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Raiding the Gardens
Date of Scene: 21 June 2021
Location: Student Gardens
Synopsis: Bonding time with Alex, Clarice and Lorna - with the help of Alex's stash. Clarice tries to defend the Brotherhood while high. Alex ain't having it.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Alex Summers, Clarice Ferguson

Lorna Dane has posed:
It was the part of the school year where students were free to do what they wanted for the most part. Usually they'd be found at the pool, or the lake, or the basketball court. Somewhere that they could play and yell and scream with childish delight to their hearts content. Which is precisely why Lorna is in the gardens avoiding all of that. It lets her bask in the warm sun, enjoy the fresh air, and maybe a purloined tomato or two. She hasn't eaten them yet. They sit on the bench beside her as she leans her head back over the edge of it lounging with a cup of iced coffee in hand.

Alex Summers has posed:
    It didn't take much effort for Alex to get a student to tell him where he could find Lorna. The younger ones are easy to pay off with the bubble gum he always has in his pocket. It's probably the snapping of the piece he has in his mouth that announces his presence even as he's making a playful attempt to be sneaky and come up from behind to cover Lorna's eyes for a, "Guess who?"

    Even if it wasn't for the gum, she'd know him. He always seems to smell faintly of coconut oil, earth and... well, sea and sunshine. Outdoors, he smells like the outdoors.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Well as if that wasn't telling. Lorna sucks in a quick breath catching that whiff of what was undoubtedly sunblock mixed with other scents. And the familiar feeling of hands that belonged to someone she knew rather well. It's taken over the top by the bubblegum pop, and when Alex speaks, earning a bemused grin from her. Lifting a hand she catches at his wrist to gently pull his hand away so she can actually see him. "Alex. I didn't know you were back. How are you?" She inquires only to gesture at the bench she sits on in silent invitation. "Been staying out of trouble?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    When she turns around, Lorna will see that he's holding a little stuffie in his hand. It's cartoonish looking rock with arms and legs, about ten inches tall. It's wearing a tiny t-shirt that says 'G. Ode', like its first initial is G and its last name is Ode. He holds it up and wiggles it a little before holding it out.

    Corny gifts, he's the king of them. After she takes it, he settles down on the bench beside Lorna. "Yeah," Alex replies, but his voice is a little more subdued than usual. That winning, dimpled smile is there, but his tone is a little... evasive and he's never like that with Lorna.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane can't help but break into a laugh at the plushie that's offered. It's taken to be held in both hands as she settles it on her lap giving it a little squish to test for softness. "Oh my gosh, this is just like you. Hmm, somehow I don't think this is one that we can crack open. It is adorable though," she has to admit with another brighter grin. It was small, and punny, but she needed something like this to cheer her up after the last several weeks she'd had. It only takes a few moments of doting on it before her attention shifts back to Alex properly. A single eyebrow raises toward him as she regards his apparently subdued manner. "This however, isn't like you. What's the matter, Alex? You know you can always talk to me about anything."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Turn it over," Alex tells her. If she does, she'll find a little zipper on the bottom that opens up to reveal a little bag of rock candy in assorted colors. It looks like crystals.

    "Yeah, I know. It's really nothin' though, Lorns, promise." Mostly he seems like he's being honest. Whatever 'it' is isn't such a huge deal that she needs to really worry about it. It's just, well, a rock in his shoe sort of deal. Just irritating.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane glances back to the plushie with a mix of curiosity and confusion. It's turned over for her to discover the little pocket of hidden 'rock candy' which earns another snort of laughter before she manages to clap her hand over her mouth to stifle it. That was in no way very 'Queen-like' a response after all. The little bag is torn open at the corner to pour a few into her palm before she offers it his way as well. "If it's nothing really then there's no reason not to talk about it. If you're just looking for a distraction though, I can tell you about the work going on in Genosha. We really could use someone with more geological know-how at points," she adds with a grin cast toward him. "If you ever need a change of scenry for awhile."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex holds his hand out, palm up, for her to dump some out for him. Pure sugar that stuff, hell yeah! "Y'know I'm always ready to help there if you need it," he reminds gently. Queen-like... she never needs to be that with him, ever. "I just... I dunno. I guess I've just been paying more attention," he offers vaguely before he stretches his legs out and leans his head back too so he can look up at the sky. "Look! It's a bunny rabbit," he says, pointing at a cloud. "Your turn."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane is seated in the garden at one of the benches next to Alex. A cup of iced coffee is just within her reach though she'd set it down beside her on the ground. In her lap is a small plush object, and she is currently sharing some candy with Alex. Crunching down on the sugar crystal herself she rolls her eyes in bemusement at his 'calling' of it being her turn. So she glances up to the sky, squinting at the clouds blowing by. "That's far more a hedgehog. That one looks like a polar bear though," she adds gesturing off toward another. "And we'd be glad for the help."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex leans in a little closer, his head almost on her shoulder, so she can follow where his finger's pointing better. "Look, that one's a unicorn. Think that's a rainbow shooting out its ass?" Really, is that any way to speak to the 'Queen'. He wrinkles his nose slightly. "Polar bear? I don't think so. Looks like Logan in a fur coat. Look, it even has the little horns like his hair."

