'we' and not 'I'. That's fairly significant, really.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg finally sinks down onto the bench. She'll take a few minutes just to recover from the strain, ignoring that discomfort in her back and through her sides. She likely really did over do it, though the baby isn't feeling in any distress, just riled up from the stress she's put on her whole system. But there isn't any pain from the child, only the mother, and it's mostly dull for now.

"We... sounds very nice, and I *want* to be there, but even I know I'd be useless in the field right now."

Melinda May has posed:
"Ride quarterback," Melinda says, moving to sit beside her. "We're going to run into resistance, you know that. We're going to run into surprises. It doesn't hurt to have someone outside seeing from everyone's point of view. You might see something we miss."

Or maybe she won't. But maybe she'll feel like she's doing something at least semi-productive. "We can give you drone control." She snirks. "What's it the kids call it? Telepresence."

No, she's not so old she doesn't know what it is. But they both feel that way, some days.

"Kinda poetic, really. Taking out the Virtual Reality virtually..."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The look on her face is skeptical, she knows it's a pity offer to make her feel more included, but Peggy is trying not to let her bad mood cloud that. She drags the towel across her face once more before letting out a deep sigh and starting to push herself back up off the bench. That gets a gentle groan from her. Everything is going to hurt tomorrow.

"I...suppose. I don't know what help it will be but, when you're going in, if I'm not having this baby....I'll be there." She offers with a half smile.

Melinda May has posed:
Melinda snirks openly as she senses Peggy's skepticism and swallowed pique, thinking her friend is pitying her just because the baby has sidelined her. No, Melinda can't read Peggy's mind. It's an educated guess. She's been feeling Peggy mope about not being in the field for weeks, now.

"Good," she says shortly, voice sharp. "But only if you're actually going to *be* there -- delivery aside. 'Cause if you think for a moment I'm suggesting this so you can be that pathetic solo zoom face in front of a room of people at a party, you're fooling yourself."

She pins her friend with a direct look. "No one alive has fought HYDRA longer than you, knows more of their tricks than you, or wants them stamped out more than you. Even as a telepresence, you're valuable to me."

Her eyes narrow. "You're also Chief. So, if you think your insight is better used elsewhere... by all means." Is that a challenge? It could be.

It's not like Melinda knows how to push buttons or anything.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Skeptical eyes study May for a few more moments, weighing how much the woman means those words, but Peggy comes down on the side of it not just being a pep talk. She gives a single, serious nod. "Fine. When you're going, I'm going. But make it fast. This baby..." She give the faintest of winces, a kick or Braxton Hicks, it's not clear, but whatever it is is not comfortable, "Is already impatient. Which probably means I should go shower and get off my feet. But... keep me updated. I'll be there."

Melinda May has posed:
Melinda nods, satisfied enough by those words. Because, no... she's not just saying it. "Soon as we can," she promises.

They just have to find it, first.

"Go. Shower... I'll... be here for a bit." Because she's got some aggression of her own to work off. "But, I'll see you tomorrow."

'Cause some things never change.