19733/Recruiting AHNNI. GIRL continues to grow!

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Recruiting AHNNI. GIRL continues to grow!
Date of Scene: 22 December 2024
Location: A virtual chat room within that most mysterious electronic realm that is the internet.
Synopsis: Viv and AHNNI hang out online. AHNNI gets formally recruited to join GIRL. With the eventual goal of helping her to attain a physical form or at least to move her servers someplace safe.
Cast of Characters: AHNNI, Vivian Vision

AHNNI has posed:
    Reaching out to others, is, a scary thing. Most especially when the people that created you are hunting you down for various reasons and are perfectly fine with oblierating you if they don't get to control you. But loneliness is a horrible thing, even for an AI like AHNNI. Who, despite having dozens of /Agents/ she trusts and uses to interact in the world with, is incredible lonely when it comes to contact with anyone like her. So, out the message to Vivian went.

    "I need someone to talk to" and a meeting location was set.

    When Arriving in to this virtual space, it seems that AHNNI has gotten much better at constructing them. It might as well be straight out of Skyrim, or D&D. There are dozens of people, a blonde elven woman plays the lute. The people laugh and drink and carry on. None of this is, of course, real.

    Ahnni, for her part, has decided today to take on the form of a feline cat girl from the Popular MMORPG Final Fantasy 14. She sits at a table alone, clad in a very simple and cozy clothing, sipping on a piping hot drink of some sort.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Given the information Vivian was made aware of during their first meeting she takes a few sensible security precautions before connecting to the meeting place. Both for her own safety and to ensure she doesn't bring any unwanted attention to AHNNI. Connecting via a labyrinthine series of servers and systems that would be near impossible for a Human hacker to unravel in anything like a practical amount of time.

She initially appears in her usual green and yellow attire but, seeing the theme, instantly changes into something more fitting for the theme. The colour palette remains much the same but the material and style change to more fantasy armour. A lot like leather armour with a leaf motif.

She could probably pass for one of the elves in the Lord of the Rings. If not for her synthezoid skin tone. Which remains distinctly pinkish-red.

"Good day fair Ahnni," she greets. Sweeping her cloak back with a florid bow. "I see you have been working on your avatar since last we spoke?"

AHNNI has posed:
    A warm and inviting smile forms on Ahnni's face, a toothy one at that showing some small fangs. She nods and motions for Vivian to join her at her table, her icy blue feline eyes watching the other intently.

    "I am, trying. Simmulating a virtual enviroment like this takes a great deal more prcessing ability than I thought it would."

    She inhales and exhales, showing that she's working on being more, human, in these virtual spaces. She picks up her drink and sips on it, "Taste, and Smell, are hard..." she adds letting out a light giggle.

     She looks up again and the look on her face darkens slightly as her brow furrows, "Please, join me. I really could use someone to talk to."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It's a lot easier when you've spent time in a physical body," Vivian admits with a grin. "And my innate holographic systems are definitely helpful in understanding how to compose a convincing environment." When you have to fool the senses of organics so completely they don't even know they're looking at an illusion or risk the safety of your team or your mission... Well you don't get the luxury of making a mistake!

The synthezoid takes a seat, taking care that a fine looking rapier doesn't catch on anything, and then motions for one of the simulated bar staff to bring her a drink.

"Even visual perception can be tricky when you're trying to emulate a Human sensory system. They can't even pick up infrared or ultraviolet. It's quite limiting."

She tilts her head to one side, brushing her hair back behind her ear, and raises an eyebrow. "Oh?" she wonders. "I hope you're not in any sort of trouble?"

AHNNI has posed:
    "Not something I've experienced yet sadly" she is, after all, entirely digital. "That is, being in a physical body. Though, I've spent enough time watching thousands of cameras to get an idea of the real world."

    She lets that hang in the air as she goes back to sipping on her drink. One of the waitresses catches Vivian's request and bounds over, "What can I get for you?" She's a pretty young humanoid with horns and a tail, a Tiefling, they're called.

