Michael Hannigan
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Mike Hannigan (Scenesys ID: 384) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Michael Hannigan FKA Michael Nicholas Drago | ||
Superalias: | Phantasm | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | Musician/Actor/Songwriter | ||
Citizenship: | United States | ||
Residence: | Midtown | ||
Education: | GED/Self-Study | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | Happy Harbor, Mystic Arts, Entertainment,Justice League Dark,Test2 | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 21 | Actual Age: | 30 |
Date of Birth | 03 Jun 1992 | Played By | Jonathan Rhys-Meyers |
Height: | 5'10" | Weight: | 149 lb |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | Spotify Playlist: https://tinyurl.com/DragoHSet |
Character Info
With him running around balancing the careers of musican, actor, and songwriter with a dabble of charity work, one could say Mike is aneverchanging guy which makes the dream form and dream sight abilities he has all the more suited for him.
So come on in to one of Mike's performances should he be in the area and kick back and relax. You'll be in for a bit of a show. And, if Mike's not careful with his choice of lyrics, maybe more so than he was expecting too.
*Hell's Kitchen, New York : Marriage Certificate between Eileen Hannigan and Savio Carmine Drago.
*An annulment followed soon after citing irreconcilable differences.
*Birth Certificate : Michael Nicholas Drago : Parents, Eileen Hannigan and Savio Carmine Drago
*Eileen Hannigan takes Michael away from New York to reside in a hotel in Gotham where she works as a Hotel maid.
*Gotham Eileen Hannigan, 28 was killed in the course of a presumed hotel robbery. Son, Michael Drago, 10 was present in the hotel at the time but does not appear to have seen anything. No further questioning was made. No leads, case moved to cold case files quickly.
*New York Custody battle ensues between Fiona Hannigan (Mike's aunt) and Savio Carmine Drago (Mike's father). The courts rule in favor of Fiona Hannigan and futher legal action and information produced results in the termination of parental rights for Savio Drago. Mike is moved back to Hell's Kitchen
2002 thru 2007
*Hell's Kitchen, New York - Mike experiences an abnormal amount of people coming out of the woodwork to start fights with him. After several attempts to obtain police intervention in the matter, it has become apparent that the police do not wish to help them. They eventually stopped relying on the police.
*Mike learns how to fight back.
*Develops sleeping issues.
*Aggressive tendencies start to develop which results in an expulsion from school for fighting.
*Starts Home Schooling and seeking therapy.
*Hell's Kitchen, New York : Assault : Victim, Michael Drago, 16 attacked from behind with bat. Victim transported to hospital. Assailant identified as Dennis Moretti, 22. Unaccounted for. On a side note, the bullying and attacks stop immediately after.
*Hell's Kitchen, New York - Mike obtains GED
*Michael Nicholas Drago legally changes name to Michael Hannigan
*Hell's Kitchen, New York : Attempted Robbery of Convenience Store : Weapon used was a knife. Clerk by name of Michael Hannigan fought back. Treated at local hospital for non:life threatening wounds. Knife recovered at the scene.
*Band Silver Round is formed. Mike ends up performing under the stage name of Nick Drago
* Rising Band Silver Round releases 'Social Disease' album
*San Diego, California : Three of the four members of Silver Round were involved in a fatal D.U.I. car accident. Jack Mantley and Rod Donovan were killed. Wade Shaw, the only other in the car, survived. The fourth member, Nick Drago was not with the group at the time.
*While Wade Shaw heads back to New York, Mike heads back to Gotham. During his time there, he ends up running into Leo DiBartenda who, after getting to know him a little, knocks Mike out and gives him powers. He does not stick around to explain why and only leaves Mike with a mental information dump on how to use the abilities.
*Weirded out, Mike moves back to New York and ends up joining former bandmate in studio work at Shaw Studios. Now residing in Midtown.
*Nick Drago releases first solo album 'Private Hell' AKA 'Hell'
* Nick Drago makes guest appearance as violin player Colin Murphy in 3 episode Story arc for TV Series Descent from Darkness
* Nick Drago makes guest appearance as Sean Redmond in TV Series A Life Worth Loathing
*Nick Drago releases second solo album ' Breakout'
*Midtown, New York : Home invasion sends Wade Shaw to the hospital after Mike finds him
*Nick Drago makes guest appearance as Maxwell Goddard in 2 episode story arc on TV Series Person of Intrigue
*Nick Drago makes movie debut as the sarcastic vampire Dominic in Life Bites!
*Shaw Studios releases a compilation album of Holiday Music as a fundraiser for local New York Shelters, "Hotel Christmas" was recorded by Nick Drago
*Nick Drago starts filming for mini-series Sea Wolf as character Humphrey van Weyden
IC Journal
Although reasonably mannered when working, Nick rarely partakes in the act of 'sugar coating' the truth when off the clock. If he thinks someone is a jerk and he's asked for his opinion on the person, he's likely to say so unless common sense intervenes in time.
Foot Meet Mouth:
'Think before you speak' is a known rule, but when you're too tired to think, this rule can often times be ignored. This 'foot in mouth syndrome' developed in his time growing up in New York, basically the result of the stress of his life being uprooted, incessant fights, and the increasing irritableness of not getting enough sleep. When people got on his nerves, he was apparently too tired to even consider being tactful with his words and often would just speak his thoughts as they popped into his head. By the time the causing factors for this was treated, Nick and those around him were so used to his manner of speaking that there really was no reason to start practicing self-censorship even then.
Due to the years stretching the dollar to make ends meet, Nick sometimes drops into 'frugal mode' (this is the type of guy who can tell the difference between stale dollar store and fresh brand-name chocolate and still would go with the dollar store candy when he's just buying for himself.)
A friend in need is a friend indeed. This is one thing that could be said of Nick by those who know him. Once someone has achieved friend status in his eyes, there's little he wouldn't do for them if they're in need.
At one point a sweet and introverted child, Nick became the opposite upon his' mother's death. Outspoken, aggressive, impulsive, selfish, not responsible at all, Upon Rod's death he seemed to have blended the two versions of him as his aggression seem to have gone dormant for now as reality has somewhat slapped a sense of responsibility back into him as well as a protective nature when it comes to his friends. Sometimes he can be seen to be a introverted person, but if the situation calls for it, he can easily switch back into his outspoken tendencies.
There is little he won't do for a friend and it's quite possible that had he been at the apartment during the home invasion, Nick would either have had more cuts to show off or there would be a very battered attacker lying on the floor afterwards.
Socialy Aware:
Brad builds houses, Oprah gives cars, Nick does whatever. He's not picky. As with a sizable chunk of the Hollywood and Music notables approaching some form of maturity, Nick has provided his assistance with charities. From Make a Wish to United Way to the local food kitchen, if they ask for a form of help, he tends to make some form of accommodation.
Character Sheet
Dream Form:
(borrowed from the phantasm) - Nick's body can shift himself (and if desired, things (anything he can carry or have walk WITH him) he is in contact with) into dream energy, allowing for him to basically take the phantasm dream form. This allows him the ability to become shifting representations of himself with varying degrees of tangibility, audibility, visibility, and movement (flight). While in this form, Phantasm does not have the sense of taste, touch, or smell nor can he produce smells. Unless consciously created, he does not produce sounds normally associated with a living being (ie. breathing, heart beats). The total amount of strength Phantasm can use is limited to the strength of what Nick has on his own. However, due to some special applications, this turns out to be more than enough to do needed things (ie. concentrate strength to a small area to provide more oomph to a punch or and even smaller area to produce cutting power). He can not create projectile weapons unless he himself is the 'projectile'. (dive bomb) As with most powers, the constant use of the ability is not a good thing. Nick still will need to give it a rest every so often or risk going into the more aggressive troublemaking mindset of his teen years. And lets face it. That's probably not when he's going to be making the best of decisions.
Should Phantasm get 'injured', he can shift back to Nick and drop the injuries incurred. However, in certain situations, that could be a very risky move considering Nick is much more vulnerable.
REGARDING SHIFTING OTHER THINGS - This pertains to both objects and living things. If Nick lets go or they let go of him, they lose the dream energy and go back to normal. However, living things are so much of a pain to manage as they have a mind of their own and have a tendency to do the wrong things, like letting go of him when they're halfway through a wall (Big no no. That would probably kill them.) So he's not likely to do that unless the alternative is much worse or he can trust the other person will follow his instructions when benefiting from the ability. As for non-living things, whatever he can carry, what he is wearing, and the contents of his clothes (ie. pockets). Cars and buildings are out of the question
Dream Sight:
(borrowed from the phantasm) The ability to see other people's dreams. One perk of this is this can be indirectly used to locate people as he can kind of approximate the general direction or area the source of the dreams is situated.
Drawbacks / Limitations of Dream Sight - Distance, Duration, and the willpower of the dreamer he's trying to tap into would be a factor in the level of difficulty for using this ability. This would mean if he's trying to tap into the dream of someone far away for the full duration of the dream, he would not be focusing on what's going on around him.
This is a consent based ability when it comes to player characters.
Dream Travel:
(Borrowed from the phantasm) - While in dream form, Mike (and anyone/thing he's taking along in dream form) can step in and out of the dreams of others and traverse from dream to dream. Should a dream being traveled in near an end, the phantasm either gets booted into another within range or spit out into the waking world.
As far as distance is concerned, it is dependent on how he uses the Dream Travel. If he's traveling through the Dreaming, he can safely travel to most major population centers. If he's utilizing the dreams outside the dreaming, the dreamers have to be within 250 miles of each other and he can only traverse through two before having to return to rest.
When within the dream, the phantasm can interact with it but he does not directly control the dream environment, just himself within it. If he wants to effect dream elements that are not his making, he has to try tricking the dream into doing it for him.
While travel within the Dreaming does increase the potential for distance, straying from the familiar (humanity) lends the risk of losing someone or getting lost himself.
OOC GAME NOTE : Dream Travel within a player character's dream is by player consent only.
Rhyming Spells:
When speaking or singing in a rhyming scheme, Mike can perform spells.
Also of note, he has found that others are able to produce weaker versions of some spells when they were recorded in some manner and shared with them. (Results vary based off of user's general levels of magic / source of power / faith level / knowledge level / focus / the manner in which the spell was cast, etc. )
Song: Carry Us:
Song of St. Christopher, - alleviates fatigue, boosts mental and physical resilience, judgement, and guiding one's way back home safely. (song is available to JLD members and those involved with Path of Glory)
Song: Lucia's Light:
Lucia's Light - Song of St. Lucia, - provides a holy aura of up to 30' in diameter to deter things of a demonic nature from entering that area (song is available to fans who are aware of hidden track recordings)
Song: Raphael's Flask:
Raphael's Flask - Song of St. Raphael - provides protection against illness, both physical and mental (Including nightmares), can be used for healing. (All but the healing verse is available for download! Please consider donating to the suggested charities when doing so)
Song: St. Michael:
Imbues banishment magic into a hand held object. Smack the possessed with it. Demon gone with only the object doing smacking causing damage to the person. This would only work on lesser demons. Entities like Lucifer or Mephisto would not be affected. The object can be passed to another for smacking purposes but Mike would have to keep some form of focus on the spell to maintain it. (This song is not shared).
Stopped Aging:
An apparent side effect of having a phantasm within is that the aging process has effectively paused on Nick. Sure, he can grow his hair out and still needs to shave, but the rest of his body looks the same as when he aquired the ability.
Following in the steps of many an established musician, Mike's time on the stage performing music has helped him getting a foothold in other aspects of entertainment. He has made some appearances in some TV shows and movies. Perhaps, if he grows tired of music, he can move fully into this field.
Bargain Shopper:
Yet another part to the frugal nature means he is not afraid to seek out a good deal on something. He's getting rather good at finding good stuff at low prices.
Who says all those years of delinquency didn't pay off? He can hold his own against a thug or two in person. So long as they aren't snipers or other types of long-range fighters
Able to drink large locomotive (engineers) under the table, able to down bottles of beer in a single gulp, he's- a musician. With the head start he's had with underage drinking and the non-stop party that is celebrity and genetics is it any wonder that he's developed quite a tolerance for alcohol?
Exceptional with Drums, vocals, string, and percussion instruments in general. Mike works to ensure that he's adaptable in this so he may continue to get an income. Along with this desire to expand on his technical ability, he presents another, more intrinsic approach to his art. Through the manipulation of sounds and setting of the underlining mood of a song, fans have claimed he is able to entice listeners to have an emotional reaction to his works.
Party Sense:
Possibly from all the years of unchecked fun with fake IDs, Mike has been conditioned from experience that he just seems to know when and where the best parties in the city will be. At least, by his opinion. Coupled with his celebrity status, he may actually be allowed IN to these bashes now. Those who tag along with him on these trips are sure to find a good time at some point.
Obstacle Management:
Climbing, Balance, Coordination, Agility, Patience, Fortitude. These are the things that are necessary for one to be successful with managing a climbing wall or running through a Ninja Obstacle Course. As Mike has found a lot of satisfaction getting his workouts from these two sources at his chosen gym, he's had some success with building up the related skills that come with them. He's far from an expert but he's passed the beginner level and has reached a point of comfort where he can race others through these things. The skills strengthened in the activity have translated well in the outside environment too.
