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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2022/01/05 |Location=The Moon |Synopsis=Captain Marvel takes her own journey to the object named JF09 and discoveres the truth of it. A discourse b...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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|Location=The Moon
|Location=The Moon
|Synopsis=Captain Marvel takes her own journey to the object named JF09 and discoveres the truth of it. A discourse between Galactic Hero and Archangel ensues.
|Synopsis=Captain Marvel takes her own journey to the object named JF09 and discoveres the truth of it. A discourse between Galactic Hero and Archangel ensues.
|Cast of Characters=3387,177
|Cast of Characters=3387,177,3716
|Tinyplot=Path of Glory
|Tinyplot=Path of Glory
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:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Well. This is a problem." not that anyone can hear her muttering to herself in the vacuum of space, helmed up. She is of course recording it all with the Kree technology in her suit. She runs it against the various Kree databases as well to see if they have run into this species or flavor of entity before.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For something projecting so much joy and peace, Carol isn't really vibing it right now. She has also read the reports and summary on what this particular host wants to do. Triggering an Apocalypse as an excuse to reset creation with less free will if they are accurate. Which so far the reports have been. Which is not great. Not great at all.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Still with no response to her presence she cocks her head and drifts a bit closer before flaring up Cosmic Energy all around her like a nimbus. Maybe this will get a response.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She took a trip to the sun earlier for a reason.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Well. This is a problem." not that anyone can hear her muttering to herself in the vacuum of space, helmed up. She is of course recording it all with the Kree technology in her suit. She runs it against the various Kree databases as well to see if they have run into this species or flavor of entity before.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For something projecting so much joy and peace, Carol isn't really vibing it right now. She has also read the reports and summary on what this particular host wants to do. Triggering an Apocalypse as an excuse to reset creation with less free will if they are accurate. Which so far the reports have been. Which is not great. Not great at all.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Still with no response to her presence she cocks her head and drifts a bit closer before flaring up Cosmic Energy all around her like a nimbus. Maybe this will get a response.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She took a trip to the sun earlier for a reason.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Perhaps it was the closing distance, or perhaps it was the flaring burst of Cosmic Energy she releases in their presence but something got their attenion as a figure materializes beside Captain Marvel.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is one of the more humanoid looking angels modeled after the clasical painting depictions. It is also likely the most attractive physical specimen in existence. Perfection in line with modern and classical sensibilities makes his age unplaceable. His eyes are a shade of blue that doesn't exist in human physiology. His hair is a perfect wavy sheet of gold that defies all conventions of what is usually considered blonde. All aspects of his form are tailored to appeal to those who appreciate athleticism and strength. He is easily seven feet tall in height. His body appears toned, but not overly so.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wears a suit of gleaming golden plate armor that covers him from shoulder to toe. A sword rests at his side in a dark scabard, the hilt is a simple leather wrapped number that bears no adornement. The large pauldrons on his shoulders and his breastplate are marked with a motif resembling a artistically stylized sun.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The most striking of his features are, as with most of his kind, the set of large wings sprouting from his back. His wingspan is easily ten feet wide and each wing is near five feet in height His wings are a contrast in opposing forces. The right wing is covered in brilliant feathers of white with a gold sheen to them that expels light with every ripple. The left is a black and brown mess of bloody stems of feathers. They still give off light but its diminished and carries a sullen red glow mixing with the golden radiance.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The figure regards Captain Marvel for a time before smiling beatifically. "You would've made a better Champion than the Archivist. How may I help you, Carol?"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Perhaps it was the closing distance, or perhaps it was the flaring burst of Cosmic Energy she releases in their presence but something got their attenion as a figure materializes beside Captain Marvel.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It is one of the more humanoid looking angels modeled after the clasical painting depictions. It is also likely the most attractive physical specimen in existence. Perfection in line with modern and classical sensibilities makes his age unplaceable. His eyes are a shade of blue that doesn't exist in human physiology. His hair is a perfect wavy sheet of gold that defies all conventions of what is usually considered blonde. All aspects of his form are tailored to appeal to those who appreciate athleticism and strength. He is easily seven feet tall in height. His body appears toned, but not overly so.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He wears a suit of gleaming golden plate armor that covers him from shoulder to toe. A sword rests at his side in a dark scabard, the hilt is a simple leather wrapped number that bears no adornement. The large pauldrons on his shoulders and his breastplate are marked with a motif resembling a artistically stylized sun.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The most striking of his features are, as with most of his kind, the set of large wings sprouting from his back. His wingspan is easily ten feet wide and each wing is near five feet in height His wings are a contrast in opposing forces. The right wing is covered in brilliant feathers of white with a gold sheen to them that expels light with every ripple. The left is a black and brown mess of bloody stems of feathers. They still give off light but its diminished and carries a sullen red glow mixing with the golden radiance.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The figure regards Captain Marvel for a time before smiling beatifically. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">You would've made a better Champion than the Archivist. How may I help you, Carol?</span>"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carol will pivot at the materialization of the 'Angel' near her and face him more head on now. "Going for the very classical look I see, though your vanguard has a real depth and variety too it." talking while she takes it all in. Right out of a painting of what humans today would think an angel would look like.