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The Order of St. Dumbass: Daisy's Intel.
Date of Scene: 16 June 2021
Location: The Sphere
Synopsis: Bucky knew that Daisy would come through for him and get him what he needs to complete the mission. What he doesn't know, however, is what a Tinder is and why she wants to set him up on it.
Cast of Characters: James Barnes, Daisy Johnson

James Barnes has posed:
    Today was one of Bucky's rotations watching over things at the Sphere. If it was up to him, every day would be his rotation and every night. Alas, they always make him leave. ...and he's never happy about it.
    Generally he spends most of his time near Peggy's pod. Sometimes, when he thinks no one can here him, he even talks quietly to her.
    At the beginning of his shift today, he had approached Daisy for help with something he's doing on the outside.
    With his shift about to end, he places one gloved hand on Peggy's pod and then rests his forehead against it to whisper, "Miss you Peggles, please come home. I'll be back soon." It's become a ritual, every single time, he will not leave before saying those words to her.         Normally, he'd just leave afterwards, forcing himself to take every step. But today he stops to speak with Daisy because if he knows the girl the way he thinks she does, she has what he needs already.
    "Hey," he greets as he approaches. His voice is softer than normal and a little rough with emotion... because, well, Peggles.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
To say that Daisy has been busy would be understating it. She has been going through a marathon of work fueled by anger, Red Bull, coffee and cheer will on getting her family out of that place. And maybe not in that order. It didn't help that she had this snarl-y expression on her face too, as hackers are wont to do after a long time over the same issue. Which in this case was a battle with AIDA, the AI of the Framework. "You little twit..." she was muttering when Bucky approached.

Information on the Order of St. Dumas? That makes her blink. She had heard the name even if she couldn't quite place it just yet... But she at least seemed somewhat relieved with having SOMETHING else to distract her mind. Multitasking for the win.

"Who is this for?" she had asked at the time, but then had started a search for it through Wand's database, along with sending a few alerts to a few friends of hers in .., low places.

When he approaches near the end of that rotation she smiles faintly up at him. "Hey, how are you handling things?" she asks, a look over to the pods, then back to the man. "We will be getting them out soon." she assures the man. But she also knows Bucky is here for something else, "I have some of the info you wanted and oh boy it seems you stumbled into quite the hot situation..."

James Barnes has posed:
    "I'm a'ight." It's one of his go-tos because no one ever believes 'I'm fine'. His go-to likely isn't believable either. Bucky looks back over his shoulder at Peggy in that damned pod and away again quickly. "Hope you're right..." He lets that drop though, lest it become too difficult to talk or too difficult to just stand around and do nothing about it on his end.
    He's not surprised by Daisy's news. "Figured..."
    He finally gets around to answering her question from the morning, when he was distracted and grouchy. He's still distracted, but now it's more sad than grouch. "... they took a Happy Harbor student, we're gonna go get'm back."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Uh-uh.. Sure you are Bucky." Daisy says back to Bucky in that tone of 'I dont believe you!'. But she does smile understandingly up at the man even if her expression does seem tired. She takes in a breath, sliding the console she was working on to the side to get a smaller laptop.

"Happy harbor?!" She snaps her fingers with a mutter, "That's where I heard of it..." she lets out a sigh, opening the laptop. "I was a teacher there last year." a beat, "For IT." because of course she was an IT teacher. "But after we went dark I sort of had to .., cut ties. At least for now. Which student though?" she asks, curious and concerned. She still knows a few of them.

"So, I was able to set up a thermal imaging of the place you mentioned.." she taps on the computer, a few screens popping up, showing up small dots moving around the complex. "They seem to be moving around, but there's normally between thirteen and fifteen people around at most times."

"Now, the problem with all this is that MI6 *is* keeping an eye on this as well, and they are preparing to go in. When are you and your team departing?"