Although no Da Vinci or Michelangelo, Mike's capable enough with pencil and paper to draw people. And not just headshots. Even the accursed hand drawn to scale task is a no brainer.
Yes, it is a song about the horrors of murder and how wrong it is. But darn it all, why can't you stop singing and dancing along to it?! It's not you, Mike's just got a knack for writing addicting songs. He has also made some good money selling the songs he can't use himself to other musicians
Stage Presence:
As an entertainer, it is Mike's responsibility to maintain the attention of the audience, to assure them before a note is even struck that the money they pay to see him live, was well spent. It also makes him a good distraction. Some say that while the albums are good, its better to listen to him live to get the full feel of the music.
Album Success:
With his current successes with 'Breakout', 'Hell', and the increase in sales of 'Social Disease' due to the release of his solo albums, along with the monetary benefits of his lengthy tours, he does have a bit more money than most. However, if he doesn't want to use the market account, his finances are still a limited supply and is more a means to maintain a comfortable living in his current living accommodations
With just two people sharing it, this one room, quasi-kitchen, one bathroom condo seems quite spacious. TECHNICALLY this is Wade's property but this isn't the first time he's shared.
Crappy Cell Phone:
More out of the insistence of the record company and his bandmates, Mike has invested in a phone. It's a simple Nokia, candy bar style phone that simply makes phone calls and can technically send and receive text messages. There is no camera feature on it and the screen that would display the text messages is kind of squished up due to it being somewhat messed up from being run over. But other than the fact he can't really read text messages on the display and only can see the mail notification icon in the upper left corner teasing him, It still sends and receives phone calls and in Mike's eyes that means it doesn't need to be replaced.
Doppel Rod:
A doppelganger of Rod Donovan who wasn't part of the ZZGU invasion group but instead came over in pursuit of another doppelganger named Gellar. He has proven cooperative (more so with treatment) with tracking down the other doppel in time to help save one of Mike's friends. Instead of immediately returning to his own AU, he hung back with Dr. Hank Pym to help with further research on his own people in the hopes of bringing something back over that can further help with the recovery process for both him and his home.
He doesn't have any powers but he does have some survival and combat training. He is also pretty stubborn, likely a result from resisting ZZGU for a long while. Seems to have a preference towards knives but has exhibited a knowledge of laser and plasma weapons during his stay over as well as a sufficient amount of intelligence for Hank to give Rod the tools necessary to become Ant-Man back in his own world along with information that can be used to help treat the lingering effects ZZGU had on others in his world.
While Rod has gone back and isn't exactly capable of making phone calls. It's good to know should anything pop up involving the ZZGU world again, there's a friend over there.
Whether through the consistent play time on the radio waves, exceptional music reviews, the plastering of posters in most major cities advertising concerts during his last tour, or the supermarket tabloids speculating on his love life, his dealing with tragic events, or the Bro-mance that is WadenDrago. Mike is not exactly an unknown.
Movie Career:
Mike's expanding his career base and he's doing rather well with movies. While not getting pulled for the big budget blockbusters, he's starting to get considered for the more artsy and books to movie style projects as he's reasonably affordable to hire and has a respectable pull to the showings.
Recording Studio:
home to a lot of high-quality recording equipment, the recording studio Mike uses is nothing but the best for the product he wishes to produce. This is one expense he won't compromise on.
Despite the questionable childhood, it turns out that there were several blessings hidden within it. The first was Mike's mother having the foresight to get a term life insurance policy for about ten times her annual salary. The second was his aunt who put the money into a money market account and left it mostly untouched for much of Mike's childhood. Due to the miracle of compound interest and time, it now produces around $112K a year in interest. Mike tries to avoid using the money in an effort to build up the funds even more than that. But it is a nice reassurance that if things go crazy, he could always get a decent place to live in a part of the country with a lower cost of living. Heck, he could even spring for a bedroom plan!
Social Circle:
With the success of his albums, along with the press he has received from the incidents surrounding Silver Round, there have been numerous persons from the wealthy class who have wanted to 'hang out' with him. Granted most of them do it to get a little bit of his press for their own, but there are some who do it out of actual interest. He has managed to hook himself into several social circles within the entertainment and in some aspects, political industry which is beneficial for his career and influence.
Spot Lighting:
Yet another necessary expense. If people are paying tickets, they are going to get not just an earful, they'll get an eyeful as well.
Tools of the Trade:
Not everything he uses for his career are kept in the studio. As with most musicians, he does bring some of his work home with him. In the condo that he shares with Wade resides a drum set, a pair of acoustic guitars, basic maintenance supplies for the instruments, a music keyboard, a tape recorder, practice drum pads, and some sound proofing panels that a nearby studio was 'going to throw out anyways' (Or so the living Silver Round members claim)
Wade Shaw:
With Mike's approach to friendship, Wade benefited greatly from Mike's treatment after the home invasion. Still working to get his hand back up to par post-surgery, he has not gone back to playing guitar professionally as of yet, but instead has focused on the sound production and administrative side of Shaw Studios. Not only does Mike help with the utilities, he is also the first in line to critique Mike's work. In return, Wade lets Mike stay with him and also got Mike his studio musician position as a backup source of income.
Wades Laptop:
Alright, technically the laptop in the condo belongs to the roomie and not him, but kind hearted Wade has set up a restricted access user account JUST for Mike so he may go online and do some browsing. The laptop is of good quality and is quite capable of running the sound intensive programs that the true owner of the laptop uses but Mike doesn't directly use them anyways.
Wades Tv:
Normally this wouldn't merit but this is new to Mike. It's a TV made in the current century.
Busy Bee:
An extension of the Frugal, Protective, and Social Awareness aspects, Mike has a tendency to balance multiple projects / jobs at the same time. If he puts too much on his plate at one point, he can get tired out which leads to him not noticing the obvious at times even when he does have all his senses available. Fatigue can also result in mood changes which can lead to poor decisions as well.
It seems that with certain types, respect for one's privacy does not rank high. Who Mike hangs out with, where Mike likes to go, even so much as what he may like to eat or drink. This is considered fair game for these tabloids to 'report' on, often times making up things as well in speculation. People who keep to themselves or maintain a low profile may not feel comfortable around Mike when these leeches start to show up.
People who don't have time to get to know the real you, will make judgements based off of what snippets they can get. Mike doesn't get to meet all the people who have formed opinions of him. He doesn't get to have a chance to find out just who and how many may have less than favorable ones of him. Nor does he get the opportunity to at least defend himself from these judgements. Such is the dirty side of Fame. Judgement without the defense. And sometimes the formation of an enemy without the heads up.
Those that raised him may be gone but there is still the factor of the father that Mike wrote out of his life. All Mike knows is that Savio Carmine Drago is bad news. Probably is involved in something questionable and with people of the same nature. As to the extent of the bad, he is uncertain as he does not have any desire to look any further than that. Ignorance is bliss. Perhaps, but it can also get you into a lot of trouble.
Foot Meet Mouth:
'Think before you speak' is a known rule, but when you're too tired to think, this rule can often times be ignored. This 'foot in mouth syndrome' developed in his time growing up in New York, basically the result of the stress of his life being uprooted, incessant fights, and the increasing irritableness of not getting enough sleep. When people got on his nerves, he was apparently too tired to even consider being tactful with his words and often would just speak his thoughts as they popped into his head. By the time the causing factors for this was treated, Mike and those around him were so used to his manner of speaking that there really was no reason to start practicing self-censorship even then.
Protective of Wade:
In Mike's life he's had two people who have reached Best friend level, and both times they have been taken from him. As a result of knowing what it's like to lose them, he treasures his friends and puts their comfort over his own needs. One such example is Wade Shaw. With his track record involving friends, Mike wants to protect this one. He's continuing to live with the guy, basically helping to keep the cost of the apartment down, he's involving Wade with his work. There's likely little that he wouldn't do for Wade.
Vulnerable To Magic:
His powers are born from magic, and as such has a vulnerability to it. Magic has its own set of rules where the logic that may guide the function of his powerset does not apply to spells directed at him.
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Michael Hannigan has
481 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Back On The Road | March 17th, 2025 | Saint Patrick's Day starts with a bang and ends with two more bangs! |
Arrivals and Departures | March 2nd, 2025 | Two travelers come across each other far from home. One arriving while the other waits to depart |
Dazzler's New Years Rockin' Eve | December 31st, 2024 | Alison hosts a concert in Apple Park while people enjoy roller skating, food, and friends. Ryan Seacrest says hello on the Jumbo Tron and everybody watches THE BALL drop. |
Making Christmas Tra-La-La! | November 26th, 2024 | Alison comes out from the depths of the recording dungeon to discuss a potential new music project with Mike before she once more descends into the shadows. |
Finding A Foundation | November 19th, 2024 | Clea is tasked by Wong to go check out something in Salem. She is joined by Camille, Michael and Satana...where they get attacked by a Pipsqueak! |
Once Again, Not a car guy | November 17th, 2024 | No description |
Happy Harbor: Game Night (Nov 24) | November 7th, 2024 | Game night for November goes off without a hitch! |
Holiday Hope Album Release Party | October 19th, 2024 | Another year leads to another release party for another Holiday Hope album! While it's great to meet with celebrities, the true winners of tonight are the shelters the project benefits. |
JLD: A Glare of Skulking Ferocity | October 9th, 2024 | Decorating at the Laughing Magician when a literary monster comes in and finds his like. Good company, dancing skeletons, and good times for the discerning friends. |
Wayne Foundation Charity Birthday | October 6th, 2024 | Many big names attend a charity event disguised as a birthday bash. It's a critical success! It's super effective! There aren't any surprise explosions, thieves, or hostage situations either! |
Battling Hunger | September 23rd, 2024 | Mike calls in Rick to help with some controlled experiments with magic. Hey, just because you can magic up something, doesn't mean you shouldn't make sure it's a viable solution. |
Happy Harbor: Civics Field Trip | September 23rd, 2024 | A class on Civics turns into a surprise wedding. Congrats Sam and Morrigan. |
Happy Harbor: Homecoming 24' | September 20th, 2024 | No description |
Do You Have What It Takes | September 15th, 2024 | Some new and old faces swing by the Candle, Booke and Belle for a bit of socializing and to ask their questions regarding the JLD |
Having The Talk | September 5th, 2024 | Caleb meets with Michael to find out what the JLD leaders decided to do with him. It was likely not what he was expecting. |
It's Time For A JLD Leadership Meeting... Look Out World. | September 4th, 2024 | A meeting of the JLD leadership decides on a course of action to deal with Caleb, as well as having John create some new items for the members, and adding the House of Mystery as a second HQ for the group. |
No Quid Pro Quo. | September 2nd, 2024 | John decides it's time to talk to Caleb about, well, a lot of stuff. It doesn't go well even with Mike's more gentle approach. Cain might be getting himself a few mil at the end of it. At least John's House knows when enough is enough - she's not fond of scorch marks on her hard wood flooring. |
Where The Magic Happens | August 20th, 2024 | Rick comes into the library to some work and instead gets pulled into a random experiment involving magic candy. Nothing bad could come from this. Right? |
HUNGER: Let's talk Galactus | August 16th, 2024 | A gathering of the JLD and some friends reveals just a little more information regarding Galactus. John only had to barter his soul to get some of it. It wouldn't be Tuesday if John's soul wasn't on the table, now would it. |
Look! I can't do commands! | July 28th, 2024 | Caleb has a talk with the JLD leaders about a problem of his that should have stayed in Gotham. |