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sus.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"So familiar with the Archivist eh. Also I suppose I would, I am a Champion and Guardian of the living beings that call the planet you are approaching their home."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She maintains the nimbus of cosmic energy glowing around her as she crosses her arms now. "Who am I addressing?" pauses a beat "And honestly I would like to make a good faith attempt to warn you off the course of action I've been told you intend to follow."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carol will pivot at the materialization of the 'Angel' near her and face him more head on now. "Going for the very classical look I see, though your vanguard has a real depth and variety too it." talking while she takes it all in. Right out of a painting of what humans today would think an angel would look like.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sus.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"So familiar with the Archivist eh. Also I suppose I would, I am a Champion and Guardian of the living beings that call the planet you are approaching their home."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She maintains the nimbus of cosmic energy glowing around her as she crosses her arms now. "Who am I addressing?" pauses a beat "And honestly I would like to make a good faith attempt to warn you off the course of action I've been told you intend to follow."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"I am what I am" the being says, holding out his hands to either side to give her a more apprasing view of him. "To give you a formal introduction in your speech would take as much time as we have before arrival..." the creature says in a resonant baritone. "To give a shorthand version that will not scar your mind; I am Michael, Archangel and Commander of the Hosts of Heaven." He inclines his head in acknowledgement of her.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"I know very well who you are, Carol, as I know all living beings of this universe" he says, matching her for speed and position. "And to your warning I must decline. Providence cannot be turned away for any creature... this is ordained and *must* come to pass." Another raidant smile. "After all, to turn away, now would mean depriving the universe a chance to respond to the actions set in motion by its denizens."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"<span style="color:#ffff5f">I am what I am</span>" the being says, holding out his hands to either side to give her a more apprasing view of him. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">To give you a formal introduction in your speech would take as much time as we have before arrival...</span>" the creature says in a resonant baritone. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">To give a shorthand version that will not scar your mind; I am Michael, Archangel and Commander of the Hosts of Heaven.</span>" He inclines his head in acknowledgement of her.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"<span style="color:#ffff5f">I know very well who you are, Carol, as I know all living beings of this universe</span>" he says, matching her for speed and position. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">And to your warning I must decline. Providence cannot be turned away for any creature... this is ordained and *must* come to pass.</span>" Another raidant smile. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">After all, to turn away, now would mean depriving the universe a chance to respond to the actions set in motion by its denizens.</span>"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A long suffering sigh slides out of her unbidden at the whole spiel. Honestly right now Michael reminds her a bit of her encounter with Thanos. The whole sense of righteous destiny and implacability. You really only get this level of surity out of a certain caliber of problems. "Well. At least I am talking to the right entity I suppose and you didn't toss this off on some random Angel. Do you lot have the whole choirs thing or was that just bad book keeping by the church. Is there a Principality or someone who should be keeping an eye on all this?"<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay she may be a bit cheeky at this point. It's been a very very long year. Though I guess this is a new year starting off with a literal bang.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Also the Universe will be responding to you and this whole lot." a gesture at the ball of flying angels. "Why Earth. Why now."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A long suffering sigh slides out of her unbidden at the whole spiel. Honestly right now Michael reminds her a bit of her encounter with Thanos. The whole sense of righteous destiny and implacability. You really only get this level of surity out of a certain caliber of problems. "Well. At least I am talking to the right entity I suppose and you didn't toss this off on some random Angel. Do you lot have the whole choirs thing or was that just bad book keeping by the church. Is there a Principality or someone who should be keeping an eye on all this?"<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Okay she may be a bit cheeky at this point. It's been a very very long year. Though I guess this is a new year starting off with a literal bang.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Also the Universe will be responding to you and this whole lot." a gesture at the ball of flying angels. "Why Earth. Why now."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"The words of the Bible kept by the Church are... many and only some of them are true" Michael responds. "I would hope it does, it would be quite upsetting to see apathy in the face of such odds. Especially given the fact that this is only the vanguard of the Hosts. More will be on their way in our wake" he says giving an eye to the approaching blue sphere. "As for why now?"<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He shrugs."Why are most actions of divine intervention kicked off? Did not Noah build the ark before the flood? Did not Moses call for the freedom of his people before Egypt suffered its downfall? Did not David step forth to do battle against the giant Goliath before being proclaimed King?" Michael gestures vaguely. "It is now because a single man made it so. He is however out of reach now, his end of the contract sealed and fulfilled. Now it is my turn to engage in what I see fit."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"<span style="color:#ffff5f">The words of the Bible kept by the Church are... many and only some of them are true</span>" Michael responds. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">I would hope it does, it would be quite upsetting to see apathy in the face of such odds. Especially given the fact that this is only the vanguard of the Hosts. More will be on their way in our wake</span>" he says giving an eye to the approaching blue sphere. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">As for why now?</span>"<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He shrugs. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">Why are most actions of divine intervention kicked off? Did not Noah build the ark before the flood? Did not Moses call for the freedom of his people before Egypt suffered its downfall? Did not David step forth to do battle against the giant Goliath before being proclaimed King?