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Revision as of 18:00, 21 June 2021

Kelda Stormrider (Scenesys ID: 2935)
Name: Kelda Stormrider
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Asgardian
Occupation: Asgardian Goddess of Blizzards, Mage, Adventurer
Citizenship: Asgard
Residence: Asgard, Asgardian Embassy
Education: Court, Private Asgardian Tutoring
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Asgardians
Apparent Age: 1291 Actual Age: 1291
Date of Birth 01 December 730 Played By Elizabeth Debicki
Height: 6'3" Weight: 400 lb
Hair Color: Pale Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Kelda Stormrider, Asgardian Goddess of Blizzards, is of the Court and its magically proficient. Pale and reserved, she shows depth of emotion in her curiosity and in her affection for those she holds dear. Otherwise, the tall ash-blonde is inclined to politesse and sometimes cool judgment in matters. She strives to recover what she has lost since her time in Valhalla.


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* 730: Born in Asgard.
* 740: Introduced at Court, grew up on the fringes of Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three along with Loki. Found her calling in elemental ice magic.
* 800: Traveled to the bones of Ymir and tutored to true elemental mastery with the Ice Giants.
* 855: Joined Asgardian campaign to keep boundaries intact, lost to battle.
* 2015: Returned from Valhalla for reasons unknown
* 2020: Midgard remains of interest and worthy of exploration, claims room at Asgardian Embassy

IC Journal

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With parentage of the Asgardian Court, it meant nice and early on, Kelda was raised to decorum and airs. She's a quick wit in conversation and carries herself with reservation and curbed curiosity in public settings. Her smile is something rarer but always truthful; she's not one for false platitudes unless absolutely necessary in the essence of diplomacy and keeping a room calm.

Long-lived and with many years at her disposal to explore the worlds beyond Asgard itself, Kelda is enthusiastic about discovering new aspects of reality itself. Alongside her modesty, this gives her a preoccupied, almost dreamy way of seeing the world. It doesn't take away from her pragmatism in dealing with issues. Instead, it softens otherwise sharper edges. Does it remove these edges? No.

Kelda's upbringing instilled in her a moral compass which does not sway, for better or worse. It makes her seem rigid sometimes, but she is equally able to offer unyielding support should she find herself in agreement with general opinions. While she doesn't consider herself a hero, she does consider herself a protector and honorable in all she does. Woe betide anyone who manages to get on Kelda's bad side. Her ability to hold a grudge is impressive and spans centuries pending on the grievance.

Character Sheet


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Gifted with All-Speak, Kelda is able to speak and understand any language in the Nine Realms.

Asgardian Physiology:
With her Asgardian heritage, Kelda is difficult to defeat. She exhibits supernatural levels of strength, speed, and durability. Kelda is long-lived (though not immortal) and ages at a dramatically slower rate; to non-Asgardian eyes, she appears to be in her mid-thirties as a Midgardian. She is highly resistant to terrestrial diseases and poisons. Her metabolism allows her a drastically decreased period of recovery from injuries sustained though major wounds will still slow her and she is not immune to death. Given the density of her muscles and bones, Kelda is able to withstand conventional firearms and take little damage as well as subject herself to great falls without dying. She is able to lift twenty-five tons with little effort, though as a mage, she rarely chooses to do so. She is able to react with superhuman speed to dodge projectiles. She can run at sixty miles per hour for short distances, but again, does this rarely as a mage.

Cloud Walking:
Kelda can teleport herself to any place she can see or has intimate knowledge of. This spell cannot traverse dimensional walls. It causes a momentary but intense 'cold snap' at her departure and arrival points in a two-meter sphere around her.

Kelda's magical affinity is elemental ice. Her conjurations of elemental ice hit harder and last longer than other magics. She is an expert in the metaphysics and application of this branch of magic. With little effort she can summon a thousand pounds of magically hardened ice and shape it into walls, shields, projectiles, or other forms. Her cryokinesis allows her to shape and move ice with mental focus. Kelda can sense temperature variances with great precision. Due to her proficiency in the element, she is much more resistant to natural and mystical ice than most Asgardians; there is potential to cause a stalemate with an Ice Giant at her upper limits of tolerance.

This ability is not a spell, but intrinsic to Kelda's harmony. Kelda can drain the heat from a target within rough line-of-sight; this is enough to cause severe frostbite for a mortal in just a few seconds or flash-freeze fifty gallons of water. Draining more heat over a larger area requires exponentially more effort. If she loses focus during this transfer she may be injured by the energies she is attempting to relocate.

Goddess of Blizzards:
Kelda is the Goddess of the Winter Storm. This magic is slow moving and takes significant effort to manifest on a large scale. She can create wind-driven blizzard that can fill a room or with great effort, expand it to cover a city. 60mph winds, intense temperature drops, and even snow-lightning are not uncommon. Once the blizzard is in full motion, it is difficult to stop. This terrain affords her a significant advantage in combat. Lightning and thunder spark intermittently, but are not something she can easily aim or predict.


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Battle Mage Training:
Magic alone is sometimes not enough. Kelda was trained to fight with any spear-like weapon (glaive, pike, etc) as well as the more basic weaponries of the sword, buckler, axe, and bow as well as unarmed combat. Her proficiency is in the spear-like weaponry; all else is merely average in comparison to more experienced warriors. She has little to no knowledge of how to use a Midgardian firearm, having fired them very few times in her long-lived life.