Gotham: Gags and Anvils | July 19th, 2024 | Michael Hannigan dares to tour the new ACME Gags Factory in Gotham. With surprisingly few casualties! |
So You Wanna Be A Hero | July 2nd, 2024 | Happy Harbor assembles to talk on Super Heroes vs Vigilantes vs First Responders and what they might want to do with their futures. |
HH 4th of July | July 1st, 2024 | Happy Harbor's Fourth of July is a hit! |
Ants Like To Climb | June 20th, 2024 | Hank runs into Mike at Rock Wallz while out socializing his ant Balthazar. Mike does not lose a hand in the process. Overall, pretty successful. |
HH 2024 Summer Trip: Part One | June 15th, 2024 | Happy Harbor schools are in Spain! Hopefully nothing bad happens! |
HH 2024 Summer Trip: Part One And A Half | June 15th, 2024 | Mike tries to sneak in after his fan mishap at the tour. Caleb and Sheila catch him. |
Take a bite out of...Ok I'm out of vampire puns | June 11th, 2024 | Call a meeting they said. It'll be easy they said. Well THEY never had to deal with JLD members... |
End of School BBQ | June 1st, 2024 | The end of school BBQ might be a new annual event! |
Bureau of Lost; Never Found | May 25th, 2024 | Our heroes find themselves at the Bureau of the Lost while tracking down Frank Noble's missing shirt and have to magic their way out in rhyme and find out that everything lost is just waiting to (never) be found. |
Portents of Peril: Something Wicked | May 18th, 2024 | Corben calls a meeting to discuss an encroaching darkness in the Otherworld. Getting out is the easy part, it's the getting in that can be a little hard. |
Just another Day in New York | May 16th, 2024 | Caleb seeks out Mike to tell him about his vampiric encounter in Gotham. Plans to bring this to the attention of others are formed. |
HH May Game Night | May 10th, 2024 | May's Game night goes smoothly! |
The Consult | May 9th, 2024 | The quest for filling the JLD leadership roles takes a side trip |
Flowers in Bloom | May 7th, 2024 | The monocaine is destroyed. |
Honky Tonk Heroes | May 4th, 2024 | No description |
Nursery Nightmare: It's a Gas. | May 3rd, 2024 | Members of the Justice League Dark come together to save the school, and possibly the city, from a lonely fart. |
Is This A Cult | May 1st, 2024 | What looks like a cult is trying to dig up relics from underneath cemeteries...but why?! |
Catching Up With The Antsy Doctor | May 1st, 2024 | Hank and Mike meet up for breakfast to catch up. |
A Degree Of Uncertainty | April 29th, 2024 | All Rick wanted to do was take a jog. Instead he ends up in a discussion about college courses. Wade takes glee in finding a fellow conspirator. Mike really has bad timing. |
Appalachian Atrocities: Look to the Trees. | April 26th, 2024 | A second mission into the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains leaves the team one step closer to an answer, but still with so many questions. |
The List | April 23rd, 2024 | Sara comes to Mike regarding the future of the JLD. If Stadler gets a sneezing fit tonight. We're not sorry. |
Appalachian Atrocities: Mine Your Own Business | April 20th, 2024 | A team of heroes discover the horrors of Blackstone Hollow, but the nightmare is just beginning. |
Happy Harbor: Faculty Night Out | April 19th, 2024 | The adults of Happy Harbor have a quiet night out and talk trips! |
Happy Harbor: Bump In The Night | April 15th, 2024 | There's something weird happening in the cemetery...lets go poke it! |
Playing in the Park. | April 13th, 2024 | Buck's out playing with Lili in the park. He runs across some faces he should know but doesn't quite. At the end of the day, Essix gets into his pants. |
HH Game Night: April 2024 | April 12th, 2024 | Game night goes off without...no, that's a pretty big hitch! |
Happy Harbor Science Fair: 2024 | April 7th, 2024 | The 2024 Science Fair happens...with the usual disasters! |
Hydra vs UN: The Chameleon Gambit | April 2nd, 2024 | The Chameleon and a small horde of seeming mercs attempt to kidnap a UN Security Coordinator, but run into unexpected resistance... |
Dent for DA (The Split - Part Two)r | March 28th, 2024 | Harvey Dent shakes hands, makes a speech and survives an assassination attempt. Only he's the one who ends up with blood on his hands. |
In Pursuit of Culinary Perfection | March 25th, 2024 | The elusive gourmet sandwich food truck is tracked down and soon descended upon by hungry hungry people. Mike and Juggy catch up, Steve does his best pizza delivery man impression, and Cindy watches in awe. |
Heroes Assemble 4th Anniversary: The Watchers | February 24th, 2024 | For the four year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush, Uatu the Watcher again hosts some of his colleagues to share what he has witnessed over the last two years of events on a small blue planet called Earth. |
HHCC Community Night: The MET | February 20th, 2024 | Happy Harbor Community College has its first official outing! |
Barefoot in the Hall | February 18th, 2024 | Megan comes to visit Mike. Along the way, she meets Olivia, who has locked herself out of her own apartment. Liv escorts Megan to Mike's place and the two have a heart to heart while the performer retreats to deal with her key issue. |
On Finding and Writing Books | February 18th, 2024 | Billy, Corben, Donna, Lara, and Michael help Clara retrieve the second in a series of magical books related to paper mastery. Only the book (and the woman retreiving it) had to have their stories a bit more fleshed-out before this could be done. |
Off to a Rocky Start | February 16th, 2024 | Yellow pass day turns out better than green pass day for Caleb. Mike opens up a little about what happened in Hell's Kitchen |
Bad Mix in the Cauldron | February 12th, 2024 | When a large, gasoline spewing Metahuman starts to cause issues in Burnley, the Outsiders are there to lend a hand. |
Six Degrees of Bruce Banner | February 10th, 2024 | A case of bad timing leads to Bruce Banner to have tea and conversation with Mike Hannigan. |
HHCC - Opening Day | February 5th, 2024 | Happy Harbor Community College officially opens! |
To Kiss a Frog | January 31st, 2024 | Who knew that one kiss would end with three heroes saving the Frogling Kingdom? |
Last Exit and Last Call | January 30th, 2024 | Drinks and conversation are shared, it's all wisequacks until the duck becomes a raven |
Step On It, Louie! | January 28th, 2024 | Bank robbers run afoul of a number of heroes as they to flee. Juggernaut makes off with half the loot. |
A Gym Like No Other ... Outside of the franchise | January 24th, 2024 | Mike shows Caleb around his gym. Caleb shows something else. Annnnd gym day is canceled. |
Northern Seas | January 9th, 2024 | Unfinished |
Clobbering Time The Musical | January 1st, 2024 | Ben Grimm was teaseed by the Yancy Street Game with a fake play and totally feel for it. Much money wa raised for charity. |
Light up Gotham 2023 | November 30th, 2023 | A Gotham Light-Up Night event gathering donations for the Gotham Children's Works and the shelters run by the Thomas and Martha Wayne foundation. Bart brings Zoo Jackets and snacks. Nick Drago gets to boast about three Gotham City bands on the Christmas Hope Volume 4, Phoebe scarfs Essix and gives her a normalish name because really, Essix isn't normal enough. |
The Reveal! | November 21st, 2023 | More questions about Sivana's escape, and no answers. |
Mysteries In The Desert | November 21st, 2023 | The Titans, along with several allies, head to Egypt to begin searching for answers to what caused the explosion and where Crush's friend Mari might be. |
Goose 3: Demogorgoose in Hell | November 18th, 2023 | The Thrilling Final Chapter in the Demon Most Waterfowl trilogy. No more gooses |
Goose 3: Fowl Happenstance | November 18th, 2023 | When the Candle Booke and Belle gets wrecked, it's up to a small cadre of interested personalities to determine where the owner has vanished to |
The Walls Come Down | November 13th, 2023 | After Sivana escaped the experimental facility, the heroes were able to stop the villains at the facility. But what nefarious plans does Dr. Sivana have for our heroes? Stay tuned! |
Hellfire Club Halloween Gala 2023 | October 29th, 2023 | Hellfire Club celebrates Halloween |
First It's The Hand, Now It's The Foot | October 22nd, 2023 | Caleb tells Mike about a potential Foot problem, with him having met Shredder himself and all. |
Stank Hole Rendezvous | October 22nd, 2023 | The mission to find a HIVE escapee was a bust; but they did bust up a busty group of succubi before they could finish gathering morsels for dinner... and rescued three HIVE operatives from the hive mind.. may be. Including one hacker named Jane Roe. |
TCOMC: The Release Party | October 21st, 2023 | After the premiere of 'The Count of Monte Cristo', attendees head over to Sion for the release party! |
Happy Harbor: Halloween Decorating | October 3rd, 2023 | There sure are a lot of skeletons at Happy Harbor High School! |
TCOMC: The Match Game Returns! | September 23rd, 2023 | A special edition of The Match Game results in a lot of interesting answers and some amazing scholarship prizes being awarded out. Donna asks for vengeance upon Hawkeye. |
Happy Harbor: Homecoming 2023 | September 15th, 2023 | Homecoming 2023 goes off without any incidents! |
Those Old Timey Songs | September 14th, 2023 | The merits of Coffee and Tea are debated. More introductions are made with the new (old) members of the JLD, and the old (younger) members. |
Supply Run...again | September 13th, 2023 | Billy and Mike swing by Nettie's shop in time to get Nettie out of a tight spot. Drinks are had and secrets shared. |
Grad-ual Measures | August 13th, 2023 | Tim's graduation party is sprung sucsessfully. All are given brownies. |
Seems Like Old Shows | August 12th, 2023 | Introducing... Butterfly! |
Happy Harbor: Game Night (August) | August 10th, 2023 | The first game night of the 2023/2024 school session! |
Arms Dealers | August 7th, 2023 | Following up on information of small arms leaking into Gotham City, some Outsiders (Impulse and Phantasm), some Bats (Osprey, Nightwing, and Red Robin) and a new friend (Essix) accompany Balm to stop the flood of arms at their source, and come across a metahuman arms dealer shipping arms in arms! |
Justice League-Dark: Beach Night | August 4th, 2023 | The Justice League Dark's beach mixer is interrupted by sirens with a hunger for the flesh of humans -- or cool ranch Doritos. |
Catching up at the Wick | July 28th, 2023 | Mike and Thomas run into each other and catch each other up on their projects. |
The Four Treasures: The Lotus-Eaters | July 24th, 2023 | The three Titans who were tricked by Fae partygoers into falling into a Fae Sleep dream that they are the comic book creators behind the successful Titans comic. The Titans go into their dream to show them just how crazy the notion that the Titans are just a bunch of comic book characters really is. OR the three creators of the Titans comic book got ensorcelled to believe that the stories in their comic book are real and they're members of the fictional super team the Titans. Take your pick. |
A Crow's Revival | July 21st, 2023 | Lesson in Necromancy and 'why you shouldn't do it' goes... actually horrifically well. There's tea and cakes and a crow's return. |
Summer Children's Works Gala | July 20th, 2023 | Yet another boring Gotham gala |
TCOMC: One More Time - The Do Over | July 15th, 2023 | Things are busy at Gotham Studios as the cast and crew scramble to knock out several scene reshoots. Crush is extremely useful with setting up the set and Caleb has extra duty. Mike is late. |
The Colonel's Revenge: A Sweet Beginning | July 7th, 2023 | No description |
Pourly Thought Out | July 5th, 2023 | Balm, Silverdane, Phantasm and Bluebird show up to wreck some bad guys' days. The Trigger Twins are robbed of their side pieces, some goons are scared off, and Phoebe, for once, does not eject her stomach contents after portaling three people. |
TCOMC: From The Top Sing Me A Song | June 30th, 2023 | Phoebe and Caleb visit Shaw Studios and end up getting suspicion from Larry the security guard and a tour of the place from the studio owner, Wade Shaw. |
New Hope, New Projects | June 27th, 2023 | Caleb is renovating a place where his family could settle in, and friends drop by. |
The Four Treasures: Masquerade | June 18th, 2023 | Janet, Brian and some Titans walk into a Faery Ball. It all gets a bit Shakespearian. |
Moving In To A Happier Place | June 14th, 2023 | Caleb and Sheila move into Happy Harbor High School. Past is reminisced, doubts about safety linger. But there's the promise of Big Belly Burgers! |
Beantown Counters | June 14th, 2023 | When the Outsiders (and Michael Hannigan, in birb form) end up tracking some contraband items to be shipped out of Boston to Greenland, they have to get in and stop --
... fake Batburger toys? They include: *'UPDATED BATMAN': Which is Nightwing with a cape and bat ears. *UPDATED BATGIR: Blonde variant *RETRO NIGHTWING: It's the Discowing Suit. *OSPREY: Except he's inexplicably blonde and also Robin-sized. *SUPERMAN: ... it's actually Captain America with bat ears and a cape. |
Happy Harbor: The National Aquarium | June 5th, 2023 | The trip to the aquarium goes off without a hitch! |
Something's Fishy at Baltimore Bubbles | June 5th, 2023 | Mike runs into Phoebe at a Baltimore laundromat to tend to clothes that have experienced mishaps |
Another year older, Another year wi- Ok just older. | June 3rd, 2023 | Rick and Mike have a birthday conversation on history, identities, and cake. |
The Four Treasures: A Quest | May 28th, 2023 | The Titans have a shared dream, and the two seneschals of the Seelie and Unseelie courts, who may or may not be the same person, visit the Tower to explain it to them and give them a quest. |
Happy Harbor: Prom 2023 | May 27th, 2023 | Prom for HHHS is interrupted by the Puritans...and justice is served! |
The River Bend Break | May 21st, 2023 | When DOLMOLOR THE CLEAN-ED ONE erupts from a Hellmouth whose binding is breaking down, Phantasm (Michael Hannigan) Osprey (Austin Reese), Detective Chimp (Detective Chimp) and Balm (Phoebe Beacon) reckon with acidic demon scrubbing bubbles, various imps, and what happens when the Michelin Man goes Bad.
