20066/Mimosas and art
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Mimosas and art | |
Date of Scene: | 14 February 2025 |
Location: | Molly and Vivian's Apartment |
Synopsis: | Kori stops round to pose for Vivian's art. They chat about the superhero lifestyle and catch up. They agree Humans are weird. |
Cast of Characters: | Vivian Vision, Koriand'r
- Vivian Vision has posed:
There are plenty of plus sides to being a super hero. One of the less commonly remarked upon is you tend to know people with varied skills and professions which you might not otherwise meet. For example an amateur artist can get in contact with a professional model. Without having to go through the trouble of posting a wanted ad or hunting online to find someone.
Also if you're asking a friend for a favour they don't tend to charge you a fee! Which is always a plus side. Not that Vivian is short on funds. She can think cryptocurrency into existence and has access to a Pym Technologies credit card account with a limit that would make your eyes boggle.
Thus we find ourselves at Viv and Mollys place. The synthetic superhero having moved her art stuff into the main living area after putting out a call to the Titans number one professional model.
Of course it'd be rude to impose upon someone without any sort of a thank you. Which is why she's hand made a variety of treats and snacks. Little pastries and some cupcakes covered in a buttercream frosting. Plus the fridge is well stocked with the ingredients to make mimosas.
Technically more mimosas. As there's a whole pitcher chilling in the fridge.
Given her roomie has a jetpack there's a skylight left open. Just to save Starfire from having to fly down to the ground floor and then take an elevator up again.
- Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r has been know to enjoy a plate of sweets and snacks from time to time. So that sort of bribery can work well on the model in question. When asked if she would provide a subject for Vivian's art she happily agreed. There is no reason for her to distrust a friend and Kori was never one to be body shy. Since she is expected to arrive the Tamaranian even dressed 'down' some as it were. She's got herself on a tight pair of black slacks a white blouse that she didn't bother to really button up save for the first one on the bottom. This lets her fly in and come to a smooth landing in the artist's studio.
Large green eyes look around as she tries to find the one who invited her over, only to see the treats and make her way over. "Vivian. I have arrived." She assumes the other woman is getting her supplies together or something.
- Vivian Vision has posed:
The apartment is pretty open plan. A kitchen/living area where Viv has her art things set up. Two bedrooms and a bathroom. It's in one of the bedrooms (her own) that Viv is currently pottering around. Collecting costume options. Also doing a little bit of tidying up.
The Titans are probably used to a little mess. There's certainly a few members who clean up less than others. (And really Viv's idea of messy is the magazines not being at exactly the right angle on the coffee table).
But it never hurts to take the effort when people are coming round. It's all part of being a good hostess. Right?
"Heya Kori!" she calls out as she comes back into the main living area with her arms full of bits of outfit. "Help yourself to drinks and snacks! Anything you like. The leftovers will probably just get devoured by Molly later anyway." Plus it's not like Viv eats or drinks herself. "What's new with you? Been fighting any weird supervillains?"
- Koriand'r has posed:
Kori delays on a hug hello only because Viv's arms are full. So instead she goes and will select a cupcake to pick up and sniff at. "Thank you! I think I will. I have a bit of a craving. I blame the bakery not far from here I flew over on my way." She takes a bite as her head swishes excitedly with a head shake. "Not at all," she confesses. "I tried to watch the Bowl Super, but found the people outside the stadium more interesting and had to break up a fight there. Hardly anything villainous or super about them though. Unless you count their smell. Fortunately I don't always have to breath." She smiles wide after licking her lips clean. "All well with you?"
- Vivian Vision has posed:
The bundle of costume choices gets carefully set down on the table. It's mostly a selection of choices for Kori to pick from later anyway. Then Viv laughs. "I went to a music competition to be supportive of one of the members of GIRL and it got attacked by supervillains using sonic mind control as cover for a heist. It's so hard to go out and do normal recreational activities without /something/ kicking off, right?"
She's dressed in her typical way. Canary yellow cargo pants and a green t-shirt. Plus some green ankle socks. No need for shoes inside her own apartment. A canine with fur the colour of Viv's hair (green) pokes his head out from around the door to Viv's room and SPARKY sniffs at the air. His head tilts curiously and he lets out a little bark in greeting before padding over to a pet bed.
