14791/If I execute the scene command, you have to stay

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If I execute the scene command, you have to stay
Date of Scene: 27 April 2023
Location: Study Hall
Synopsis: The end is not the end
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Gabby Kinney

Warren Worthington has posed:
At some point Warren found Gabby and stole her away from whatever she was doing. He did this in a charming way, politely excusing her from her current obligation and dragging her into one of the larger study/social rooms. It wasn't long at all before he had Gabby right where he wanted her, hunched over a table and squinting...

...at some stupid game he pulled out of a nearby shelf. It had a board, and little plastic discs and a cup in the center. Appearantly you progressed in the game by mashing a disc down on another disc until it popped up in the air, and if you did it right, landed in the cup.

"So I'm looking for a new girl. You see any around? I saw Kitty the other night and I had a suddent revelation, oh yeah I used to liked dating girls. For fun. Instead of working. All the time."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
This was not a game Gabby had played before. But it was one of skill at least, so she was a bit entranced by it. Given she hadn't been doing anything else other than hoping to catch Lorna to talk (darn hard to catch her lately), the distraction was welcome enough.

Her hand hovers over the little popper and she presses down to send a disc flying. When the question comes her green eyes dart up to peer at Warren with a raised eyebrow. "Well yeah, no offense but it's kind of a well known secret you're kind of a playboy. Or were. I dunno, before my time?" It kind of was.

"A new girl. Someone specific or any type you like? I mean... I'm not gonna recommend any of my sisters, that'd be ..." Awkward? Bad? "Mean."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren smirked amiably, his face lighting up handsomely as he did. "Before your time. When rocks were soft? Or after the glaciers melted." he retorted dourly, "Before your time." and snapped a disc into the cup expertly. "Why don't you just say 'Grandpa turn up your hearing aid, you mumble when you can't hear yourself."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes one of the little discs in hand to roll over her fingers like a coin. Not the hardest of tricks but one she didn't do often. It's then snapped over toward Warren with a little laugh. "I meant before my time at the school. You're only, what, about ten years older? Besides do you know how old my dad is?"

There's a pause before she adds, "No, seriously, because I'm not sure he even knows anymore. My oldest sister is in her seventies for crying out loud... And no she's not available, sorry, she ran off with a guy to 'explore their feelings' awhile ago." There's only a bit of hurt and annoyance in her voice when explaining this situation. Looking back to the board she says, "Your turn, by the way. I'm not really the greatest at dating myself. I mean, I dated Hellion for a bit when I was younger. Then I had a crush on the guy who ended up with my older sister... before they broke up and she ran off with another guy. I went on a date with one guy who broke up with me over pizza and left me in the middle of a forming riot. Like. My luck is *bad.*"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren offered a look of genuine compassion and listened silently as the young lady spoke of her troubles, it was hard to ignore her sincerity and the subtle hints of her pain. "Yeah its not easy, this life. There's a lot to be grateful for though, even if you have to wait a little longer on things like romance. You just keep it together, it'll happen." he let his eyes crease with emphasis, "You're one of the good ones, you know that right?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself a bit of an amused grin at that. "What, one of the good clones?" He had asked about that last time after all so she lets out a little jest about it. Shifting in her seat she leans back some to stretch her legs out beneath the chair.

"Thanks," she adds more seriously after that with a softer smile. "I'm in something now and so far it seems good. They're both good," she murmers with a nod. "Not really sure what to suggest in your case. I mean... You're not bad looking, you're pretty well known, you're generous. If it's hard for you I dunno way to say."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren was good about letting little things slide by, or bad about noticing them. "Oh I don't need a peptalk. But your sweet to say those things, a *weapon disguised as a girl* still has heart enough to comfort a friend mm?" he winked, because he was being salaciously obtuse in calling her a weapon. "You know Kitty and I parted ways a couple years ago, and I miss her. She was pretty special, and I think I just haven't put a lot of effort into dating since, I guess..." he thought about it, "I guess I'm afraid no one else is going to measure up, or...maybe I don't want anyone else to measure up. I kind like knowing shes out there, unmatched, even if we arent together anymore."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts a hand to press her middle finger down beneath her lower eyelid, and sticks her tongue out at the 'weapon disguised as a girl' bit. It's an appropriate response at least though she does grow more serious as he talks of Kitty. "Yeah. I do know dating isn't about finding a replacement for someone. No one is going to BE her so there's no sense in trying to find someone to match to her. You want to find someone different than you can also care about and like."