Come for the Demonic Outbreak, stay for Phantasm and DOLLY THE CLEANER shouting insults back and forth |
TCOMC:From the Top Symphony of Movie Construction | May 20th, 2023 | As Marie and Mike set out to make beautiful music together, Caleb's sister decides to add her own spin on things while a Field Trip group containing Stadler and Crush watch on. Then they go to lunch. |
Bridge Building | May 19th, 2023 | Rick swings by the studio a day early to get a feel for the layout. And to talk to Mike about a misunderstanding |
Housewarming Party | May 17th, 2023 | Mary and Marie welcome their friends into their new home, food and gifts a'plenty! |
Central Park Meet-Up and Blues | May 17th, 2023 | On a rainy day, Phoebe, Detective Chimp and Michael Hannigan enjoy some music and conversation. |
Batburger: The Search for Robin | May 9th, 2023 | So three billionaires/kids, an actor and Caleb walk into a Batburger... |
Going for the Green | May 6th, 2023 | Bank robbers picked the wrong bank to rob |
The Beacons Are Lit, Pezzini Calls for Aid! | May 3rd, 2023 | What happens at Demon fight club stays with... no, not really, but when the JLD and allies show up to aid Agents of SHIELD, some how a fallen angel ends up used as a weapon against a demon. |
Titaning 101 | May 2nd, 2023 | Donna and Kaida give Jinx and Phantasm a little insight into teamwork, Titans Style! |
A Tour Of Happy Harbor | May 2nd, 2023 | Caleb looks around for possible options to protect his family. If he's not careful he may end up getting adopted by Crush. |
Justice League Dark: The Pool Party | April 29th, 2023 | A Mixer in a Hotel Pool. So fancy. |
Selling Out, Trading Up! | April 25th, 2023 | Ths could be the start of something BIG! |
The Count of Monte Cristo: And Action! The Count Revealed | April 22nd, 2023 | While waiting for filming to start on the scene that introduces the Count to the world, Belinda, and Crush are introduced to uncomfortable fashion, Caleb finds out about French King names, Nick scares an extra, and Rick gets an odd picture sent to his phone. |
Good Intentions: Part Two | April 18th, 2023 | The protest is over. Though it's not really the end is it? |
How to make a drummer... | April 14th, 2023 | Crush pulled Mike aside to ask for some lessons with drums, and attempts to get to the bottom of the issue between him and Richard Stadler. Guess what... Mike's a role model! |
Protection for a fellow Student | April 12th, 2023 | After protestors arrive at Happy Harbor to scream about Melvin (Aka Diesel), Crush, Belinda, Mike Hannigan and Richard Stadler take the time to escort Mel to his dorm room. |
Good Intentions: Part One | April 11th, 2023 | The Puritans make themselves known and things are civil. For now. |
Happy Harbor: Spring Science Fair 23' | April 1st, 2023 | The Happy Harbor Science Fair is here...and yes, per usual there was CHAOS. |
The Count of Monte Cristo: And Action! Sailing Sailing... | March 19th, 2023 | All is well as The Count of Monte Cristo cast sets out to film their sea scenes. Megan looks amazing and Mike looks homeless. Caleb sneaks onto the property to sell some merchandise and instead ends up getting swept into the movie casting machine. Is no one safe?! |
Roll a d20 to Save vs Demons | March 15th, 2023 | Many rolls were made in Central Park by Michael Hannigan, Agent Sybil Tan, Red Sonja, and Agent Sara Pezzini with the Witchblade. Several demons were destroyed, but one managed to escape... for now. |
The Great Switcheroo Part Deux | March 9th, 2023 | Clea weaves a spell to pull all of the displaced minds back to the dream realm and then push them back to their correct bodies before the Hulk exacts his revenge. |
Mr. Green! Mr. Green! | March 7th, 2023 | Thomas calls Mike for help with an unruly demon. What Thomas forgot is who Mike is piloting at the moment. The demon is behaving now. |
A Hulking Tea Party | March 5th, 2023 | When THE HULK comes to the Candle, Booke and Belle, Nettie has to serve tea in a proper container. Mike-in-Hulk has a conversation, and once brought down to size the two discuss the perils of magical pants. Nettie does *not* want control of the whole Justice League, and Mike and Nettie toast to friendship |
Something something at the Wick | February 28th, 2023 | Another day in the life of TALES OF THE BODY SWAPPERS |
Seeking out Familiarity | February 20th, 2023 | While seeking out some of his usual comforts, Mike-in-Bruce comes across Thomas at the Wick. There's some explaining to do. Sometimes being a creature of habit is helpful. |
That Time Bruce Wasn't Bruce | February 18th, 2023 | What starts as simple breakfast at Avengers Mansion turns into finding out a number of people awoke from dreams to find themselves inhabiting the body of another! |
The Great Switcheroo | February 16th, 2023 | A misguided attempt to help Bruce Banner sleep unleashes the Hulk. In the chaos, a bit of a mix-up happens. As Sam Beckett would say, |
The Count of Monte Cristo: And Action! What A Nice Time For A Feast | February 11th, 2023 | Nick and Ariah have a chat in between takes of the feast scene. Some awkward silence included |
Wake Up and smell the Coffee | February 7th, 2023 | When 'Jake' (not from State Farm) peddles some items to some people at the Open Eye Coffee shop, and catches the attention of Phoebe Beacon. Phoebe plays up the Wayne angle to try and get him to try to sell to her, but ends up getting more than she wanted when Mike Hannigan joins the group for a cup of joe. After a brief argument, Phoebe offers 'Jake' (Caleb Dykstra) a bugged Wayne Enterprises card to track his movements, hoping to track down the thugs he's concerned will make his little sister disappear. Everyone is a jerk, Mike gets a pastry. |
The Count of Monte Cristo: Safety Precautions | February 5th, 2023 | Ted Kord swings by a gathering at the Shaw Studios retreat to speak with Prentis Myers about leasing his bots for safety assurance with the Metropolis based scene shoots. |
Campus Coincidence | January 30th, 2023 | Hannigan and Stadler have a chance encounter at Columbia University. Small talk about their reasons there turn into heated words on the value of higher education. Tensions leave escalated. |
The Count of Monte Cristo: A Scaled Response | January 29th, 2023 | Thomas comes by the Shaw Studios Beach Retreat to pick Megan up from vocal training for her movie role. There they run into several key figures of the movie's production process. And it turns out at least one of them is a (TV) Catman fan. |
The End of the Ringmaster | January 28th, 2023 | The thrilling conclusion of an incidental, accidental plot inspirited by a typo of Merry-go-Wrong. The Ringmaster makes his last appearance. Michael Hannigan stops people from trampling each other twice. Osprey plays whack-a-mole with tendrils of shadow and destabilizes a magical gate. Daniel Ketch wrestles a Hellephant and Robbie Reyes ruins the Ringmaster. |
Drive, Phoebe, Drive! | January 18th, 2023 | Alfred takes Phoebe for a driving lesson in Gotham. It goes about as well as you'd expect. |
The Count of Monte Cristo: Fashion! | January 16th, 2023 | Aurora shows up for fitting appointment and shares some small talk with Carmen, one of the costume makers. |
The Count of Monte Cristo: Costume Fitting | January 15th, 2023 | Early Bird Noriko doesn't catch the worm but she does leave a hamburger! Nick 'Edmond' Drago and Ariah 'Mercedes' Olivie meet for the second time in months and holy water under the bridge doesn't keep them from vowing to make a memorable movie together. |
Showing Around An Odinson | January 8th, 2023 | Balder is shown around Happy Harbor High School and meets some new people as well! |
Holiday Chaos. ROUND 3. | December 26th, 2022 | Mike Hannigan and Jake Lockley catch up over the Holidays. The movie is brought up and Jake makes an offer that needs considering |
Yule Be Sorry | December 21st, 2022 | No description |
Reindeer Gala | December 17th, 2022 | Gotham Socialites gather for the final push for the Gotham Children Work's Hope House, funding an outdoor play area where the low-security convicts of Blackgate Prison can interact and have fun with their children as part of a rehabilitation project, when it's interrupted by a Snart in Grinch Clothing.
With Tim Drake, Austin Reese, Phoebe Beacon, Harper Row, Alfred Pennyworth, Michael Hannigan, Robbie Reyes and Gabby Kinney present you would think it would come to a dangerous head, but the day in Gotham was saved... by HARVEY DENT. |
The Count of Monte Cristo: Open Casting Call | December 16th, 2022 | An open casting call leads to an open season of eager actors seeking limited roles and singing odd medleys in the waiting room. Several misunderstandings lead to some interesting results |
A Very Grey Birthday | November 15th, 2022 | No description |
The Great North Woods | November 13th, 2022 | When Nettie is alerted to a cryptid hanging around hunting camps in Old New Hampshire, she takes a few of the JLD to sniff out a wounded Wood Devil -- a slightly smaller variant of Bigfoot native to New England -- and the group consisting of Ariah Olivie, Gabby Kinney and Michael Hannigan (who is learning so much about 'trust' from Nettie) not only help the young creature out of a bear trap, but also heal its wounds! |
New Yorkers For Children Gala | November 6th, 2022 | The charity gala goes off without a hitch. Or well...until the end of course! |
That's Show Business! - Holiday Hope Release Party | November 4th, 2022 | Another successful release party is had for the Holiday Hope fundraiser. There is an interesting turnout to their guest list. Chimps, Tigers, and 10 year olds, Oh my! |
A Night Out For Alfred | November 2nd, 2022 | Phoebe, Dick, Stephanie, Damian and Austin take a night to take Alfred out for Italian, and are joined by Michael Hannigan. Austin gets a birthday present. Stephanie and Dick get a duck. |
Urban Legends: The Wailing Women of Amusement Mile | November 1st, 2022 | While pursuing something thought to be an extension of the washer women of Ireland or La Llorna appearing in Gotham City, Michael Hannigan, Ariah Olivie, Alfred Bennyworth and Austin Reese encounter a woman begging for help, which turn sin the light of truth to be four very large spider-like creatures.
Austin and Ariah experience a minor displacement. Ariah bites Alfred. |
Taming the Tigress: Jailbreak! | October 29th, 2022 | While Art rushes to warn her mom, a jailbreak wrecks Havok at her prison and League agents move in.. |
Titanic Awakening: Tundra Turmoil | October 23rd, 2022 | The Titans and friends along with Takako Kyozan manage to save the most populated city in Greenland from utter destruction by a kaiju. Now subdued the question that's left is... what to do with it? |
Questionable Moments | October 23rd, 2022 | The story of how Detective Chimp ended up in Mike's arms |
A Mouse's Tale - An Explanation | October 17th, 2022 | Kaida shares a lot about herself and a bit of what she knows about a new threat. |
Harboring Good Intent | October 11th, 2022 | Ok stop me if you've heard this one before. A Catman, a tiger, another tiger, a rockstar, and a model run into each other in the middle of the street... |
A Mouse's Story - A Visit From an Old Friend to What Came Before | October 11th, 2022 | A Coyote comes a calling to see how Terry and Kaida are doing with the powers of people he used to know. He also leaves with a mysterious warning about a man thought dead who Kaida recently learned was still alive. A very dangerous man. |
Pixies and Cream | October 10th, 2022 | This is your brain. This your brain on cream! |
Happy Harbor Fall Festival | October 7th, 2022 | The 2022 Happy Harbor Fall Festival goes off without a hitch! |
Hang in There Kitten | October 5th, 2022 | Felicia and Mike strut their stuff at the warped wall |
Green Day: Age Me Up When September Ends | October 4th, 2022 | The Titans gather to surprise Gar and celebrate his 21st birthday, and he's reminded of differences between the family you end up a part of and the family you create and grow with others. |
Last Pick When the Angels Choose Sides | September 22nd, 2022 | Money is raised for Captain Cold and the Tigress. |
The Incredibly Strange Tree Creatures Who Stopped Behaving And Became Mixed-Up Pants Thieves | September 15th, 2022 | Mike's clothes were mostly found. Agatha O'Neil already knows how to fly. And Terry is in Shíri's sights. No, for his artwork. |
Nowear To Be Seen | September 11th, 2022 | The mystery of Mike's clothes is solved. By losing the rest of them. |
Myth Apprehensions | September 7th, 2022 | Diplomacy is complicated. And some people have no sense of fashion. |
Games Birds Still Play | September 5th, 2022 | Titans rock at birdball. Terry's aim with glitter sucks. |
Another Pool Party | September 5th, 2022 | Poolside fun and some soul baring. |
Eye of the Tiger | September 4th, 2022 | A sparring match devolves into flying lessons. |
15 Fears: Queen Takes Rook | September 4th, 2022 | The JLD travel with Rien to take care of the servitors and avatar of I Do Not Know You. After a trio of encounters, they emerge victorious and with another of Nyalathotep's agents turned to their side. But what consequences will there be for Rien now that she has come into her own as the true Queen of Nothing and what plans are in store from her new patron, Mynoghra? |
Still got that Fighting Spirit! | September 3rd, 2022 | Trouble brews between three cats in the park and one 'ordinary guy'. New revelations are realized. |
15 Fears: Calm Before a Storm | September 2nd, 2022 | Mike reveals the conversation he had with (presumably) Nyarlathotep in the Astral and gives warning that the Ivory Tower is not as damaged as previously thought. The JLD will have their work cut out for them. |
Part 2: Erin, Will and The Book | September 2nd, 2022 | No description |
One Perfectly Normal Evening | September 2nd, 2022 | Mike freaks out Kiár. Maddie brings chocolate. Kían falls off the balcony. Just a normal day in birdworld. |
My World and Welcome To It. | August 31st, 2022 | Birdworld is visited. One more visitor than was planned on shows up. And all moms all over the universe are embarrassing to their kids. |
15 Fears: The Midnight Flight of Michael Hanningan | August 31st, 2022 | Michael Hannigan finds that the Ivory Tower restored to its former glory and meets with the Lord of the Fears. A dialogue ensues, a warning is given, and the clock is ticking. |
15 Fears: Threads of the Soul | August 27th, 2022 | The leadership of the JLD confront Pixie about the influence of the Mother of Puppets on her soul. A confrontation ensues and with the only casualty being Thomas' car, it seems that the young mutant is back to her usual fae self. |
15 Fears: Infestation | August 26th, 2022 | The JLD suffers an invasion force in the form of an avatar of The Crawling Rot. The defense is successful but the Sitting Room is going to need a deep clean before anyone is willing to use it again. |
Urban Legends: The Devil's Church | August 25th, 2022 | Chimp goes Ape, Megan Gwynn gets to Snap Crackle and Pop an energy shield, Michael Hannigan shed a little light on the subject, Patience Alperen got to use a Really Cool Ice Trick, and Charlie Gage's Anti-Angel/Demon Gloves make things go POP.
