Manchester Black

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Manchester Black (Scenesys ID: 3947)
Name: Manchester Black
Superalias: Extremist
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Menace
Citizenship: UK citizen
Residence: Mobile
Education: None
Theme: DC (TPC)
Apparent Age: 30 Actual Age: 30
Date of Birth 04 Aug 1992 Played By G-Eazy
Height: 6'1" Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "TNT" by AC/DC

Character Info


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A notorious and murderous super vigilante, Manchester Black once clashed with the JLA and laid a few of them low for a while and, for his troubles, was sent to prison. He has since escaped, continuing to mete out his own bloody version of frontier justice while dodging the law. A mutant himself, he's recently taken an interest in mutant rights, much to the chagrin of pro human groups who suddenly find their heads exploding across the country.


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* 1992: Manchester Black is born in London, England.
* 1993-2007: Manchester's life exists in secret. His parents never register him for school and he is rarely seen outside the family's small, squalid home. During this period, he is subjected to severe and intensive abuse of every conceivable sort, alongside his sister, Vera.
* 2008: Manchester manifests his superhuman abilities and executes his parents for their crimes. He comes to the conclusion that this is the only true justice.
* 2009: Manchester is separated from his sister, sent to live in a group home. He runs away two weeks later, after breaking all the limbs of two boys who tried to bully him.
* 2013: Manchester emerges into the public eye as the leader of a radical group of young heroes called The Extreme. They set out to murder known criminals, executing them publicly, and also getting into violent conflict with anti-mutant activists.
* 2015: The JLA intervenes to try and put The Extreme out of business. Manchester pushes his violence to new highs and injures several members of the League before he's finally taken down and incarcerated.
* 2019: Black is transferred to the United States and serves a temporary stint on the so-called Suicide Squad. After two successful mission, he uses his TK to extract the bomb from his head and escapes. For a time, at least, he lays low.
* 2020: Manchester Black plans to start wreaking his special brand of ultraviolent justice again.

IC Journal

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Manchester processed the suffering and abuse of his childhood and turned it into an endless wellspring of rage. He is filled with constant anger, at the world, at superheroes, at criminals, at himself. He lashes out periodically even unprompted, because he can't hold it in. It's constantly, uncontrollably suffusing his mind and it puts him on the edge of insanity much of the time.

Manchester has a foul mouth and a foul attitude. He says what he pleases, always, with no filter, unless you count adding an egregious amount of swearing as a kind of filter. He is always disrespectful, rude and shameless in his behavior and he revels in the dislike it incites in others.

For a man constantly filled with hatred, Manchester hates himself most of all. He is consumed with self-loathing, prone to black periods of malaise and abyssal emptiness. He retreats from the world at this times and fights his self-destructive urges as best he can.

Manchester doesn't like working hard at things. His TK lets him do most things with a literal thought. He gets bored easily and wants to do as little as possible to accomplish his goals. He can be motivated, but usually only by rage.

Manchester Black is a sadist. He enjoys hurting people. He likes hearing them scream. He wants to make people fear him and he goes out of his way to assert his dominance any chance he gets. He isn't one to show mercy towards the weak and he is more than willing to inflict any level of suffering on someone who pisses him off.

Character Sheet


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Manchester Black possesses telekinetic abilities of extraordinary power, subtley and potence. At his upper limits, he can lift/press in the upper range of 90 to 100 tons with his mind, although it gives him a serious headache and nosebleed to go that high. He's mostly comfortable and tends to operate in the sixty ton range on most of his heavy offense. He can lift and manipulate objects, create protective shields, fly, mimic superhuman strength and most importantly tear things apart with incredible savagery. He's known for often popping the heads of his enemies or tearing them limb from limb with his mind.

For all his power, Manchester is not lacking in fine control. He can easily pick a lock, assemble a pocketwatch or thread and use a sewing needle with the power of his mind. He has pinpoint accuracy with the direction of his mental energies and can punch out the center of a target with his mind at a distance of nearly half a mile.

OOC NOTE: As with all powers, but most especially with psionics, OOC consent and cooperation is required to have these powers used upon a PC character.

Manchester Black is an extremely powerful telepath. He can broadcast and read thoughts from a hundred miles away. He can link minds in a chain, creating a communication network. He can probe deep memories and alter them should he see fit. He can seize control of someone else's consciousness and make them his puppet or simply reporgram their minds to behave according to his dictates and he is capable of doing this to up to ten ordinary minds simultaneously.

