7153/Birds Birds Birds

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Birds Birds Birds
Date of Scene: 31 July 2021
Location: Sherwood Florist, Second Floor Apartment
Synopsis: Babs and Dinah talk Birds of Prey and make some plans.
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, Barbara Gordon

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance sips on a glass of wine and sighs, running a hand back through her blonde hair, recently cropped short again. She's only just gotten back home after taking some time away, mostly in Hong Kong chasing after a particularly ruthless triad that almost cost her life more than a few times. Still, in the end, she got the bad guys and got to go home, like usual.

She'd been missing her friends, though, and her old allies and had sent a general signal around that she was back home and would be seeing them all soon enough. She wears a pair of drawstring pants and a black A-line tank, padding around barefoot and looking wistfully at her punching bag and thinking of doing a few rounds.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara Gordon's been no less occupied in chasing the nefarious criminals of the world. Admittedly, it hasn't been taking her to exotic locales like Hong Kong, and it's probably involved far less kicking than her blonde bestie's adventures. But when that signal reached her, well, there was no way she was going to be one of the last to track Dinah down and welcome her back.

And while there's the temptation to do the whole costumed lurking, sneak in the window thing, she can't help but settle on a polite knocking on the door and then stepping back into the view of any peephole or camera that might be set up. Babs is totally figuring on peephole though. And so she stands in slate grey leggings and stark white runners, upper body covered in a dark purple hoodie.

And she's clasping a bag from her latest cherished ice cream parlour. Because welcomes home absolutely demand some sort of gift.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance opens up the door and gives Barbara a hug, warm and genuine, "Should've known you'd be the first to knock on my door," she grins.

She lets her friend in and heads over to the kitchen to pour another glass of wine, this one for Barbara and maybe a little bit extra for herself. "You'll have to give me the update on everything that's going on. Gotham papers can be a bit hard to get in Hong Kong and I don't spend nearlya s much time online as you do," she winks.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara swings the bag containing two pints of ice cream into one hand, so she can better bestow Dinah with the warm, genuine hug she deserves. Even if it's joined by a soft little snort, "Well, I figured I'd get in quick before Harley or someone else decided to drop by and I came around to find some sort of ridiculousness going on."

She grins impishly as she follows Dinah inside, sighing out and shaking her head, "Oh, it's mostly been more of the same. But now that you're back in town, I guess I can stop sitting around binge watching TV shows and get back to figuring out what the Birds can do to make the city and the world better." She takes the glass of wine and sips it slowly, eyebrows perking playfully as she chirps out, "I mean, not right away, that jet lag must be killing you, I think you've earned a weekend without me pestering you to go kick thugs and punch goons."

Babs practically dances through the loft to place the ice cream on the kitchen counter, "And you know, if you used the net more, I'd be able to snoop, or at least give you more frequent flyer points. Get some free headphones on the flight!"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance flops down onto the couch, "I need to get the walls padded before Harley comes over. If I'm even sure I want her knowing my address. The jet lag's not so bad, though, I've always been kind of a night owl anyway, so it doesn't really mess up my rhythms."

"Hey, I tried to check in when I could. Having our own private chat program helps - I don't like using the public ones, seems like a good way to get spied on."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs frowns thoughtfully and busies herself moving the ice cream from the counter into the freezer, before picking her wine up and following along, perching on the arm of the couch so she can stare down at Dinah with the boost of height from sitting a little higher.

Lips split in a wide grin as her eyebrows perk up, "Yeah, I mean, for one thing, if Harley knows where you live, your biggest competition in growing plants in Gotham will know where you live. And I don't think Ivy's trying out the turning over a new leaf thing right now." She sighs and shakes her head slowly, "But! I think our next course of action will be to check into a couple of ladies I've been thinking of reaching out to about the Birds."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance winces, "Yeah, I'd rather not get on Ivy's bad side. I know she's not exactly on the side of the angels, but I respect plants plenty and I understand her cause, even if she is a bit...overzealous about it," she says.

"I like the sound of that. I always have the Justice League, but my heart's out here on the streets. The Birds have always been sort of...our project, yours and mine. I want to make sure we keep it going and vital," she said.

"So, tell me about these girls."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs snickers softly and nods, "Yeah. I think that might be the worst thing about this city. Ivy's not wrong. But she's just... yes. Overzealous." She rolls her eyes and huffs out a long sigh, "Which, of course, is probably hypocritical of us to say, seeing as we beat up criminals without any legal authority, right?"

She shakes her head sharply, "Well, I've only got one really locked down right now. Jessica Jones, she's a private investigator, a little rough around the edges, gets into fights pretty often." She clicks her tongue, "Dunno -why- I think she'd make a good fit. Oh, and she's got powers, so having someone on speed dial that can pick up a bus would be useful if we start getting into real trouble and don't want to bother the League. I mean, calling a PI is a few steps short of asking Wonder Woman for help. Just feels more comfortable in concept."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance shrugs, "The world seems to accept us doing it well enough. Legal or not, it's obvious that the world has made its peace with superpowered and costumed people handling certain problems. I haven't had many cops try to arrest me in a while, except as a joke when they try to hit on me," she says.