Phoebe was lucky to have this group around to rescue her from... THE LIZARD METALHEADS OF THE DEVIL'S CHAIR |
15 Fears: Buried Secrets | August 22nd, 2022 | The JLD manage to get through the trials deep in the bowels of the castle and find that they are Wardens of a prison of some of the worst the universe has to offer. What they do with that knowledge is now up for debate, but they have been given a tool that could help defeat the Old Gods plaguing them and reality. |
The Request | August 21st, 2022 | When Mike was asked to wear Boots to Thomas's place, he had no idea what he'd be asked to do. Gabby is amused. And looks older |
A LARP Session goes wrong | August 19th, 2022 | The LARP session gets interupted by a Possession, and many heroes come out of the crowd to help. |
15 Fears: A Growing Concern | August 15th, 2022 | Michael Hannigan comes to Chas with some distressing news about Megan Gwynn. They also discuss the nature of their enemy and its ultimate goals. But in lighter news, the VR Library has art books in it. |
Oops You did it Again | August 15th, 2022 | Some answers and many questions remain about Pixie. |
Urban Legends: A Dead Man's Hollow | August 14th, 2022 | =When investigating the sudden frosting of Dead Man's Hollow hiking trail in Bristol, Gotham, a rag-tag group of magicians, mutants, and an assassin find that there's something darker and more sinister behind the riverbend. |
Who Are You and What Did You Do with Pixie | August 14th, 2022 | Welsh is spoken. Secrets shared and Raphael invoked. |
Unicorn Hunt III: No Horsing Around | August 12th, 2022 | Definitely not The Last Unicorn movie. Phoebe, Mike, Inez, Hope, Steve and Wade stumble across each other in Times Square and take on not only a two-story tall undead unicorn, but also The Ringmaster. Steve takes out the Unicorn with a one ton bun, Inez gets to ride the undead unicorn like the proud Texan she is, Hope gets kicked into a building, Mike's rhyming skills are excellent compared to the Ringmaster's, and it's just not a party unless Wade leaves with broken bones. |
Adulting | August 11th, 2022 | Megan and Thomas go to dinner and met Mike and haters. |
Spacial Oddities at the Curio | August 10th, 2022 | A bit if random conversation at The Curio turns into exposition as Michael and Zatanna hear Phoebe's latest theory on the unicorns and their captor. Michael gets a little background into why Phoebe looks so tired and can no longer speak. Poor Thomas Blake misses out on the exposition thanks to a phone call!! |
Unicorn Hunt II: Brooklyn Botanical Garden | August 9th, 2022 | Epirote, the Ice Mist, had picked the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Japanese Hill-and-Pond garden for its lair. This black-eyed and jagged-horned mountain-goat like Unicorn nearly drowns both Hope and Phoebe while Mike, Tabitha, Kora and Bart are left to contend with both the Unicorn itself -- and the eerie voice of the Ringmaster that had held it. .
Tune in on Friday, August 12 for The Last Unicorn: The Flamebound Achaean |
In Search of the Socks | August 8th, 2022 | A group goes down the dryer hole after the missing socks. Wonderland it isn't. |
You Don't Know What I Did This Summer! | August 7th, 2022 | Thomas in jail. It happens. |
15 Fears: Beyond the Pale | August 6th, 2022 | The Justice League Dark gather to discuss the Old Ones, come up with some ideas to gather information, and discover that a certain book was owned by a certain Velvet Room attendant. And, maybe most importantly--their true foe is Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos. |
The Cat's Cradle | August 6th, 2022 | Tea Parties and accidental confessions |
Fashion With A Side Of Grease | August 5th, 2022 | Alison and Mike discuss dazzling costume ideas over pizza. Alison figures out the one way she can beat Mike at a race. CHEATING. |
Visiting Old Friends | August 4th, 2022 | Gabby goes to visit Thomas. Runs into Megan and Mike as well. It's almost like old times. |
Misshapen Identities | August 3rd, 2022 | Delores gets three steaks! Then Thomas and Michael take them from her (to be fair, they did order them). The men are upset about the quality of the writers on their show. Delores is thoroughly bamboosled. Also: |
Wonderland: The Cheshire Question | August 2nd, 2022 | The meeting to determine what to do about the Cheshire Question is interrupted by the arrival of Dream and Delirium of the Endless, who have their own ideas after having talked to the attendees one at a time in advance. A deal is struck, Wonderland is saved, and Terry is returned. |
Taking a Page from... | July 31st, 2022 | When a trio of amature ghost hunters disappear after accidentally crossing a threshold Event Horizon created by an odd, magical, book that brought out a swamp hag and a Mirkwood spider. While Jim Gordon has the steel nerves to flick a car-sized spider and find out that the creature was constructed of paper, and Thomas Blake finds his knife slices through a paper witch, the group including Balm (Phoebe Beacon) and Michael Hannigan rescue the three teenagers and return them to the library. Balm makes sure to return Jim's lighter. Pixie gets a mini-primer in opening gates with Latin and Phoebe realizes that context-switching between modes of communication may cause problems. |
15 Fears: Golden Child | July 30th, 2022 | The Justice League Dark head to an Ivory Tower in the Astral Plane to rescue Rien from the Old Ones. In the process, Rien gets a new Name, and a certain mannequin gets blown to bits more than once. |
Backstage at Gotham Cable Studios | July 24th, 2022 | Violet runs into Mike backstage at Gotham Cable Studios. They talk about TV, Gotham parties and Mike proves to be that rare breed. A famous musician & TV Star who doesn't have a drug dealer on call... |
The Homework Assignment | July 24th, 2022 | Following up on an assignment from Dream, Mike meets Kian to discuss the Terry in Wonderland situation. |
Leave a Whisper | July 24th, 2022 | Mike goes looking for the Screaming Whisper that wandered off during lunch. Catman finds it. He's not that happy. |
Recalling a Dream | July 23rd, 2022 | Dream summons Phantasm to discuss Wonderland. He charges Mike with finding a solution for that place as well as bringing the new nightmare, The Screaming Whisper, back to Earth. |
Housewarming at Blake House | July 23rd, 2022 | Breakfast is served! |
The Journey: III - The Empress | July 22nd, 2022 | No description |
Cats and Pixies and Phantasms | July 21st, 2022 | You can't expect to fight a demon and come out of it with a whole skin! |
Happy Harbor: School Assembly | July 19th, 2022 | Duncan introduces the replacement director of Happy Harbor to the students. It's just Morrigan back from the dead though! And it's very weird! |
Strange Relations | July 17th, 2022 | What do you do with a drunken Catman is answered. |
Sorcerer's World -- Cloudy with a Chance of Doom | July 16th, 2022 | Felix Faust has found a means of sending his 'monsters' beyond the magically imposed borders of Latveria, but a group of assorted heroes and Agents of SHIELD proved up to the task of dealing them. The threat that the mad magician presents is proving to be almost enough to make an ally out of the most unlikely foe of all; Victor von Doom. |
Twenty one... Twenty two... | July 14th, 2022 | Gabby and Mike have a drink and talk about the perils of acting. |
Theme of the Crime: Party on!...responsibly | July 13th, 2022 | Costumes are worn, money is exchanged, and a hat is shredded |
Dropping by | July 12th, 2022 | Mike swings by Thomas's place after he gets back to the states. There's a tiger in the house. |
Running Lines ... not that way, for a tv show! | July 9th, 2022 | Scene Test goes over well, Beroe gets some pointers |
The Influencer | July 7th, 2022 | Lights! Camera! Squeeeeeeal!! |
The Cult of the Morrigan: Part One | July 6th, 2022 | Morrigan is summoned back to Earth, threats are made and the heroes manage to get their damsel saved! |
Theme of the Crime: The Caper | July 5th, 2022 | Catman and Music Master swing by the Children's Hospital to see how Thad is doing |
Wonderland: Dreamers In The Woods | July 3rd, 2022 | Our intrepid heroes try to rescue the Red King. It is a full-filling experience. |
Wonderland: If I had a world of my own | July 3rd, 2022 | The Titans save wonderland, but manage to misplace a cat in the process. |
Wonderland:The Crown That's Always Hidden | July 3rd, 2022 | The Titans come to rescue the Red King from the Woods of No Names. Some people have different ideas about that. |
Theme of the Crime: Make a Wish Edition | July 1st, 2022 | A Make a Wish kid finds a hero in the oddest of places |
Wonderland: They Went Gallumping Forth | July 1st, 2022 | The aftermath of the battle, and the preparation for the final showdown. Also, there's a land shark, and the second most-unlike-Colette Colette that Terry has met yet. |
Calling In The Team | June 28th, 2022 | The rumors of Morrigan's demise were only a tiny big true...or maybe they are true? A group is called to talk about it and the woman herself appears. Though she can't see any of them. |
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Santa Cecilia | June 23rd, 2022 | Felicia ends up backstage at a Nick Drago concert. |
Call Time | June 17th, 2022 | Alison calls up a jet-lagged Mike for life advice. This can't possibly go wrong! Right? |
Forget Something | June 17th, 2022 | Wade calls in a favor to The Atom to deliver something to a jet-lagged Mike. |
Ancient Roman Secrets | June 14th, 2022 | Hercules seeks dairy-based and finds a Juggernaut-sized test of Mights! |
The Song That Never Ends | June 14th, 2022 | Jon and Mike discuss death, dreams, and doggos. |
Wonderland: Unsteady Is The Head | June 12th, 2022 | The Titans can finally answer the age-old question: Whatever happened to Fae Rae? |
On The Road Home | June 11th, 2022 | Having to miss the Terry transport due to reasons, Mike catches the Tsabedze express instead |
Happy Harbor: Cairo By Night | June 10th, 2022 | The Happy Harborites are out for a night of fun in Greater Cairo, but fate is about to intervene. Macha returns from her dead sisters essences that have stored away in Morrigan and they both die as a result. Teens and Faculty are heroic, but sadly death takes Morrigan in the end. |
Wonderland: The Nameless Deed | June 5th, 2022 | The Titans go to Wonderland to look for the White rabbit and find a whole lotta trouble instead. |
What Comes From Dreams | June 4th, 2022 | Nick and Terry venture into the underlayer of dreams that pervades Wonderland and Looking-Glass Land and go in search of answers. |
The Journey: 1 - The Magician | June 3rd, 2022 | The door of The Magician opens and the members of the JLD work towards utilizing the power in tandem to overcome the obstacles blocking their path on The Journey. |
Someone Should Have Warned Him. | June 1st, 2022 | No description |
Welcome to the Velvet Room | May 31st, 2022 | Cael, Jon, Gabby, Dex and Michael meet in the Velvet Room. There's a doll inhabited by the spirit of a little Japanese girl - who just wants to be warm and cozy - and talk of blood monster. |
Evening Run Ins | May 31st, 2022 | Sometimes small talk leads to awkward departures |
Games in the Dark I | May 20th, 2022 | A Ruin at a river bend
Hosts Evil on a lark Beginning to question who truly is Playing Games within the Dark Rest well, our heros, tarry not And wonder who will speak First to question all the names Of the player that you seek |
Sixth Time's The Charm | May 16th, 2022 | Mike and Felicia run into each other again and they take it to the next level. Someone needs to explain to them the proper order of things. |
Holdup at Al's Corner Store | May 15th, 2022 | A pair of robbers pick a bad night to rob Al's Corner Store. It all goes wrong when someone gets shot, leading to an intervention by those nearby - and a disturbing encounter as two monsters in disguise reveal themselves. |
Sun King Ascendant: Total Eclipse of the Heart | May 15th, 2022 | The Heliopolitans--and a couple of allies--fight a pack of werewolves during the lunar eclipse. All goes well until someone in Egypt seals the power of Khonshu, leaving Moon Knight nearly dead from a wound. He survives, but for how long? |
A Simple Weapons Transfer Was Not in the Cards | May 8th, 2022 | The Royal Flush Gang targets the same weapons shipment as the Green Arrow. When his friends show up, the Gang boogies out, but the Green Arrow wins the pot. |
At Least They're Getting Paid For This... | May 7th, 2022 | Nick and Dazzler's concert plans get interrupted by a lot of odd things |
What a day, what a day... | May 7th, 2022 | Mike and Alison stop at a diner to eat and discuss a VERY odd situation they encountered. |
