6689/Radioactive Particles, Man!

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Radioactive Particles, Man!
Date of Scene: 25 June 2021
Location: Pym's Midtown Lab
Synopsis: Hank and Nadia discuss the nature of Pym Particles and Punk Music.
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym is playing the Dropkick Murphys and dancing around the lab from project to project. A glittery cabinet, big enough for a human stands in one spot. In another a huge blue-black cape with a high collar stands on a rack. On a chair, Hank's pants. A sure sign he is hard at work. then a proximity alarm is set off. An Ant-i Nadia defense. //Hornet girl is coming Great Pym!// Thank goodness for ants.

"Fuck fuck fuckerino!" he locks the doors against her and begins shrinking stuff and putting it in his junk drawer. Then he hops on the big chair and picks up a cook book to read. Breathe Hank.

Shit the door was still locked!

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Having knocked on the door a few times, Nadia stands waiting outside. She's dressed in her usual attire that treads just the very edge of both goth and punk. A fashion sense that she actually came by honestly according to Janet, though it largely received her seal of approval as well with a few pieces of advice here and there. Nadia is dressed in a new variant of her favorite T-shirt that it seems she had custom made, now reading 'Just a G.I.R.L. Who Loves Hornets!'. It's worn under her favorite pink and red bomber jacket with the GIRL logo on the back and a black and red pleated plaid skirt that reaches just above her knees. On her feet are a pair of large black stompy boots with shiny metal buckles and thick soles adding an inch or two to her height.

When there is no immediate response to her knocking, Nadia tries to peer through the keyhole and put her ear up to the door in an attempt to figure out what could be going on inside. She blinks a few times as punk music is a wholly new phenomenon to her ears. Just when she is beginning to process that however the door opens and she almost falls inside having been leaning against it but manages to catch herself with reflexes that are nothing short of amazing.

"Oh, hi Dad! What are you up to? And what is that music?!"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym turns down the volume with a gesture. Pretty neat? "How do you dress so close to punk and not know the Dropkick Murphys? It's Irish punk outta Boston. I enjoy Punk, Industrial and Metal, believe it or not. It used to drive your mom up the walls. Oh sorry let me get my pants on..." (Damn pants off means I was working yet I'm reading a book with loud music on... distraction).

"How are you making out with that car I gave you?" Big grin. He gave her a miniaturized Tesla proof against ordinary Pym particle usage. It was gift wrapped in science. He braces himself for an ego bruising.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia looks down at her clothes and then back at Hank with a 'huh?' expression on her face, "What do you mean? I just wear what I think looks cool. I am told I have natural fashion sense!" She must given her exposure to fashion before escaping the Red Room was mostly Soviet-era jumpsuits. "So this is 'punk' music?" She asks bopping her head up and down in time with the song, "It's much ...angrier than Dazzler, but I think I like it. Like fight music! The same way martial arts are like angry ballet!"

She turns to look at the sound system while Hank puts on pants, it's a very interesting sound system really. "Oh the car, it's really interesting!" She grins turning back around again once it seems like the pants have been acquired. "Infusing Pym Particles with radiation making them resistant to other Pym Particles. I'm trying to study the nature of the reactions and how it changes the particles, the overall effect seems similar to the way Dr. Templar negated my beams, but none of the lab sensors detected any Gamma radiation, so I'm checking log readings for any detectable types of radiation he might have infused them with." Her approach to the problem seems to be two birds with one stone, but she's taking her time to figure out exactly what she is dealing with and perhaps further deepen her understanding of Pym Particle reactions in the process. It's a birthday present that keeps on giving.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym is that a heart condition or pride he's feeling? He nods, "Jen came by, stepped on a capsule and got shrunk. She proved resistant due to the gamma radiation in her body. I had to... oh no. Not telling you. Did you figure it out yet? Oh wait a second... you NEED to hear Warrior's Code. He runs over to his console and starts setting up a play list, and burn a CD for her.

"As a superhero... you have to realize bad guys often do detailed studies how to negate what we do... remember, you are not a one trick pony, you have a lot of options. As proof they didn't get you." He steps over to (slowly) touch a finger to her forehead.