James Barnes has posed:
    "No choice but to be..." A'ight that is. Bucky leans in to look over her shoulder at the screen when shoulder pulls up the satellite feed. His brow furrows as he studies the blips. "Kid's name's Tyler. His powers are illusion based, but only works with shit from books he's read. Someone said something about him turning a velociraptor on the school." A beat and he asks, "Any one of these seem to stay ... more in the same spot than the others." He'll be studying that, watching for that between now and the trip, but maybe she's already noticed one?
    "...tomorrow night. We're flying to Malta tomorrow."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, fuck.." a beat. "Pardon my french.." Daisy takes in a breath, "That goes right towards what I picked up on this order of St. Dumas but ..." and she pauses here, gesturing to the screen. "I haven't had the time to study patterns yet." all that multitasking. "But it's something you *should* do. On the trip even. You can take this laptop with you.." a faint smile. "... and you don't even have to bring it back in one piece."

"Now, as for the Order.." she closes that window with the dots and opens another one, a folder with various files, "Okay, when I got word that the MI6 was in on this I asked a few of my uh .., friends.., to get info from them. Seems like they believe these guys are a more radical branch of the order, focused on otherworldly summoning. Which considering what you just told me..." she sighs. ".. means they may want to use Tyler to do so. Now, the problem with all this is that MI6 is aware of this too, and they will prefer to have the boy killed if they can. Which means you may have to both fight off the order and also the MI6.." she says in a warning manner, opening a few files to show some pictures and info on the order, including symbology.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Yeah, I figured with the powers, s'why I had you did in the direction you dug," he murmurs.
    He's still all up in her personal bubble to look at the screens.
    ... "Uh... I dunno how to use that thing," he admits when she says he can 'take it with him'. "I'll just give it to Ward or something." So, he's dragged Grant into this mess with him? Great.
    "What?" Bucky's tone is somewhere between shocked and incredulous. "Why do they want to *kill* a *kid*." ... oh, well, there might be a little angerr floating in his tone too; anger that's likely to get worse the more he thinks about Kid Killing British Agents. "No... not if I can help it." Now that, that tone was one hundred percent dangerrous. It's probably best if Daisy mentions this to NO ONE. She's going to need plausible deniability if he winds up needing to kill British Intelligence folks to save that kid.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"What do you mean you can't use this thing..?" An eyebrow shoots up at Bucky, a look to the screen, then back to the man. Daisy shakes her head. "Sit down." she ..., 'orders'? Well, it's more a suggestion. But she can't let someone just go by without knowing how to use a computer. "Grant is going?" she definitely seems to know him. "He was my Senior Officer, have you worked with him before?" she asks with a faint smile.

But then Bucky goes about MI6 and she sobers up with a small frown. "Yea but .., just remember to keep it to ICERs. It's important, we don't need more heat coming our way from MI6, no matter how messed up their whole mission is.." she does look rather perturbed though. "This is what we will be doing in the Secret Warriors though, make sure people like him, like Tyler, aren't abused or slain because of their powers." then a pause. "But we are *not* to become like those who threaten us, we should not kill, in anger or anything else. We should be better." the way she says it does seem like she believes it fully.

"But .., one last thing, there is also something I picked up from WAND, and that is they may have a sorcerer in their midst, someone with magical powers. So, be careful. Morrigan should be able to help with that part I imagine."

James Barnes has posed:
    "She can't get through his defenses," He always seems to start at the bottom and work his way up when bombarded with a lot of information, but that doesn't bode well, if the sorcerer is stronger than Morrigan.
    "He's a *kid*, man." He feels the need to repeat that bit, through gritted teeth caused by the tightness in his jaw that fact brings about. But then, "If we do it right and the pups that are going in with us don't fuck it up, the Brits won't even know we're there." That doesn't mean... none of them will die, he can kill'm if need be and the ones left alive will likely never know he was there.
    "Few times, he's not stupid, which is good, but he lives the book like it's a bible and I've never read the bible," that was about Grant. ...and also a bit of a untruth. Bucky was raised Catholic.
    ...and then, finally... "Not much use for them with the missions SHIELD sends me on. Not much use for them in the 20's either." Or in his time with HYDRA. Give him modern weaponry, vehicles, aircrafts and he's good, computers? He still struggles with a smartphone.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That *would* be the best option." Daisy says in agreement with Bucky about they not getting detected by MI6. But she knows how missions can go, "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst though, right?" she lets out a resigned sigh. That's what being a SHIELD agent was about.