What's a Nice girl like You -doing in a Place Like This | May 5th, 2022 | Pixie gets a makeover. |
Got a Date With a Faerie | April 30th, 2022 | The first training session with Catman, a Fae and a Phantasm -surprises galore. |
The Wick | April 30th, 2022 | Tony and Mike get a drink, Pepper appears, and Tony runs after her. |
Shades of Gray | April 25th, 2022 | Thomas and Mike meet the Shade. Networking is done over cognac. |
Now Showing: Life Bites! | April 24th, 2022 | Here is the beginning of the end for Warren Benson's political career |
A Nice Day In The Park | April 24th, 2022 | Megan, Mike, and Thomas run into each other at the park. Megan leaves a bit of a souvenir for Thomas. Mike does damage control |
Shopping Therapy | April 16th, 2022 | No description |
The Rockstar and the Carpenter (and the Cat) | April 10th, 2022 | A friend of Thomas' drops in from beyond the wall of sleep. Guest starring Mike the Raven! |
Getting The Memo | April 10th, 2022 | Wade's not home. Mike has Thomas and Terry over for some drinks, conversation, a movie,... |
Hotel Happenings - The Fan | March 29th, 2022 | No description |
Metroplwasn't: Debrief | March 18th, 2022 | The Titans and their allies meet to plan on what to do about Wonderland. And everything will go down smoothly. |
Two paths diverged in a large terminal | March 12th, 2022 | Nick runs into a concerned Thomas at the airport. They talk. Now Nick is concerned |
When in Amsterdam | March 11th, 2022 | The gauntlet is thrown down between Drago and Dazzler. Who will reign supreme?!! |
Metropolisn't: Alice Well That Ends Well (Additional Scene) | March 6th, 2022 | The team heading This Way meet a pair of disagreeable frogs who are quite pleasant really once you defeat them with Eddie Izzard, visits the dreams of a dormouse who wished it wasn't March, and captures Alice, who Alisn't. |
Metropolisn't: SNNNNNNNNXXXXX.... | March 5th, 2022 | An exhausted and out of it Terry tries to get Nick back in time for the concert. |
Sorcerer's World: The Ritual | March 4th, 2022 | Felix Faust's ambitions to reorder the Universe have been thwarted. But for the residents of Latveria they will have to come to terms that a new reality has been imposed on their unfortunate nation. |
Metropolisn't: Alice Well That Ends Well | March 1st, 2022 | The Titans and their allies go to take the fight to The Alice Who Isn't An Alice. Things get weird. And then they get weirder still. |
Hotel Happenings - Regina | February 27th, 2022 | Frank is on the hunt for an assassin. All Nick wants is a beer. |
Alright! From the Top! | February 16th, 2022 | Dazzler and Nick Drago watch some questionable choreography |
Path of Glory: Lamentation | January 30th, 2022 | The resistance to the angelic invasion take stock after the angels attack Grand Central Station. Every death added to the toll is one more too many. |
A Propper First Mission | January 30th, 2022 | Black Cat makes a mistake and requires rescuing. Emma, Mike, Jennifer, Tabitha, and Ted all come to rescue her. They're big damn heroes in a night of horror. |
Coffee. Do you need another reason | January 30th, 2022 | Roy, Mike, and Julia come in for coffee. The guys leave knowing more about pineapple than they ever wanted to know. |
Path of Glory: For Our Struggle | January 28th, 2022 | Michael attacks Grand Central Station with a large company of other Archangels. The battle is rough, but the Resistance survives and pushes the angelic forces away once more. |
The Followup | January 25th, 2022 | Lydia swings by to see what Terry's friend, Michael can do. Hmm. What an unfortunate name. |
Path of Glory: He Shall Have Dominion | January 22nd, 2022 | The Reistance scores yet another decisive victory over the angelic hosts. The Champions face off and find themselves rather equally matched. In the end, the divisive strike from Lady Death turns the tide and the Hell Lord pays with her body once more even as she throttles the advantage of Michael's demise. |
But Why The Teddy Bear | January 22nd, 2022 | A Beary Important Rescue Featuring Dazzler, Mike, a drug dealer wolf, and a horse named Silver |
Guess Who Is Coming For Dinner | January 10th, 2022 | Satana, Ree, Saeko, and Nick Drago end up becoming the after show for Don Giovanni |
Oh I Love The Smell Of Bacon In The Morning... | January 10th, 2022 | Terry is surpised by Michael in more ways than one. |
Metropolisn't: Fit The First | January 9th, 2022 | I... where to start? Madison got the thimble, and cared about cats getting wet. Victor stuck a fork in his arm, full of hope, but it's not as crazy as it sounds. Well, actually it is. But it's Vic crazy, so that's okay. Mike refused to Crow at Terry's misfortune, as soaked, soaped and dislodged, he sang sea shanties. At least he got to borrow Maddie's coat, which made him smile. Ancient and foul Fae-ish magics preyed on Raven's mind, but they were less ancient and foul than the balloon, which was a patchwork of used underwear and should never be mentioned again. Raven will no doubt be extracting many concessions from Donna for all of this in the future, even though Donna, to be fair, did agree to /most/ of Raven's plans. It ended with a feline pendant, and an impounded ship, and if you're still reading this nonsense, you should stop. Really, just stop. Stop reading. Go home now. We're done. |
Checking Up On The Kitty | January 9th, 2022 | Mike checks up on how Terry's doing after the incident with Raven. Serious matters are discussed, some points are missed, and evening plans are made. |
Ringing In The Year With Diner Food | January 1st, 2022 | Alison Blaire and Mike Hannigan stop by Fred's Diner after attending a New Years Eve event. |
Dream Sequence Revealed | December 29th, 2021 | Michael Hannigan drops a major bomb on Tyler Locke that sheds all new light on Tyler's search for his kid brother. |
HO HO HORROR | December 22nd, 2021 | Twas The Fright before Christmas... |
Singing with the Radio Star | December 18th, 2021 | Christmas-time at the Radio City Music Hall. |
Reach Out And Touch Someone | December 17th, 2021 | Mike has phone problems. Terry comes by to share cookies |
The Best Way To Find Yourself | December 14th, 2021 | -is to lose yourself in the service of others. Mike and Roland talk while cleaning the dining hall tables at the St Nicholas shelter |
Holiday What's Happenings | December 13th, 2021 | Satana and Dane strike a bargain the Knight may come to regret, or not! |
Let your heart guide you | December 7th, 2021 | A dinner rush at Hope House. Not all heroes wear capes. |
Rocking The Halls | December 5th, 2021 | Lincoln Hires Drago for a preformance in the name of charity |
Krampusnacht 2021 | December 5th, 2021 | Krampusnacht 2021 goes off without a hitch. Kids are traumatized, drinks are had. Another successful night! |
Post-Script: Christmas Trees | December 2nd, 2021 | Just a little matter about a missing spear, no biggie. |
It's beginning to look a lot like holiday season... | November 29th, 2021 | Alison and Mike talk of three headed rats, six inch tall mice, decorations, and traditions |
That's gotta hurt | November 18th, 2021 | Raphel's Nightwatcher persona helps Mike deal with some potential muggers |
Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting | November 17th, 2021 | The Christmas tree is lit to much fanfare! Love and holiday spirit are in the air! |
Metropolisn't: The Crass Menagerie | November 10th, 2021 | There's something very strange going on at the Zoo in New Troy, and the Titans and their allies rise to the occasion. Things are weirder than usual- even for Metropolis. |
The King Goes to School | November 10th, 2021 | T'Challa visits Happy Harbor High School for an assembly, a donation, and a demonstration. Awkward questions included. |
Holiday Hope Release Party | November 6th, 2021 | The party's on at the Sion! Several homeless shelters reap the rewards |
A Hellfire Halloween | October 28th, 2021 | The Halloween bash at the Hellfire Club goes as planned. Darkness, debauchery, deals, and costumes a plenty. Though, given the shenannigans toward the end, the bar might need to put a hold on jello-shots for the foreseeable future. |
Behind the Scenes of Theme of the Crime | October 28th, 2021 | It's not a fieldtrip without a near mauling |
Behind the Scenes of Behind the Scenes | October 24th, 2021 | Raven checks up on Damian. Mike mentions a field trip. |
Sound of the Shopping Seasons | October 24th, 2021 | Nick and Dazzler take a break from a recording session to discuss off time plans |
Along Came A Wendigo | October 19th, 2021 | The Wendigo reclaims land that doesn't belong to those currently holding it, but leaves a child alive. October is starting to turn into a blood bath. |
Technology, Robots, Magic, Demons... all we need is a gorilla for the Trifeca! | October 16th, 2021 | A contest of strength and speed Catman vs. Mairin and the winner: Mairin!! |
Fun Times at the Bolero | October 14th, 2021 | Nick, Thomas, and Felicia are grumpy in different ways |
Friend, Doctor, or Monster | October 10th, 2021 | Nick finds a stray kitten named Felicia |
=On the Fandom of Villainy | October 8th, 2021 | Kind of hard to tell if this was a win for good or evil. Some bad folks all around. Anyway Mairin has a job! |
Just when you think you're out... | October 5th, 2021 | Even on Tuesday the threat of Thursday looms near |
Just a dream | October 2nd, 2021 | No description |
Quiet on the set! | October 1st, 2021 | Things don't always run smoothly at a film studio |
The World Needs More Hot Tubs! | September 27th, 2021 | Thomas and Gabby get some healing from Sakeo. Mike gains a new fan. |
Dinner At The Spire | September 26th, 2021 | Terry uses his feet. For walking and for talking. |
Murder Paws | September 23rd, 2021 | The gang meet Rasputin. No fatalities. |
On the Side of the Ahgels | September 14th, 2021 | A cunning plan is devised to restore Simon's fortunes. |
In for a Penny. | September 12th, 2021 | Random circumstances or an act of fate? An encounter with Killian's extended family throws Nettie and Mike into a mess. |
The Unbearable Lightning of Being | September 12th, 2021 | Shazam says... Goodbye? |
A Rocky Start | September 10th, 2021 | Alison and Mike can get quite competitive... |
Sometimes You Just Don't Want To Cook | September 2nd, 2021 | In a crowded room, Mike, Helmut, and Thomas have a toast to a hero they can all agree to toasting. Many drinks were had. |
Curiouser and curiouser | August 31st, 2021 | Mike is making dinner. But no one got invited. :( |
Touched | August 30th, 2021 | Gangbangers go down, lives are saved, but at what cost? Might be best not to borrow trouble before it's here. But that advice came from someone that's already a tad 'Touched'. |
Hunting(ton) Wabbit(Hole)s | August 29th, 2021 | Everything Goes Wrong |
Infinite Energy | August 28th, 2021 | Two musicians meet up at a hotel and have breakfast together |
Happy Harbor: Something Strange | August 26th, 2021 | A movie night at the school is interrupted by...technical issues? |
Food. Trucks. Back. ALRIGHT! | August 25th, 2021 | Beware the Gray Ghost. And overeating. |
Quiet Please! | August 22nd, 2021 | The Gentleman Ghost is no gentleman, interrupting a dinner invite. Phantasm and Shazam are not pleased. |
Not So Quiet After All | August 22nd, 2021 | After Gentleman Ghost's unplanned visit, Shazam patches up a window and Jon swings by to check up on Mike. And tonight, they dine. |
One Last Night | August 18th, 2021 | Mike finds out what its like to fly without phantasm powers. THANKS SUPERBOY! |
Waking Up | August 15th, 2021 | A talk of crazy dreams |
So many Questions | August 15th, 2021 | Nick and Thomas are seeing some warning signs at the casting call for an up and coming TV Series... |
PoP: Murder in the Streets | August 14th, 2021 | A map pings trouble, John answers the call and finds a lot more than he bargained for - fortunately help shows itself in some unfamiliar faces. It's a win in his book, until someone tries to separate him from Meggan when he knows she needs him most. Chas winds up with unexpected house guests. |
Drinking can be Cathartic | August 10th, 2021 | Thomas makes Mike several offers he can't refuse |
Settling Up | August 8th, 2021 | Wade Shaw settles the account with Catman |
Bikers, Booze, and Blasting Music | August 7th, 2021 | Leg 2 of the concert tour has gone by without a demon in sig- Wait. Ghost Rider showed up? Crap. |
Red Xs and the Gho, Gho, Ghosts they haunt me... | July 29th, 2021 | Damian and Mike show trust in each other in different ways. Mike has a breakthrough on a stalled project |
=The Morning After Afternoon | July 27th, 2021 | Satana sees how the Catman do with a furry. Introductions are made all around. Satana buys illusion lessons with an incubus. Cookery by imp is plotted. |