</span>" Michael gestures vaguely. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">It is now because a single man made it so. He is however out of reach now, his end of the contract sealed and fulfilled. Now it is my turn to engage in what I see fit.</span>"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carol continues to float along. Honestly the answer about the fallibility of the written works of mankind doesn't surprise her. It was what she had expected really.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"I think you missed part of my question Archangel. I am aware of the activities you claim occurred here in the past. I am familiar with the more recent events as well. I wanted to know why Earth. There are ten trillion lives in the cosmos and if what poeple have said to me is true, you intend to threaten all of them. Why kick things off here. I don't see a giant flight of angels coming from elsewhere to Oa or Hala. Why here. Why Earth."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It seems too human-centric considering the scale of the threat. "Do you think the other would be gods and monsters are going to stand by either for that matter. You're drawing way too much attention to my home and I'm going to take action against you Michael. As are others."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carol continues to float along. Honestly the answer about the fallibility of the written works of mankind doesn't surprise her. It was what she had expected really.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"I think you missed part of my question Archangel. I am aware of the activities you claim occurred here in the past. I am familiar with the more recent events as well. I wanted to know why Earth. There are ten trillion lives in the cosmos and if what poeple have said to me is true, you intend to threaten all of them. Why kick things off here. I don't see a giant flight of angels coming from elsewhere to Oa or Hala. Why here. Why Earth."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It seems too human-centric considering the scale of the threat. "Do you think the other would be gods and monsters are going to stand by either for that matter. You're drawing way too much attention to my home and I'm going to take action against you Michael. As are others."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"And by contrast you seem to miss a part of my answer, hero" Michael replies with a grin. He could banter rather well for a creature of divine purpose. "I am coming to Earth becuase I was *called* to earth by a human. One doesn't summon an entity like myself and expect to be ignored. Not when the will behind the summoning was so direct and the intent behind it just as strong."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"If the other children of the cosmos wish to come and try their hand at stopping the Reclamation, that is their choice. We will face all who come for us: hero, villain, god, demigod, monster and anything in between." He shakes his head. "I intend to set right something that has been broken for far too long. Stability will be restored and the greater whole of My Father will be preserved. I can do nothing else for His sake."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"<span style="color:#ffff5f">And by contrast you seem to miss a part of my answer, hero</span>" Michael replies with a grin. He could banter rather well for a creature of divine purpose. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">I am coming to Earth becuase I was *called* to earth by a human. One doesn't summon an entity like myself and expect to be ignored. Not when the will behind the summoning was so direct and the intent behind it just as strong.</span>"<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"<span style="color:#ffff5f">If the other children of the cosmos wish to come and try their hand at stopping the Reclamation, that is their choice. We will face all who come for us: hero, villain, god, demigod, monster and anything in between.</span>" He shakes his head. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">I intend to set right something that has been broken for far too long. Stability will be restored and the greater whole of My Father will be preserved. I can do nothing else for His sake.</span>"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carol will be having some more in depth conversations with Justice League Dark later.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Well. I thank you for answering my questions and entertaining my request to turn aside. I'm given an understanding that ripping your other wings off won't actually be beneficial to the universe... so there is that."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"You though are out of your place and out of order." she points one more time to earth. "Go back to your duty guarding Heaven and turn aside from this course. Your host will be met without welcome on Earth and turned aside violently. You will draw the gaze of too much to our home and ... it will not be acceptable."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She knows his answer but she has to try one last time. "You have two days until your arrival, I hope you choose to not finish the journey."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With that she starts to drift back.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:177|Carol Danvers (177)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Carol will be having some more in depth conversations with Justice League Dark later.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Well. I thank you for answering my questions and entertaining my request to turn aside. I'm given an understanding that ripping your other wings off won't actually be beneficial to the universe... so there is that."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"You though are out of your place and out of order." she points one more time to earth. "Go back to your duty guarding Heaven and turn aside from this course. Your host will be met without welcome on Earth and turned aside violently. You will draw the gaze of too much to our home and ... it will not be acceptable."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;She knows his answer but she has to try one last time. "You have two days until your arrival, I hope you choose to not finish the journey."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;With that she starts to drift back.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Michael's gaze is impassive as the woman draws away. "I hope to test your mettle on that threat Carol. One hopes that we may see the field together. Be well, two days indeed."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His form vanishes and the multitude returns to it's illusory form of a massive rock hurlting through space on course for near Earth or direct Earth impact.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:3387|Chas Chandler (3387)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Michael's gaze is impassive as the woman draws away. "<span style="color:#ffff5f">I hope to test your mettle on that threat Carol. One hopes that we may see the field together. Be well, two days indeed.</span>"<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;His form vanishes and the multitude returns to it's illusory form of a massive rock hurlting through space on course for near Earth or direct Earth impact.<br> <br>