    Just a beat before, "You ever get really tired of it? The crap mutants go through just because they're mutants?" Truth be told, the whole mutant/human conflict is new to Alex. His powers just re-manifested a year or so ago, he doesn't even know the full extent of them yet or how to control them.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "What help?" comes a voice from around the corner of one of the garden paths - as Clarice strides into view. "One of the kids said they saw you in here," Clarice adds by way of explination. "...some kid with like," she makes what seems like a grabbing motion towards one forearm, then pulls her hand up and away from her arm abruptly, as if miming some sort of shape eminating from the arm. Maybe it means something to Lorna.
    "Hey, Alex," Clarice adds, before dropping onto the ground near the bench without any invitation.
    Or a proper greeting for Her Royal Highness, Queen Lorna Dane. So rude.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane glances from the corner of her eye toward Alex who was so very close. It was comforting in a way. So many kept their distance from her. Having someone she was familiar with and friendly enough to just... sit next to. It was pleasant. "A rainbow?" She asks with another half-shake of her head. "Maybe, but I'd rather not think of Logan in a fur coat. He'd probably have skinned the bear himself, fresh." She jests. When Clarice comes over she lifts up the little geode plushie toward her with a shake to indicate it might be filled with candy. "With Genosha. Alex is a geologist like myself," she explains with a soft chuckle that grows quiet. His question wasn't forgotten. Seeing Clarice here as well does cause her a moment to pause considering it. "All the time. Being persecuted runs in my bloodline unfortunately. We persevere."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Yeah, well it sucks," is all Alex says before he lets that line of conversation drop. When Clarice plops down on the ground in front of them, the younger Summers brother - and the fun one - finally pops his rock candy into his mouth before he says, "Hey Clarice."

    Look there, if he chews the rock candy with his gum, the former re-flavors the latter! "Bah, Logan's not *that* bad. I mean, worst thing about him is that Canadian pisswater he tries to pass off as beer."

    He looks left, right, behind him... "So, the kids pretty much stay out of here?" he asks in a tone that's a little too conversational to be just conversation.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It sucks," Clarice agrees - reaching up to see what is rattling around in the- is that really a plush geode? Nerds.
    Candy secured, she pops it into her mouth, leaning back on her hands as she stares up towards the sky, herself. After all - that's what the other two seem to be doing. She might as well try it out. "We can use all the help with Genosha that we can get, though. And skinning bears takes a surprising amount of skill. ... but mostly strength." She makes it sound like it's something she's done? Which may or may not be true.
    "...not sure about the kids. I don't usually come in here, either."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"It is their garden," Lorna remarks with a chuckle. "But it's also Summer. They're usually here in the mornings to tend and then they go find other things to do, I've found. Except for the occasional die-hard gardener," she has to admit though she hasn't seen any with such dedication in awhile. Storm perhaps was the most likely to wander around. The question does cause her eyebrows to raise a little in question. "Spill, Alex. Something's on your mind."

Alex Summers has posed:
    What's on his mind is partaking in a little 'relaxation'. Alex pulls a small cigarette case from one of the side pockets of his cargo shorts. Inside is a little two hitter pipe, a baggie of bright green bud all covered with some impressively lovely white micro-crystals. White Widow is what they call it and it's some dank ass weed.

    As he's packing the bowl of the pipe he comments, "I had a little run-in in Cali that's all. It wasn't a big deal in the end, just..." He rolls his shoulders almost to his cheeks in a shrug. "Nah, no big."

    Turning the conversation on a dime he asks, "How's things with you and the old man?" Old... man?

