
From Heroes Assemble MUSH
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Test Group
Founded 09 October 2021
Headquarters Candle, Booke, and Belle Tea Shop
Leadership: 1
Brief Summary When things go bump in the night to portions of the extreme, these are the people you want on your side.
Members: 2
Allies: 3

Additional Group Information

Group Assets

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Communications Devices

These devices will only work for the person who owns them. Anyone else who tries to write in the note pad will just be writing on a piece of paper. Notepad pages can be torn out and will replenish over time, and if all pages are filled up, new ones will fill in. Both items require 24 hours to recharge once a month by leaving them be without activation.

  • Mystic Comms Amulet: Functionally a magic-powered communications bead for use in the Justice League Dark, Belinda's is a simple grey-green rock seated in silver. The rock is specifically olivine-- material directly from the Moon, gifted and cherished beyond all words. Not particularly valuable, Belinda wears the necklace at all times, hiding it beneath her costume when changing to her larger form. It is activated and utilized with the specifc key phrase 'Mahna Mahna', and can be used in group comms or to speak with a specific person. The link can be closed by the same method.
  • Leather-bound Notepad: A small (12" x 6") simple notepad, it functions as a primitive, mystical texting device, enchanted to send written messages (group or specific), hand drawn pictures, and even photographs, provided it can be placed into the pad before it is closed.

Candle, Booke, and Belle

A New-Age catchall and tea shop in New York City. Whether you're looking for a custom tea, smudging materials and apothecary herbs, resins for your inscense burner or a really cool new hooded cloak, you may be able to find it at the Candle, Booke & Belle. There are occasionally poetry readings and ritual workshops hosted here during public hours, with a secret Cursed Vault maintained for the storage of malignant items, either permanently stored or held before transfer to more secure locations. The Shoppe is supported by its own mundane services, with occasional costs covered by the trust fund set aside from the Crowe Shipping Company before Nettie's departure.

Full Summary

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Everyone knows the Justice League; the heroes with capes, with grandeur, with Truth and Justice who take on all manner of evildoers and villains... but everyone who walks in the Light should be aware that shadows are cast and rarely thought of.

The Justice League Dark is the shadow to the heroes who walk in the light. A collection of Supernatural Beings, Occult Practitioners, witches and sorcerers and assassins, this is the part of the League that works in the background to face threats from beyond the veil of the stars, beneath the crust of the Earth, forged from the fires of the damned and echoed out into the Aether. The weird, the wonderous, the witches and wizards, vampires who have turned on their own kind and those who have gotten their hands dirty are welcome.

Based out of the Candle, Booke & Belle's sanctuary in New York City, the division was founded to fight supernatural fiends of all shapes and sizes. You may never find the glory of wrapping paper with your face on it, but you will never find others so dedicated to fighting for the world, and each other.

Notable Events

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Group Members

Michael Hannigan