ID State Owner Title Description
14782 Paused Hank Hall Feeding the Birds
14364 Finished Hank Hall The Return of the Dawn No description
14211 Finished Hank Hall Strange Birdfellows Tigra walks up in Dawn's body, and Hank discovers that it's not Dove that loves Hawk. Oh, and also, they should probably figure out a way to switch back.
14178 Finished Hank Hall There's Something (Different) About Dawn No description
14136 Finished Hank Hall Bird is a Bird is Bird Hank shares the tale of his trip to Gotham, and the two of them discuss just how much of their relationship is ordained by the Lords of Chaos and Order, and how much is just them.
14016 Finished Hank Hall Har D Hank Har Hank tries to be subtle while undercover, but Harley is there. Guess how it goes.
13808 Finished Hank Hall Some Birds Fly NORTH For the Winter Hank and Dawn check-in to their holiday retreat, but an idle comment sends Hank wondering about the future.
13626 Finished Hank Hall Birdmas Cookies Dawn tries to deliver the Spirit of Christmas to Hank, who surprises her with his own nod to the season.
13478 Finished Hank Hall A Hawk Returns to the Nest No description
13305 Finished Hank Hall Hank vs Dove A bored Dove stumbles across Hank's undercover op and the two find themselves squaring off.
13188 Finished Hank Hall It's a Hawk and Dove Halloween Debate No description
13151 Finished Hank Hall Swatting Bugs is Messy When You Are the Swatter Dawn manages to coax Hank back from rage, and some cleanup ensues.
13119 Finished Hank Hall Hawk and Dove and Pigeons OH MY Sometimes winning means accepting that you already have what you want.
13079 Finished Hank Hall Crime Fighting Birds Back to the Nest The night of heroing leads to some unexpected results. Maybe not _too_ unexpected...
13056 Finished Hank Hall Hawk Surprise - Tastes Like Chicken Cooking shows, sturdy clothes, and dating woes.
13010 Finished Hank Hall All Dat and Dim Sum Hank's dim sum grandma approves of Dawn, and pulls her best winggrandmother.
13005 Finished Hank Hall A Hawk Retrieves a Dove A simple car ride turns out to be so much more.
9483 Finished Hank Hall Path of Glory: Delight In War Lady Death is visited by the Archangel Jophiel to inquire about the state of the Hell Lord's humanity. In true, chaotic fashion the Hell Lord turns the tables on her and has a few questions of her own. Questions that have demanded answers for four centuries.
9360 Finished Hank Hall WFTDA Meeting: Titan Edition Hank gets more than expected on his first forray into the world organized Roller Derby. Next step. Making the team itself and perhaps getting some bona-fide talent, if he can manage to track down the Clown Princess.
8746 Finished Hank Hall Another Piece of the Puzzle Back In Place Cait and Hank catch up and Hank's return to the Titans is all but formalized.
8720 Finished Hank Hall Main Event: Troia vs Hawk Donna and Hank have their heart to heart that ends more wholesome than it begins.
8686 Finished Hank Hall Bro Talk Victor and Hawk work out their difference with a heart to heart. And then a good old fashioned beat down of each other to cap it all off.
8651 Finished Hank Hall Readjustment Period More of Hank's return 'party.' The tension is palpable, but Vorpal and The (Other) Flash are there to bring things back down to Earth. In a way.
8649 Finished Hank Hall An Old Bird Returns to the Nest Hank Hall returns to Titans Tower after four years absences. Tensions rise but, for the moment, everything seems to not be too destructive. Rough waters but not beyond hope.