7285/Addams Estate: It's got a lake-side view

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Addams Estate: It's got a lake-side view
Date of Scene: 09 August 2021
Location: Addams Estate
Synopsis: Daisy drops in to Bobbi's new home while Lance is out and they discuss her spy education, Inhumans, and dinner plans.. as well as The Secret Warriors.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi carried a heavy table down to the edge of the lake. There's sailboats moving around but she has her eyes closed. Sitting in lotus pose, she is letting the world filter in to her. It was something that wasn't real in the framework. The brain thought everything was real - but all the finer details of life simply didn't exist.

    You could say the Mockingbird is meditating. Wearing red yoga pants, bare foot, and a tank top in light blue. Her long blonde hair is down and the warmth of the sun bathes her this midday.

The little puppies with paws they've yet to grow into are running around the table chasing each other. They're Belgian Malinois, but you wouldn't be able to tell that unless you had a fine eye for dogs. Not until they've grown up a bit more and even then people often mistake them for German Shepards.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It's only been a couple days since Daisy has been released from the hospital. All fine with her! At least physically, attested by one Dr. Simmons. As for the rest? Jury was still out on it. The echoes were still visible to her from time to time, fragments that showed in the world, sometimes in a vibration, or a sound. A reminder of what had been lost. Yet a loss that in turn had given them hope for the future.

Of course that not all was simple about getting back to work. Because in the same way she had been released from the hospital she also had a couple of mandatory rest days. And nothing like rest days in order to visit a friend. And to test how her powers are. Her excuse? She is a public face now, so no using transportation. Instead, she will fly there. Or *try*. It doesn't exactly go smoothly but she does get there eventually, even if she is feeling exhausted by the end of it. The vibrational call does tell her of presences on the edge of the property so she goes there..

There is a light hum in the air, similar to how it felt when she was 'singing' to the building, one that seems to announce her approach to the area where Bobbi is meditating. And then her voice. "Addams estate? Really? Do I need to get my goth makeup?" don't say yes. She actually has it from her Skye times! Much emo.

She sort of lands on the ground, her legs wobbly a moment but eventually she straightens up with a soft sigh.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It's the puppies that react first. Jacob and Nona start barking at Daisy but also their tails are wagging so it's not serious barking. Bobbi pries her eyes open and smiles. She swivels around on the table top and peers at Daisy. "You flew here? Wow. I had no idea you could ... do that. I knew you could fly, but this was a long trip."

    She smirks a touch and says, "The Addams family likes to wear black, no makeup necessary." One of the puppies gets brave and runs over to Daisy and jumps at her leg bouncing on their hind legs for attention.

    "To what do I owe the pleasure? I take it you're on mandatory rest and recovery leave?" Bobbi, she's on vacation. Actual genuine vacation. It seems however she's focused on a personal project. Resting on the table top next to her is a tablet and scribbled over it - Kree writing and some graphs.

    Slipping off the table Bobbi approaches and offers Daisy a hug, because Daisy is family and that's how she rolls with family. "Lance is in Salem doing some shopping," she adds just in case Daisy was hoping to catch him too.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"And lets keep that a secret." The flying. "I am on leave, supposed to be resting at home." give it to Daisy to disobey Doctor's orders. Even Simmons! Rebellious! Daisy smiles over at her friend and casts a look around the place. "Like what you did here.." she tells her, starting to approach even if it's stopped by puppy attack. She leans down to pick up the restless puppy, looking at it and scruffing it behind the ears.

Gaze sweeps over to the tablet with the writings, a brow arching but she doesn't ask about that. Not yet at least. Instead she properly greets Bobbi with a return hug. "Oh no, you have domesticated him now?" she jokes, trying to picture Lance doing shopping. It makes her chuckle. "I didn't think James Bonds actually shopped." a wink.

She lets the puppy go to go join the other and her focus is on Morse now, "How have you been feeling after ..., all that happened?" she then questions.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The look of amusement on her face is telling, "This was always his idea. I'm the one being domesticated." The last time Daisy was here, she wasn't Daisy - she was Skye and she was an NPC in the framework. There was also a fancy quinjet parked on the lawn where they're talking right now. Bobbi remembers it well. Radcliffe was here too.

    "Ah. You know, it feels good to put the hurt on HYDRA after everything they've done. I'm a little annoyed we have to slow down to catch Talbot up. We have the advantage, we should be pushing... but, I'm trying not to think about it since I'm on self imposed vacation."

    She folds her arms and peers at the two puppies who are now wrestling each other in the grass. "And raising two fur babies to be martial artists. Watch." She clicks and the two puppies stop and peer at her as if expecting her to perform a miracle.. which she does, she miraculously takes two doggy treats out of a small pocket in the yoga pants and tosses one to each, "Good puppers."

