Frank Noble

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Frank Noble (Scenesys ID: 3015)
Name: Frank Noble
Superalias: Grenademan
Gender: Male
Species: Nominally human
Occupation: Chemist
Citizenship: United States
Residence: New York City
Education: PhD Berkley ChE, PhD MIT CE (Or, In, An, Bio)
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 27 Actual Age: 27
Date of Birth 04 July 1994 Played By
Height: 5'2" Weight: 150 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Mad World - Gary Jules

Character Info


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A chemist driven insane by a telepath seeking a deadly secret, Frank attracted the Helm of Mambrino once wielded by Don Quixote de La Mancha and now fights THE FORCES OF EVIL as the mighty grenademan.


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* 1440 The great Moorish king Mambrino is driven mad by a malicious sorceress. Heart broken, his lover, Zortea the spirit of the Joaldunak poured her essence into a powerful golden helm that let her share her experience with him in his madness for the remains of his natural days fighting darkness wherever it lies. Many people wield it, the most well known of which is the inspiration to Cervantes himself, Don Quixote de La Mancha.

* 1470-2018 Various wielders of the Helm of Mambrino fight darkness though humor, romance, madness and the unconventional for centuries. It is a subtle force for good, often in the shadows, often rarely seen

* 1929-1945 The Grey Grenadier, aka Benjamin NOble, is a pulp hero who fights bad guys through the depression and WWII. He eventually retires and raises a family.

* 1995 Frank Noble is Born

* 2003 - Frank and Fred Noble find the hidden lair of the Grey Grenadier, their great grandfather and use it as a base for several years before locking it up and moving on with their lives.

* 2013 - Frank is admitted to the UC Berkley Chemical Engineering program and gets his PhD in Chemical Engineering in two years.

* 2016- Frank is admitted to MIT for his Post Doc work and proceeds to get 4 more doctorates in Chemistry (Applied, Organic, Inorganic, Biochemistry)

* 2018 - Frank starts his own company by impressing several venture capitalists

* 2019 - Frank discovers Reflexium but is so horrified by the connotations of what it can do he buries it and never looks back. He still gains several patents and makes several discoveries that makes his company very successful.

* 2020-A telepath learns about Reflexium accidentally by scanning Frank's mind and captures him to get the details, but Frank refuses. Frank holds out until the end until the telepath's buried concience (buried telepathically) helps Frank bury the secret deep in his own mind but the process makes Frank a bit...insane.

* 2020 - Frank is institutionalized as insane. His company is run in proxy in his absence.

* 2021 - The Helm of Mambrino finds Frank and he realizes he is a Super Hero. Frank feigns sanity, takes back over his company, and spends a year preparing to become...the MIGHTY GRENADEMAN!!!!

* 2022 Frank was taken as a champion of Chaos, while Jarvi became a champion of Order on the Fae Raelm of Sunfire where Frank nearly defeated Jarvi again but lost and has his memory erased.

* 2023 - Frank was returned to Earth and had to relearn his memory and fought again as a champion of Coas, this time winning.

* 2024 - Frank is back to crime fighting as Grenademan.

IC Journal

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Frank has a natural aptitude for story structure, for flashy displays and for heightening the emotional drama in a situation. This manifests far more as Grenaademan than his current incarnation of Frank.

Frank is always driven in what he does, whether it is persuing a better world through chemistry or fighting THE FORCES OF EVIL as Grenademan. He has a relentless passion that lets him focus on his goals and do whatever it takes to get them done.

Frank is a mortal human being, so can be affected by supernatural fear, but in terms of the spectrum, Frank is in the 99.9th percentile of being able to overcome his fear to do what he must. This approaches not even noticing the fear he is feeling until after the fact, though he does actually still fear it but that fear doesnt make him retreat or prevent him from taking action.

Frank is an extrovert though he (as Frank) acts as introvert. He draws energy from friendships and crowds and likes to be as inclusive as possible. He wont hesitate to introduce himself to someone unless he feels that they want to be left alone.