"People gave me some advice awhile back that outright looking isn't going to help you find someone. Just go out, meet people, and keep yourself open to the possibility. Or something like that."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren effortlessly popped another disc into the cup, like some sort of tiddleywinks savant. He wasn't even looking. "Well thats sage advice Gabs, I like more that you offer it than its content. Its like Marshal Mcluhan guy. The medium is the message." he reminded her, seeming blissfully unaware that she might not have any idea what the fuck he was talking about. "You see Mr. Mcluhan was less concerned what people were watching on TV when they ate dinner, and more concerned that they...what I am even talking about. Holy shit, are hearing me right now?" he laughed despite himself, popped another disc, "Ah Gabby, anyway. Whats the deal with Jubes and this flying kick she's on? I caught her out in the moonlight the other night, concentrating so hard I thought she was gonna burst a vein."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Mm, can't say. I haven't really been super close to Jubes since she got turned into a vampire. Her death hit us all kind of hard, most of all Noriko. Then when she came back it was... Confusing." Gabby spreads her hands in a small shrug. "Probably she's trying to figure out what her powers are now with the vamp thing. I know a few other vamps, but it seems like there's a ton of different variations."

Another of the tiddly wink discs is taken up as she contemplates this. "Maybe that's part of why I followed my sister so much when I met her. She was a sorceress." A little grin comes, "Then again I also worked with Illyana. I guess it's always been around in some aspect. Eh."

Warren Worthington has posed:
The Angel vaulted his wings out suddenly to either side, arched, high, full. The gleaming feathers setting themselves back into their rows, expanding and interlacing, in sequence, the bold lines of the shoulder into the elbow, the hint of downy softness peaking beneath. Then he slowly closed them back into place, "I've seen Illyana in an age, not since she got married." he looked on wistfully and then suddenly blanched. "Oh my god. Gabby, oh my god. I gave Kitty my grandmothers engagement ring last night because I need Stark Enterprises to research an...oh that poor girl, did she have a moment where she thought I was going propose." he winced, "Ah that was thoughtless and cruel, I better apologize to her."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney startles a little at the sudden snapping of his wings. It's just a momentary stiffening before she relaxes again realizing what he was doing. "Yeah, me either. I was... at an odd age. They were all older than me and let me hang with them, but I was younger. Eventually we kind of drifted away. Then the team thing..." All she can do is shrug.

At least until he explains about the ring. A single eyebrow rises giving him an incredulous look. "Yeah that's probably a good idea. Apologizing I mean. What do you want to know about Stark anyway?" The disc is flipped with a thoughtful hum. "Actually gamed with Stark the other night online. Decent guy."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington popped out his phone with one hand, deftly thumbing an apology to Kitty while popping another disc into the cup. "Its kind of a sensitive matter, but if it turns out ok I will tell you all about it. I just want to make sure the memory of my grandmother...I want to make sure she is remembered for...for the good...for the things she would want to be remembered for. You know its like, most of all we will ever be is dead, and you cant take wealth with you. So, I think someones memory is one of the most important things you can keep safe."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah, I get that. My sisters are... a lot are dead." Gabby's response is quiet, without emotion. Yet somehow it's obvious she understands that feeling very well. "Maybe you could make a charity in her honor or something to help future generations? That rich guy in Gotham did that for his folks."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren perked up, looking to the insightful clone. "Thats a great idea, Gabby." he admitted with a hum of enthusiam just under the surface. "I'm absolutely destroying you." he said matter of factly, "Just, stop. Just, put it down. This is not your game." he offered gently. "I should probably head back, it was great catching up with you. Do you have my cell?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sighs quietly. "No this isn't. Give me throwing knives or something and I'll kick your butt, but this..." She gestures with both hands at the game in annoyance. "Button flippy thing. Ugh." At least she grins over it. Losing didn't upset her. "Yeah, I should head out too. Tommy's making cinnamon rolls tonight and if I don't get one he'll eat them all. Speedster metabolism," she points out with a little shake of her head.

"No I don't have your cell," she admits as she stands pausing to pull her own phone out. It looked military grade... oddly. A quick exchange of numbers and she nods toward Warren. "I'll catch you later! Thanks for the game!"