20189/Light and Darkness
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Light and Darkness | |
Date of Scene: | 05 March 2025 |
Location: | The Black Market |
Synopsis: | The Shade meets Dr. Phosphorus and plans are made. |
Cast of Characters: | Dr. Phosphorus, Richard Swift
- Dr. Phosphorus has posed:
Dr. Phosphorus is not the most sociable person, even among villains. Now Kite Man, that doofus can be a friendly outgoing sort, or Len Snart after he had a few. Phosphorus is caustic and volatile, quite literally. He didn't get the name by staging phosphorus related crimes. Besides he is slightly radioactive. People make way more of that than you'd think. He sits, having his whiskey, which caught fire and seems to be smiling at a joke no one gets. But he has no choice. He's always smiling. No one plays poker with him either.
- Richard Swift has posed:
The shadows congeal and undulate for several moments, making any onlooking person ill by just watching it. Then, it was gone, and in the shadows place was a man. Sharply dressed in the latest dark fashions. Casual chic to the beau monte level of sophistication.
Yes, there was a top hat. It was inevitable. The dark black cane, also a must have. Black casual was the call of the day, including leather pants, black high collared shirt, and high-heeled boots that were the dah-ling o' the current strip.
"So this is the...place." Shade's voice was cold. Distant. His eyes scan the place with a casual disdain. "Well. Indeed."
- Dr. Phosphorus has posed:
Dr. Phosphorus ahs at the sight of the A-lister. He lifts his drink in a toast to the Shade. 'It is /a/ place. If you were aiming for the Hall of Justice, you missed by the figurative mile. This place has better drinks though. I am Dr. Phosphorus. You need no introduction. Join me if you like. I'm just having a drink and... I was hoping to see a deranged psionic I met the other day. She tore up Time Square. Probably has daddy issues. I'd like to help." He indicates a chair and downs his drink, chuckling at his little quips.
- Richard Swift has posed:
The Shade sniffs, nods to Dr Phos, and brushes his shoulders off with his cane. As though there was dust present. He moves several paces forward, taking in everything around him. It was not affecting him in the slightest, but with a slight sigh, he was here.
"I will join you." Swift looks at Phos for a few seconds, before nodding. "Thank you Doctor." So the Shade knows who he is.
Taking the proferred chair, Shade sits and orders the most expensive wine in the house. "Come here often?" He heard the comment about the psionic, but didn't want to seem interested.
- Dr. Phosphorus has posed:
Dr. Phosphorus says, "I've been here a few times. I often go to Mutant Town. There are Mutants I can pass for and most don't seem to notice me. I'd love to see the police try to bring in the Ghost Rider but so far my antics haven't announced my presence. I needed some seed money, to hire etc. We've all been there. I've secured some backing, from Genosha. I have to pretend to give a shit about Mutants but the money was too good to pass up. Are you looking for a team to join? Because my crew is starting to look like the Genoshan Cosa Nostra and I want a few plain old metahumans to take my side. I don't trust two out of three of them."
- Richard Swift has posed:
Shuffling a bit on the chair, the Shade frowns. Hrm. Uncomfortable. Putting his can and top hat on the table while taking off his gloves, the Shade looks at Dr Phos, and shrugs. Not affected by his looks, the Shade says, "Mutants. Indeed. We all do what we must to succeeed." Not survive. Succeed.
"I am never looking for a team to join. They tend to be...disappointing. Why, are you recruiting?" The Shade looks back at Dr Phos. "Of course! Well...if you ever need my expertise, I am available."
"For a price. Must maintain the reputation my good man."
- Dr. Phosphorus has posed:
Dr. Phosphorus holds a glowing finger over one eye and raises it. "No one but a blockhead ever performed villainy for free. And your reputation precedes you... hiding Keystone City in a pocket dimension, looting it for years. I don'y such grandiose designs at this point. Basically... Happy Harbor serves as a jumping off point for criminal transportation. I intend to make them pay for safe passage. They pay all the racketeers in Gotham, Metropolis and New York. Why not me. I also plan to make Happy Harbor a paradise, via money laundering. Everyone forgets about that and goes robbing cat's eye jewels or Faberge umbrellas. So I certainly can use some muscle until they get it through their heads I'm serious."
- Richard Swift has posed:
Swift watches the man. "I happen to agree. Never do anything for free." Shade leans back, accepting the glass of wine into his hand. He sips it casually, and nods, aceepting that it was, well, acceptible.
At the compliments, the Shade nods his head with a slight, ever ever so slight, smile. Imperceptible.
"It sounds like you have a very interesting plan. My compliments. However, my only reservation is that it is Mutant Town. You have the do-gooder mutants to deal with." It was left unsaid. X-Men. New Mutants. Etc.
- Dr. Phosphorus has posed:
Dr. Phosphorus holds his hand up. "Allow me to correct you. I have hund around Mutant Town. My operation will be based on Happy Harbor. But I may branch out. I mean even Black Mask started running a few blocks. Once we're established I'd like to move into Gotham and retake Rupert Thorne's operations for nostalgia. He made me what I am today, a burning skeleton."
"Did you ever get revenge that healed your soul and mind, Shade? That was giving Thorne his payback. Watching that wretch realize he could be gotten to."
- Richard Swift has posed:
"Indeed." Swift listens to the words from the Doctor. "So. Revenge. It is certainly sweet." Shade's words trail off. He was somewhere else for a moment or two. Then, another sip of the wine, and he was back.
"You are a fascinating young man, Doctor. I will help you when you need me." Swift puts the now empty glass on the table as he stands.
Shade collects his cane. Then his top hat, which he places on his head. "Gotham may be problematic, but everything else sounds grand." Tapping his hat with his cane to ensure it was in place, the Shade turns to leave. Then pauses.
Turning back, the Shade says, "Contact me when you need me. I will be there. Until then...may the shade protect you from the heat of the sun." Then, the shadows enveloped him and he was gone.
- Dr. Phosphorus has posed:
Dr. Phosphorus watched the portal like roiling black liquid take his new acquaintance. "Exits. I have to work on a good exit." He gets up to leave.