Paying a Debt | July 25th, 2021 | A child is saved, but at what cost? |
A Debt that Can't be Paid | July 25th, 2021 | Turns out the cost wasn't so great after all. For now. Until an Unseelie figures a way for revenge perhaps? |
Stopping By | July 24th, 2021 | Talk of Losses and Faith |
Dropping In | July 24th, 2021 | Now that Mike's back in NYC, Superboy swings by to catch up with him |
Laughing Magician Night 2. | July 23rd, 2021 | The second night wasn't nearly so horrid as the first, some would even call it a definite win for the Constantine side. Except maybe, you know, the little explosion at the end? ... and perhaps the wrath of Lara Croft should she ever learn the truth. |
Gopher it! | July 23rd, 2021 | Billy stops by Shaw Studios to put in his work study paperwork |
It was Jessica Fletcher, in the bar, with the typewriter... | July 21st, 2021 | Nick and Dazzler run into each other at the hotel bar |
Changing of the Guard | July 18th, 2021 | Terry takes his turn guarding a friend |
Brand New Day | July 18th, 2021 | Hawkman jumps to the wrong conclusions. Mike corrects him. |
Space Ghost Rider: Coast-to-Coast | July 12th, 2021 | The past tracks down Robbie and blows up his car and him, Mike tries to save the Ghost Rider, and ends up getting left in the dust as Red-X, Selene, and Elektra chase down the would be assassins. |
Zoom Zoom zoom | July 12th, 2021 | Satana and Thomas have Mike for dinner. OVER. They have him OVER for dinner. |
What a headache | July 6th, 2021 | Put one more down for team Drago |
Happy Harbor: 4th of July Celebration | July 5th, 2021 | The Four...Fifth of July happens in Happy Harbor and there's an uninvited guest. |
Hoodie you know | July 3rd, 2021 | Mike's attempt to repair Jon's hoodie does not go as planned. What happened after the restaurant is brought up |
Cat-astrophe in the making | July 3rd, 2021 | Terry is getting mixed signals |
Good Guys, Bad Guys and Explosions | July 2nd, 2021 | The heroes (and Colette) heroically (and 'not' heroically) defeat the bad guy by...using their brains and describing what Tindr is. In looking up the details on his phone the wizard is attacked by his own creation only to go mad from Lego Ghost Rider's stare. The brazier is brought to the real world, the threat ended and most of them go to get drunk for saving thousands and thousands of Metropolis citizens. |
Summer Science Fair | July 2nd, 2021 | The Second Annual Happy Harbor Science Fair happens. Ants cause Chaos. Madison wins a Scholarship and Morrigan finds the end of her rope! |
Spirit of Restaurant Food | June 29th, 2021 | A brainstorming session is underway. And boy do those winds change in horrifying directions |
DANGER Nick Drago, DANGER | June 29th, 2021 | Catman and Satana come by to warn Nick about Gentleman Ghost and offer their services |
Spirit of Teamwork | June 28th, 2021 | The Gentleman Ghost brings along an ally to carry out his plan. What he doesn't plan on are an angry hawk, a sprinkler system, a giant mallet, and a hoodie willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. And some kicks. |
Behind The Music | June 23rd, 2021 | Students take a tour of an arena before several concerts and get a surprise in the end |
This is a high steaks get together... | June 22nd, 2021 | Hey, they didnt burn the Hellfire Club down. Or even get kicked out. Steak might even be had. Hallelujah! |
Ayup. Settled. | June 20th, 2021 | Male bonding and Mo! |
Breaching The Fortress | June 20th, 2021 | The Order of St. Dumbass is foiled finally and Tyler is regained (sorta), but sorcerors are slippery. Kids are saved. The jury is still out on Wizards vs Sorcerors. |
Getting Settled | June 19th, 2021 | A gathering on the roof, backup plans, and birth of a call sign |
Malta Bound | June 19th, 2021 | Operation: Deus Vault goes to Malta! |
Something Green This Way Comes... | June 15th, 2021 | Sometimes it just takes a clear mind and greenish to help calm a situation... until next time. |
Planning Operation: Deus Vult | June 14th, 2021 | Well...there was sort of a plan made? |
Running away or running to | June 13th, 2021 | Bucky looks for peace in a familiar spot but fails to find it. One again, his paranoia gets the better of him and he loses the opportunity to make two new friends. |
Catching Up or Decompressing | June 13th, 2021 | The aftermath of the run in with The Winter Soldier. Mike got choked, Mo's fine, Hank's going to find him... |
SUPER MATCH GAME IS BACK! | June 11th, 2021 | A quick chat session at the end of filming. |
Making those Wishes | June 10th, 2021 | Time for the first ever Superboy/Nick Drago teamup! |
Busy Night. Awkward morning | June 4th, 2021 | The morning after a very eventful night. Terry and Nick have an awkward and very eventful wake-up. |
This Way to the Egress | June 3rd, 2021 | Cliff is taken to the waking world by Nick. |
Joining her | June 3rd, 2021 | Whatever you do, don't ask Mike what he does on his birthday. |
From Rome With Tardiness | June 2nd, 2021 | Mike got the time zones right. Still called at the wrong time. |
When In Rome: Part Two | June 1st, 2021 | The students and faculty of Happy Harbor get to visit the catacombs, but not without it becoming a bad time fast. Oh and the Punisher blows someone up. They probably deserved it though! |
Punitore al parco | May 31st, 2021 | Sometimes it's best to just go straight back to the hotel after work. Things happen. |
When In Rome: Part One | May 28th, 2021 | Happy Harbor students and faculty make it to Rome in one piece and they surprise Nick! |
Unexpected Guest | May 27th, 2021 | A mostly asleep Nick is visited by an unexpected visitor to his hotel room. Room Service is ordered |
From Rome with Love or Bromance | May 24th, 2021 | Hank and Mike may see a light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it isn't a train. |
The Raven's Tale | May 17th, 2021 | After waking from an all-too-real dream, the dreamers get together to hash out a plan. Colette requests a cute redhead for purely strategic purposes. |
The Vizier of Ennui | May 17th, 2021 | The group fights the Vizier of Ennui after resiting his initial salvo of terrible ennui, getting so much attention that they are all moved...elsewhere |
Doctor's Order | May 12th, 2021 | Kodak moment. Except we have phones now. |
Mike Hannigan -Ghost to Ghost! | May 4th, 2021 | Score: Gentleman Ghost-0 Flaming Giant Baby Head-1! |
To the Zeitgeist Sea | May 3rd, 2021 | The dreamers get on board a ship and head for the waking world, trusting the captains odd compass. |
Cube Part 2 | May 3rd, 2021 | The group escapes the cube rescuing two strange visitors. |
SUPER MATCH GAME RETURNS! | May 1st, 2021 | Joker and Superboy play Super Match Game with Nick Drago, Hank Pym, Diana Prince, Pantheon, Shazam and Powergirl. With Emma Frost as hostess. Stay tuned to find out who wins! |
THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE | April 28th, 2021 | Multiple people make the wrong assumptions. Awkwardness ensues. |
Who even robs banks anymore | April 25th, 2021 | Apparently a dragon is who. |
The Sane Asylum | April 22nd, 2021 | Cliff, Kate, Hope, Michael and Colette wake up in the Sane Asylum. The heroes show the kidnappers why this is a terrible idea. Cliff begins the long quest to take the Brazier to the waking world. |
How Sweet Do They Sleep | April 19th, 2021 | Mike and Hank break into a hospital to watch dreams. Not like that you pervs! |
Cube: a Play in Four Dimensions | April 19th, 2021 | The group find more questions than answers. |
Central Park Wandering | April 17th, 2021 | Morrigan signs herself out of Mount Sinai and hunts coffee. Hank comes to talk and Mike joins them with Bo. All goes well. |
Open Event: Wardrobe Malfunction | April 16th, 2021 | Heroes at a museum exhibit about heroes and villains find the villainous costumes come to life with the powers of their former owners. Also, Trevor had a good time. |
First Blood, Final Warning | April 13th, 2021 | The Order of St. Dumas thinks that second time is a charm. It isn't. Things go downhill fast, but the Order has a new weapon to try out among it's other defenses now. Tyler is fine. Morrigan is shot. But the kids are safe! |
What the hell were you thinking | April 11th, 2021 | No description |
Cooling at the Pool | April 9th, 2021 | There is a gathering at a community pool and the amount of food brought over is massive. Will the two Flashes be able to conquer the monsterous pile?! Will Irie learn to swim? Will Damian become sociable?! Will Hank figure out what Cheerwine is? LETS FIND OUT |
Always Crashing In The Same Car | April 7th, 2021 | No description |
Heroes Assemble: The Musical | April 1st, 2021 | These guys might live it down...MIGHT. Singing and April Foolery |
Jailbreak at the Chainer of Souls | April 1st, 2021 | The Chainer of Souls is destroyed. Four heroes enter, three heroes leave. Hellboy rescues the soul after all. |
A tour of the Mansion | March 29th, 2021 | Jen brings Katsumi to the Mansion to show her around and to meet some of her fellow Avengers. They meet Hank, which is close enough, and his friend Mike. They talk about Katsumi's powers and give a couple of things a try, but don't come any closer to understanding the mystery. |
School Break | March 28th, 2021 | HHHS faces an uncertain future and this makes Morrigan, Mike and Hank, uncertain. |
Just a bit of advice... | March 25th, 2021 | Hank gives advice, steak, and fries to Mike, Irie, and Saeko |
Happy Harbor: It Came From The Deep | March 24th, 2021 | Just a beautiful day at Brighton Beach and...that's a weird squid wave to ruin it! |
Late Lunch | March 18th, 2021 | Speaking of entanglements... |
House errr Lab Warming | March 17th, 2021 | Tiny Hulk is Powerful! |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MORRIGAAAAAAANNNNNnnnnnnnn | March 17th, 2021 | The surprises keep on coming for Morrigan's birthday |
A Terrible Price to Pay | March 15th, 2021 | Hellboy and Morrigan enter the realm of the Chainer of Souls with the portal closing behind them while Mike and Hank watch. |
Go eat a burger or something... | March 13th, 2021 | Enough food to feed a football team, puns, and sunglasses |
Seaside Saturdays | March 13th, 2021 | Hank, Mike and Morrigan try to get a drink, tangles happen, pets are given and sun is too much. |
Happy Harbor: Moving In Day | March 11th, 2021 | Hank moves into his classroom at Happy Harbor with help from Mike. Old enemies of the school are talked on. |
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life | March 9th, 2021 | Welcome back Morrigan! Happy Harbor gets a new faculty member. |
Zoo Days | March 7th, 2021 | A yen for hotdogs, a Little Brother, coffee going down the wrong pipe, and other coincidences bring people together. What happens when 5 random strangers stop being polite, and start getting real? The Real World! |
Post procedure check in | March 4th, 2021 | Food coma done, Hank comes by to visit Mike, get some tea, and a recipe |
=The Statement of Dr. Henry Pym | March 1st, 2021 | Wym errr Win for the Pyms! Pot roast made available. |
Checking Out The New Digs | February 27th, 2021 | Nothing Works! All hope is lo- GET BACK HERE, HOPE! Okay. There might be some hope. |
Shannoning III | February 21st, 2021 | Good Shannon is born |
A quiet Sunday in. | February 21st, 2021 | Hank comes by to check up on Wade and Mike. Wade is not a good host. |
In need of a dreamer! | February 14th, 2021 | Megan comes recruiting for more help |
Afternoon Catchup | February 13th, 2021 | Mike has a conversation with Yellowjacket. |
ARMOR Interview: Hank Pym | February 11th, 2021 | Rhodey learns some things about the doppelgangers and recruits people into ARMOR. |
A Most Unusual Tea | February 5th, 2021 | Bruce Banner, Michael Hannigan, Stephen Strange and Mando walk into a bar... for tea. And virgin web. It's a long story. Mando's glasses get broken. Poor guy! |
Oh No Wheres Bo | January 31st, 2021 | Hank invites Bruce over. Bo has a timeout for using the drums too much. Mike has a LOT of questions. |
Smile! You're on Closed Circuit Television! | January 24th, 2021 | Hank has doppleRod look through security footage to put a face to Gellar. |
Double Jeopardy | January 24th, 2021 | Rescue is at hand for Wade but will it be too late? |
Brick. Grid Wire. Pipes. | January 24th, 2021 | Hank and Shannon look for a missing studio owner and his evil double |
Tough Love and Mad Science | January 21st, 2021 | Rod and Reed get danish. Mike gets a guard ant. Hank gets intense. |
Traf-fickle | January 21st, 2021 | Scott hates New York traffic, teaches Mike Hannigan the joys of marionettes. |
Lab Partners | January 20th, 2021 | Magic, Science, two tastes that go great together. Not. |
