19644/Dirty Deeds Done Dirt For Free

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Dirty Deeds Done Dirt For Free
Date of Scene: 09 December 2024
Location: Warehouses
Synopsis: Pathfinder take Longshot out for a night on the town, vigilante style
Cast of Characters: Stirling Winchester, Longshot

Stirling Winchester has posed:
The night is dark and full of terrors. Some folks just don't know it yet. Among them are members of the Stein-Taylor organized crime family. They're guarding a warehouse full of all manner of stolen items, drugs, weapons and animal parts. Tonight they'll be the prey of the vigilante known as Pathfinder, and his partner slash roommate Longshot!

Pathfinder's done a little prep for this operation. First, he unlocked a gangster's cell phone with the unconscious guy's fingerprint. Then he went through the information on it and found the location of the warehouse with all the goods. Before the gangster could recover he finds Longshot, and gets dressed for a night on the town.

Right now he's on a building near the warehouse. He's got his suppressed rifle slung across his back and a pair of binoculars in his hands, laying prone on the edge of the roof, "I see two guys out front. You think we can take them out quietly?" There's a look at his buddy and then a grin, "I try to keep most of my superheroing non-lethal. I know guys like Batman and Superman look up to me and I don't want to disappoint them by killing people."

Longshot has posed:
"Great! I don't want to kill anyone either!" Longshot is buzzing with anticipation and is having a hard time keeping still from their shielded position. This is his first time helping Pathfinder out with hero-ing! There is a happy sway to his movements and a hum of agreement. No guns for Longshot, but his bandolier is full of his usual flat wedged blades.

Applying to be a hero got him arrested recently and Longshot is now fully committed to vigilantism! As per their agreement, Longshot is wearing a mask tonight and his distinctive hair has been tied up and tucked away into a beanie, but has yet to settle on an alias. Longshot still didn't fully understand the concept of a secret identity was important. Wearing a mask and helping Pathfinder with the grand adventures that occurred on patrolling nights sounded so great, but ultimately, Longshot thought that just being a hero would circumvent the need to wear a mask and pretend not to be himself. He could pretend to not be himself just fine if needed, but pretending to not be oneself to Make Things Better and not for something else important like Art, that was a difficult concept to wrap a mind around.

"You've met Superman?! And Batman? That's amazing! Absolutely! At little damage as possible!" Longshot's attention flickers over the the two men in the distance, then scans over the area above them, a set of knives are flicked out and between his fingers, "Yeah, yeah drop down on them from above? Silent!"

Stirling Winchester has posed:
"Good. Nobody dies, but especially not us," Pathfinder tells his friend with a nod as he slowly pushes himself to his feet.

"No, I was joking," he explains with a little chuckle. "I don't kill people because it doesn't seem fair now that I've got superpowers. I mean, Hydra guys show up or something and they're deader than disco, but most criminals aren't trying to turn the whole world evil, you know? I've killed enough people for now." A pause. "Maybe if I keep running across the same murderer I'll kill them. Like, two strikes and I won't bother taking you alive if you don't surrender immediately kind of thing, maybe?" There's a shrug before he puts on his mask and high cut helmet, "Generally, I like to think that restorative justice is the way to go when possible, but this country doesn't bother with making people whole or rehabilitating criminals."

Pathfinder leads the way across the rooftops. He's seen Longshot's acrobatic abilities and doesn't seem worried about his friend keeping up with him. Soon, they're on the roof of the warehouse overlooking the two guards by the door. "I'll move when you do. Keep it smooth, minimize noise."

Longshot has posed:
Longshot listens, nodding brightly, "I think that's a good way to look at it! I don't think I'd be able to kill someone, maybe if they really deserved it, but even then-I don't know. I don't think I can make that sort of choice of what other people deserve. I think some people just need more help than others, you know?"

Longshot's movements are quick and light as he moves after Pathfinder, he has an acrobat's grace with an inhuman flexibility and speed. He vaults off from their vantage point down without a thought to the movement, no planning needed for each jump and flip, just the comfortable confidence that what he needs to land on will be there when he needs it. Even the warehouse district of New York is littered with air ducts, fencing and other tall protrusions from the ground or surrounding buildings to allow the athletically inclined easy movement above their query.

Another nod and a double thumbs up, Longshot peers down at both of them and without thinking will flip down from their vantage point onto one of the guards.

He lands squarely onto one of the man's shoulders, a single hit then flipping away. Though Longshot barely weighs 80 pounds, most men will go down from the surprise of such weight from above and this man is no different, stumbling conveniently into his fellow guard. Longshot lands clear of them both, will turn and offer a round house kick to the man who's already half-way to the ground. It isn't strong enough to knock both of them down but the first will hit the pavement without more sound than a groan.

