11754/Buster and Gabby get ice cream.

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Buster and Gabby get ice cream.
Date of Scene: 25 June 2022
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Ideas and Ice Cream
Cast of Characters: Cheyenne Brawley, Gabby Kinney

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Pulling up to a small hole in the wall in Brooklyn, the cabby slows to stop outside, just as a middle-aged, balding man is locking the front door. "I think it's closed, bub," says the driver.
     Buster darts out the door, has a word with the store owner, slips him too much cash, and the smiling Turk goes the door once more. Gabby gets a beckoning wave to come on in, and Buster disappears inside.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Huh, it does look a little..." Gabby starts agreeing with the driver only to shrug helplessly at the man as she slips out of the cab going after Cheyenne. She's quick to hop after him when he offers the owner a lot of money, and she grins sheepishly. "Thanks for staying open! Been a reeeally long day," she states as if this explains the reason they need to have a nice meal keeping the owner past his usual hours.

"Huh. I don't think I've ever had anything Turkish before," she muses with a grin cast toward the taller man leading her in. "So what's this idea you were talking about?"

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Buster is at the front counter, where a selection of ice creams has been recently uncovered. He points to the pistachio, and smiles with glee when the store owner hands him a broad cone stuffed with five scoops of the densest, creamiest ice cream in the city. "Homemade," he pronounces after his first bite, eyes rolling back in his head. "Come back during business hours. The lamacsun is killer, along with kofta."
     He settles near the door, implying they'll take their stuff to go and let the man go on with his night. "Alright Gabby-girl, get this. My idea is: a fight club for mutants. Televised and on the web and whatnot. Different weight classes, power classes - you know. We set up some rules, pull in some advertisers, and everyone makes bank." He beams, having already devoured one scoop of cream. "And the whole staff can be mutants - referees, camera people, color commentary, everybody. What do you think?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans over the array of icecreams considering only to shrug. "I'll try the same as him," she requests with a broad grin. At least icecream was something simple, it wasn't as if they were having to keep the poor guy here to cook or something. Though now she had it stuck in her mind that she ought to try Turkish food out sometime as well.

"I have no idea what any of that is but I'll put it in my mouth and try it," she assures Buster while she takes her own heavily loaded cone toward the door. She's mid-nibble of the icecream, having learned long ago not to start out licking because guys get the weirdest looks otherwise.

"That... Hm." Her brows furrow together considering the idea. "Okay, I've got a couple takes on this," she reasons lifting a hand to tick off a few fingers. "One, yeah that'd be cool and I'm sure there'd be alot of sign ups. Be like MMA but with powers and stuff. Flashy, cool, might do well." The other finger ticks off, "Two, Could get a lot of flak about it in a few ways. Exploiting mutants, treating them like Gladiators, or giving the Friends of Humanity ammunition to prove that 'Mutants are Dangerous!'" The last is said in the most whiney, nasally voice she could mimic.

Then she goes in for the icecream again with a nod of approval. "This is really good. I mean if you had way to help them keep their identities secret if they need to that would help a lot."

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "Oh god..." Buster rolls his eyes. "Well everything would be contained, you know. Sportmanship goes a long way. And we could have folks like Mr. Williams fly in and give a PSA - don't try this at home and whatnot." The Texan's gears are definitely turning. "We can also tie it to a charity event. The major players can visit kids at the hospital and stuff - do some -real- good, and help with the PR."
     Stepping out onto the cool street, he picks a direction and starts walking, mostly for want of activity, rather than having any particular destination in mind. "I'll bring some others in on this, and you'll be the first one I talk to when we need to set up the women's division." He grins. "Maybe we can have some kind of obstacle course events, too. Like American Ninja, but where you get to slice stuff up with your claws."
     The man stops in his tracks and looks earnestly at the young woman. "Claws, Gabby! I can't believe you're," he realizes he's talking too loud and looks around, "well, you know. I've been trying to get in touch with the," he barely whispers, "X-men," then continues in a normal tone, "ever since I showed up in this city. I want to learn how to use my power properly, like they do. Any ideas?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney falls into stride beside Buster managing to keep up in spite of her shorter stride. It wasn't the first time she had to walk next to someone taller than her after all. At least she wasn't outright dismissing the idea! After all, it did have some merit. The mention of a charity event causes her to snap her fingers and point at him. "That would work and be a good guage of actual interest in it," she decides with a nod. Plus charity. You can't scream 'these people are evil' if they're doing charity work. Not without looking like idiots.