Courtly Airs:
Raised in Court and to the 'finer art's of magic, Kelda is very comfortable in social settings. She has a soft if firm hand with diplomacy and tends to think long and hard before she acts. 'Rash' is not in her vocabulary unless she's lost her temper and the battle-mage has a tendency to be very cool-headed.

Literary Buff:
Learning magic involved reading many, many books as well as attending lessons. Kelda is very comfortable sitting down with a thick tome and reading up on new information or revisiting old knowledge.

Magical Ritual:
Kelda has some moderate understanding of casting rituals, which includes the gathering of the necessary elements as well as time and effort needed to correctly enact the magic itself. Given enough time, she is able to set greater magic into action.

Musical Tutoring:
Kelda has an ear for many of the woodwind instruments, especially the flute and the pipe. If pressed, she'll play for others or teach them as well.


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Asgardian Court:
Connections made here in childhood linger on into adulthood over the centuries. Kelda can count on aid coming from friends as well as family and, if absolutely necessary, the royal family itself by polite request and if granted. Should Kelda require wisdom, protection, or rare magical components, she knows she can ask for it and likely receive it.

Long-Earned Wealth:
Despite her time spent off-world, Kelda has managed to accrue Midgardian wealth through clever investing and selling of rare historical items in her possession. She has a good number of gold coins hidden away in a cache for sale should she ever need a great sum in short time. This keeps her comfortable during her stays on Midgard.

Long-Lived Connections:
Over twelve-hundred years old, Kelda has spoken to and come into contact with an amazing plethora of beings from many worlds. She has tried to be kind and while not a perfect personality, she can call upon favors owed from beyond Midgard and Asgard even if they are relatives rather than lost friends.

Kelda's magical wooden spear with unbreakable crystal head, "Cold Binder". It acts as a mystical channel for her elemental magic as to allow her finer control, especially when dealing with something as tremendous as a blizzard. Without it, Kelda can still cast such great spells, but there is a heavier risk of accidentally damaging friend as well as foe, much less innocent surroundings.


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There was a time when Kelda fell in battle -- and then she returned from Valhalla for reasons she hasn't yet figured out. It has left her with hazy memories of her past which she hasn't yet pinned out entirely. Each day brings new little revelations here and there, but enemies may take easy advantage of forgotten faces or knowledge.

Cold As Ice:
Kelda tends to be kind, but get on her bad side and she can hold a grudge for a glacial epoch. She has a very hard time letting go of past insults or issues and can become catty about them if pushed.

Magical Limits:
Even an Asgardian can burn out. If Kelda casts too many spells or loses control of a particularly powerful one, she may cause herself pain such as migraines, seizures, or temporary frostbite. These things heal with time, but they are embarrassing to someone of her mastery and she tries dearly to avoid doing so.



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Kelda Stormrider has 16 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Bells will be Ringing December 23rd, 2023 Phoebe takes Damian out to London for some pub therapy. There is, of course, a fight. But also siblings.
That's So Loki November 20th, 2023 Kelda and Emma run into one another and speak all about the Loki.
Burning the dead November 1st, 2023 The dead are afoot in the University of Oslo, and the object they want is the same that Frigga wants, that is, the remains of a newly discovered Viking warriormaid. Many thanks to Sonja, Thor and Kelda!
DIABOLIC: Debt Collection September 29th, 2023 A teenager who sold his sister's soul for power has the WORST day ever.
Skurge and the Horsemen September 10th, 2023 Midgard Mischief
Being Met at the Metropolitain July 28th, 2023 Kelda Stormrider goes for hot dogs
I Heard You All Were In Danger, So I Came As Fast As I Could! June 20th, 2023 Sif's birthday trickery could cause a war between pantheons!
The Asgardians and the Hag May 18th, 2023 The Asgardians face the Hag at her Tower and discover things were not as they seemed.
Asgardian Weather May 5th, 2023 Two of Asgard's magic users, Kelda and Balder, discuss their plans to go to Hel and bring back Jane Foster.
Ice and snow don't always equal cold. April 20th, 2023 Frigga arrives to speak with Lady Kelda upon her request. The pair find common ground and understanding easily and begin to formulate plans.
Lets Ride April 20th, 2023 Thor, Sif, Kelda and Brunnhilde ride towards Amora's Tower to retrieve Dragonfang. What they encounter isn't what they expected.
Battle Can Be An Art July 7th, 2021 No description
Asking Why Isn't Just For Toddlers July 3rd, 2021 But is cereal a soup or not? A pressing question for the times.
The Carmen de Moribus July 1st, 2021 Kelda's return to Asgard leads her as well as Loki to the Royal Archives after a particular Midgardian scroll.
On the Trail of Treasure June 25th, 2021 In WWII Norway, Kelda Stormrider of Asgard seeks the location of the missing energy source known as the Tesseract. She encounters Steve Rogers and the Red Skull, also in search of the long-lost artifact.
The Overdue Fees Will be Huge! June 21st, 2021 Caitlin Fairchild reunites with the Asgardian Kelda Stormrider, recently returned to Midgard.


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Kelda Stormrider has 16 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Kelda Stormrider has been credited in 0 shows.

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Kelda Stormrider has been credited in 0 albums.

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Kelda Stormrider has authored 0 books.

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