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Latest revision as of 00:32, 7 June 2021

On Duty
Date of Scene: 04 June 2021
Location: The Watchtower
Synopsis: America ports up to the Watchtower and meets Canary.
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, America Chavez

Dinah Lance has posed:
The Watchtower. One of the perks to being in the Justice League is having access to the Watchtower, the orbital station with a splendid view of the Earth. One of the downsides is Monitor Duty, which is where Black Canary is right now. She paces around the perimeter of the room, gazing out through all those windows down at the Earth below. Yeah, nice view. Sigh. Back over to the computer console with monitors streaming various news feeds.

The blonde absently pokes a few buttons (the ones she was told she's allowed to touch), then flops into a chair and props her feet up.

America Chavez has posed:
Watch duty at the Watchtower, a station manned by some of the most powerful beings in the universe. One of the most important, and most dull, of duties.

So the people who have been saddled with it deserve at least something interesting happening every once in a while, don't they?

Maybe that's what Dinah Lance gets now, as she slumps in her chair and pours through video feeds: there is a little glimmer from her peripheral, a shining pulse of ephemeral, blue light. She need only look to find the source:

A glowing blue five-pointed star, hovering just over the entrance of the room.

It lasts all of five seconds before a sneakered heel punts its way through the center, shattering the whole thing into a thousand thousand shards of glittering blue particles, leaving a gaping hole of a star in space and time in its wake, leading to... what looks like a Manhattan deli.

And out of this Manhattan deli and into the Watchtower America Chavez emerges, dressed in simple red short-shorts and a, star-spangled hoodie, currently taking a chunk out of a big, meaty deli sandwich.

"Huh," she breathes, as she looks behind her, her portal closing with the faint shine of the star tattoos at her wrists. "Nice view." It always is.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance may not be the most powerful or the most important member of the Justice League, but the petite blonde can hold her own. And she's not stupid.

With the first glimmer in her peripheral vision those tapping fingers stop. When the star appears she rolls clear of the chair to the center of the room, where there's more room to maneuver. "Activate Watchtower security protocols on my command." she declares calmly

The star opens wider. A Manhattan deli? Really? Then the woman in the star-spangled costume steps through. With a sandwich. Black Canary plants hands on her hips and smirks. "Did you bring enough for two?"

Almost as an afterthought, then. "Deactivate security protocols."

America Chavez has posed:
America Chavez knows the Justice League. Knows a few Justice Leagues, really. It's part and parcel to the job.

It still doesn't stop the very small, but impressed smile that tugs just barely at the corner of her lips when she sees how swiftly the on-duty monitor reacts to her presence. It's a good sight to see.

Dark brown eyes turn Dinah's way, taking the woman in with quiet consideration. That smile might grow just fractionally as the command to deactivate security protocols only comes -after- the blonde's quip -- but like many of America's smiles, it's a brilliant, small, flash in the pan before that calm, nonchalant stoicism takes over once more.

"Monitor duty, huh." Her head tilts. She looks down at her sandwich. Back at Dinah.

And then she casually tears her hoagie in two, to wave one half of a meat lovers' carb hell in the other woman's direction.

"Split it?" suggests America, brow raised. "Best I can offer, chica."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance relaxes a little, nodding slowly as well. She grins, head tilting at the offered half-sandwich before stepping closer. "Half a sandwich is better than nothing." Dinah declares. Accepting the sandwich in one hand she offers the other.

"I'm Black Canary." she declares. "And we've got drinks in the fridge down the hall. I need to stay here, but feel free to help yourself."

Yeah, monitor duty.

Her gaze wanders, then, down and back up to the taller woman's eyes. "That's a nice trick with the stars, by the way. Something with portals, or am I not even close?"

America Chavez has posed:
A hand is offered. And as the half-a-sandwich is passed off, America takes that hand in hers, strong fingers wrapping Dinah up in a firm grip.

"America," she offers in return. "Chavez." A code name? Her real name? Judging by the ineffably casual way she dresses, probably the latter.

She looks towards the hall when indicated, considerate. And then she gives that hand in hers a lingering little squeeze, seconds before she pulls it away.

"Nah. Maybe later," America decides, looking back Dinah's way. "You look like a woman who could use some company."

The right corner of her lips twitches up, just so. "Besides, gotta make sure my sandwich is in good hands, yeah?"

Her free hand tucking into the pocket of her hoodie, America leans her weight towards her left hip as Dinah considers her. She only looks back fractionally briefly towards where that star once lingered when Dinah mentioned it -- but soon, that dark gaze is back on Dinah's once more. "Nope, you got it," she confirms, tipping her head in acknowledgment. "They take me where I need to be. Wherever that is."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"America?" Dinah echoes, taking a nibble with a raised brow. "Oh. Yeah. I get it." She gestures with the sandwich towards the colors and the stars on the outfit. Code name. Probably.

"Oh, more than your sandwich is in good hands. This is the Justice League, after all." Canary replies with a smirk. "So you were just bored and decided to skip up here into orbit? Last I checked, we're not in geosynchronous orbit and the exact location is classified." Or something. That's what J'onn told her, anyway.

She laughs, then, shaking her head. "Not that I mind! I could use the company, to be honest. Especially when it's -good- company like yours."

America Chavez has posed:
Looking down at herself when indicated, America considers. And then, she just takes a nonchalant bite of her sandwich, chews, and remarks,

"Nah. I just like the colors. They look good on me."

... in such an effortless deadpan it's hard to really tell if she's joking or being entirely, dead-ass serious.

"Wanted to check things out here. S'been a while." This, too, is delivered with that effortless matter-of-factness; she considers Dinah after the other woman's follow up, head canting to the right.

"Okay then. You convinced me. I'll stick around." And as she says this, she lifts her half a sandwich Dinah's way, like a cheeky, faux toast. "Not gonna say no to someone who knows how to flatter. Or who looks that good in fishnet."

And even if she doesn't smile, there's amusement in those brown eyes all the same.