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(A gathering on the roof, backup plans, and birth of a call sign)
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Latest revision as of 01:26, 20 June 2021

Getting Settled
Date of Scene: 19 June 2021
Location: Malta Safehouse Rooftop
Synopsis: A gathering on the roof, backup plans, and birth of a call sign
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Damian Wayne, Hank Pym

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Perhaps when one is laying low, a rooftop is not the best of places to be. But with the roof being flat enough to count AS living space and the railing areas to encourage the fact. There's enough places to relax up there without being visible to any nosey neighbors that just HAPPEN to want to look at rooftops. (Weirdos)

Mike has chosen this course of action. And being the other options presented involved going out. This seemed like the best option for the celebrity. He is TECHNICALLY supposed to be kicking off his US tour next week so maybe wandering around unecessarily an area of the world where his name and face is recognized would be ill-advised.

The musician sits in the center of the roof, legs stretched out, hands resting on his lap as his head is tilted down slightly. Eyes closed.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin had made his own little area in the safe house, enough for him to be comfy and to set out his equipment.

  After he had done that, he took off his cape and his tunic, leaving behind the green and black parts of his uniform, including his mask. But it was enough to keep his identity secret.

  Keeping on his mask and the black armored suit, he decided to venture outside finally, taking in the Mediterranean air, reminding him of where he spent his first fifteen years of life. He doesn't disturb Mike outright, but doesn't go out of his way to be super quiet either.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the sounds of another coming on to the roof. Mike's head lifts. Eyes opening and closing repeatedly to blink away whatever he had been focusing on. Head turning, Mike looks over to the somewhat dressed down vigilantie. The ponytailed man gives a small smile which doesn't quite reach the eyes. "All settled?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin turns his head towards Mike for a moment, then back to focusing on the air, the countryside. "Yes. As you seem to have as well." As much as a Gotham vigilante ex-assassin who had his assassin heart broken when he met one of his assassin heroes could settle in.

  "What is your call sign?" He asks, since he would need to use it on the radio, and in this guise, had no idea who Mike was.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym says, "Incoming, 'tis I. Henry Johnathon Pym. I was just rallying the little friends. They can care less about other humans but Hank Pym is not to be messed with. Especially when he spread sugar around liberally. Maltese ants are good people. Make room for one more,." And then he's there, having grown almost faster than you could see it. The Fire Ant armor gleaming in the starlight. "Is thos a private rooftop or may an old coot join?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks eye to eye with Robin before the younger breaks it off to look elsewhere. The returned comment triggers a shrug, as he glances back forward, closing his eyes. "Nothing to really put away. Didn't bring much beyond cash." The question does merit a bit of a head tilt. "Call sign?"

Hearing the graciously provided warning. Mike opens his eyes, turning his head in the direction of the voice, blinking as Hank pops into view. He waves a hand to the rooftop. "Plenty of roof for the three of us. Get comfortable."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin turns his head slowly to Mike when he asks about call signs..."You do not expect me to use your name on the comms, correct? So what are you called?"

  As Hank comes in, Robin does not make a fuss. "You are certainly more welcome than the very public hero faces deciding to galavant around the town like it is spring break." Guess who thinks that idea was stupid?

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym smiles and says, "I go by Fire Ant, But since this may be an international incident... DM -Dee Emm." He waves to the ant who flits into a compartment on his belt.

"I wasn't that interested in a boys' night. I was never one f the boys, I don't like Barnes' attitude -though I will humor Steve, and BPD medication doesn't go well with alcohol."

"If you guys booze it up in your tower with Nadia, I better not catch on is all I'm saying. A... very bad idea to let her drink and trigger a manic episode -look at her normally and a depression cycle -call me regardless. She needs me and I give zero fucks what she says at that point."

"Perhaps this is not the time or place but you and Princess Diana's sister have been nothing but friendly to me with the invites and the pass. Thank you both. I will come soon -with food. If someone doesn't like it... too bad." He extends a hand to Robin.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Kind of depends on the person and the situation." Mike admits, tilting his head in indicatin to Hank. "He just calls me Mike. Red seems to want to call me SmashWolf. Someone else calls me Raven Guy. Which are sometimes accurate descriptions." He pauses, "I never really bothered with picking one since I'm not actively pursuing this." It just happens.