Her mouth turns up in a smirk about Bucky's assessment of her SO, "Harsh, man. I can guarantee you he sometimes takes that stick from his behind and relaxes a little. But just a smidge.." a look around. "Don't tell him I said that though..." this last part said in a rather low tone.

"Okay..." this about the computer. " ... I obviously can't go through a crash course with you but ..., this is easy." she starts gesturing, "Button here to turn on and off." then she uses the touchpad, "Use this to navigate. To open the link with the thermals just click here." she says. ".. That will do until I have time to educate you."

James Barnes has posed:
    "Won't breathe a word," he murmurs quietly.
    Bucky doesn't comment on Daisy's offer to 'educate' him. Odds are, he'll skip that class until it's ordered. He does reach out with a gloved hand to fiddle with the touchpad... which doesn't work because, well, his hand's are both gloved for the whole symmetrical thing. He pushes a little harder and likely clicks something in the process. ... a little harder, still nothing with the cursor movement.
    "These things suck," he grouses. It never occurs to him that, like his cellphone that he also hates, he can't us that touchpad with gloves on.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No, what sucks are gloves." Daisy says back to Bucky with a tsk. "Take it off and try again." she tells the 20s soldier. "And I am not joking, you really should learn how to use these, they are important for our missions. We will just keep you away from instagram and facebook and so ..." then a consideration. "Though I suppose I could set you up on Tinder.."

Not that he explains what it *is*. No need to do so just yet. So instead she just smiles and continues on. "Go on, try it again. And no need to get upset with it. Computers do *exactly* what we tell them to do. So if anything one should get upset with themselves ... Unless we get a BSOD. Then all hell breaks loose.." she seems to be talking some strange language or something ...

"Just be careful on that mission you hear? You guys are going into some deep shit territory. But then again, to be expected out of a SHIELD mission right?"

Story of their lives!

James Barnes has posed:
    Maybe she's hit on something. Maybe it's all the touchy feely of modern tech that turns Bucky off. He wears gloves *a lot*, they're almost part of who he is now. Hmmm, maybe someone needs to get him some that work with touch based devices.
    He grumbles something incoherent as he pulls off his right glove and tries again. First try sends the cursor flying all over the place, those things are touchy - no pun intended. But he's not dumb by any means, he figures it out pretty quickly and manages to open the necessary file.
    Then he pulls his hand back and puts his glove back on. "Okay..." Enough of that until later.
    "Huh?... why would you want to set me up on a pile of firewood?" Tinder... Truth be told, if he'd shave more and maybe trim that mop of hair, he'd likely be right swiped way more often than left. That is if he leaves the part about being a former brainwashed assassin off the profile.
    "Always am," not exactly true but seemed the appropriate thing to say. "I'll make sure Ward gets back safe though, don't worry about that."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
As Bucky gets on working with the computer she nods approvingly. It's a good start. "That's pretty much it, you now know more about computers than a lot of people." she does note the reluctance though. "There's also gloves to work on these devices, we should have some in storage if you go by the Playground." she tells him, trying to be helpful.

Though about Tinder, "I .., uh..." Daisy pauses, lets out a brief chuckle, ".. Look, I will explain it to you later. But you will find it fun, I promise." Because hey, Daisy can see Bucky has game! He just needs a little help getting set up ... And that's why she is here!

Yet it's just a bit of a joke to relieve the tension some. She knows they are into some really serious missions now. Both here and now out there too with Happy Harbor. "We will be diving in again into the Framework tomorrow so probably unreachable. Wish us luck. And now it's time for me to go back to it. I will catch you later? We should talk again soon when things are a bit less ..., hectic."

James Barnes has posed:
    "Thanks Daise, this all means a lot," Bucky says before he stands, picks up the laptop and pats her awkwardly on the top of the head.
    He glances one last time over his shoulder at PodPeggy and says, "Take care of my girl, please?" He almost chokes on the emotion that comes out with that request. Maybe Daisy will feel sorry enough for him to let that pat on the head slide? He really really really isn't 'a'ight' and he won't be until Peggy's back home where she belongs.