4172/=Sekrit Origins

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=Sekrit Origins
Date of Scene: 18 November 2020
Location: Alleyways: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Shannon goes looking for trouble and almost reaps the Whirlwind
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Shannon Davis

Hank Pym has posed:
Could this guy be more criminal? Dark hoodie, tinted glasses, at night! More stubble than is sexy. A rough customer for sure. He would catch a superhero's eye in a minute. He walks along in an intimidating sort of slouch and keeps looking over his shoulder, a large shoulder bag in one hand.

A couple of ants watch the scene dispassionately, unless you know ants.

//Something is going down!//

//Protect the Queen! Protect the Queen!!//

//Queen is chilling, Sis. Ant-man is after this guy, alla time// //Which Ant-Man...// //... the real one! I dunno, I can't tell them apart!! Either/both!//

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis was wandering the streets like an undying spectre starved for the life force of the living, her eyes were fixated with an unreasonable intensity, scanning every movement of everything that came across her sight. She moved with unsettling determination, she absolutely needed to find something tonight, something to quench her thirst for adrenaline and her desires to see her powers working in a practical situation. When she spots the guy it's like a starving rabid dog catching sight of a walking sausage. She gravitates towards him, keeping several steps behind, with her hands shoved inside her hoodie pockets where she stored her makeshift weapons. She observes expectantly.

Hank Pym has posed:
//Dafu... we're supposed to watch for that girl too. Let's move it!// A call goes out on the ant wifi for Ant-Man!!

Ant-Man is asleep after getting a snootful, two beers. Is it any surprise he's... a light weight. A head set near his bed beeps loudly and he wakes and grabs for it. Ant to Man call.

//Hello? What is it? Yes I'm the real one!!! Put your leader on! For fudge sake. Hello? Yeah? YEAH? You did well, little friends.//

Hank jumps out of bed and grabs for his costume, shrugging into it as he shrinks small enough to use his catapult to get to Brooklyn.

Hoodie guy slows down, slows down some more then stops and turns around. He takes his hands from his pockets, holds them palms facing him, at his side the usual posture for the unspoken question: WTF do you want? He has a smirk on his face.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis lets out an exasperated sigh, she was quite anxious to see him start doing some villanous stuff, but it seemed her wishes would not come to pass very easily. She narrows her eyes on him a little and offers a cheeky grin. "What? This is a public street, man. I can walk wherever I want." She tells him with a dismissive tone, maybe pushing him a little would edge out the details she needed to decide whether it was fine to jump him or not. "You seem like a trusty fellow, I'm sure you won't mind it if I stick close, it's dangerous fto go around here on my own at night."

Hank Pym has posed:
The man sneers then says, "Stop following me or you're going to be a statistic. That's how dangerous it is. Beat it or I'll bust your ass! You think I'm playing? Go home!" He takes a step towards her, attempting to intimidate and he's had practice. He's actually a fairly muscular, big guy.

Help is on the way...


Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis changes her expression from cheeky to something entirely unhinged. Her eyes widen a little and her pupils sshrink, an animalistic snarl-like smile spreads itself across her lips. She could feel the intense surge of adrenaline gushing into her brain, that's what she was looking for. However, as used to the effect as she was, she needed to really push it. A hand pulls itself out of her hoodie, within, is a weight disk removed from a dumbell, about the size of a fist. She simply tilts it towards the man and then, with a loud THUNK, it fires itself off towards his stomach.