"They're just a couple steps ahead of you... you tell yourself, always you are the smartest person in the room. No one thinks the same as you. No one can counter everything you think of. Warrior's Code starts to play and he begins dancing club style in front of Nadia. Damn Soviets probably only taught her ballet. He's not half bad at dancing. He owed Janet that at least.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia just starts giggling, apparently the idea of a tiny She-Hulk amuses her to no end. "Wait, Jen was... Mini-Hulk! Did you get pictures?!" Excitement sparkles in those eyes, she's really hoping for pictures!

Eventually she manages to get back to the actual topic of conversation, "Figure it out? I mean it seems like I could brute force it with enough power, kind of like when Dr. Banner and I used the entire New York City power grid to restore a bus reduced using Brainiac's technology, but I think there might be another way if I can understand the processes behind what is happening and exactly how the particles are being altered. I feel like there is a deeper puzzle here..."

She gets oddly quiet for a moment when Hank starts talking about the villains doing research to negate her tech, thoughts likely wandering to Otchaya who may still be out there somewhere and likely knows her tech as well as she does. "Yeah, have to try and stay one step ahead of what they can figure out. I mean NOWHERE is supposedly a few centuries ahead, but they made the mistake of showing me, so they won't be for long!"

Her head starts bopping to the backbeat of the song as she watches Hank start dancing, at least she thinks it is dancing, maybe, further research into the topic may be required. It is certainly nothing like Ballet or Pop, that is for sure.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "Application of power is as important as the power itself. Like the people trying to create that Alcubierre Drive started thinking they needed to convert Jupiter's mass to energy for it, then figured alternating the fields brought the energy usage way down to a ton or so of matter. In my case it was a matter of..." He stops and wags a finger at Nadia. "You're not getting it out of me with your evil red Room ways... then again... this might be important... then again you probably figured my technique out and are trying to spare my male ego. Which... okay... you have to loosen up. You got a party comin up with young people. Dance like no one is watching you... much much better! There you go. It's nice to do something normal with you for a change."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia seems like she is about to protest that SCIENCE!ing is something perfectly normal but lets it go for now. "I'm sure your technique was brilliant." She smiles, slowly letting the music take and trying to figure out what movements feel natural for dancing to this. The result is odd and yet somehow beautiful as she seems to be weaving martial arts into more poppy motions, fluid but with a punky edge, though ballet's underlying grace colors the whole thing.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym does some head banging for his part. "You figured out how to enlarge it didn't you? You wouldn't brute force it, you might mess up the paint. You figured it out and you're going to get even... God I love having you for a daughter. Uhm did they fix your offices yet? I didn't want to stick my nose in your business. But... if maintenance didn't do it yet... I'm going to chew some asses tomorrow. Or you'll have to complain to a person in charge... which is me. You are technically research for Pym Tech."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
For a moment Nadia is just lost in the aggressive throws of the music but eventually Hank's question manages to penetrate, "I think so, but like I said I'm taking my time. I think there's more to this than it seems at first glance. I'm sure I'll be able to drive it soon though!" She's clearly excited about the car but there's something within this puzzle that has really sparked her curiosity beyond just the immediate problem.

"I love you too Dad!" She smiles. "Oh the office? Yeah Damage Inc. came in and got the whole thing sorted out. She doesn't seem as thrilled about this as she perhaps should, probably because it means a return to having to do paperwork, too.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "Good. Next time ask for Joan Wright. She's named correctly." The song ends and the CD is completed. Hank points to a bedroom door with a very familiar Waspette decal on it. Actually it's part of the Waspette merch. "If you want to stay over, I built a room for you, remember? Maybe you can even meet J'Onn over breakfast? I can always skip my meds or reach for a beer. That usually brings him running, I'm working on a redesign of the Creskill house too.A kidnap proof design. Things pile up when you get sick. But, I'm well now."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia stops and thinks about but shakes her head, "Thanks! But not tonight, I want to get back to the lab and work on this problem some more. There's something in this data that I feel like I'm not quite seeing and it is going to bother me until I figure it out. But! I will stop by and meet John soon." The way she says it it's clear she is not actually making the connection to Martian Manhunter. "That will be great to get the house rebuilt though! Anyway I will visit again soon! Promise!"