Blast From The Past | January 17th, 2021 | Oh how nice a friend came to visit. He's dead? Oh. That can't be good. |
Four Corners of the World! | January 15th, 2021 | The time has finally come! The long-awaited Four Corners of the World professional wrestling event is underway! VIPs enjoy craft services while watching the action and getting to know the talent. Meanwhile, things in the ring heat up! Until something goes horribly, horribly wrong. |
Coffee: Double Brewed | January 10th, 2021 | Will the real Mike Hannigan raise his hand? |
Bad Santa | December 27th, 2020 | Surprised Saviors Stop Society of Sinister Santas |
Things Go from Bad to 'Verse | December 24th, 2020 | Sushi and pizza are shared and Hank reveals more of his plans for a retreat. |
A change of Scenery | December 21st, 2020 | Hank and Mike meet for Lunch. Hank discusses the future. |
Mike's Hideaway | December 11th, 2020 | Hank comes by with toys and a wish list of his own. |
In Dreams | December 6th, 2020 | A phantasm encounters something extremely wrong with a child's dream and it gives chase to Strange's territory |
Shrinking in the Rain | December 5th, 2020 | Hank in a good mood and the world doesn't end. |
Ant-Girl | November 20th, 2020 | With Pym Particles, you're never too big to discipline. |
No Lols at the Lalo | November 17th, 2020 | Two Doctors and a musician enter a restaurant... |
Zodiac Rising: The Tomb of Zalmoxis | October 26th, 2020 | Daytripper, Pepper Potts, Elektra, Nightcrawler, and Phantasm face down Serpens and his Avatar minions in a last-ditch battle to stop him from releasing Set onto the world. |
Zodiac Rising: Collecting the Crown (2 of 3) | October 4th, 2020 | The Avatars of the Zodiac strike again, this time in Metropolis. Less damage is done. More people die. The heroes go home frustrated. |
Seeking Help From Odd Places | October 4th, 2020 | Mike and Amanda go to Hank Pym for help regarding a Zodiac based problem |
A Drink From Raphael's flask | October 3rd, 2020 | No description |
Collecting the Sorceress | October 3rd, 2020 | Mike calls Pepper to come help with Amanda. Sarah Pezzini helps them avoid any unfortunate law enforcement entanglements. |
Zodiac Rising: Collecting the Crown (1 of 3) | October 2nd, 2020 | When the corrupted Avatars of the Zodiac attack the New York Met |
The Match of the Century | September 19th, 2020 | The Thing and She-Hulk have an epic wrestling match for charity! By the end, the stage was destroyed and everybody had a good time. |
COFFEEEEEEE | September 10th, 2020 | Ben gets a parfait and a little bit of hope from your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man |
Super Match Game Episode 03 | August 31st, 2020 | Super Match Game Episode 3. No spoilers. |
Zodiac Rising: The Henley Crowne Affair | August 29th, 2020 | Daytripper and her allies confirm Henley Crowne died because he possessed a piece of the Tablet of Zalmoxis. And they catch a glimpse of the mastermind behind the attack. |
Li'l Bats. Li'l Phants. Li'l Supes. | August 28th, 2020 | Jon Breaks into a school to keep up with his learning, Damian shows up to make fun of him, Mike is there being the observer. |
The Free Clinic | August 24th, 2020 | Ben, Mike, and Nyssa end up at the hospital. More insight into Ben's condition is revealed! |
Gimme Shelter | August 23rd, 2020 | Mike surprises Ben at the shelter and it happens again. |
Entering the place where the music is made | August 21st, 2020 | Ben swings by to drop of Mike's notebook |
Dine and Dine Again | August 19th, 2020 | There are no spies at this diner. Nope. |
Drinks Coming In Hot! | August 16th, 2020 | Talk of music, fires, and bad days PLUS a display of fast reflexes |
Water in the Urban Desert | August 13th, 2020 | IMP, Michael, Greer and Gabby assist X-Corp with some volunteer work and convincing a homeless group to evacuate a dangerous area. Alton demonstrates a dangerous flaw to Charles Xavier and Gabby and is offered suggestions and help. |
Boosh Boosh Boosh | August 11th, 2020 | No description |
Memento: We Didn't Start The Fire | August 9th, 2020 | Heroes rush to save people from a fire in a NYU dorm. But who started it? |
The Insomniac Show | August 9th, 2020 | Greer and Nick experience what its like to be on a talk show with a sub-par budget |
Ending The Day The Right Way | July 31st, 2020 | Mike and Sara chat over a beer |
Benefit for Bushwick | July 27th, 2020 | The benefit is a success. Funds raised, and everyone who shook Senator Kelly's hand should wash it immediately. |
Not quite a Fair Folk Festival | July 16th, 2020 | The New Horizons Folk Festival in Central Park is interrupted by a gang of marauding... goblins? Good thing a handful of heroes are on hand to help. |
Citysoul: The Blight | July 13th, 2020 | The Heroes of the City sail the putrid mire of Hudson, the River of Blight, to battle the Threefold God! |
Citysoul: Vayechi | July 13th, 2020 | Infinity Watch is born! |
Citysoul: Soul Music | July 12th, 2020 | The Spirit of the Bronx is recovered ... the Song of Hope is sung! |
Die H4rd | July 6th, 2020 | A Science Experiment Goes Wrong, but the Fire Extenguishers Work! |
Christmas in July | July 4th, 2020 | Some individuals decide to explore the ice palace that popped up mysteriously in NYC. |
Hang In There | June 16th, 2020 | Mike practices safe climbing. Greer does not. |
Pizza at Suppertime... | June 11th, 2020 | Greer and Mike run into each other at Dominos. Promotional Pizza is had. |
Post Match Game Chitter Chatter | June 8th, 2020 | Abby gets to talk superhero names with Captain Thunder and Nick Drago |
Super Match Game! | June 3rd, 2020 | Abby and Heather go head to head in a contest to try and sync minds with some crazy celebrities. Captain Thunder, April O'Neil, Nick Drago, Vorpal, Pantheon, Beast Boy, and things go as horribly as you might imagine |
Field Trip in Metropolis | May 15th, 2020 | A field trip to a film site leads to a fire rescue |
In the halls of St. Nicholas | May 5th, 2020 | Caliburn seeks a wielder. He gets a reference instead. |
Bouncy Air Jewelery Thief Scare | April 19th, 2020 | A wind powered Gentleman and his gang blow it when a couple of passing show goers work with a pair of superheroes to take the wind out of their jewelry heist. |
Strangers Rasping at my Chamber Door | April 13th, 2020 | Daniel seeks the aid of the Sorcerer Supreme for a problem. |
Hang in there! | April 7th, 2020 | A night at the rock climbing gym sees all manner of people show up. |
Early morning cup of something | March 22nd, 2020 | Peter's quest for employment hits a speedbump. Douglas and Mike cheer him on |
Time for another Hot Beverage | March 20th, 2020 | Alanna and Mike chat over coffee and tea |
A Parade of Happiness | March 17th, 2020 | Alanna, Mike, and several volunteers from Shaw Studios bring gifts to the Children's Ward of St. Luke's |
Raphael's Flask | March 15th, 2020 | Nick asks about the flask Strange gave him. A tree barks at Strange. |
Strange Dreams | March 12th, 2020 | Weird things are afoot at the Sanctum |
Park Run In | March 9th, 2020 | Lois stumbles upon someone |
Can I quote you on that | March 8th, 2020 | Vorelego and Alexander meets Mike Hannigan and Wade Shaw |
Make A Wish | March 5th, 2020 | Mike comes to the hospital as Nick Drago for Make a Wish. Afterwards he runs into Doctor Strange. Flasks are exchanged. |
Gotta Eat Sometime | March 3rd, 2020 | Sometimes speaking up has consequences |
Rebooting the Brain | March 1st, 2020 | They come for the quiet. And then talk over it. |
Sunday Ponderings | March 1st, 2020 | A mass about wisdom and a discussion about science |
It's a Zoo out there. | February 29th, 2020 | Mike meets Floyd at the Zoo. Floyd gets a bit of a thank you gift. |
Time for another Post learning beverage | February 28th, 2020 | Mike meets Sanjeev |
That's a strange flask | February 27th, 2020 | Mike meets Strange, Strange mows his yard |
Lost in New York | February 26th, 2020 | No description |
Violent Police Chase in Metropolis | February 25th, 2020 | Starlabs shipment gets hijacked. Some hero types step in to help. Harley blows it up with a bazooka. Hijinks ensue. Facebook is mentioned. Mister J is mentioned.. Oops?! |
Dog Day Afternoon | February 24th, 2020 | A dog gives snuggles while a hyena gives pummels |
Mike Hannigan required to get bodyguard for upcoming gig. Stupid contract. | February 21st, 2020 | Mike meets the old Greek guy and antics ensue. Bodyguard business is rough. |
A little bit o' Irish | February 19th, 2020 | A gathering at the coffee shop |
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Michael Hannigan has
481 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Maybe Just This Once | June 4th, 2024 | Mike is having trouble greeting the day. After taking in a few clues, Wade knows why. |
Lemon Bars and Value | October 3rd, 2022 | Mike comes home bringing a Lemonbar. Work is discussed. |
Friendship is Concerning | August 27th, 2022 | After Pixie's confrontation, Mike comes home tired. Wade expresses concern. |
Breathing Room | July 5th, 2022 | Mike and Wade have a bit of a disagreement over one of their phone check ins. |
Back To The Grind | June 15th, 2022 | Wade helps Mike prepare for another trip |
Happy Birthday... Mr. Hannigan | June 3rd, 2022 | Not all Birthday traditions are fun ones. |
Dream a Little Dream A Bad Signal | December 23rd, 2021 | Mike has a dream that's a bit more informative than usual |
Just Say No | April 20th, 2021 | Mike has been sleeping in way too long. Wade takes care of that. |
We Should Have Known | April 1st, 2021 | It's Time! Rejoice! |
Moving Blocks | February 21st, 2021 | There's always a cost |
How Do I Explain This | January 21st, 2021 | Mike mulls over the doppelganger situation while walking alongside one of Pym's ants |
Medicinal Greed | September 6th, 2020 | Medicine is Expensive |
Entertainment Credits
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Michael Hannigan has been credited in
10 shows.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Count of Monte Cristo | December 8th, 2023 | The Count of Monte Cristo is a movie adaptation of a musical based off the movie adaptation of the book by the same name.
A young man is falsely accused of a crime and thrown into an island prison without trial. Upon obtaining his freedom and acquiring a fortune, the man sets out under a new name on a quest of vengeance upon those who stole his life from him. |
Theme of the Crime | December 6th, 2021 | Theme of the Crime is a fictionalized cable series about theme criminals in Gotham, but it is not set in Gotham and except for Catman, the villains are more AU versions. (i.e.. Instead of Poison Ivy, they have a group called the Ivy League) |
Let The Show Begin Live At The Sala Santa Cecelia | May 31st, 2021 | Recording of the Roman Philharmonic filmed at the Sala Santa Ceclia in Rome Italy with a varying list of guest performers. |
Sea Wolf | September 5th, 2020 | Mini-series adaptation of Jack London's The Sea-Wolf. |
The Match Game | May 21st, 2020 | This is a game that involves a panel of celebrity guests who are given a fill in the blank sentence. Two contestants compete to try and get the most matches to the celebrity responses for a cash prize! |
The Insomniac Show with Walter Waterman | January 11th, 2020 | After The Late Show, The Late Late Show, There is... The Insomniac Show |
Life Bites | October 31st, 2018 | Movie based on a popular teen novel. This film turned cult classic follows the tried and true formula of ill-advised teenage romances. And vampires. |
Person of Intrigue | January 12th, 2016 | Spy Thriller Series |
Descent From Darkness | April 2nd, 2015 | Supernatural series revolving around spiritual detectives Raquel and Gershwin |
A Life Worth Loathing | January 21st, 2015 | Crime Drama Series |
Michael Hannigan has been credited in
12 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
We're Still Here | January 17th, 2025 | Nick Drago |
HolidayHopeVol4 | November 2nd, 2023 | Various Artists |
HolidayHopeVol3 | November 2nd, 2022 | Various Artists |
HolidayHopeVol2 | November 2nd, 2021 | Various Artists |
Stand Strong | May 4th, 2021 | Nick Drago |
Deprive(Single) | August 14th, 2020 | Nick Drago |
Genosha(Single) | February 29th, 2020 | Dazzler and Nick Drago |
HolidayHopeVol1 | October 30th, 2019 | Various Artists |
Breakout | March 5th, 2016 | Nick Drago |
Private Hell | June 3rd, 2014 | Nick Drago |
Social Disease | May 15th, 2013 | Silver Round |
HolidayHopeVol5 | November 1st, 2024 | Various Artists |
Michael Hannigan has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
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Group Memberships
Michael Hannigan has been listed in 4 groups.