Hank Pym has posed:
There is a breeze and the man is gone. No he's off to her left. "Oh... you got powers! Listen little girl... use them... for... yourself!" With each pause there's a blur and he's somewhere else, speaking faster and vanishing and reappearing until he finishes the sentence and is gone, until a pair of strong hands shove her hard between the shoulder blades, knocking her down. He rolls her over with a foot and plants it on her chest bearing down cruelly. Now a garish helmet is on his head hiding it and his neck. "Name is Whirlwind, sweetie. You wanna reap the Whirlwind?" Shannon can see him leer through the mouth slit. He puts more weight on her chest. "Hmmm. a little skinny but..."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis should, logically, have been panicking right now, but a certain tendency to embrace adrenaline-pumping situations made her quite numb to poor decisions. "Use them for myself? I already am." She replies with a breathless grunt. She swings her right arm in, aiming to slap it into the side of his leg around his ankle, where she would activate her powers and hopefully flip him sideways by accelerating the limb, knocking him down. She was quite apprehensive of the situation due to the fact that people with speedy powers were probably the worst possible match up for her, but that translated into a more riveting encounter.

Hank Pym has posed:
Whirlwind gets knocked back to his evident surprise. He begins spinning in midair, before he even hits ground. After stabilizing the spinning figure begins to close in still spinning rapidly. He throws his arms out and Shannon can see the blades gleaming on them. "You stupid little tramp... you have no idea who you are messing with. I was going to just sideline you and get away... nothing too bad especially if you were nice. Now, I'll fit you for a halo!" He closes in.

And Shannon makes out a flitting winged form passes and a tiny red figure drops to the ground.

It's not tiny for long. Hank Pym demonstrated his growth kick going from Shannon size to eight feet tall. Now he goes from ant-sized to mini giant aiming a kick that goes under the whirling arms, slamming into the crook's abdomen. Whirlwind gets thrown back, still spinning. He whips up his namesake and dirt and debris fill the alleyway as he vanishes into the dusty clouds. Pym coughs rapidly.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davisstared at the incoming spinning blades, rather than horror, the worse the situation got the more delighted she looked. By then she had a fairly deranged expression, she looked like some kind of animal DNA mutant that got stuck too far into the savage side. She shoves her hand into her hoodie, grasping the second dumbell disk, just in time for Hank to show up.
With the man going flying she's left blinking slowly, her shoulders slumping a bit in disappointment that she didn't get to test her new move. Her expression rapidly goes back to a more indifferent one and she rubs a spot on her chest. "I'll say, I did not expect him to turn into a living top. What a lame guy." She gets back to a normal position with a grunt and pulls the disk she had fired off earlier back via the rope she had attached to her jeans like a belt. She rubs the back of her head awkwardly, clearing her throat. "Uhh thanks for the help. Were you tracking this dude or something?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym goes down on all fours, as he shrank back down He squinted against the wind. But the wind was already dying as Whirlwind escaped. He pushed his shrinking and growing too fast. He knew he shouldn't do that. Do not throw up. You have some pride left! He gets up, fritting his teeth. Pym Syndrome. All the pain of the bends with a sickening free falling sensation and migraine. He gets over to her and says, "What the Hell do you think you're doing? What did I tell you? He wasn't lame... Whirlwind came closer to killing me than Dr. Doom ever did! He laid me up for weeks!! He would've killed you. I'm taking you home now. I'm not wasting a second on you if you don't listen to me! I don't want you just running off on your own without me to fight criminals, Nadia... Shannon! Do you hear me?"