Frank is heroic. In the heroes journey, where the hero 'refuses the call', Frank picks up the phone the first time. Its a well adjusted balanced heroism; just but merciful, brave but not foolhearty, kind but not a pushover, and working for the betterment of the most people without considering the value of the individual as well.

Practical Intelligence:
The Term Practical Intelligence refers to actually being able to apply intelligence to solve problems vs 'academic' intelligence (which Frank has plenty of) but he is exceptional in terms of finding solutions to problems and cutting the metaphorical 'gordian knot.'

The Helm wouldnt have much use for Frank if he wasnt a romantic. This doesnt refer to 'romantic love' (though is certainly capable of that) but more to the literary movement of the same name in the early 19th century; Frank believes in a better world and that people really can be their best selves. Frank believes there is such a thing as absolute truth and the higher ideals that many aspire to are real, and ultimately achievable things to him.

Character Sheet


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Telepathic Conditioning:
When it comes to the knowledge of Reflexium, it takes an Omega level telepath to find the details of it in his mind and even then it would be annoying. Given the fractured and loony bin nature of Frank's mind, this would be an arduous and difficult task. In every other element of his willpower etc, Frank is just as vulnerable or suspectible to telepathy as anyone else.

The Helm of Mambrino:
This Helmet is a powerful magical artifact that empowers the user's delusions to manifest in ways that conform to their observations through probability alteration (or 'The Spirit of Serendipity'), for Frank, this manifests in the following manners

-Grenademan's attacks are never lethal, explosions or otherwise (think A-Team)

-Frank has an even higher difficult being hit or taking a wound than normal (think Die Hard or Hit Points in Dnd)

-Frank is sometimes drawn to a location that he otherwise might not be at ('How serendipitous that you arrived at this moment!)

-His throws go even farther and are far more accurate than they otherwise might be (Not just Olympic level accuracy on throws but Cinematic accuracy)

-Once per scene, he can have a minor probability effect manifest itself (Good thing that Manhole cover was open! Why yes, there is a fire alarm within reach, oh the key to the door WAS under the mat)

-It is not impossible but much more IMPROBABLE to divine Frank as being Grenademan

-As long as no one is looking at him, he is able to change into his costume with...shall we say 'highly improbable' speed

Lastly, the Helm manifests itself as something patently ridiculous; a shaving basin, a bedpan inverted on his head, a copper bowl of fruit on a platter, a WW-1 German Spike, etc. What it appears like to the person viewing it says more about them than it does about Frank. The power of the helm for a wielder is directly proportional to their Faith, Heroism, Delusion and Passion, which, needless to say for Frank is ludicously high in combination.


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Frank is an Entrepenur and able to run a successful company. He is, under no circumstance, a 'Fortune 500 CEO' but he has been a successful business owner for several years, and is able to run his finances at a significant profit. More importantly, he can speak the language of bankers, stock brokers and the all important Venture capitalist to wow them with his latest idea or discovery.

Frank has exceptionally advanced dodging skills and while he is not at 'peak human potential' he is definitely in the second tier of greatness, able to anticipate and avoid blows that would hit him under a wide degree of circumstances.

Frank has a unique fighting style that he has picked up using his agility and chaotic mind that makes him effective and medium level in effectivness but broadly he prefers to avoid close quarters fighting and do what he does best.

Frank is nowhere as near his brother Fred's level of expertise, but Frank is definitely a Maker, capable of using 3D printers, welding torches, soddering irons and other elements he can repair or slightly modify electronics or other gadgets with relative ease. Its more of a hobby for Frank, but at the end of the day he can accomplish most simple or medium tasks.