A slow grin spreads over her when he starts to get excited about her claws. "Yeah, you met him the other night, remember? Mr. Grumpy-gus?" Maybe he didn't remember. After all it was a very breif meeting given her attention span which she'd kept purposefully short so as to not wear Logan out. He didn't do great in crowds after all.

"Woah, hang on. I mean... I'll have to think about it. I've got a *lot* on my plate already. I do some vigilante work out in Gotham, and I'm learning some of the supernatural stuff from my older sister, and I've still got another year of school unless I do my GED." ... Which wasn't out of the question. Dang she hated school.

"I can put you in touch with a few people though. Greg back there was looking for a teacher, too." Her head tilts thoughtfully and she quietly asks, "So, uh, what is it that you can do anyway?"

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Of course Buster remembers. "Man, I met THE grumpy-Gus. Maybe better I didn't know, or I might have done something stupid and asked him for an autograph or somethin'," he says, sheepishly. While he's talking, a vanishingly small kernel of glitter seems to develop in the air between them; it slowly spins, and a subtle current draws toward it. "But it's not only for my own training that I want to contact them, it's also to ask them to get involved in Mutant Works. I mean, even if y'all aren't in a position to hire anyone, you know, for secrecy reasons or whatnot, I was hoping some of y'all would come out and speak. And that you have connections around the city with all manner of companies who -would- hire some less fortunate folks." As he speaks, the little grain develops into a sesame seed, then into a lentil, then into a peanut. It is faceted, and sparkles like a disco ball as it turns. "You've been to Mutant Town. You've seen how people suffer. I want to -do- somethin' about it, dog-gone it." By now, the gem is the size of an almond, ovoid in shape, and perfectly semetrical. He snatches it out of the air and pops it over for Gabby to catch. "Don't let your daddy think it's an engagement gift, now." He chuckles.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney watches the growth of the little sparkling seed that just... grows and shifts into various different things with a bit of rapt interest. It was rather interesting after all and not something she'd seen before. While he talks she listens, nodding occasionally with a soft 'mm' of apparent agreement. This is partially due to her diligent decimating of the icecream cone still in hand.

When the almond, ovoid thing is tossed her way she instinctively reaches up to snag out of the air with her free hand. A little amused snort comes. "You have no idea how hard dating is with him around," she has to admit with a wry grin. Curious she looks at the object with a nod. "I'll pass it on. I know Worthington likes to help out such causes. Maybe Emma Frost, too. They're the richy-rich sorts that could do some real good," she explains with a grin.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "I'll take anyone I can get," Buster says with a smile, also devouring his cream. "Mr. Williams has already agreed. If you happen to know any non-mutants who might be willing to show a little solidarity, let me, or them, know too." He gives Gabby a foxy grin, "And you can be Richenda Rich, if you wanna. That little diamond there is about 50 carats - probably worth at least three-quarters of a million." Wink.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Diamond?" Wait is THAT what it was? Gabby pauses in her tracks to look more closely at what was in her hand only to let out a little low whistle. "Holy craaaap that's an awesome power. And probably also hard to fence." There's ap ause and she adds, "Not that I know anything about fencing but I know a few people that do." Grinning she hops into step beside him again still grinning. "I'll see what I can do to throw some support your way, yeah. I travel around a lot and know a lot of people after all."

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "You're at the top of my lists of guests, too, Gabby, when Mutant Works is truly open for business. I'm gonna throw a big party, and have all the folk of Mutant Town come out to celebrate. You know, break the ice, bring some of the mutants out of their shell - Lord knows most of them have seen little else than abuse their whole lives." He sighs, but savors the best part of his ice cream cone: the point at the bottom, full of tempered chocolate, and the melted remains of his pistaccio. "You wanna split a cab? I'm going to The Centinel, but I'd be happy to make you sure get sent on to wherever you need to go." He steps up the curb and raises a hand, as if a taxi would magically appear like they do in the movies.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is about to refuse when she pauses and glances up at the sky. "That might be best this time of night. I can take care of myself but no need to really do so if I don't have to." Besides that she still had a few bites left of her icecream cone to indulge in. The diamond is pocketed with a grin. "Can't wait to see it! Sounds like it'll be a blast, and do some great work around here, too."

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Sure enough, a taxi does appear. Buster holds the door open for Gabby. "P.S., if I ever wanted to get a hold of you, how would I do it? Sans telephone, that is?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney has to ponder that particular question. "Uh. Good question. I don't really have a home per say so much as a few places I have rooms at and bounce between." Her nose crinkles in thought. "Have to just give you my number for now. I should work that out though."

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "That's fine, the Centinel has a landline." As they get in the taxi and set out on their way, Buster runs his mouth on and on, and on, about the fight club idea.