15129/On The Tail

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On The Tail
Date of Scene: 12 June 2023
Location: Streets of Gotham
Synopsis: Out tailing a suspect, Stephanie finds out what it's like for Dick when he's on a stakeout with his GCPD partner.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The rather nondescript car is parked on a street down the street from the exit of a hotel's parking garage. Within the hotel a meeting has been going on between a couple of members of the Maggia.

The topic of the meeting isn't quite as important to the Bats investigation, though they have a bug in the room to listen in. No, in this case they are more interested in following the bad guys to find where this particular group has been hanging out. As they have managed to keep their bases of operations from the crime fighters of Gotham so far.

Stephanie brown has a wireless earpiece in. "Alright, they are leaving the room," she says as she listens in to the bug. "Should be leaving soon," she tells Dick Grayson.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "Yeah, I'd like to know how they've kept Oracle from finding them. It kind of sticks out for a basically low level group of criminals to be able to hide from her for any length of time." He glances over at the doorway of the building to see if anyone is coming out yet.

    "Good thing I'm fairly used to the stakeout from my job, but I'm a little surprised you aren't climbing the walls yet. How often do you just sit in one place for hours?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie shifts in her seat, fidgeting. "Well, there's classes," she replies to Dick. "But yeah this is kind of worse since actually have to pay attention and all." She reaches down to the floorboard, grabbing the bag of Cheesie Puffs from there and pulling out a few curls of crunchy cheese-like flavored goodness before offering the bag to Dick.

"Aren't there supposed to be donuts though?" she asks the police detective. "Your partner seems like a big donut type. I bet he shows up with a full dozen when you two have a stakeout," she says. She likes Dick's partner. But he does seem like a donut type to her.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick chuckles and answers "Well, sometimes there are donuts, I must admit. Can't have them too often or I won't fit my armor though. It strikes a little less fear into the criminal element when the dark vigilante chasing them is gasping for breath after running a block." He does, however, nab a few puffs from the bag.

    "It's all in the outlook though, cheese has protein, so these things based on cheese must be ok, right?" It's tenuous logic at best, but if it works it works. He pops one in his mouth, chews and swallows as the door opens. "Ah, let's see if this is our group."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie nibbles on her Cheesy Puff and then glances down at another of them. "I'm sure it has a protein... like... substance in it," she agrees. "Or some other substance that starts with 'P' at least. Preservatives?" Stephanie suggests, grinning over to Dick.

She sucks the cheese-like residue from her fingers, then wipes them on a napkin before reaching over to brush them over Dick's six pack abs through his shirt. "I think you can probably afford a couple," she says, flashing a playful and teasing grin over to him.

The opening garage exit draws her attention as Dick points it out. The door rolling up to let a dark sedan make a right onto the street. "Yep, that's them," she agrees. "Alright, Wheels Grayson, let's see you in action," she teases him.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "Ok, the first thing is, unlike movies, you don't pull out the second the vehicle passes you. You want a couple cars between you and them if you can swing it, otherwise you get very noticeable when you make all the same turns they do." Fitting action to words, he lets a couple cars pass before pulling out of the parking spot. "We've got Oracle tracking the car too, right? It'd be interesting to see where they are when they drop off her radar, might give us a hint of how they're doing it."

    It's not hard to keep up, at this hour the streets are not too crowded. The hardest task at the moment is actually keeping some cars between them and the criminals they are following. "It can be a little hard to remain unnoticed at night, but with practice you get the hang of it."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
As Dick drives, Stephanie reaches over to brush her fingers through his hair. "I figure this will make us look like just a couple out for the night," she lies to him. "And please don't tell me that you and Matt have that as part of your standard operating procedure," she says with a grin, name Dick's partner in homicide.

"How is the happy little family doing, by the way?" she asks. "Been awhile since we've gone out with them. Danica into high school yet? I bet when the boys come pick her up for a date, Matt is cleaning his gun and wearing his badge," she says with a soft grin.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "We have rarely had to act like a couple on the job. I can't say never, but rarely. And it's not something we talk about." He pulls over for a moment, letting a car pass him to provide a buffer between them and their target.

    "Yeah, things are going quite well for them." He chuckles at the mental picture she paints, then nods, "It would not surprise me in the least, to be honest. But you have to keep the little horndogs in line somehow, right?"