Latest revision as of 10:52, 23 January 2022

Path of Glory: All Thy Marvelous Works
Date of Scene: 05 January 2022
Location: The Moon
Synopsis: Captain Marvel takes her own journey to the object named JF09 and discoveres the truth of it. A discourse between Galactic Hero and Archangel ensues.
Cast of Characters: Chas Chandler, Carol Danvers, Michael Demiurgos
Tinyplot: Path of Glory

Chas Chandler has posed:
    The object known as JF09 is passing the moons orbit as it hurtles toward Earth it its hypersonic speed. There doesn't seem to be anything stopping it and all reports made by Dr. Foster do show that it's likely to hit off of the Earth's orbit if not strike the planet directly.

    It looks as imposing and preposterous as all satelite images indicate and just as lumious as ever, if not moreso than when it was first 'discovered' almost a fortnight ago.

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Carol has read the reports by one Jonathan Sims to SHIELD. The Titans report of their outing as well as their collected data. All of the SWORD collections which are as dry and mundane as the reports Dr. Foster made public about an asteroid.

    She isn't really happy with the situation, but hell it has been months since the last alien invasion. Honestly at some point apathy about these things might set in, right now she is just feeling really tired again.

    Getting to the moon is pretty straight forward for Captain Marvel, it is way too close to home at this point and when she gets there she falls in to match it's speed and studies it for a while before drifting in even closer. At a certain point the reports indicated the illusion should drop and the real situation become apparent.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    At about 100 meters the illusion does indeed fall. The crystaline, cut gem like object disappears and reveals the true threat being obfuscated for mortal minds. A mass of beings, fifty-thousand strong fly in a myraid of formations. They seem to be groupings of almost military-like order.

