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Latest revision as of 00:32, 7 June 2021

Dealing with Daddy Issues
Date of Scene: 05 June 2021
Location: Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Synopsis: Lorna comes to an uneasy peace with the darker sides of Clarice's life.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Lorna Dane

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The ride over to the Preserve was fairly quiet, with Clarice explaining away her bad moon with a vague, "Just tired of people who don't know what they're talking about." It's a bit more involved than that, but it's true enough. After a brief discussion, Clarice directs Lorna towards the nature preserve. It's actually a bit strange that she knows the roads to get there - since when does she //drive// anywhere?
    Once they park, she finds a garbage can for what remains of her smoothie - and walks in silence towards a large boulder set on a small overlook, giving them a view of the preserve. She hops up onto it easily, and glances over at her friend - a hint of caution and uncertainty on her features as she studies Lorna's features. "So," she starts 'smoothly.' "I guess we have stuff to talk about."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"A bit," Lorna agrees quietly while attempting to gather her own thoughts. There were so many that had been nagging at her lately that she almost misses the beauty of the nature preserve they've arrived in. A moment is taken to glance around at the greenery before she speaks again. "I'm worried about you. The past several days have been eventful to say the least." Shifting her stance slightly she clasps her hands behind her back for lack of knowing what to do with them otherwise. It allows her to wring them a little without being see at least. "I know you're capable in many regards. I've always known, even if I might not know the exact details of your past, the general gist of what you were put through. After the fight--" Should she even explain which one? They both bothered her in their own ways. "--I suppose, what I mean to say is, are you okay? I don't want you to be put in a position where you fall back on tactics you were taught if it's going to cause you duress."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out a quiet sigh, her gaze going down at here hands, then back to her friend. "That's part of who I am, though," she offers in response - a little trepidation on her features. Somehow, echoes of a recent conversation with Creed are called to her mind, only now she's taken on //his// role, afraid of scaring someone important away by being too brutal. "I mean - I try not to use tactics like that when there are other options. But sometimes there just isn't the time to be 'nice.' Not if you want to save lives."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane takes a long, slow breath before glancing back to Clarice once more. The tense posture she'd take on relaxes somewhat after a concentrated effort to do so. Rather than tuck her hands behind her back she gestures toward her friend vaguely. "I understand that, I do. I just want you to know that, if it ever becomes too much, you don't have to keep doing this. There are other ways to assist the cause." Swinging her hand back she runs it through her hair struggling to find the right words. "You have choices now and the freedom to make them. No matter what you choose I will of course support you. I just fear that, perhaps, you might start to lose yourself a bit *too* much to that side of yourself." Here she can only look completely frustrated at her inability to be eloquent. Helpless almost. A quick shake of her head tries to set her thoughts straight. "I've heard of the horrors that Sabertooth has caused, and even seen some of the aftermath before, but I've never seen him code-switch like that. An entire flip of personality. And I know he's someone important to you even if I can't quite understand the reasoning myself. I'll do my best to respect that. But quite frankly, I don't want to see you end up like him and lose yourself as he seems to."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice watches Lorna - her friend, and her Queen - with a cautious, faintly worried expression on her features, hanging intently on each word offered. "I'm not him," she offers with a small, wry smile. "And what you saw- I mean. That wasn't really him, either. He's usually a little more controlled than that. He explained to me - that man, our target, he was attacking Mister Creed's mind. The only way he had of blocking the attack was shutting his mind off. He is pretty dangerous in that state," there's an understatement. "And I haven't seen it that much myself. Usually... I mean, I've always had to send him romping off in the wood until he calms down, after something like that. That's the first time he's actually- that he just came back." For a moment, Clarice's expression morphs in a rather fond smile that, yes, is entirely meant for a man who is nothing short of deranged.
    Her expression sobers again as she adds, "I want to do the most good I can, and help the most people possible. I have skills that others don't possess, and I can do things that- well. I'd rather I have to end lives myself then ask others to do it. But I don't intend to lose myself, Lorna."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane purses her lips together in a tight thin line as she regards Clarice with a sharp look. It only lasts a few moments before she relents with a sigh. "All right. I just worry. You're so much more than what those who taught you thought. As long as you're all right." She can convince herself of that at least, she hopes. Lightly shaking her head again she offers a tired sort of smile. "I suppose we're all capable of quite a lot in the heat of the moment, myself included. I was about to send every nail in that room through that man as many times as it took to stop him." Not that she had need to--Creed had been there at that point.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah, well - they didn't think I was a person," Clarice answers. She gives a brief, sad smile as she says those words. She looks out over the vista for a moment, then back to her friend - offering a little uncertainly, "I'll admit - I don't ever want to disappoint you. I want to live up to the person you believe I can be. I-" she hesitates a moment, before adding a little more quietly, "I don't want to frighten you away. I know I'm more than what they made me to be - but what they made me to be is still a part of who I am, Lorna. Is that alright?" There's something vulnerable and uncertain in her gaze, as she asks that question.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane opens her mouth to respond only to find there are no words that come out immediately. Teeth click as her jaw shuts again. Without a word she steps forward to place her hands on Clarice's shoulders if allowed, standing in front of her to look her straight in the eye. "Of course it's alright. You are who you are. I believe I'm just beginning to realise how lucky and sheltered I've been myself in spite of everything. It's a lot to take in." Here she grows more stern though, more certain of herself, as she adds, "But you are my friend and I am not going to run away from you or abandon you. Is that clear?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Relief flashes across Clarice's features - followed by a smile. "Yes, Your Majesty," she answers - a hint of teasing leaking into her tone. //That// at least hasn't change. Clarice is still entirely //impossible.// "Perfectly clear." And she leans forward - giving her friend a brief hug. "I'm glad," she adds quietly.