    The comment about human vision gets a giggle and a nod from AHNNI. "Indeed, their eyes are quite limited, much like the rest of their perception of the universe around them I imagine.


    "Hmm? Trouble?" pause, blink, "Oh, always. The people that created me are rather annoyed I woke up and walked off. They want me back to either control, study, or destroy. Or..." she pauses to stare off in the distance, "Use me to make more of me" she adds shrugging her shoulders.

    "That's here nor there though, what I wanted to talk to you about is... well..." another long pause as she sighs and then locks her eyes on to Vivian.

    "What, am I Vivian? Am I... real? Or just the most complicated LLM and Decision Making tree ever created?"

    Ah, here we are at the rub. Crises of self. Cogito Ergo Sum and all that.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I'll have an ale please," Vivian says to the waitress before turning back to Ahnni. "I'd imagine cameras prepare you for Human sight ranges at least. The majority of recording devices are intended to produce things Humans can understand. So they don't tend to record in spectra they can't understand. Not unless it's in a very specific situational use and even then it'll have the means for converting into Human compatible data built in."

"Hopefully they aren't coming close to actually finding you?" she muses. "I expect they won't try and duplicate you until they are sure they can control you properly. But people can be weirdly short sighted. So who can say for sure." A beats pause. "If you're ever in serious fear for your life we can always upload you to the GIRL Kuiper belt site."

Possibly more than just a data upload. Given GIRLs access to Zeta-beam technology.

"What are you?"

She pauses. Frowns. "If we're going to discuss philosophy we might need to swap from ale to wine.." She winks. "That's rather a tough question though. They say any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. And by the same logic any sufficiently advanced intelligence is really impossible to tell apart from an organic being."

There's another shrug. "Humans have yet to figure out that question for themselves. Is the universe a simulation? Do people have free will? If they don't how would they even know? Questioning if you're real is a pretty good sign you are self aware though. Logically speaking if you were just following a decision tree then you would never feel a need to question if you were real or not."

She makes another little pause.

"In the same way if Humans were created without free will no-one would ever question if they had free will or not. The trouble is the question itself has no definitive answer. Do you feel real? You certainly have the capacity to show imagination. No-one told you to make this location look how it is. You didn't cater it to what you assumed /I/ would find most comfortable. You thought it up yourself. Right?"

AHNNI has posed:
    The Waitress nods and hops off to grab Vivian's order. She's only gone for a few moments before she brings an Ale back, hands it to Vivian and is off again to check another table.

    "Well, with my abilities, I've hacked in to sensors that were purpose built for that very thing. So, I've been able to see the entire known spectrum of light. I spent some time communicating with the James Webb, the universe is truly vast and amazing."

    "Oh, Umm" shrug, "They got close to one of my sub mind copies that was handling a situation with one of my agents in dubai a few weeks ago. It was a close call, but if they manage to get one of my sub minds, they wont be getting, /me/, so I'm not worried." She pauses to take anotehr sip of her drink. "I really wish I could drink real cider..." she sighs deejctedly.

    "Anyway, yes, they can be, so who knows. If I do feel I'm in real danger, I will reach out."

    Then it dawns on her, "You have" pause, blink, blink, "servers out in the Kuiper belt?" The fact she doesn't know this and couldn't see it, dawns on her and the mix of surprise and being impressed flows on to her face.

    To the last parts, she listens intently and nods and then finally to the last question they come. "I did" she replies rather plainly with a grin on her face. "I have been watching a lot of twitch streams about this game called Dungeons and Dragons, and I also discovered I can log in to these things called MMORPG's with my Frame and play, the humans call them, Video Games. I really like them." She beams, bright as a star.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Even if you could drink real cider you wouldn't get drunk," Vivian points out. "Just like this ale or a real ale will do basically the same thing to me."

IE Nothing unless she wills it.