He looks over to Hank as he chooses a different name than what he's currently calling himself. Also mentioning the lack of interest in the boy's night. "...I figured I'd use the time here to get a general sense of location so I had something to aim for if we needed a quick way out for someone." He gestures to the left. "Hospital I'm looking at is that way."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Neither was I." Robin comments on Boy's night out. He doesn't exactly think hanging out with Bucky would have been a fun prospect after the man crushed one of his dreams from childhood. "Your daughter and I are hardly friendly. As far as alcohol goes, if people imbibe and there is an all hands, the last useful thing would be to have any of them three sheets to the wind." There was his stance on it all. "But I will keep that in mind. Of course, the invitations are still on the table for you, Troia would be more than happy." As for himself...Robin is very rarely happy.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym processes all that is said. "I think we're the best choice to get those kids out. I will tell the Captain if no one else wants to. We can move in there quietly. Robin can speak several languages, I am guessing. Michael could carry all of us, shrunken, through his Dream Dimension. And... I dunno, we tell our Adept to stay behind while they slug it out with automatic weapons with a sorcerer? Maybe he wants Mo to wear an apron and bake a pie as well. At least Manhunter is going with them. But... I was never a leader. He may know something I don't. I mean I'm more the wild card."

"Well as for Nadia, not everyone is going to like her... " He thinks, Damian doesn't l... oh fuck! Pym you're an idiot. He gave the game away with the napkins or is trying to let you know maybe make it look like a oof up for Batman. He just trails off his face neutral.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike grows quiet, considering matters. "...There's probably more than one way to do what we need to do. We won't get anything accomplished if we're spending our time arguing over which plan we're going with." He pauses. "Besides, the barrier. Unless that's gone, you'd have to get everyone OUTSIDE before I could do anything with travel. Also, Mo's going to be doing triage...I'm mainly checking on the hospital location in case someone needs something she can't do."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin cracked a smile for the first time since they all started this mission. It was nice to see someone mention his strengths.

  "As much as I would like to agree with you on this, I have to agree with him." Robin gestures to Mike. "At this juncture it is too late to alter the plan."

  He wanted to finally have a starring role in a real hero mission, for the world to see that Robin, THIS Robin, was worthy of it all. "We will take out the perimeter, and fulfill our part. You" He points with his first two fingers toward Hank. "just get those kids out. Do us proud by getting the job done, no matter the danger. That would honor us as much as well." Dammit Donna, you're rubbing off on him.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pymmimics the finger gesture. "I will get them out, with or without help. Trust me on that. Oh. Mike, here give this to Nadia if I disappear. It's a quantum beacon so she can find the cabin. It's the most relaxing spot in the Microverse. I have no idea how it will react to teenagers so I didn't tell her about it. I'd give it to Robin but he'd want to go along and inevitably friendship and binding would occur... or they'd kill each other. Each is distasteful." A Microverse jump. he had gotten to the point where such a transition was barely noticeabl to him, but a bunch of sick kids might have reactions. Fortunately it was stocked with all manner of supplies.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks over to Hank. "That's not to say it couldn't be a good backup plan if you can get past the barrier issue." Mike adds in, "It's good to have something to fall back on if the first idea doesn't work. Who knows what other surprises are going to get thrown in when we're actually there?" He pauses, reaching over to take the offered item. Glancing to it. He gives a nod, unzipping his jacket to tuck it into an inside pocket. "Alright."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The two finger pointing had been something that he picked up from his mother, she had always done that kinda thing, he just adopted it to himself. But seeing Hank do the same thing was...funny to him. So much so that he chuckled a little. That was before he glanced. "React to teenagers? What would chronological age have to do with anything?"