Frank has a base natural insight into any situation that helps him get to the bottom of what is going on. This isnt the same as a trained natural investigator; Frank is not going to search a situation for clues and find the matchbook someone left 20 years ago under a cake of mud, but what he will do is put together three or four clues in a way someone else has on their board in a new way that is correct, accurate and that someone else might have been banging their head against their desk for hours trying to understand. This is applicable to virtually everything Frank interacts with from business elements, scientific pursuits or superheroeic endeavors.

Frank has traveled to other worlds, and has begun to pick up an understanding of the supernatural involving the undead or fae realms. He has spent time reading on other elements and has a passing understanding. He has also gained an exceptional understanding of alchemy and used it to practical effect.

Frank is a first tier super scientist in the field of Chemistry and capable of world breaking super science comprehension in other science fields. His natural aptitude and insight lets him understand technology and discoveries of an incredibly advanced design. In terms of comic book science, with time, resources and experimentation in chemistry there is little he cannot eventually accomplish.

Frank was on the Shotput track and field team in college and participated until he was 22. He qualified for nationals and potentially could have gone to the Olympics but the sheer time demands of his multiple degrees prevented him from doing so. When it comes to being able to throw an object with time, speed, weight and accuracy Frank is near peak human potential.


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Frank has a cycle that is purely electric tricked out with a grenade launcher for his grenades and a top speed of 400 miles an hour. It has a backup fuel generator that can give it even greater speeds and performance, which is also armored to allow to withstand automatic weapons fire. The tires are also solid rubber and harder to shoot out than conventional tires.

Fred Noble:
Fred is Frank's brother and a gifted Mechanical Engineer and owner of a small chain of hardware stores. He has helped create and enhance a number of Frank's gadgets, particularly his grapple gun and grenades. He greatly disapproves of Frank's superheroic activies but knows that his insanity isnt natural and tries to channel his activities into the least destructive path possible.

Frank has a number of grenades that make him well, you know, Grenademan. First, the Grenades themselves are in small hockey puck like devices which can administer a chemical application to a wide area. They can be set to burst on time delay, on a certain number of impacts (or just one), or rendered to go off on a vocal command. They are impact resistant and have a clever motion sensitive gesture based 'lock' designed by Fred that prevents anyone who doesnt know how to throw and pitch them not to be able to throw it back and activate it (ie there is no 'pin' on Frank's Greades)

Grenade types include:

-Explosive - Cesium based and highly explosive given their relative size, extremely destructive

-Sleep Gas - A safe anesthetic that can put many beings who need to breath and are capable of sleep unconcinous in a up to a 15 foot radius

-Paint - A glow in the dark paint that can either mark an area, blind a window or, if set to, explode invisibly and only appear after a certain period of time or under UV light (all of which can be set on throwing)

-Slick Grenades - These grenades cover an area up to 15 feet wide and make a near frictionless surface that remains that way for up to 90 seconds before the material renders itself inert

-Flashbang: These are much pore powerful versions of the regular thing which can be dialed down to mild to extreme by a mechanism in each greande.

-Crystal Grenades: He has finally perfected grenades that generate an oxygenated crystal that is as hard as steel but that anyone trapped inside can still safely breathe until time or the solvent is applied to remove the effect.

-Glue Grenades: This powerful adhesive substance can make it hard for someone to move and adhere up to 20 tons though active struggle by someone with superstrength can get out easily enough.

Frank is working on various other designs but not all of them have completed his extremely rigorous testing process.

Other Equipment:
Frank typically has a utility belt that includes a gas generated grappel gun (which contains deployable monofilament adhesives to increase accuracy), rebreather, a jammer and a multi purpose communicator, as well as solvents for all his grenades. He also has liquid crystal restraints about as strong as regular handcuffs. Finally, he has singular communication buttons that contain one time encryption units that echo on the cloud as a way to allow potential sources to communicate with him. His costume is made of condensed kevlar which can withstand small arms fire.