"Don't know her, but easy enough to look up things. Powers are useful, god knows mine have gotten me out of a few scrapes. Batman gets too antsy about powered people in Gotham - the city's part of the world, too," she says. "I could call Wonder Woman for help, the only problem is she's immensely busy so unless it's world threatening, odds are she'd put us on hold."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs bites back a -very- undignified snort, "Oh Dinah... you poor poor thing. I swear, your social life is..." She shakes her head slowly and sighs, mumbling softly, "Not something I should be laughing at so much. Because I'm your friend."

She bobs her head and grins a little wider, "Yeah, I'm thinking we leave her to her busy schedule and world saving. A network of powered women who have more... free time is exactly what the Birds are supposed to be, right?"

Babs manages to last a good twenty seconds before she murmurs, "So like... does she have custom hold music set up?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance sticks out her tongue, "It's the fishnets, I know, but it's part of the family legacy. Anyway, it doesn't bother me that much. Mostly. And when it does, I usually make them regret it," she says with a grin.

"Yeah, most of the problems we tackle with the Birds aren't going to need Wonder Woman level solutions. She can lift, like, aircraft carriers and most of our enemies can't even afford one plane," she says. "Oh, she has assistants from the Themiscyran embass serve as her message service. I'm sure Superman and Bats have her private line, but most of the rest of us, it's kind of a leave your name and number situation. Not that I blame her. She's a princess and all."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs chews her lower lip tighter and pops her eyebrows downright suggestively, "Hey, hey, no one's questioning the fishnets. Your style is iconic, hon." She snickers and nods her head, "And got it, got it. No getting on your nerves before sparring. Promise."

She idly kicks her legs as she leans back on the couch arm and takes another long sip of her wine, murmuring out softly. "Well, it's at least more reliable than like... lighting a giant spotlight on the roof of a police station." She clears her throat and murmurs dryly, "I mean, that's definitely a totally rational choice of signal, and our lives are in no way totally ridiculous sometimes."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance laughs, "Bats has always had a taste for the dramatic. That's why y'all ended up wearing capes. He likes casting a big shadow and making the big scare. That signal might not have been the best communication, but it let everyone on the streets know that you guys were out there in the shadows and that probably let a few people rest easier along the way."

She takes her own sip of wine and curls her legs under her, "Hopefully the Birds can do some of that, too. Although I'm not sure a bird signal would be very effective."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Shoulders shrug as Babs snickers softly, "I mean, I'd say we could just do like... an audible signal, but that'd just be opening up every fight with you ringing the bells of whoever we're facing, and that seems a little dramatic for -every- outing."

She leans closer and hums softly, thoughtful little noises low in her throat, "Some sort of entrance pose and speech thing? I mean, it worked for Sailor Moon in the cartoons."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance grins, "I would kind of love that more than I should," she admits. "I haven't watched a lot of cartoons, but I'm familiar with the whole magical girl thing and we could be pretty awesome doing that. Of course, we don't really have transformations but changing our clothes. I would love to just magically pop on the outfit. I've got scars from some of those zippers," she says.

"I'm pretty good at making audible signals. I could do a howl like you wouldn't believe."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara hums and narrows her eyes, "Well, I mean... if we ask Zatanna -really- nicely, and appeal to her sense of showmanship, and butter her up just right, maybe she'll indulge a tiny little request."

And then her eyebrows perk up and she snaps her fingers, "Hey now, that's an idea. See if Zatanna wants to like, do some guest training for us all on magic and the like." She scoffs and shakes her head, "You can't howl as part of your opening! It'll muddy your brand! What kind of canary howls?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance shrugs, "I guess not. Why didn't Mom pick a different animal for us? We could've been terrifying," she teases.

"Going to Zatanna is not the worst idea, both to help out with the transformations and just in general. Magic stuff isn't really on either of our radar and we should have someone around in case that sort of thing pops up."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs sighs heavily and nods, "Yeah, I mean, the last thing we want is the next big world-shaking cataclysm to be magic based, and then we're stuck running around to find like... Discount Dan's Magic Clearinghouse and pool supply store because we didn't think to actually line up a professional."

She clears her throat primly and shakes her head, "But! Those are worries for another day. Our first priority is welcoming you back to town, and chilling out."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance shrugs, "I mean, I imagine even most magical monsters don't do great if you punch them in the throat or burst their eardrums. I always go back to the standards when my back's against the wall."

"But yes, no need to make trouble where, for the moment, there doesn't seem to be any. Hangin' out with my bestie, eatin' ice cream and getting drunk are definitely on the menu. You wanna watch something? I've got a couple of those streaming service thingies."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs laughs and springs from the arm of the couch to the couch proper, to curl up next to her bestie and snort, "Yeah, I mean, a batarang or a roundhouse kick does seem to work on most troubles. The classics are classic for a reason."

Her eyebrows shoot so very high, "Wait, you've come that far in embracing the wonders of the twenty first century? Well, that definitely calls for celebration!" She snaps her fingers and points TV-ward, "Whatever you've been itching to watch. Let's do it, Dinah!"