8940/A hunt in the City

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A hunt in the City
Date of Scene: 04 December 2021
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: A game turns into a hunt, Quite and Alex are ambushed!
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Stefani Houston

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There had been a day... two with no words passing between the assassin and the godling. The first few games had been fun, then the world demanded its obligations until...
    A single image flickered across the world, from the city, up to the satellite, back down to the city. Delivered to the cell of the silent operative who had made Alexander's acquaintance. The image? Little more than a side street in Greenwich, that much could be told by perhaps the combination of buildings and a dog park as well as... a food truck of some sort? Cedric's Falafel On Wheels. Perhaps she'd seen it somewhere before, or might know its route. Then again perhaps none of it struck any memory.
    Yet the next text message she'd receive was simply two words. 'Find Me.' Which threw down the gauntlet, the challenge, the dare.
    And after those messages were delivered young Mr. Aaron settled back on the bench of that dog park, his heavy coat wrapped around him against the Winter chill as he smiled to himself. If she finds him that would be nice and a win, but if not...
    Well then he win the game at least. Not as nice of a victory, however.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A challenge and a game, but Alexander for whatever he might think of Quiet and her abilities, didn't know her past. He didn't really even know her name! A hunt for a person through city or wild was something she'd failed in only once and it had changed her life. Finding him should be pretty easy, especially with her own inhuman perceptions...and the new modern tools of technology didn't help.

Of course, were she to be leaping from rooftop to rooftop in her usual eye-catching gear she'd probably draw the eye eventually. Winter was coming and swimsuits paired with combat rigging are...well, people were going to notice.

Instead she was once more wrapped in the same sort of 'workout' clothing he'd seen before, a jacket worn over her shoulders to blend in slightly undercut by her mostly bare legs. All things he'd see himself in a moment as she seemed to simply -appear- stepping up behind him.

Never mind the fact she'd had to cloak herself to get close, knowing that would simply ruin the mystery!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Settled on the bench, looking distantly at Cedric as he was peddling those falafels, Alexander occasionally would check his phone to perhaps see if there was a return message. Sometimes he'd just consider the time, reading it a little and pondering as his head tilts to the side.
    It was just one such a moment that she saw, the young Greek holding his phone in hand and considering. Then he'd give a glance around the area. A brief moment as he smiled to himself then he shook his head only for...
    That subtle sense of displaced air pressure one feels when there's another near. Or rather nearish than they should be. He turns his head, pale hazel eyes lifting to see her in that jacket and yet still dressed fairly... unwinter-like.
    Tilting his head his smile drifts into place. "Hey."
    A pause as he looks at his phone, eyebrows rising. "That was quick."
    It was a small brief exchange, millions of such goes on each day and few people grant it much nevermind. Though not as many are observed through a magnified scope.
    Across the way, upon the roof of the apartment building at the end of the block, one rifle was trained on the couple. For a brief moment Quiet's silhouette danced in the lens, then Alexander's. There was a click on a coded comm frequency. Then shortly after words spared.
    << Target has stopped moving. Looks like there's a meet. >>
    Another voice on the comms, << Designate 2nd party as target, run any intel we can. Anything? >>
    A time passed as down there at the dog park the two figures started to 'speak' though it seemed to be a little one-sided of a conversation. Until, << No, nothing. Move in the perimeter team, get them boxed in, then fire. >>
    << Roger that. >>

Stefani Houston has posed:
A shrug of her shoulders is all the silent woman offers. That and a little smirk of her lips he was probably getting used to seeing on the woman's features. A lift of her hand in greeting returned and then she digs into the pocket of her jacket before retrieving her phone, lifting it from the pocket of her jacket and raising it to show him with a questioning raise of her brow.

Obviously she was curious about the reasoning for the invite, or perhaps his choice of venue.