"I've found myself very busy lately. Too busy to really relax and be creative. Between GIRL and my various superhero obligations. Plus college... It's a lot. At least SPARKY doesn't actually need to go for walks like a regular canine." A shrug. "Not that this stops Molly from taking him out for them. Technically she watches to make sure he doesn't get up to mischief, he is still a prototype after all, but I sometimes wonder if he doesn't wind up keep her out of trouble more than the other way around..."
- Koriand'r has posed:
Kori's face gets thoughtful, "How do you mind control sound? It seems to be a pretty solid factor of air density and volume." She then shrugs the thought off and gets to the important part, "Sorry that your evening was interrupted."
With Viv's arms empty Kori will hurry over to give the delayed hug and to look over the clothing laid out. Of course the doggie gets a friendly wave. "We should remedy that then. Is that the goal tonight? To avoid mind control and to relax with creativity?" Turning from the garments and to the woman herself. "I do think that the social aspects of school on Earth seem interesting. I cannot really relate however." She didn't go to school and likely wouldn't do well either. She licks her fingers clean once the cupcake has been devoured and is no more. "Companions of all kinds are often good for helping friends both get into and out of trouble. It's just not always easy to tell which way you are going."
- Vivian Vision has posed:
"The sound was used to hypnotise the audience," Vivian explains with a thoughtful look on her face. "The weird thing is... I don't think the people they caught were responsible for the crime. There was some weird symbol in the computer system. Maybe some supervillain hacker or rogue AI was behind it. I'll need to chat with Ghost-Spider about it sometime."
She shrugs. Another thing for her to-do list.
"College really is just about the social side for me. Well that and providing AI aren't evil and should be given the same rights as everyone else..." She returns the hug. While SPARKY adds another little bark and a wag of his tail. "A little of the right kind of trouble is okay every now and again. So long as no-one is getting hurt or hurting others. That's the important bit."
Viv lets out a little giggle.
"Oh my art plans are always the same really. It's all about getting to know people and expressing that through a creative medium. To get more in touch with what it's like to be Human by doing things how they'd do them. No photo-realistic drawings. Just my emotional core and a sketchbook. Drawing things at a mostly Human speed."
Mostly because sometimes her models need to get a glass of water or want to have a conversation. And it's not cheating too badly if she accounts for that sort of thing to make the model more comfortable. Right? Even if it /is/ cheating it's the good kind. So Viv has decided it's okay. And really that's the most important thing about having a hobby.
"I have a whole lot of things you can dress up in," she says with a shrug. "Or I can pick for you if you'd prefer?"
- Koriand'r has posed:
Kori shakes her head and says to Vivian, "I don't know any animal ghosts either. If you want me to pose, I can do that. I won't be able to help you understand what it is like to be 'human' though. They're a very strange species from those I met among the universe."
Her attention turns to the clothes, it isn't like models usually pick their outfits. Their job is to make the garments look good and not to prove their own fashion sense. "I am happy to pick, however if there is something you wish to see on me or to draw then that's what you should do. I always say to follow your emotions. Even if they are from code and hardware. I don't understand emotions anymore then the next girl. They just are."
- Vivian Vision has posed:
"Ghost-Spider is one of the Spiders. Like Spider-Man. But female and her powers are a little different," Vivian explains with a wink. "No undead or spirits involved. That would be extra strange if it was working with an AI. The supernatural doesn't usually work with the technical. Even in superhero teams it's unusual. Villains less so."
She lets Kori have a look at the costume stuff and heads over to the sketchbook she'd set up earlier. "It's sort of my reason to exist. Learning about Humans and being more Human myself. Not that it's an achievable task. Humans are so different from each other I doubt I'll ever fully have a handle on them all!"
"I have perfect understanding of my emotions," she muses. "I can control them directly if need be. But. They're a little different to normal Humans." There's a little pause and then she adds "I got it as a bit of a joke. But there's a bunny girl costume in the pile. Honestly though it's not a complete outfit. It'd be closer to life modelling than not. But if you don't mind I can highlight the required elements."