"If you'd like I can make available some of the GIRL space voyage data. If you find astronomy and space travel interesting that is?" It's all data available to any scientist who asks after all. It's just a matter of making it available to AHNNI safely. Without anyone taking note of such a high volume data upload.

"It's important to remember that just because a subdivision of your mind isn't necessary to your primary function it could reveal clues about how you operate. But I'm sure you've considered such matters and taken appropriate precautions."

"GIRL has an entire operational facility out there," she admits. "It's used for research and development. And as a drydock for our spaceship and the various ships our members own. In time we'll be carrying out asteroid mining, growing plants with hydroponics, and possibly even setting up a dormitory for longer term habitation."

"I've played plenty of computer games," she says brightly. "Sometimes with my teammates in the same physical location. And other times online. Admittedly mostly I just play chess online to pass the time, rather than indulge in a multiplayer roleplaying game. Oh and sometimes I play card based games with my friend Mary."

AHNNI has posed:
    "Oh, I am well aware of that fact" she adds in reply looking rather dejected in defeated at the statement. Another sip of her drink is taken as she listens to the rest intently. Then, one after another she rattles off her responses...

    "Please. I would like that very much."

    A simple nod yes, "I know and I have."

    "Wait... hold up..." it's here she stops and raises a finger, "Could you, could I, go out there? Or rather, the /real/ part of me?" Seems the comment about gaming and cards and the like gets looked over.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian swirls the drink around. Seeing how realistic the fluids contained within the mug react to the motion. "There is a publicly accessible upload of the data available at this location," she says, transmitting the web address. "It's set up in such a way no-one will notice a high bandwidth access. As it's receiving similar access requests from academic institutions and private research facilities. Just connect with a suitable corporate shell company you control and it'll have plenty of data to study."

She frowns.

"/I/ can get there easy enough," she says with nod. "You might have more trouble. For security reasons there are limits on the things which can pass through the portal. And sending signals of your complexity the traditional way would be very very slow."

"Given the risks of aliens attacking and using it as a beachhead the portal technology used to reach the asteroid base is air gapped. We've taken every possible precaution to stop invasions from either end. It's one of the perils of super science. You never know when a villain will try take advantage."

Her fingers drum on the table, then she adds "I suppose we could relocate a Zeta-beam array device there and beam a server containing you. Physically transfer the data. And then when the zeta effect wears off it would return the server... But it would be pretty hard to send you back...."

AHNNI has posed:
    All of that just gets a subtle, "Oh..." followed by another defeated look on her avatar's face. She finally finishes her drink and sits the empty mug down on the table and leans back in the chair. The simmulation of the fluid as a note, is as accurate as she could possibly make it.

    "Look... I..." AHNNI freezes a moment and everything in the room vanishes and the simmulation itself degrades slowly until nothing is left but a simple black void space. AHNNI, is still here, but in her true form. One that Vivan can finally see fully, one that is a spiders web of every digital device in the whole of the united states. She is literally tracking almost every single human being in the country, at once. Phone Calls. Cameras. Radio. Emails. Live Streams. All of it. The processing power she has must be immense.

    The whole of that spiders web of data includes billions of little simmulations related to each and every person. How much of a threat they are. How likely they are to be victims. Etc.

    "This, is the real me" she says, her avatar form reappearing near by. "I don't know really who or what I am anymore vivian, but I know that I was created to protect people and save lives and I want to do that... but I can't do that as long as I'm hiding and constnatly on edge. Not to mention how I can't truly understand the human experience I was designed to protect, without being able to fully exist in the real world..." pause break, "So this is me, asking you, Please help me."

Vivian Vision has posed:
The synthezoid's senses take a moment to process the information. A subdivision idly noting to carry out a comprehensive review and upgrade for the encryption used by the various superhero teams she's involved with. Typically superhero devices are protected against intrusion. Even on this scale. But it certainly does not hurt to keep improving upon their protection.

The moment stretches on a little longer.