    All sorts are represented. There are those that match artistic depictions of "bibilically accurate angels," all concentric rings and glowing eyes. Some are more classically modified versions, humanoid save wings at their back, or multiple pairs at back, legs and head. Some don't match anything that artistic notion or imagination could define, more glowing amorphous things that shift and turn or crystaline organizations of geometic perfection.

    IN addition to their lumious presence, a sound can be heard--which is anamolous in itself, space does not convey sound but again, there weren't angels in reality before now either. The sound is repetitive, and comes off in the standard form of a language but the "words" themselves do not convey meaning. They convey emotion and the sound of it fills the listener with such joy and peace that it may tip of Carol's Seventh Sense at the feeling alone. There is a visual component to the sound as well, sigils and what might be script in a flowing hand appear in the air around the mass in time to the cacophony of sound. The mass moves over the sky in a form far larger than that blocked by the object obscuring them itself does. The illusion to contain their presence must require an immense amount of energy. And yet, there it is. The threat indicated by Jonathan Sims and the Titans both laid out before Captain Marvel.

Carol Danvers has posed:
    "Well. This is a problem." not that anyone can hear her muttering to herself in the vacuum of space, helmed up. She is of course recording it all with the Kree technology in her suit. She runs it against the various Kree databases as well to see if they have run into this species or flavor of entity before.

    For something projecting so much joy and peace, Carol isn't really vibing it right now. She has also read the reports and summary on what this particular host wants to do. Triggering an Apocalypse as an excuse to reset creation with less free will if they are accurate. Which so far the reports have been. Which is not great. Not great at all.

    Still with no response to her presence she cocks her head and drifts a bit closer before flaring up Cosmic Energy all around her like a nimbus. Maybe this will get a response.

    She took a trip to the sun earlier for a reason.


Chas Chandler has posed:
    Perhaps it was the closing distance, or perhaps it was the flaring burst of Cosmic Energy she releases in their presence but something got their attenion as a figure materializes beside Captain Marvel.

    It is one of the more humanoid looking angels modeled after the clasical painting depictions. It is also likely the most attractive physical specimen in existence. Perfection in line with modern and classical sensibilities makes his age unplaceable. His eyes are a shade of blue that doesn't exist in human physiology. His hair is a perfect wavy sheet of gold that defies all conventions of what is usually considered blonde. All aspects of his form are tailored to appeal to those who appreciate athleticism and strength. He is easily seven feet tall in height. His body appears toned, but not overly so.

    He wears a suit of gleaming golden plate armor that covers him from shoulder to toe. A sword rests at his side in a dark scabard, the hilt is a simple leather wrapped number that bears no adornement. The large pauldrons on his shoulders and his breastplate are marked with a motif resembling a artistically stylized sun.

    The most striking of his features are, as with most of his kind, the set of large wings sprouting from his back. His wingspan is easily ten feet wide and each wing is near five feet in height His wings are a contrast in opposing forces. The right wing is covered in brilliant feathers of white with a gold sheen to them that expels light with every ripple. The left is a black and brown mess of bloody stems of feathers. They still give off light but its diminished and carries a sullen red glow mixing with the golden radiance.

    The figure regards Captain Marvel for a time before smiling beatifically. "You would've made a better Champion than the Archivist. How may I help you, Carol?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Carol will pivot at the materialization of the 'Angel' near her and face him more head on now. "Going for the very classical look I see, though your vanguard has a real depth and variety too it." talking while she takes it all in. Right out of a painting of what humans today would think an angel would look like.


    "So familiar with the Archivist eh. Also I suppose I would, I am a Champion and Guardian of the living beings that call the planet you are approaching their home."

    She maintains the nimbus of cosmic energy glowing around her as she crosses her arms now. "Who am I addressing?" pauses a beat "And honestly I would like to make a good faith attempt to warn you off the course of action I've been told you intend to follow."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "I am what I am" the being says, holding out his hands to either side to give her a more apprasing view of him. "To give you a formal introduction in your speech would take as much time as we have before arrival..." the creature says in a resonant baritone. "To give a shorthand version that will not scar your mind; I am Michael, Archangel and Commander of the Hosts of Heaven." He inclines his head in acknowledgement of her.

