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Latest revision as of 10:03, 17 June 2021

Favor for a Favor
Date of Scene: 16 June 2021
Location: At the Door to the Sphere
Synopsis: Bucky gets more than a Quinjet out of Sharon.
Cast of Characters: Sharon Carter, James Barnes

Sharon Carter has posed:
When it comes to supplies, Sharon knows what's up. Being now that she was the persona in charge since May was down for the count, she over compensated by stocking the Sphere and its current occupants with food. Water. Coffee. Tea. More of that and weaponry and body armor that could fill a whole army.

All of that, and they didn't even have the manpower.

The few agents that remained outside of the sphere took inventory, while Sharon herself stood by, leaning against one of the large, oversized crates, fingers tipping and tapping away at her phone like a teenager sending a gossipy text. Every now and then someone would speak, causing Sharon to stop mid-sentence, look, and nod her agreements towards whatever the agent requested or desired. It wasn't as if there was no care to this, she was hyper focused on something else.

James Barnes has posed:
    Bucky's been here most of the day, he was on the 'guard duty' rotation. This time he actually leaves without being ordered to. If they never ordered him to leave, he would be there 24/7. He's said his usual goodbyes to Peggy and he's gotten his intel from Daisy.
    ...and there's a child to save.
    So, with a heavy heart and a lot of reluctance, he's walking out the door right into Sharon's inventory. Hey, wait... he needed to talk to her too.
    "Hey Sharon, got a sec?" Fuck but he looks *exhausted*. ...and it's not all due to worrying bout Peggy and the others... mostly Peggy.

Sharon Carter has posed:
Despite how things were at a dire state in Sharon's mind at the moment, she presents this with a cool, calm, and neverminding demeanor. Still tapping away at her phone.

If there was anyone in range of what she was typing out, they would see that she was in a heated discussion with her father over the state of Peggy and Daniel..

"Hmm?" She manages to say, finally looking up from her smart phone, which was soon slipped into her back pocket. The hand remains there, but her brows shoot to the sky and then wrinkle because.. "What? Yeah, I got a minute. What's up? I was wondering when you'd make your way down here.."

James Barnes has posed:
    Bucky's usually pretty straightforward. So it likely comes as no surprise when he just blurts it right on out. "I need the jet to save a kid from some freaky cult that's holding him on Malta." 'bout sums it all up, but with the bare minimum of details.
    A beat and he adds, "Ward's goin' too." Maybe that'll be points in his favor?
    "The only time I'm not here is when they make me not be here," he retorts, a little on the angry side there. But maybe she doesn't see him much? Considering the place he spends his most time is right next to PodPeggy. Oh, he does his rounds, he checks perimeters, even ceiling beams if that's part of the guard routine, but his 'downtime' is with Peggy. ...and they're only allowing him two days per week on the rotation. Why? Because, well, Peggy. Her being stuck in there, it hasn't left him in the best frame of mind.

Sharon Carter has posed:
Hah! That was quick. The old Bucky that she was used to. It took her a moment to actually register what he was asking her, and mostly why, until it dawns on her that she was in charge, for now. She even looks around, then moves from her little crate-seat to gesture Bucky into a slightly different area, away from the door.

"Calm down James." Bad form, maybe. But he did get a teeny bit snippy. "But you and Ward? Taking a.." Her hand lifts to rub at the back of her head, eyes now planted upon all of the busy little worker agents, filtering in with supplies and out for more. "Alright, you can take the jet. But, I'm going to need a -huge- favor from you. Tap Agent Ward in if you want."

James Barnes has posed:
    He's been a tiny bit snippy a lot these days. Who wouldn't be. Bucky was just starting to feel like he had a life back at the Triskelion and FUCKING HYDRA went and destroyed it all again. It would almost be easier to be the Winter Soldier again in some ways. At least then he didn't really know what he was missing.
    "...like what?" he asks, words clipped and short. His brow furrows and he lays the full weight of BuckyStare(tm) on Sharon. "We're trying to save a *kid*, Sharon."
    Another reason to miss the hell out of Peggy, she'd let him go without a second thought with the Quinjet, her blessings and maybe even some cookies for the road - store bought, the woman cannot cook.

Sharon Carter has posed:
"..Oh, I know you're trying to save a kid and I am -not- nor will I ever stop you." Sharon states. But she does smile. "But that paperwork that comes with taking the Quinjet?" She points at him, then wriggles her finger in a circular motion. A complete annoyance, even in the face of something dire. "You and Ward are doing it. And finishing out inventory. And making sure our armory is stocked and at the ready." She purses her lips.

"I know you're probably going to be pissed about this, Bucky. But you're in there stewing. Idle hands and all, its hitting you bad."

James Barnes has posed:
    Brow still furrowed, but the eyebrows climb just a tiny bit. Huh. Bucky's poker face is pretty damned good so he manages to not reveal that he's absolutely *thrilled* by her requests. Ward may not be so much, but... too bad for Ward.
    "Really Sharon? All your grunt work?" he asks, incredulously and believably. "That's low..."

Sharon Carter has posed:
"Yes." Sharon states, no hesitation. "Also, there's a nice little stack on Melinda's desk. Do half of that. I only say half because I think the real sensitive stuff is at the bottom. Which I know you won't read. Because then you'd have to do that too." Yes, all of her grunt work. -ALL- of it.

"Also, when you're done with rescuing the kid, you'll have to stay here for a few days -after- you make sure the kid is in good hands. I have things to do out here in the city that I can't drag back here.. soo..." She beams a smile, then reaches out to clap a hand against his shoulder. "You -are- the best, you know that? Grandma and Grandpa would be thrilled to hear you're helping their -only- granddaughter out when they finally wake up."


James Barnes has posed:
    PokerFaceFAIL. But it only lasts a moment, a blip in time, no one likely even notices but Sharon but Bucky actually smiles a real smile that reaches those pale blue eyes of his and chases away some of the shadows in them.
    "... all time low, Sharon," he insistes. "You know I hate paperwork." But he doesn't hate spending time here where he can look after Peggy, on a DAILY basis. Maybe Sharon knows him better than most. Where they see stress from being here, she obviously sees the truth. He's been out of sorts because he *can't* be here.
    "Low..." he repeats as he tucks the laptop further under his arm and mouths, 'Thank you', for her eyes only.

Sharon Carter has posed:
Sharon can keep her poker face, cause.. she did have to meet someone who was the king of Poker Faces. But nah, not here. She actually cracks off a huge grin. One of the ways she was able to go out and do whatever it is that she was doing was because Bucky, Daisy, and Jemma were all here.

"Remember what I used to say?" She asks Bucky. "It's only two functions, go low, or straight to hell." She would hug him, but that was just all too awkward.

As Bucky tucks the laptop and gives his quiet thanks, Sharon gives a serious nod. A nod that says to look out for her family, since she had just gotten them back nearly a month ago. "I'll be back in three days." Is the only thing she says before she makes her own way towards the entrance, knowing eventually Bucky would be gone too..

James Barnes has posed:
    He's still exhausted because he just hasn't been sleeping and it's been a crazy crazy week. But when Bucky walks away from the sphere, that damnable laptop thing under his arm and with the knowledge that he's about to fly into a fuckstorm of a situation, he actually feels lighter than he has in weeks. If he can't bring Peggy home, at least now he can bring home to Peggy at least in the form of his presence here.
    ...and Sharon need not worry, she has to know that Bucky would walk right back to HYDRA on his hands and knees to save Peggy... and probably even the others... and that's a fate worse than death.