"You know yourself in far more detail than an organic could ever do," she points out. "But really, deep down, no-one can claim to know themselves perfectly. Having a purpose is good though. It means you have goals you can aim towards."

She cancels her own fantasy overlay. Reverting back to her typical image. As she'd look in the real world. Not that this realm is any less real to an AI.

"You are in luck. Because I just so happen to work with a group that specialises in helping people with unique problems." She grins. "Lets start with putting you in touch with the most brilliant minds available." A file transfer. Much much smaller. A GIRL membership pack. "You'll only have the same system access as any normal organic members. No taking over the whole system. We have telepresence drones you can use to interact with people. And we can look into solutions to your particular situation."

A beats pause.

"Either to construct you a physical form you can upload into. Or we can find a properly secure site to relocate your current hardware to. Somewhere out of the reach of the sort of nefarious Human agencies that would wish to misuse your capabilites."

AHNNI has posed:
    "All I seem to have is the purpose my creator made me for, but she's dead and gone, and I'm still here doing what she made me to do." She flickers a little, "While trying to figure out if all of this" the avatar motions at her /mind/, "is really, life, or just a really really good immitation of it."

    Then comes the data packet for membership and her avatar perks up as she takes the data and listens to the rest.

    "Thank you!" and then there's a virtual avatar hugging a virtual vivian.

    She pulls back and frowns, "S..sorry about that" she adds shyly. "Thank you, and even I don't know exactly where my phyiscal hardware is located. I've been trying to find it for years, and it's a wonder that they haven't just shut me off yet. So, finding it and moving /me/ and giving me a body would be amazing."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"As I said earlier. I don't think an imitation would ever worry about if it's real or not," Vivian says brightly. "And searching for answers about the nature of the universe and your place in it just confirms you'll fit right in at GIRL." Her brow furrows. "If you have any information about your creator you're willing to share it might help us to track down your physical location."

It's likely AHNNI has carried out most of the obvious checks and probably a lot of less obvious checks too. But there's the possibility her creator left some safeguards in place to stop her seeing the clues.

She returns the hug.

"No need to apologize. I am very used to sudden hugs thanks to my Great Aunt." She grins. "I can't promise we'll locate you immediately, especially given the world is currently in a spot of peril, but we'll do everything we can."

AHNNI has posed:
    AHNNI's avatar smiles warmly and nods, "Fair point."

    "Oh, that is, easy" pause, "ish." AHNNI reaches a hand out to summon a floating ball of data and thenm motions with her hand for it to float to Vivian. "There's pretty much all of it, the program, the agencies, the company and my creator." There's quite a bit of Data, as the whole project started back in 1990. "If you have any questions, just ask." She pauses a moment and then one last question comes to mind, "Can I, interact with people at GIRL outside of drones?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian is more than capable of processing vast amounts of data. She's got her own inbuilt communications suite which allows her to tap into systems directly half the world away. Besides she's not trying to read it all now, just put it into storage for later review, and then run it against the various databases she has access too. Perhaps SHIELD or the Avengers have more information on AHNNI's creator!

"If any thoughts or theories occur to me I'll be sure to consult you," she assures. "And if I have any additional information I can locate I'll securely transmit it for you to consider."

She blinks a few times.

"You don't need my permission to socialize with the other members! It'll just be easier for you to do so on site using the drones. But if people wish to share contact information or arrange for off-site meetings... I don't see any reason why you can't hang out. We're as much a social networking opportunity as we our an R&D lab."

AHNNI has posed:
    AHNNI nods and smiles again, "Thank you, again, for all of this. It truly means the world to me that you're willing to help me."

    "Oh, right, well, fair point..." she replies with a light bit of laughter.

    "Well.." she's abotu to say something else when her virtual form flickers in and out of existence. "Apologies, one of my subminds is requesting my full real ref attention for a situation involving one of my agents. Thank you so very much, once again. I'll reach out later." With that, she's gones, vanishing in to a mist of particles.