Reflexium Cape:
Frank has a cape made of Reflexium which reflects any directed energy attack up to 400 megajewels (or in comic terms a Medium level attack) so it will stop blasters, lasers, directed power energy attacks like lightning, fire etc. The nature of the material is based on the mass it contains, and once exceeded is converted into physical action (ie a sufiently powerful energy attack becomes a physical force that thrusts forward on the cape pushing Frank backwards). This material is extremely expensive and Frank can't afford to mass produce it.

Tgaw Industries:
Frank owns his own business which is an umbrella of small to medium sized startup companies bunbled around a series of chemical processes and patents, including making cheap generic drugs, or simplifying existing chemical processes on a wide scaleable application. This gives him a paper wealth of around 65 million and a liquid income from patent royalties and other investments of about five million a month.

The Three Mice That See:
Frank has picked up some potent alllies in his travels; three talking mice from Sunfire that have magical abilities. Mr. Right has exceptionally keen insight and a large amount of knowledge. Mr. Kind has a supernatural ability to understand applied kindness and to how to help others as well as their motivations. Mr. Necessary is exceptional at combat, has a large number of small surprises and a supernatural abilitity to see what must be done to solve a problem.


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Grenademan can putting to certain people, and this comes from having a very loud voice that is constantly going on and on about THE FORCES OF EVIL, or fixating on some particular moral point at the wrong time even good guys can find him...inconvenient.

In the quiet moments, late at night when not wearing his costume or fighting THE FORCES OF EVIL, the damage done by the telepath can haunt Frank who, at least partially, understands that something was taken from him and he can suffer from crushing depression. This rarely stops him from ACTING, but it can cause problems in other subtle ways.

Dispel Magic:
While Frank maintains a link with the Helm even if he isnt wearing it, it is, at the end of the day, magic and magic can be dispelled. To be clear, it is a somewhat difficult effect to dispel, but it can be dispelled. Frank is still skilled as a mortal human with a wide arsenal of devices, but the Helm magnifies that effect considrably and without magic he is just a guy with a shiny cape and a whole lot of grenades.

When focused on fighting THE FORCES OF EVIL, Frank is a force of nature. However, while he is very insightful and passionate and intelligent, sometimes his own spurious logic can be used against him and used to send him off against some random thing that is empowering THE FORCES OF EVIL, though in the long run this can be a mistake since he does remember being lied to.

Not everyone is going to know that the Helm of Mambrino is going to prevent anyone from being killed. Despite the security precautions in his grenades, the explosive grenades he uses are EXTREMELY potent relative to their size and arguably military grade weaponry. Using them publicly and to the degree he sometimes does is going to cause some to regard him with concern.

Frank is, at the end of the day, completely nuts. His insanity is induced rather than due to natural mental tramau but the end result is largely the same. He believes that Good will always triumph over evil in the long run, and that the more good he does, the more indestructable he is. He believes that the forces of evil are, well, evil and are problematic. There are shades of grey in Frank's world view, but that perspective is extremely skewed. As Frank, this insanity is harder to see, but as Grenademan it is readily apparant.

Frank was in an institution for a full year before he found the focus provided to his link from the helm. The 21rst century is far more kind to the mentally ill than it was, but this stigma still attaches to some, and Frank's background here is discoverable by the right enemy.

A person with sufficient scientific education might simply see Frank's cape in action and comprehend the true value of what it can do. It is matter in a different quantum state that can COMPLETELY reflect all energy based on the mass of its composition, which could have revolutionary effects in super condictivity and a number of other scientific devices but it could (and would) also yield terrible and horrific weaponry that Frank utterly refuses to have as blood on his hands.

At the end of the day, most people are going to see Frank wearing something utterly ridiculous on his head (A shaving basin, a bedpan, etc) combined with his ober the top costume, his belacose voice, his extreme platitudes and the super subtle nature of his probability alteration means that while he can sometimes be extremely effective, it isnt always going to LOOK like its effective. Especially given that humor or self depreciation is built into the spirit of Serendipity, it is extremely easy to write Grenademan off.