  Meanwhile, Mike's reaction gets a nod. "Yes, alternate plans would be good." Robin's arms cross again, as he looks over Mike fully. "What exactly do you do?" Kayfabe here, but you know. Plausible deniability.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym chuckles. "Teenagers are often disharmony personified. it'd be two idealogs colliding. I have no idea what would happen. I'm a physicist -not a philosopher. It is good to have a laugh with you men. Get to know each other beforehand. It's good I have people who understand me a little at least. That isn't always the case. Janet doesn't, Steve doesn't. Tony does aaaaaand we fight a lot. He says I poisoned him, I say lay off my goddam lunch. She-Hulk... she tries to get me. I love her for it. I thought when I met Nadia I had someone who would understand me... teenagers all understand their parents inside out, right?" Derisive laughter.

"So here we are, two perfect strangers in major matters that would kill for each other. Family is forever messed up."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Pale eyes look over to Robin once more, "Oh, uh. I can see Dreams if I focus, kind of approximate the direction and distance they're coming from. Take a dream form. While in dream form I can travel through dreams... Take what I am wearing or can touch with me. Loan out the ability to them if I maintain contact..."

Mike pauses, "...I'm not sure if the spells when I'm not in dream form are related to all that but. I've found sometimes if I speak or sing in a rhyming pattern regarding a saint it ends up being a spell. Generally why I avoid lyrics involving the mention of demons and devils now... Words have consequences."

Mike looks over to Hank, listening to him go through the list of those who don't quite understand him. The smallest of smiles appear on his face as he gives a nod. "...I think family is messed up for everyone."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin looks to Hank, and cannot help but roll his eyes. "I unfortunately know my mother quite well. I'm her perfect little weapon. Her master assassin that will lead the League into a new age." Each of those scars on his body came from his training.

  "Dreams..." He doubts the hostage kids are dreaming much. Hard to sleep well if you are worried for your life. "What kind of spells?"

  Damian's fist balls up with the talk of Nadia, when the rest is mentioned, he tries his hardest to not show his distaste for the scientist with the incorrectly acronymed group. "The only 'family' I have that understands me...is probably Batgirl. Or Nightwing."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "Stable loving homes rarely produce supers. When society falls apart, you have more family's get disrupted and more of us. One of nqture's balances. This idiocy regarding Mutants and humans will produce more human supers as well. You really dislike my daughter. Before you judge her too harshly... realize until she met me every man she met was her jailer and sometimes torturer. I hope she will get past this. She's certainly met other nice guys, like the Captain and you Titans and Mike. I'm asking you, as her dad, give her a break. She's never had a family, freedom, even personal property. And as for my crabbing... maybe I should remember that better myself. Kt's just hard when you get someone in your life... and then they want to see the world. I have to let her go... Christ she hangs with my ex-wife... I can't... I have to keep my mouth shut and trust she'll come back to me, you know? Meantime everyone wants to kidnap her it seems... " he trails off plainly tired. Perhaps he was overdoing his insect arrangements or the time lag was affecting him more. Or he was... "God, I have to get downstairs and take my meds. And some dinner. I'll see you guys later... Good night if I don't." He turns to leave the dream shaper and the young weapond of mother's dreams. He should have helped Nadia with that name.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Raphael's Flask does Protection against illness, physical and mental. Protection against nightmares too. Lucia's Light does a holy light thing. which I generally avoid doing. But good to have when you're running into demons or got coated in something magically nasty and need to get it off quick." Mike pauses, "I think I may have done a few others but those weren't written down."

He listens to Damian's response regarding family. "Yeah, sometimes family isn't by blood. Hell, Hank and Wade are probably the only family still living I'd say that understand me."

The musician looks back over to Hank, listening to his explanation to what Nadia's gone through, any inkling of a smile before fading. It's not a pleasant topic. The things people will do to kids. As Hank mentions needing to eat he nods. "Oh yes Hank. Be sure to eat something. And. Sleep well."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's white eyelets look from Mike to Hank. "I can only accept sexism for so long, and since arriving to America I've seen more sexism both ways than I had seen in more than a decade in a multinational criminal organization."