    She grins and asks, "Have you moved back in with Matt now that you're not an international bank thief?" She looks out over the shining waters as the wind picks up briefly. Her eyes shut again and she takes in a long breath. "Do you feel that... I lived on this property for a decade and I never once felt that breeze. Or smelt those smells. It's all the details the framework missed. A hollow existence."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I will keep an eye out for a leash then..." This about being domesticated. Still with all the banter it's visible the tiredness in Daisy's eyes, the heavy bags of lack of sleep and a paleness that isn't usual in her face. She steps closer to the table, again looking at the Kree glyphs with a small frown, "I know you though. You never stay still, even when you have rest time to go through." she gestures towards the tablet, "Any advancements on this?" she asks.

A brief look back and she watches the 'miracle' performed for the dogs, "Just remember they aren't in the military.." she teases.

A nod then at the question, "I have. Jemms will be glad to have her privacy back and no more threat of a deluge in her room.." a smirk playing at her lips and she walking next to Bobbi, "Of course that now I am a known face. Well, more than before so ..., still need to figure out *how* we can live there without everyone knowing about it, including enemies. Maybe we should go live up on the moon. Just put a word with Boltagon.." she half-jokes.

As Bobbi stops to take in the air she smiles faintly, "The breeze here has a good harmony." whatever that means! But now that she is closer to the Song she is picking up on some of these things. "And you did not live here, Bobbi. That did *not* happen." she rests one hand on Bobbi's shoulder.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi's eyes flick over to the indicate tablet and then back to Daisy. She doesn't immediately answer. After all, the dogs are a great distraction. "No, they're in SHIELD. Aren't you.. yes you are." Though they're not paying attention to her now that they've had treats. It's back to chasing each other around.

    She grins, "Did you ever figure out how to fire bend or was Fu just pulling your leg?" Because enquiring minds want to know if Daisy is the Avatar. "Oh yes, you're very famous now. Probably more famous than Skye Starr..."

    "I don't think you'd like it on the moon. There's very little oxygen and the Justice League have a tower there so they can spy on you constantly. Not to mention that tower recently got captured by the Shi'ar.

    A small little smirk at that old argument about what is and isn't real for the survivors of the framework. "You're half right. I lived there.. for two weeks. The rest was backstory dumped on me by a terrible writer. The moment I was in control of my life again the story started to go off the tracks."

Shehe holds out her right hand and looks at it. Steady as a rock, "See. No shakes. Just bad writing." Of course, the hand on her shoulder brings that familiar feeling from Daisy. Her Inhuman gift flowing through her mind. "I have some idea of what it means," she says shutting her eyes again.

    "But there's a lot of detail here. The Kree hundreds of thousands of years ago were already masters at genetic manipulation... and we're only just dipping our toes in to it. There's instinct there, but not understanding. Add to that, the mysteries that the Kree were trying to understand and an alien language and what you get is one mostly useless Inhuman ability."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Cue a roll of her eyes when Bobbi says the doggos are in SHIELD. Of course. Daisy exhales softly and then chuckles about fire bending. "I haven't figured it out..." pause, "... yet." clearly she hasn't given up on figuring that one out! "Might be harder now without Fu, but I am not the type to throw the towel." she runs her hands through her hair before continuing, "I still remember the choreographies, and some of the songs. Watch out for next time we go Karaoke. I will bring the house down.." which makes one wonder just how much the whole Framework was real! Or maybe she is joking..

Yet she clearly seems to have an opinion about it as Bobbi goes and says she is half-right. She looks at Bobbi's stubbornly. "I am -right-." she is the tech expert in the team after all! "It was info uploaded to your brain, all of it was memories and you were simply on the backseat watching it all unfold. None of it was *you* deciding what happened. You were all glorified NPCs until your real selves were inserted in." a pause, "Like what happened with Skye and me. She was Skye first, and then she was Daisy when I entered the Framework."

There's a glance down at Bobbi's hand, "Either that or you have great control. And I know you do." she tells her friend with a shake of her head. "You don't need to make yourself look strong for my sake."

As the topic then goes to the Kree she is silent, listening until she finally speaks up. "Didn't seem useless when you helped me keep that building up. And Mark already told us that Jacob's gift was a very important one for the Inhumans."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "You're just proving my point," Bobbi says and touches a finger to her eyes, and a finger to her lips, and then a finger to hear ears. "Just inputs in to the brain," she says and her other hand lifts up Daisy's phone. She must have taken it when they hugged. She hands it back to her and raises an eyebrow. "Accept that our brains are fundamentally flawed because they're wet goop in a skull."

    She tilts her head and shrugs, "What Jia and Mark thing are one thing. The reality was different. Jacob never healed a single Inhuman in his time there. His greatest achievement was to poison the well.. and I'm trying to unpoison it." She taps a hand to her heart.