Apparently unaware, perhaps simply distracted or perhaps they simply knew a little more about her abilities, Quiet hadn't noticed she was being observed as of yet. Of course, all it would take was the slightest visual disturbance.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There were two firing positions, one upon the distant rooftop, another in the window of a van that's angled on the sidewalk with a faux repair crew tending to a supposedly damaged telephone line. At a glance there's little of remark, little to draw the idea that there might be something untoward happening.
    Yet for those who are perceptive enough... there might be a far off glint catching that sunlight on the clear Winter's day. Or a moment when another car passes the van and its reflection in the window makes it clear that the van's windows are tinted. Both likely warning signs.
    Yet it's the moment when one of the soldiers turns and peers across the distance, and espies the target they had been tracking for the last two months. When he remembers the rare footage he had of that operative fighting and what she did to the last crew that tried to capture her that a beadlet of sweat breaks out on his brow. Unnoticeable at this distance...
    But enough of a discordant note in the symphony of fear that always swirls around Alexander Aaron, that it causes him to turn slightly holding up a hand in Quiet's direction.
    Even as she may well notice some of the other tell-tale signs.
    Across the comms there's a voice that spikes the feeling of fear in the air as the commander barks, << We're made, take the shot! >>

Stefani Houston has posed:
The reflection of a scope, a warning sign she'd seen before...and that first muzzle flare of a shot headed their way was all too easily perciieved as Alex's little prompt had been enough to get the assassin's attention shifted outwards once more at that right moment. An ambush?! Safe to say she wasn't happy.

There was however, an advantage to wearing the jacket she didn't usually bother with: it was easier to carry a weapon.

Of course, it wasn't a firearm this time, but the small combat knife that flashes to Quiet's hand spelt the means for her to claim one from the hit team.

Quiet wasn't bulletproof, and she had no way of knowing if Alexander was either, so she simply reached out to try and shove him down out of the line of fire before leaping with an audible burst of the air, dashing and weaving her way towards one of the shooters.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The window in the back of the van was shattered, pieces of plastic and glass spattering the sidewalk behind it as the heavy rifle within barked several times, ultrasonic rounds shattering bark in one of the trees that was behind Quiet. Another causing a /paff/ of concrete to instantly be pulverized and exploding with a grey dust. The men who were part of the repair crew unslung their own weapons, some having them under their work vests, those had pistols. But two rifles were drawn from the tool storage boxes that were near at hand.
    A rifle came up, only for the knife to embed in his chest, slicing clean through the sternum and into his heart with enough force to knock him back into the van's side and then spin to the ground.
    Silenced weapons were brought up even as she started forward, her arm slamming into Alexander's shoulder and sending him rolling to the side, over the back of the bench, though it's a more controlled fall than she might expect.
    On the comms men were now shouting, feeding intel as they could in the few seconds that had elapsed. The crowd around the van was still starting to register something was happening as of now the sounds of weapons fire was strongly suppressed. Yet the man sprouting the knife suddenly in his chest did get a single woman to shriek abruptly.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A weapon snatched up by the assassin, whatever Alex might have seen with their sparring, the playfulness of their sparring hinted with an edge of viciousness now had given way to a vicious brutality. Quiet was simply reaching to retrieve the weapon dropped by the man who'd 'caught' her knife, rolling low onto the concreate and shrugging off her jacket before she came back to her feet, more skin bared and the weapon raised in her hands.

Bullets fly, another dropped by the woman. Quiet was similar in strength and ability to the well-known Captain America, but clearly she didn't share his reserve when it came to lethal force, right now she was simply focused on cutting down the threat without them managing to shoot Alex or any of the bystanders.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There was a rush of movement around Quiet. Members of the crowd darting away now when it becomes evident that weapons are being fired, their suppressed barrels making barks loud enough to be noticed if only purely form the repetition of noise and the crackle of impacts. Let alone the spinning corpse of the man that the assassin cuts down.
    Only those she opposes right now are not rank amateurs. One does reel at the abrupt vicious execution of two of his comrades, but one of the pistol wielders steps in to try and fire his weapon nearly at point blank range of the woman, weapon leaping slightly as he pulls the trigger.
    Another of the men snaps a hand out as a metal rod clacks to full extension, the dip buzzing with electrical charge as he comes at the woman the other way, bringing the bludgeon up and around trying to smash the weapon out of her hands.
    Yet she's not entirely alone in her efforts. At the edge of her vision she may glimpse Alexander now without his coat, darting forth to push another person out of the line of fire before he breaks into a blur of speed and /leaps/ into the back of the van causing it to bounce and thump as the struggle is carried inside of it.