Black can craft realistic illusions that will fool all the senses by implanting the visions in the minds of his targets. He is capable of astral projection and astral combat at high levels. He possesses significant psionic shielding of his own and has shown himself to be capable of fighting off the intrusions of even elite telepaths such as himself.

OOC NOTE: As with all powers, but most especially with psionics and mind manipulation, all powers listed require OOC consent and cooperation if they are used on a PC. Anyone who does not wish to be influenced or touched by Manchester's psionic influence may do so OOCly at will without reason or justification. These powers are not intended for malicious PVP use and will primarily be used against NPCs.


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Manchester radiates personal energy and charisma. Despite his often wretched personality, he's gained followers and recruited members for his own personal superteam once upon a time. He has a wicked, insouciant charm and does well with people who are drawn to bad boys, rebels and free thinkers. He is absolutely diabolical, but maybe, sometimes, you can't help but love him. Unless you have a basic sense of human decency, because the man's hands are just drenched in blood.

Manchester's been on the run from the law for a few years. He knows how to live off-grid, where to find places where he won't be found. He can scrounge food and shelter with relative ease, his powers making everything as simple as pie for the most part. Still, it's better to avoid detection altogether so he's good at avoiding cameras and dodging potential pursuits, as well as making distractions to let him get away if things get tight.

Manchester Black is a classic hooligan. He's good at barfighting, drinking, raising hell, starting riots, breaking windows and any acts of general chaos and malfeasance one might imagine could be justified by imbibing too much alcohol or having a serious case of the rage. He isn't by any means a skilled fighter and always cheats using his powers, but sometimes he does enjoy just stomping someone with his boots or having a wild out at the local pub.

As should be obvious, given his power set, Manchester Black is good at mind games. He can craft lies of extraordinary complexity and sell them believably. He can trick other people into doing his bidding even without using his mind control on them (although he still usually does, just to make double plus sure). He is good at using the people around him to get what he wants. It was a basic survival skill in his household.


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Other People's Money:
Manchester Black just steals from people. People who are wealthy, who mostly won't miss it. He reads their credit card numbers or swipes their wallets or just occasionally rips open a bank and takes some cash and goods. He lives in the houses of people on vacation or in the summer homes of the wealthy while they're away. Sometimes he just moves into someone's house and makes himself invisible psionically and just walks around while the people go about their lives. It's kind of fun and makes them easy hostages on hand should things go astray.


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Badly Educated:
Manchester received little to no actual schooling or education. He was kept at home in highly abusive and sheltered circumstances. While he's picked up the ways of the world and watched a lot of TV even then, he can't do anything beyond basic math. He can read, but not at a high level. He has no significant understanding of scientific principles or theories, doesn't know much about history and generally thinks is deeply unlearned. While he has a degree of natural intelligence, it's entirely been focused on survival and then lashing out at the world around him. He is cunning in the most keenly animal sense of the word.

To use his powers, Black must be able to concentrate his mind and focus its energies. If he is drugged or discombobulated, concussed or overwhelmed, he may have a difficult time mustering his powers to his purpose and may be vulnerable.

Manchester is often consumed by self-hatred, black moods, self-harm ideation, things of that nature. His moods can make him frankly inoperative and can seize upon him at any time, with relatively little provocation.

Black focuses so much on hurting people, he often forgets to protect himself. He's all offense, in every sense of the word, and very little defense. He doesn't always shield or protect his back and he often leaves himself vulnerable. This is most especially true if he's in the midst of a killing spree or a big combat, when he just becomes obsessed with dishing out as much punishment as he can.

Manchester's sister is the only human who has ever meant anything to him and evokes the only thing that he could ever call love in his heart. He would die to protect her and most certainly kill to do the same. She is the only leverage against him and, if he lost her, he would lose himself entirely to madness.

Manchester Black is an escape convict, wanted for numerous murders as well as attacks on a variety of superheroic figures. He is considered extremely dangerous and law enforcement will generally call in superhuman back-up pretty quickly, as he has shown no concern about hurting cops any more than he has anyone else.



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Manchester Black has been credited in 0 albums.

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Manchester Black has authored 0 books.

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