Stirling Winchester has posed:
When Longshot jumps off the roof with a cool flip Pathfinder steps off and just drops onto his guard similarly to how his friend did it. But Pathfinder with all of his gear on weighs more than twice what Longshot does and so he drives the criminal to the ground before the camo clad vigilante punches his target in the back of the head to make sure they go to sleep. Zip cuffs come out from amidst his tactical gear and he goes to work, swiftly restraining the unconscious guys, "Well done." He looks the entrances over. There's the big one that rolls up for trucks to unload cargo and there's the smaller person sized entrance that the guards had been closer to.

After a quick look at Longshot, Stirling starts checking out the door, "Looking for traps. Explosive devices and alarms. That kind of thing." He looks all over the doorframe, trying to detect anything out of the ordinary, "I don't smell explosives or gunpowder, so we should be good to go. You ever throw a flashbang?" Pathfinder produces one and offers it to Longshot, "Pull the ring, throw everything else, put something solid between you and it and cover your ears. Takes five seconds to go off if you want to cook it first. They're good for temporarily blinding and disorienting people."

Longshot has posed:
"I'm not sure what a trap would look like?" Bummer there isn't one here for Pathfinder to point out, but that is probably a good thing! Still Longshot will follow Pathfinder's lead and look closely at the door. It looks like a door! That's good! "We should add 'traps' and 'alarms' to the list." The inevitable list of things that Alexa or the internet have failed to educate Longshot on, or he has been discouraged from searching up himself and that surely is posted somewhere communal in Stirling's apartment. Things are likely added to the list as quickly as they are removed, if not quicker.

"I don't think so, but maybe!" Longshot will immediately flash another grin to Pathfinder, accepting the flashbang and looking it over carefully. Hummmmm, feels vaguely familiar, "Maybe, maybe-Pull pin, throw, duck. Got it. Pull pin, throw, duck." Longshot is great at throwing things. He will put himself on the opposite side of the door than Pathfinder, back to the wall and ready to spring in the moment the door is opened, "All ready! You open, I go?"

Stirling Winchester has posed:
"Lets hit it!" Pathfinder says to his friend as he grabs the door handle twists to see if its locked. Seeing as how it is, the veteran moves so that his back is facing the door before unleashing a back heel kick that causes it to slam open with a bang!

There are a bunch of guys inside putting little boxes into big boxes. Some of those little boxes are open. They're full of ammunition, magazines, weapons and weapon parts and accessories. The crooks themselves are startled by the bang, momentarily frozen in surprise. Pathfinder has a moment to glance around the room, letting his tactical experience and super senses help him determine the location of threats. He's quick to get behind the wall before Longshot throws his grenade, however.

Longshot has posed:
It's a good thing someone is thinking because the moment the door is open enough, Longshot is in. He is not the sort to take in the environment before acting and now is no exception! He's in and he's got a flashbang! Longshot has a job to do!

Pull pin! Easy! Longshot will beam at the assembled crew, "Hi! You should leave now!"

Throw! This is done not quite as quickly as perhaps he should have, and is thrown in a random, beautiful arc right into the middle of the largest group of people. Perhaps the inexperienced timing is a fortunate thing as the flashbang hits the ground with only a few seconds to spare the startled assembly.

Duck! Longshot will immediately drop back behind a particularly large set of big boxes, already packed onto a pallet and stacked ready for transit to whatever nefarious plans they have.

Hands over ears and eyes squeezed shut, the flashbang is still not a pleasant experience when shielded. Something about it rings in his very empty head as very familiar. Something about being in the sky and things flashing around him, something. Just there. Something-then gone. Weird, "I'm not sure I've used a flashbang before, but I've felt them go off before! Definitely have felt them go off!"

Stirling Winchester has posed:
When the flashbang detonates Pathfinder draws his pirate gun, a sawn-off M79 40mm grenade launcher with a red dot sight. The weapon is brought up and fired one handed at a smaller group of goons. While the bang is loud it's nowhere near the stun grenade. But it is also less lethal! Turns out a bunch of rubber stingballs erupt from the end of the barrel and pelt the thugs, stinging them terribly before leaping over a pallet of boxes and kicking the closest of them in the face.

"History with flashbangs? Must have seen some stuff, even if you can't remember it," the superhero tells his friend. "Two behind the box directly in front of you, one directly on your right up high..." Even as he's speaking he's darting between the gangsters in the group he's engaging, trying to force them to concentrate on him as he gets down to business.

Pathfinder is really good, really fast and really strong. Before they can get guns or knives his group is too tied up trying not to get massacred that a couple of them try to flee only to be grabbed by the back of their collars slammed into one another repeatedly. By the time Pathfinder drops them there is zero fight left in them.

Longshot has posed:
"I dunno! Weird, right?" Longshot doesn't think about Pathfinder's words, just ducks and lets the man coming to attack him tumble with his own momentum at the loss of a target. Longshot is up quickly and engages his assailant, mostly through continued avoidance, baiting the man up again and forward. The man swings, swings and continues to miss, finally Longshot steps forward, hands on the man's shoulders and vaulting over the man and onto the stack of boxes themselves. This knocks the man down, knives out and thrown, pinning the man down by his jacket.

From his perch, Longshot will drop down on the two men he couldn't see, two well placed punches stuns them and an additional set of knives pins them too to the stack of cardboard immoble.