Stefani Houston has posed:
She probably shouldn't be suprised on either count, that those who would know her would send their best, or that Alex would not simply sit on the sidelines.

Unless the van was armored there as still a danger of bullets passing through, perhaps reduced by the subsonic nature required for those supresses firearms.

Weaving between strikes from the man with the baton she checks his wrist with the firearm before driving her heel into his chest.

Create space, shoot, move.

All familier, if not a little too much.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Another goes down as Quiet fires that short burst into his chest once she has the room to do so. A low /whap!/ is heard as a heavy caliber round impacts two feet from her left side, a heavy caliber round from a sniper rifle. With her talent and awareness she can probably tell the Russian model and make, as well as the gear used to suppress its fire and flash. Yet that does little good now with the need to get cover or clear, though the other combatants likely have something to say about it.
    The baton man down, bleeding out from the ruin of his chest, the pistolier had fired until empty then stepped in to try and clock the side of her head if only to try and but a moment of time to get distance himself.
    The last, who had been staggered by Quiet's charge, he was recovering alredy and drawing his weapon just as distantly the sniper above was drawing a second bead.
    Only for a /crack/ to be heard from within the van as a round fires from inside, through the windshield and up toward that glint of a scope. From this distance there was no way to tell if the shot had struck true, though the glint was now gone.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The shot from within the van earned an impressed raise of her eyebrow as Quit felt the bullet fly past toward the sniper, driving him off even if it didn't find its mark.

With her sight and senses she was likely about to simply take the shot with the weapon she'd snatched, insane perception and ability to track even the air pressure between them making it possible even with a weapon not optimized for it, but instead she drops her aim to the man going for the draw, her finger flicking the selector of her weapon back to semi-automatic before two quick squeezes of the trigger place a pair of bullets in his skull.

One to go? Quiet's instincts for lethality find pause at a thought. She had no idea if Alex left the others in the van alive and SHIELD was supposed to be shielding her trail in return for her services. She might need to leave one alive for them to pick up later!

Dropping the magazine from her weapon it's deftly caught and flung at her target's face. Painful, but not exactly incapacitating when it was mostly empty.

The fist that followed to his face as she rushed in its wake however? That hurts a little more.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's that burst of movement, the rush of motion, then the crunch of bone under her fist as her punch finishes the work of the rifle hurled into the man's face. It all happens in the space of a fraction of a second and the man takes longer to tall to the ground than it did for his consciousness to be stolen from him.
    But once he does hit the cement, it leaves her there surrounded by the mayhem, even as the back door is pushed open with the blond young man standing there for a second getting his bearings. He looks to the side toward Quiet, eyes narrowing slightly as he ascertains the situation. And just as quickly nods toward the alleyway near.
    Even as distantly there's the rush of sirens hurtling down the street. A few moments at best to get clear of what response there will be.

Stefani Houston has posed:
It was definately time to leave, that nod is returned and then she's moving, air disturbed around her as she pushes off and makes to dash toward the alleyway.

Spattered in blood, her jacket discarded and her knife burried in a man's chest, the woman exhales a breath with a sigh and waits.

Even with her cover it was better to flee, 'fast talking' didn't really work for her after all.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Once they were mostly clear of view, around a corner behind the old laundromat that holds prominence on that street corner, Alexander skids to a stop and frowns a little. He looks down the way from whence they came then back to her and says, "We should split up, I'll be in touch?"
    For a moment he looks at the blood on her, frowning at first for a brief moment, then nodding to himself when he realizes it's not her blood. A deep breath is taken and he gives a nod, "Take care of yourself, be safe." As he says that he starts to back up, then turns to lean around the mouth of the alley, not seeing any emergency vehicles here on this side. He looks back to her and nods.
    And if he gets the all set from her then they'll split up and head their own ways.