    "I think I figured it out too... it was all about Mark." She shuts her eyes a moment, remembering the ring that Mark had hanging from his neck on a necklace. "They loved each other. It was love that let him finally modify his own powers. It was love that let me make you stronger. Sure, I was afraid of what was going on.. afraid that the people I loved would be hurt."

    There's a small little smirk, "It's quite literally a power fuelled by love. Which means.. I need to learn to love myself again. And that includes accepting that I'm fundamentally flawed wet squishy matter inside a skull."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No I am proving mine. Don't try to skew the narrative of the expert here!" A shake of her head given, Daisy then continuing. "There's a difference between having a choice and not having it. And you did *not* have one." stubborn meet stubborn! And yes, she will take her phone back tyvm. "What is it with you and being sticky fingers?" a smirk on her lips, "I hope you didn't download all my sexy messages, but at least I am safe from having nudes on my phone considering who I am dating..." advantages of dating a blind man?

"The gift is what you make with it. It doesn't mean Jacob didn't have it, he simply could not comprehend it, or use it. You are doing differently.."

She then considers what Bobbi says next, rubbing her hand on her chin, a brow quirking. "Maybe that was the secret then.."

She paces about, considering, "And you are one of the most self-confident people I know, you *will* get there. And you can trust on the love of the people around you in the meantime."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi smiles, "May be. I can certainly trust that yes. It's hard to forgive yourself sometimes - but I'm working on it. Just like you should be working on your sleight of hand. It's a valuable skill to have as a spy. Also to protect yourself from it. Our job isn't all super powers and quinjets you know.."

    "You look beat. Come inside, let me ply you with alcohol." She picks up the tablet and starts to walk back up to the two story house. It's a beautiful place - more so than the version in the framework even that Daisy saw on Bobbi-cam. The two puppies see Bobbi wandering away and quickly scamper after her with adorable leaps and bounds and wagging tails.

    Inside there are boxes of furniture yet to be constructed. But the kitchen is set up - and a couch with tv so that the two of them can enjoy watching marbles together. She has a box open on the kitchen counter top and from it she takes out a bottle of wine.

    Regular glass cups, because the wine glasses aren't unpacked yet, she pours two glasses. "To... vacation?" She lifts up one glass and offers the other to Daisy, then takes a sip. "Are you going to stay for dinner? Lance is cooking so that either means spaghetti bolognese or takeout. Probably takeout."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I have had spy training.." Daisy says a bit defensively. And she has! She does consider herself mildly fine as a spy. Sure, not a SUPER spy but on her way! "But you don't need to worry about my sleight of hand.. I learned enough out there in the streets." she had! Streetwise runs through her veins, or something..

The alcohol offer is enticing, and she obliges, moving alongside Bobbi to walk within. She looks over to the doggos and taps on her leg before lowering herself in calling to them, reaching to pick one up. Because she is a dog person.

Don't tell Matt.

"Ugh ..." She mentions of the couch as they are moving in. "You watch that terrible show there, don't you?" oh yes, she can already imagine it, then another glance around. "And let me tell you, the FW version of this place sucked big time compared to what you have here now so ..., clearly not the real deal."

"To resting our weary bones for a day or two." Which is the most vacation they can afford! She clinks glasses with Bobbi, "I could stay. I should bring Matt along sometime for a more proper dinner sometime though.."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi nods her head, "Yes, yes you should. Drag him along to the house warming. He can help assemble furniture." She grins and sips the wine. She looks over to the couch and then back at Daisy. "What's wrong with the marbles show? personified marbles is exactly what the world needs right now."

    The other doggo wants attention so Bobbi scoops Jacob up as Daisy cuddles Nona. Speaking of the house... "Check this out," she says and puts down the wine to touch a secret switch. A part of the wall opens up to reveal a hidden room and laid out on a wooden table is the Mockingbird suit.

    "Prohibition era wine cellar - now, Mockingcave? I don't know. I'm not sold on the name. I'm sure I'll come up with something better." There's also guns and knives. Lots of guns and knives. They're in boxes still. One day this little nook will be properly sorted.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Woah, is this what expects me now? Furniture assembly..?" Daisy sounds amused, continuing to offer Nona all the cuddles as they move in. A whistle comes out at the secret part of the house, she poking her head in. Mockingcave though? She turns her nose. "Hold your horses there, Batman. Birdcave is where it's at. Or just ..., Mockave." now she is teasing.

"And of course it's full of guns, and knives and ..., is that a sword?" she shakes her head, "Is this to protect yourselves from ninjas?" she chuckles. "It reminds me I need to go take a look at that sword I have from my mother again." all in due time though.