Stench of Chaos and Order:
As a former champion of chaos and order, those who are affiliated with either will sense their opposite in Grank with few to none of the advantages that comes with such an affiliation. He has no actual current affiliation with either fae lord officially but their mark can still be sensed.



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Frank Noble has 39 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Explosive Consequences June 2nd, 2024 No description
RoT: Sword of Heaven Terrorist Base June 1st, 2024 A collection of heroes is forced to deal with a late-breaking mission against some eco-terrorists. The stakes are high and another team is waiting on critical intel that they might be able to gather...
Bureau of Lost; Never Found May 25th, 2024 Our heroes find themselves at the Bureau of the Lost while tracking down Frank Noble's missing shirt and have to magic their way out in rhyme and find out that everything lost is just waiting to (never) be found.
Testerbots May 16th, 2024 Summary
YMCAACP Course: Gun Safety May 16th, 2024 Deadpool teaches a few smart cookies about GUN SAFETY. Friday? BINGO.
1 2 3 4 I Declare A May 11th, 2024 Grenademan stops a conflict with a thumb war.
Turnabout Is Fair Play May 6th, 2024 Domino chases down more details on the people who attacked her safe house.
Appalachian Atrocities: Touch the Sky May 5th, 2024 They all showed up for Bucky. His 'family' saved, the compound raided and secured. A cure found for the missing miners and loggers. But the monster behind the madness was nowhere to be found. Will Dr. Helix show himself again or has he abandoned his work and disappeared into the night?
Honky Tonk Heroes May 4th, 2024 No description
Is This A Cult May 1st, 2024 What looks like a cult is trying to dig up relics from underneath cemeteries...but why?!
Raven's Nest Grand Opening May 1st, 2024 Juggernaut and Loki walk into a bar. It's still standing when they leave - that's a story to tell the grandkids. Corben's left uneasy when Sara mentions needing to speak with him about 'something else'. ...and why the hell is High Society Jan hanging out in a hole in the wall in the Bronx? All in all, a good start for The Raven's Nest.
Appalachian Atrocities: Look to the Trees. April 26th, 2024 A second mission into the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains leaves the team one step closer to an answer, but still with so many questions.
Fallout From The Doohickey April 22nd, 2024 A defenseless safehouse is murdered senselessly due to six idiots trying to resteal a stolen crystal they stole.
An Arrested Theft April 22nd, 2024 June stops a thief who has a briefcase of great worth
Up The Walls April 21st, 2024 Super adaptoid Copy kicks ass and takes names and gets a partially damaged grenade from Grenademan. Then it retreats to keep the heroes from damaging it more; but it was not at all threatened by them
Appalachian Atrocities: Mine Your Own Business April 20th, 2024 A team of heroes discover the horrors of Blackstone Hollow, but the nightmare is just beginning.
The Library Aftermath April 17th, 2024 The Zealots attempts one of the rituals from the book of Cagliostro...but it doesn't end well for any of them.
Dueling Powers April 15th, 2024 Domino and Frank clash probability alteration fields; Domino wins but no one is hurt or killed and Domino gets something more valueable so is technically stopped
Appalachian Atrocities: Call to Arms April 14th, 2024 Much to Bucky's surprise, everyone was quick to offer him help with the situation at Blackstone Hollow. Plans were made to recon the situation.
Up in Smoke April 9th, 2024 First responders and other heroes show up to put out a fire amid a firefight. When the smoke clears, nothing is as it appears to be.
Hydra vs UN: Inside the UN April 7th, 2024 Hydra invades the United Nations and forces good and unlikely unite to repel the attempt.
Hydra vs UN: A Train Goes North April 6th, 2024 Hydra sends passenger trains out of control, racing towards imminent collisions. Various heroes respond to save the passengers. Only, at the end, to hear of a Hydra attack underway at the United Nations.