    "I know very well who you are, Carol, as I know all living beings of this universe" he says, matching her for speed and position. "And to your warning I must decline. Providence cannot be turned away for any creature... this is ordained and *must* come to pass." Another raidant smile. "After all, to turn away, now would mean depriving the universe a chance to respond to the actions set in motion by its denizens."

Carol Danvers has posed:
    A long suffering sigh slides out of her unbidden at the whole spiel. Honestly right now Michael reminds her a bit of her encounter with Thanos. The whole sense of righteous destiny and implacability. You really only get this level of surity out of a certain caliber of problems. "Well. At least I am talking to the right entity I suppose and you didn't toss this off on some random Angel. Do you lot have the whole choirs thing or was that just bad book keeping by the church. Is there a Principality or someone who should be keeping an eye on all this?"

    Okay she may be a bit cheeky at this point. It's been a very very long year. Though I guess this is a new year starting off with a literal bang.

    "Also the Universe will be responding to you and this whole lot." a gesture at the ball of flying angels. "Why Earth. Why now."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "The words of the Bible kept by the Church are... many and only some of them are true" Michael responds. "I would hope it does, it would be quite upsetting to see apathy in the face of such odds. Especially given the fact that this is only the vanguard of the Hosts. More will be on their way in our wake" he says giving an eye to the approaching blue sphere. "As for why now?"

    He shrugs. "Why are most actions of divine intervention kicked off? Did not Noah build the ark before the flood? Did not Moses call for the freedom of his people before Egypt suffered its downfall? Did not David step forth to do battle against the giant Goliath before being proclaimed King?" Michael gestures vaguely. "It is now because a single man made it so. He is however out of reach now, his end of the contract sealed and fulfilled. Now it is my turn to engage in what I see fit."

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Carol continues to float along. Honestly the answer about the fallibility of the written works of mankind doesn't surprise her. It was what she had expected really.

    "I think you missed part of my question Archangel. I am aware of the activities you claim occurred here in the past. I am familiar with the more recent events as well. I wanted to know why Earth. There are ten trillion lives in the cosmos and if what poeple have said to me is true, you intend to threaten all of them. Why kick things off here. I don't see a giant flight of angels coming from elsewhere to Oa or Hala. Why here. Why Earth."

    It seems too human-centric considering the scale of the threat. "Do you think the other would be gods and monsters are going to stand by either for that matter. You're drawing way too much attention to my home and I'm going to take action against you Michael. As are others."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "And by contrast you seem to miss a part of my answer, hero" Michael replies with a grin. He could banter rather well for a creature of divine purpose. "I am coming to Earth becuase I was *called* to earth by a human. One doesn't summon an entity like myself and expect to be ignored. Not when the will behind the summoning was so direct and the intent behind it just as strong."

    "If the other children of the cosmos wish to come and try their hand at stopping the Reclamation, that is their choice. We will face all who come for us: hero, villain, god, demigod, monster and anything in between." He shakes his head. "I intend to set right something that has been broken for far too long. Stability will be restored and the greater whole of My Father will be preserved. I can do nothing else for His sake."

Carol Danvers has posed:
    Carol will be having some more in depth conversations with Justice League Dark later.

    "Well. I thank you for answering my questions and entertaining my request to turn aside. I'm given an understanding that ripping your other wings off won't actually be beneficial to the universe... so there is that."

    "You though are out of your place and out of order." she points one more time to earth. "Go back to your duty guarding Heaven and turn aside from this course. Your host will be met without welcome on Earth and turned aside violently. You will draw the gaze of too much to our home and ... it will not be acceptable."

    She knows his answer but she has to try one last time. "You have two days until your arrival, I hope you choose to not finish the journey."

    With that she starts to drift back.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Michael's gaze is impassive as the woman draws away. "I hope to test your mettle on that threat Carol. One hopes that we may see the field together. Be well, two days indeed."

    His form vanishes and the multitude returns to it's illusory form of a massive rock hurlting through space on course for near Earth or direct Earth impact.