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis turned her head to the side a little bit, her left eyebrow dipping questioningly at this, pondering how one windy boi was able to do more damage than Dr Doom. Upon considering this she gets a rush thinking of the possibility of beating him down, but has to physically strain herself to re-focus on the man chewing her out. She's still partially out of it so she just stares at him with a vague expression, clearly thinking how she should respond. "Hey, we don't know that, I still had some tricks up my sleeve okay." She says while wincing and turning her head to the side a bit. "Plus, I was looking for like, regular thugs y'know. It was kind of a chance encounter, so that one's my bad." She sighs deeply as she starts coming down from it. "I wanted to train some new moves, I don't really have much of a way to do that since I gotta see if they work in a real combat situation, plus I can't ask people to get hit in the face with a metal disk." She sort of flaps her arms in a defeated way. "So fine, I'll avoid going out like this but how am I gonna improve my combat potential? You saw how poorly I was doing, I assume."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym gets close and says, "That guy is a stalker. I... come on... I'm taking you back to the Avengers' Mansion and making sure you're not hurt and then I'm taking you home but I'm telling your folks to meet us at my lab. I don't want that ass finding where you live. And I don't give an ant's crack about you training... I don't want you hurt. I m sorry I ever started this. You're an adrenaline addict. Well what's your number? Tell me or I'll just check it on our database."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis huffs at him, crossing her arms. "Enthusiast, not addict. My parents are just going to complain about it being dangerous and ask you to fix me, watch." She replies, handing him her phone and shrugging. "Then they're gonna blame each other and moan about the fact I'm a lost cause who doesn't want to do anything with her life. It's like, they're the perfect family until I'm brought up, then they turn straight up disfunctional." She shoves her metal disks back inside her hoodie for safekeeping and leans against a nearby light post. "How are we getting back, though? You got an antmobile or something?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym huffs back and leans against the same lamppost. He lets out a sad sigh. Then he laughs a little and looks down at her. "My father was an absolute bastard. Nothing I did was ever good enough. If I figured out how to walk on water he'd complain I was getting my shoes wet. Called me an empty headed dreamer. My first time using Pym particles... I was... I figured it'd make me say your size and then I'd take the antidote. I wound up five millimeters tall and trapped in an ant hill, nearly eaten by a spider. And a couple weeks later, I shrunk myself again and set myself up as Ant-Man, Sheesh. Point is, I know better now. If you're going to keep at this, you need to learn your power and train with someone like Dr. McCoy, not me... because I'm a flipping grouch, and I got issues, at home, at work, on the Avengers. If you couldn't tell, I'm not always a nice guy. And I don't have an antmobile. I'm bipolar, not obsessive like those nuts in Gotham with Bat-everything. I'll call us an Über." He pulls his phone out. "You call your folks and tell them... you nearly got mugged and I intervened and took you to my medical facilities. At Avengers' Mansion to make sure you're okay. When they get there you tell them the rest and I'll explain the way things work."

"This isn't the fun ride you think it is. We've lost people. Hell we may lose me... I'm 39, Shannon. You ever hear of a professional athlete who kept playing to my age? The reason is they've abused their bodies and can't deliver." As he speaks he signals for a car on his phone.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis grimaces at the thought of a father not being satisfied with the performance of someone like Hank. "God damn. I can only imagine the sheer amount of issues we'd have if my father was like that. At least he seems content with defeat." She rubs the back of her neck, squeezing it a bit. "Look, man, you got issues, I get it. You're overestimating how much I actually care about this sorta thing, though. If you haven't noticed I'm a very easy-going and free soul, y'know. So who cares if you gotta go to the shrink or something? I don't mind that, I still think you're really cool and there's no way you wouldn't do wonders helping me out. Whether you're getting old or not. You did just demolish spinny-dude, so you can believe the facts if you don't wanna believe me." She chuckles softly, getting in position to slip into the car. "I'm sure I can benefit from training with the mutant experts but who says I gotta stick with them? It's not like my schedule is full and I need an outrageous amount of help if I want to measure up to, well, anything short of a bare-fisted dude. As far as losing people goes, well, I guess I'll deal with that when the time comes...but this is the only thing I've ever been enthusiastic about so I guess it's just something I gotta do."
Following that she dials up her parents and briefly tells them where to go before hanging up with the excuse that they were going through a tunnel.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym chuckles a bit at the excuse. "I think you're basically a good kid." He says climbing into the car after her. It's a tight fit and Hank is a six footer and with a shrug he assumes a size similar to Shannon. "I have to assume a smaller and a larger form at times to let my body recuperate... like doing a cool down after a workout," he explains. "One time I was stuck at 10 feet a couple months. I had to sleep in the garage, it was awkward." Then he closes his eyes and seems to be composing himself.