The Worst Bank Robbery In History March 17th, 2024 Patty defeats a bunch of bank robbers with a little help
The Three Mice That See March 12th, 2024 The Three Mice that see conspire with how to rig the third round of the game in Frank's Favor.
Sifting Through the Rubble. March 10th, 2024 Could be that a man calling himself Grenademan isn't as much of a total nujob as Luca thought. At least now he has a small lead to follow to put an end to the arsons.
Bad Moon Rising February 24th, 2024 Luca, Blue, Frank and Nettie save thousands of lives by breaking the curse of the lich.
Heroes Assemble 4th Anniversary: The Watchers February 24th, 2024 For the four year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush, Uatu the Watcher again hosts some of his colleagues to share what he has witnessed over the last two years of events on a small blue planet called Earth.
JLD Book Club III: The Widow's Wailing February 11th, 2024 In a barrow in Scotland, Belinda Gutierrez, Richard Stadler, Zatanna Zatara and Daniel Ketch -- with Frank Noble (GRENADE MAN!) - save the widows, enter the barrow, take the book THe Widow's Wail, and escape with their hearing intact.
Squirrel Drug War January 20th, 2024 A bunch of idiot drug gangers got arrested. Squirrels kicked ass.
JLD Book Club I: Codex Sanguinus January 19th, 2024 The first Book Club meeting takes the Codex Sanguinus from a dance club/auction house. Patience and Daniel Ketch's Spirit of Vengence discuss the qualities of apologies
Sekrit Conflix January 11th, 2024 The heroes stop the duplicates from ever being made again. Despite all odds, the heroes manage to get a log of their memories out...which might or might make it to their normal selves.
Tracking Down Mr Boom January 6th, 2024 Frank hires Vermillion to look for details on his Fetch and offers to have her coordinate with Detective Chimp.
Gotham University Lecture January 5th, 2024 A packed house of attentive students and amazing guests attend a lecture given by Ms. Clara Jennings on the topic of Mongolian epic poetry.
Squirrels Are the Messengers of God January 2nd, 2024 Moe the talking squirrel talks to the Squirrel talker who talks to Frank and tells him that the thign he doesnt remember is really important which give him a migrane and he runs away. Meanwhile his attempts ot investigate the Fetch only increase the suspicion and interst of the Foot Clan.
New Years Daze January 1st, 2024 In the most improbably of ways, Charta is aided by Grenademan in retrieving a priceless, stolen book from some thieves.
Capital D, Capital H... December 30th, 2023 A group of random passerby encounter the Freelance Peacekeeping Agent Death's Head! The ensuing conversation is strange, even by New York standards.
A new case for the chimp December 28th, 2023 Info is gathered but the client disapears
1000 Faces: Meeting of the Minds August 8th, 2021 A meeting of the minds at the Laughing Magician goes sideways when Frank invokes Nergal's name in Constantine's home. ... in the end, a deal may or may be struck with a demon - just a day ending in Y, innit?
1000 Faces: Eurovision - Anno Mortis August 1st, 2021 Eurovision ends in a battle royale! Featuring appearances by Living Dead Girl, The Thundercats, Trenchcoat Brigade, and the Spook Sisters!


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Frank Noble has 39 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
+1 Grenades May 7th, 2024 Frank gains Morphic Grenades after a brief shift in Reality
On the Street April 17th, 2024 Tests in the field only increase interest in Frank's work
Interest Is Taken April 16th, 2024 Someone watches video of Frank and takes interest in his technology
Easter Egg Hunt Of Doom March 31st, 2024 Frank defeats Order, Chaos and Jarvi in an explosive plot finish
The Truth March 20th, 2024 Frank looks up Mr Boom's Safety Deposit Box
Questions That Need Answering December 25th, 2023 Frank Returns

Entertainment Credits

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Frank Noble has been credited in 0 shows.

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Frank Noble has been credited in 0 albums.

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Frank Noble has authored 0 books.

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