"Just remember to have *normal* things at your place too. This is supposed to be your life, your escape from being a spy. Don't make it a spy's den too, mmm?" She advises, giving Bobbi a little elbowing on her side.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi's attention is drawn to the sword and she stares at it silently for a moment. It's clear there's memories there. She puts down Jacob and lifts up the sword, drawing the katana from its scabbard. It's a beautiful piece. She walks out in to the light to look it over.

    "Toshiro Mori gave this to me," she says after a moment. Another person who is dead because of her. Sure, Lance killed him - but only because she never steered him away from HYDRA in the first place. He just kept getting in deeper and deeper. While Lance might believe she can talk someone in to suicide, she knows she could have talked him out of doing business with the bad guys.

    She twirls the sword expertly and with a single motion sheathes it back in to the scabbard. "Yes. Ninjas. Amongst other things," she says with a smile, then puts it back in to the secret room and picks up her wine for another sip. "Oh there's no hope for that Daisy. Two spies living under one roof.."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Toshiro." Daisy echoes, a small frown creeping up to her features, ".. Cumplicit to Inhuman imprisonment, including my mother. Good riddance.." clearly she doesn't have the same kind of fond memories Bobbi has. But then again anyone that abused Inhumans Daisy appears to have a ..., rather bad view of. And List was going to be the next one to go down. Not that she doesn't note the silent stare at the katana Bobbi gives, but at that she makes no comment, instead stepping back out of the cellar.

"There's always hope, Bobbi. That's what I have learned since I came to be at SHIELD. If anything we never lose hope." she lifting a finger. "Even if that hope is not having a house turned into a spy den. Really, I will be making inspections periodically!"

"And dropping in without warning. Just don't shoot me when I do." She lets Nona down to the floor to let her go and play with Jacob and folds her arms together.

"When are you thinking on going back to active duty? And we should go talk with Blackagar soon too." yes, Daisy wants to be present when Bobbi talks with him apparently! So nosy! But it's important for the Inhumans!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi raises an eyebrow just a touch at Daisy's sentiments toward Toshiro. In the end he proved himself quite the HYDRA engineer. His choices, but she never presented him with better ones. She hmms and replies, "Dropping in without warning is one of the two unspeakable horrors Daisy. The other is having a man explain something to you because he thinks he knows better."

    In other word, she might shoot Daisy. "I was thinking of coming back to work when we move back in to the Triskelion.... and what is it you think I need to talk to Blackagar about?" Does Daisy know she's been having secret meetings with him and someone from Attilan about the Kree language? ... no probably not. Blackagar seemed very serious about that being kept secret.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"The Kree glyphs for one?" Daisy gesturing to the outside where the tablet was, "It's clear they have more knowledge on what is going on. I do want to go talk with him but didn't want to go do so without you as well." See? Take that, guilty conscience. Doing things on her back. Secret! While Daisy is here to do it with *her*.

"He has a lot more knowledge about the Inhuman condition than us down here. Perhaps even more than my Mother. Heck, I am still learning what it is to be an Inhuman, and I have been one for .., two years or so?"

"You are not going to shoot me." She then says with certainty. Another elbowing on Bobbi's side. And a sip from her wine glass.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi smirks and says, "We'll see." She picks up her phone and dials Lance. "Hey. Daisy's here. Yeah." A pause "Yep, staying for dinner. Oh really? Well I figured as much. Chinese take out it is then." She rolls her eyes and smiles, hanging up. "You're staying for dinner."

    Bobbi says, "I've already talked to Blackagar about that. he doesn't know how to read Kree." Truth. "Besides, he's got to be busy with Jiaying looking after all those brainwashed Inhumans we rescued."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Yay, chinese takeout! Daisy lets out a chuckle, "Alright then.." but her expression swiftly turns surprised when Bobbi reveals she has spoken with Blackagar already. "Ah, I should had known. But mmm, thought he'd know more about the Kree.." she considers it a moment, "Or at least the language. Anything he had to say about your gift? And what you are seeing?" she asks.

A nod about being busy with the Inhumans, "We have all been. Or rather ..., I was before what happened. I will have to get back.., soon." a sigh, "And need to get meetings with a few people to get them into the Secret Warriors. It's the right time for us to come out to the limelight.."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi shakes her head, "Nope. He's very interested to learn more though." Then there's the discussion on the secret warriors... "Secret Warriors? What's that?" Because the only thing Daisy told her all those month ago was there was a special project she'd need Bobbi for and they joked about Daisy getting to say 'It's classified'

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You just want me to say it again, don't you?" It's classified. But Daisy doesn't oblige! Instead she adds more info. "It's a project Fury put me in to lead. About the Inhumans. You will be part of it, so you can know of it." a grin.

"But I will tell it to you during dinner." She wrapping one arm around Bobbi and bringing her glass up. "For now, we drink!"