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I had a recent 'run in' of my own..." Clarice remarks, her expression darkening for the moment. It certainly didn't quality as 'no big,' however. Before she can dwell on it, however, Alex continues.
    The old man? No doubt Lorna saw the frown that quickly forms on Clarice's face coming a mile away. The young mutant has a high opinion of the Genoshan Royalty, and the Brotherhood, even after Erik's unfortunate recent actions. "I'm not sure that's anyway to talk about Magneto," she rebuffs, while still sucking on the piece of rock candy in her mouth.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane holds up a hand toward Clarice as she knows her friend will react poorly to that particular name. "It's okay, Clarice. I'm sure he meant no disrespect. That's just how some people refer to their fathers," she explains with a little knowing grin. "Besides, Alex and I have... history." Whatever that means. It's let slide on her end as she considers her answer. "Better than before, though I was, to borrow a phrase, royally pissed at him for what he did to Genosha. He does seem remorseful though. And I can understand doing something in a moment of duress without properly thinking of the consequences." Lightly clearing her throat she stares at the pipe that Alex pulled out. "Does that help keep you calm?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    He holds up the pipe and offers a crooked, dimpled grin along with, "Oh, hells yeah." It isn't until he has the bowl packed and he's taken a hit from it and finishes the little fit of coughing that follows that he addresses Clarice. "Look, Erik puts his pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us. He's also fucked up my girl's world more than a time or two." His girl? Well, not like THAT, but he does consider Lorna to be one of his best friends. "I got respect for the man, but not mad respect..." He doesn't explain the difference.

    "Wanna try it?" he asks Lorna as he gives the pipe a little jiggle. "Hits a little hard for a first time. I could always just roll a blunt instead, might be easier?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    It lingers there in Clarice's gaze - disapproval of the the excessively casual way Alex talks of the Royal Family. She's unconvinced he isn't doing it just to get a rise, however, so she does her best to grit it back. For Lorna's sake. "If ya has your respect, then maybe you could show a little of it." Okay. She grits back //most// of it.
    And then she adds, "He is trying to make things right. He wasn't himself... at first. After everything that happened." Yes, making excuses for her King was hard, after what he had done. But she's come to terms with it.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane regards the pipe a moment. She glances to the side back toward Clarice as if judging her own thoughts on the item that Alex was currently puffing on. Yet... She was in need of relaxing herself. Reaching out she takes hold of it daintily between thumb and forefinger regarding it before raising it to her lips. "I could use to relax just a bit. And we're making ammends. That doesn't excuse what he did, but it's a start." She has to admit with a grin flashed toward Clarice. Poor Clarice. Then she adds, "My parents didn't raise a quitter." A hit is taken, and she holds the lungfull before coughing herself.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Something Clarice said must strike Alex as pretty damned funny because he busts out laughing for a moment, just a moment. It can't be the weed, it's good... but it's not one hit and done good.

    "You go girl!" he encourages Lorna. Such a BAD influence this one! But seriously, who *doesn't* need to unwind from time to time. Widow is a niiiiice blend, just the right balance of sativa and indica, relaxing... yet also a little energizing. It's like an energy drink had a baby with a good muscle relaxer.

    His attention goes back to Clarice. "Sorry, man, I just... respect isn't a title. Lots of Kings through the years have been total dickwads, y'know?" Again with that shoulders to cheeks shrug. "Erik's got a lot of ammending to do, 'specially with Lorna. Maybe he'll make it all right, maybe he won't, but until he does... the old man's kinda not on my top ten list."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "He's working on it," Clarice counters quietly, giving Alex another dubious look. "And the respect isn't //just// the title. It's a lot more complicated than that. Magneto has done a lot for me. But if you think I didn't let him know exactly what I thought of what he did to Genosha..." She shakes her head. She'd been pretty livid. "But he's owned up to his mistake, and he's trying to make ammends. And between that, and all he and the Brotherhood have done for me, and for others..." She gives a shrug of her shoulders.
    "You don't have to be happy with him. But I appreciate at least some respect, is all."
    After Lorna takes her pull, Clarice holds her own hand out wordlessly, to accept the pipe in turn.
    "So how does a kid get enrolled in the school? I just- ...talk to Jean, I guess?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles warmly at the response from Clarice when she reaches for the pipe. At least she wasn't going to get scolded for partaking in something like this. While she had never been a student here, she was feeling a bit as if she were one sneaking around right now. The pipe is offered over to Clarice with a little chuckle between a few coughs. "Yes, or the Professor. Usually they like to speak to the child in question to see if they're a good fit, but they do their best to welcome them regardless." Her head tips a bit, and she considers, before asking, "How are your own studies coming?" It's a quiet question, really. "If you need any help you know I'll be happy to where I can." The things being studied aren't said though out of respect for Clarice. Intead she nudges Alex lightly with her elbow. "Change of topic then. We all know that's a hot button issue."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex takes out a second pipe, smaller, little glass one hitter and packs it. If they're all sharing, one pipe ain't enough. He hits from the pipe, putting flame to the bowl from his lighter. "Shoulda rolled that blunt", he grumbles. Once he's coughed through it, he asides in a stage whisper to Lorna, "But she sounds like a 'join the Brotherhood' advertisement they'd show on Sunday Morning between Jerry Farwell and college football." He's laughing by the end of it and he'll hold up one hand to stave off any more anger Badger reactions. "Just kidding..."

