18793/Falcon Saves The Day

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Falcon Saves The Day
Date of Scene: 09 August 2024
Location: Brighton Beach
Synopsis: Heavily armed bank robbers in a shootout with police draw the attention of Falcon. He gets an assist from an unrecognized man.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson

Steve Rogers has posed:
The bank robbers had been leaving the bank which was their target for plunder, when the first police car arrived. For good or bad, the police cruiser rammed the villain's escape vehicle, completely disabling it.

While that might sound good, the result had been the heavily armed and armored bank robbers retreating through the streets in a running gun battle with police who arrived. The criminals were decked out in body armor that was stopping the police officer's shots. The five men worked together as they headed down the street, opening fire on police officers as they took shelter behind their cars. Handguns against assault rifles. The results were not good.

The police needed help!

Sam Wilson has posed:
Falcon had been patrolling the streets when gunshots pierced the air, a familiar sound that grabbed his attention even before the police scanner crackled to life. He veered towards the bank, deploying his Redwing drone to scout ahead and assess the situation.

The bank robbers currently held the upper hand, but Falcon wasn't about to let that stand. He soared above the rooftops, his suit's thrusters roaring as he climbed higher. In a flash, he reconfigured his descent, twisting and turning in mid-air. He went from headfirst to footfirst, aiming to strike the robber on the right flank. His boots slammed into the criminal's head, hoping to topple him and disrupt the militaristic phalanx.

"I don't know what kind of whacky unit you five are, but today's not the day to make me pissed off!" Falcon's voice echoed through his comms, sharp and determined.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The sound of the gunfire was causing most nearby people to run from the area. But one other individual headed towards it, if keeping to the alleys. Wearing a stained, oversized jacket and a knit cap, the man's face was dirty where it wasn't covered by a thick growth of dark black beard. Nearing the end of the alley, he peered out to see what was going on.

The gunmen were surprised by that initial attack by Falcon. The bank robber gets launched off his feet, hitting the ground already unconscious from Sam's boot to his head.

The gunmen are definitely well organized and trained. They spread out to make it more difficult on Sam, some moving to flank him. And three of the remaining four turn their assault rifles on the Avenger, while the other man keeps up fire on the police to keep their heads down as much as possible.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Popping his wings around to the front to form a shield, Falcon ducks behind it as the 5.56 rounds tak-tak-tak in a steady stattacco of metal rain. For a moment, it seems that Sam is going to be pinned down, but he taps his comms. << To the police on the scene, Redwing will be dropping ordinance in ten seconds, be ready to counter attack on that mark. Groups of two, stick to cover, stick together, we've got them on the ropes. They just don't know it yet! >>

Turning his attention back he holds up two fingers to the officers, closing them and then gesturing towards the cover of the police cars, directing those that have military training to help those that don't.

And at the ten second mark, Redwing swoops in, dropping several canisters on top of the group of three, billowing thick acidic blinding smoke to try to confuse and baffle them.

When the shooting stops, he switches from shield to wings and lifts up a manhole cover. "Oof, this is a lot heavier than Cap makes it look." he says with a grunt. Turning and twisting, when the group peeks out of the smoke, he flings the manhole cover at the trio. Unfortunately this leaves his back wide open and vulnerable to attack from the fourth that split off.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The cops mostly take cover behind their cars, one officer dragging another behind who is slow witted or didn't hear. Of course, taking cover when the opponents have body armor, and your own pistol shots seem to be bouncing off them, is a pretty natural inclination anyway, so they are quick to comply!

One of the gunmen's clothing shows some new holes as police bullets bounce off the ceramic body armor beneath. The man turns to fire back when Redwing puts up the smoke screen, causing him to cough as he sprays the gunfire more wildly.

Meanwhile, the man back in the alley already starts to stride a foot forward at the sight of the Avenger, before stopping himself, if with great effort. His jaw clenches at standing by even if there's great confidence in Falcon.

Still, seeing a bank robber who got behind Falcon spot him through the smoke and raise his weapon is something the homeless-appearing man can't let go without response. Casting his eyes about at the rubbish along the edges of the alley, he reaches down and grabs a two foot length of two-by-four. The board whirls through the air, hitting the man in the shoulder and causing his gun to jerk to the side. Bullets ricocheting off the pavement as they miss Falcon.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Falcon locked onto his next target when a sudden barrage of bullets hammered the ground behind and to his right. Teeth gritted in fierce determination, he hurled a piece of cover in the direction of the incoming fire. The cover ricocheted off the wall beside the robber, catching him square in the stomach and sending him sprawling to the ground.

Just then, Falcon spotted a second shadow slinking away. All he could do was lift his head and nod in silent gratitude to his mysterious benefactor before refocusing on the task at hand.

Wings extended and engines roaring, Falcon powered up his suit and zeroed in on the silhouettes emerging from the smoke cloud. With calculated precision, he launched a missile straight into the haze, aiming to take out one of the remaining foes with a flawless strike. "You should throw in the towel now!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the din of battle. "Your numbers are dwindling faster than you think!"

Steve Rogers has posed:
The missile hits its target, the blast enough to remove from the fight even the man wearing body armor. The blast sends him flying and he ends up groaning and rolling back and forth on the ground nearly as bad as a soccer player who got lightly brushed by an opponent.

The remaining gunmen seem to share some of that sentiment with Sam. The two men look at each other and a quick hand signal causes them to separate, heading in opposite directions.

Cops step out, hitting both bank robbers, but doing little more than slowing them as that body armor is just too heavy for the police to penetrate. Bursts of automatic rifle fire send the cops scattering again!

Sam Wilson has posed:
Time for some tactical finesse. Falcon powered off the ground, his suit thrumming with energy as he took to the skies. As he climbed higher, he directed Redwing to create a diversion, unleashing a barrage of bullets to keep the other crook occupied. The drone's fire was precise, matching the intensity of the police officers' efforts on the ground.

With the sky as his domain, Falcon maneuvered effortlessly. He dove down from above, seizing the unobstructed gunman by the shoulders and lifting him into the air. "Unf! Lay off the fast food, man!" Falcon shouted, his voice booming as he hoisted the criminal skyward.

Once he had a clear shot, Falcon hurled the gunman towards the crook who was still being distracted by Redwing's relentless fire. The two thugs collided in a brutal crash, sending them tumbling into a chaotic heap.

Falcon landed smoothly a short distance away from the NYPD, his wings folding and interlocking into a formidable shield. "On me!" he commanded, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. He led the NYPD towards the criminals and their stash, while that mystery man is allowed to slink away. Though whoever he is, Sam was grateful that he was there. He'd probably invited him out for a beer.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The cops close in with Falcon, subduing the gunmen and cuffing them. A few cops took fire and their comrades are already administering aid, while the wail of sirens announces the approach of ambulances.

One of the cops moves over to Falcon once the bank robbers are all subdued. He pushes back his cap a bit and rubs at his thinning hair. "Thank God you were here, Falcon. We just didn't have anything that could bring them down. Thank you so much for responding!"