A thought will percolate up and Longshot attention jerks to Pathfinder, "Eyy, are you okay? If the bang blinds everyone normal, does it hurt your-um-stuff a lot?" Don't talk about powers! Don't say super senses or such out loud! Watching, Pathfinder seems pretty okay but jeez, is this man fighting like that with the aftershock of an explosion with super senses? "You are amazing!"

Stirling Winchester has posed:
"You'd think, right?" Pathfinder replies as he runs across the room, towards a pillar only to sprint up it and launch himself off and into a crook. "Even though I hear everything really well its not like things are necessarily louder to my ears. Also, electronic ear protection is a lifesaver. Do you know how often people start shooting guns at me inside?"

As he says it the vigilante tosses his opponent aside and dives into cover behind a stack of boxes as someone does, in fact, start shooting at him. With amazing swiftness Pathfinder produces his pirate gun and reloads, "I'll get you some, too, when I dig up some more gear to get you kitted out with comms and such."

Then the pirate gun gets turned on the shooter and fired. This time the rubber pellets hit hard enough that the recipient falls on his back, grabbing his face from where a stingball connected with it.

"You're pretty damn hot yourself!" Pathfinder exclaims. "Honestly, team-ups are more fun that solo heroing, too."

Longshot has posed:
Relief washes over the worry and Longshot will laugh, "Oh good!" He's on the move again, heading toward the back of the space where a group of people who had found their senses decided leaving was the best choice to make right now. Longshot would have let them go if they hadn't chosen to grab a few boxes on their way out. As it is, they make it to the door just as a knife hits the lock, jamming it.

"Good! Teams are better! Keeps everyone more safe!" Despite the speed of Longshot's approach, a box will be thrown at him, misses, but gives the group-leader time to hastily pull a gun while the other two try in vain to get the door open. Longshot freezes, hands immediately up and stopping in his tracks. The man's hands are shaking.

"I think something bulletproof might be nice?" Longshot isn't actually sure if his clothing is bullet proof and isn't super interested in checking. However, something isn't right Longshot's head tips to the side, looking over the gun, one eye starting to glow, but his words are placating, almost gentle, "Hey that doesn't look right, I'm not sure you loaded that clip correctly, don't sho-"

The man squeezes the trigger and sure enough the gun jams. He tries to clear it, but Longshot's start to move forward again scares him into jerking up again to attempt another shot but whatever has gone wrong results in the correct firing mechanism but the bullet does not leave the chamber. A dramatic flash of light, burning and covering the goon in gunpowder, hot metal and pain.

"I tried to warn him!" Longshot darts forward, ignoring the injured man in favor of stopping his friends that are trying to abandon him, grabbing each by the collar and shoving them toward the downed man, "HELP HIM! NOW!" Luckily, both seem to agree that glowing man is momentarily scary and will start helping as directed.

Stirling Winchester has posed:
The bad guys are starting to run out of goons as sirens can be heard approaching in the distance, at least by Pathfinder, "Cops are coming!" Some of the remaining bad guys try to run from Pathfinder, too. The pirate gun comes out and blasts them with rubber pellets before the weapon's owner flips it over to grab it by the barrel and proceeds to bludgeon them with the grip.

As they drop, Pathfinder slows down and looks quite distressed, "Shit. Helicopter's coming. We gotta get going, its a bitch to lose those things on foot."

Longshot has posed:
Longshot is really not interested in being shot today, but there is another individual with a gun. Someone far more confident with it and far less willing to give Longshot the breathing room he had just enjoyed. Longshot doesn't freeze this time, but darts away, up again and will drop down on her in quick time, the spray of shots always just barely missing him. It's not that she's a bad shot, just that Longshot might be rather difficult to hit. The moment Longshot has her down he's up again, "Helicopter? If we took the helicopter, do you have somewhere we could put it?" Wait, that's stealing. "Never mind, let's go, I'm sure between the two of us we are faster, and if we go in different directions and meet up later, they can't follow both of us."

Stirling Winchester has posed:
"Its probably the police or the news," Pathfinder says as he looks for more enemies. Not finding any he starts moving for the exit himself, reloading his pirate gun before holstering it. "Alright, sounds good. We'll meet up at the crib later, after we're sure we've lost any pursuers."

One more look at Longshot and thumbs up, "Great job, my friend. At this rate there won't be any more crime in time for New Years." Behind his goggles he winks before darting off.

Longshot has posed:
Longshot will shoot a frown at the three people he didn't immobilize, pointing at them sternly, "You will not leave him until an ambulance is here, okay? In the future don't abandon your friends!" As different levels of crimes go here, that one is fully understood. Another shake of his finger and attention will return to Pathfinder with a bright set of thumbs up.

"Awesome! See ya later!" Longshot doesn't bother scoping the place out, clearly Pathfinder didn't think it was needed, so neither does Longshot, he's out, checking Pathfinder's direction and heads off in the opposite. Successful vigilantism accomplished!