+1 Grenades

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+1 Grenades
Date of Cutscene: 07 May 2024
Location: New York City, Central Park
Synopsis: Frank gains Morphic Grenades after a brief shift in Reality
Cast of Characters: Frank Noble
Tinyplot: Devil_in_the_Details

Frank was dubious about the incantation, but couldnt put a finger on why. Right trusted Kind, andFrank trusted them both so it should be simple, right? And yet something still bothered him...either way, he made sure that he was in a disused section of central park when he read it, an ampitheater under renovation. He had a small box full of cartriges to be enchanted, flechettes that might pierce the adaptoid's flesh as he read the incantation. It seemed normal at first, the final ingredient in the complex chemical treatment for the grenade cores and flechettes, but then he noticed that he was wearing a tunic...and, from out of the trees, a large number of men, elves and halflings said, "We are here, Sir Grenademan, to steal the secret of the Chu-Ku-No..."

Wait...the Ming dynasty automated crossbow? You could look that up on youtube? And why were there abunch of folks in period costume? But then he noticed that in place of sky scrapers, large fantasy towers lay just next to the park. He considered his options, and tried contacting Kind or Right on the radio, only to find that it was some kind of magic glass bead, and no communications were getting through.

Dashing through the woods that had been central park as quickly as possible, he dodged several crossbow bolts, trying to figure out what to do. It was then that he checked his character sheet ???) and realized that he was a Barbarian (?!?!) and turned around and...raged...at the interlopers. Taking a large stick, he beat several of those chasing him into unconciousness before fleeing farther into the woods as reality flickered and shimmered. Apparently, the effect was limited to a specific range and by leaving the area of effect of the original incantation...

Grenademan sighed with relief as reality resumed itself but he saw that the Grenades now had some kind of strange metallic hue, a limited analysis revealed that they were Morphic Grenades...he didnt know what that was, but it may be just the perfect weapon against the Super Adaptoid....