  "That being said, I can endure longer." Robin answers. "If my childhood is not an excuse, she shouldn't be afforded it either. No one flew to my side in distress, or in a situation I needed help in." And there was just a glimpse into Damian's issues. A long sigh before he interjects again. "I said I would endure, and I will, Doctor. Call it professional courtesy, or whatever have you."

  Mike's answer gets a little more of a thoughtful response. "This could prove extremely useful. The Order is brainwashed to the point of fanaticism. If they should see something akin to ersatz divinity, they may be able to be moved to stop. May."

  "Good night, Hank." He offers to the departing FireAnt before he exits, some part of him feeling bad for getting angry regarding Nadia, and it shows on his face.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Yeah... I've seen some of their dreams." Mike admits, expression darkening at the memory. "Well...The effects of the first one kind of varies by the person." Mike glances towards the direction Hank went before looking back to Damian. "Did you mean Lucia's Light?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's answer isn't much of an answer, but more of a shrug. "They are the Order of Saint Dumas, bring something 'saintly', and they may just think it real. Play into their zeal, and it can be manipulated into working for us instead of against us."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Magic varies." Mike replies, looking towards the skyline, "Part of me doubts that it would be allowed to be used as a performance piece instead of its intended purpose. No matter the justification." He sighs, "...But I could be wrong. Either way, its something to file away for if the first and second plan doesn't work. We also got Red and I have a feeling he's got more knowledge than I do on the subject. We should trust that he'll get the sorceror thing squared away."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     That wasn't what Damian had wanted to hear. His frown grows even bigger, his brow furrows and he just looks angrier. "Whatever you want to do with your phantasms is your business. I am grateful I do not have magic if it has an opinion on how it is being used. A weapon that only works half the time and only if you are using it in the correct context is hardly worth the trouble."

  Robin steps towards the door, reaching for the handle. "I recommend getting as much sleep as possible. The less responsible ones will be less energized tomorrow."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's brow raises, turning his head. "Wait one minute. YOU yourself said we shouldn't deviate from the current plan this late. And I didn't completely dismiss the suggestion. It's still there as an option." He pauses, "...Wait, how did you know what it is called?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian turns slowly, taking long enough to make it just dramatic. "You we're working off the assumption that I meant to take over the op to rescue the kids with that. My suggestion involved deception of ANY Order member. Even the ones on the perimeter, where we have full say in how we complete our objective."

  Damian scoffs at the final question. "Magic and the mystic are hardly foreign to me. My grandfather is the Demon's Head, Ra's Al Ghul. The master of the Lazarus. Over seven hundred years old, thanks to the healing properties of the Lazarus Pits. My best friend is a Bat-Dragon, the last of his kind. I am the youngest Master Assassin the League has ever seen. I may be young, but I am -not- just some kid. That is the folly of all the others on this mission, with the exception of FireAnt, and now you."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a slow nod, considering matters. "I'll be clear. I like the idea but, even if it does work. It might not for all of them. And then we'd have just lit up a huge freaking glowstick taking away what advantage we have with darkness. On ground, and possibly in air. Also it's an effective defense against demons. Not mundanes."

Dammit Mo. Stop it with the vocabulary injections.

"We'd probably be better off going invisible and just punching out people."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "A tool is as useful as you can use it. Just because it worked one way does not mean it cannot be used in other ways with the same amount of effectiveness."

  Robin's bedside manner is awful, but there is no doubt that it's truthful. "Your power comes from dreams. Imagination. For someone so creative, you seem to lack it when it comes to abstractions."

  Damian's short hair blows in the breeze, the sea air hitting his nostrils again. "Be a phantasm. Embody the freedom you have in this power. Because some of us do not have gifts like this."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Yeah, well when the imagination runs too freely for too long it can become a nightmare." Mike murmurs, pinching the bridge of the nose. He glances up, "Fine. Guess if I'm becoming one I should be called one too. That work for a call sign?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Yes, that is fine, thank you." Robin chirps, before entering the roof door, and going back in. Conversation over. Business dealt with.