    He's grinning now, that 'I can't stop myself' grin. So maybe the stuff is two hits and you're done good. He makes sure the cherry in the pipe is still smoldering before he hands it off to Lorna again.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice breathes in some of the smoke - starts coughing - and has to give a second try before passing the pipe back. She's able to hold that breath for a few moments, before she lets it out with more coughs - and yes, a quiet laugh. She's pretty sure she looks ridiculous.
    The question from Lorna sobers her up, however. She always gets embarrassed when talking about her studies. "It's... fine. Still cracking away at them," she answers vaguely.
    "And good," she directs towards Alex. "The Brotherhood is changing who they are - who we are. I'm proud of that. And... Mystique even gave me credit for a good part of that change." There's still something in her gaze though - something akin to doubt. Some suspicion that Mystique is playing some sort of game, by giving her credit for that. In front of the Xavier's staff.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane elbows Alex just a wee bit harder this time when he starts in on Clarice giving him A Look of her own. "Clarice is a good friend," she assures, "And given her circumstance I can hardly blame her for seeking the route she has in life. Anyway. Yes, they are... taking steps." There's a little doubt herself, but then there always was when it came to Mystique. "It'll be a long road one way or another... but a good one." She clears her throat again and reaches down for her abandoned coffee to take a sip helping to chase away the itchiness from the smoke she'd had. "Oh, god I hope Jean doesn't catch us she would *die*."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Mention of being caught by Jean or Scott really is just about the funniest thing Alex has ever heard, EVER. It would if he wasn't high. Being high though, makes the laughing... so much more. OMG, he's laughing so hard he's about to double over. He's wheezing a little still when he replies to Lorna, "Can you imagine their kids if they ever had any? I wonder if the board needs to be inserted after birth or if they're born that way?" Seriously though, despite his kinda cruel words there, he has nothing but love for them both. Lorna would know that. Jean's even more like a sister to him than Scott is a brother, go figure.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "And I'll make sure they'll follow through. You know how stubborn I am!" Clarice insists - an assertion that somehow has her giggling. Or maybe it's Alex's laughter. Or maybe it's- "Does this stuff always do this?"
    Yes. She's painfully naive sometimes.
    The laughter returns as she adds, "We could always give her some of..." she gestures, "the stuff." Yes. 'The stuff.' Precision terms here from Clarice. She reaches for one of the pipes, before dropping back all the way onto her back on the ground - staring straight up at the sky with her knees bent and feet planted on the ground - the pipe still held in her hand, seemingly forgotten for now.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Everyone is staring up at the clouds now it seems. Lorna just... sort of... dozes while the others talk. She squints at a few clouds, rolling her head back with a yawn until she ends up bumping her cheek against Alex's shoulder. Welp, he's a pillow now.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "If it's good, yes," Alex replies. He's still grinning ear to ear when Lorna ends up on his shoulder. Those pretty blue eyes of his soften, the smile fades but not in a bad way... it's sweet really, more fond than goofy. He actually presses just a little kiss to the top of her head when he murmurs, "Night Lorns." Anyone that knows him, knows that he *can* be a total ass, but there's zero indication of that in the way he deals with Lorna, like ever.

    "Hey! I could make them brownies!" He wouldn't really? Would he? Get Jean and Scott high without their knowledge?

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice turns her head - watching Alex with Lorna. For once, there's no words of protest from the purple-haired woman as she watches the way the wind moves the clouds so high above them. "Brownies would be nice. I bet they would like brownies."
    Did she just entirely miss what he means?
    "You know. I've always kind'f wanted to fly. I mean, I can't. My powers don't do that. I can //fall//, that's not the same. Have you ever flown?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex shifts a little and puts his arm on the back of the bench. He's so careful not to wake Lorna as he does so and she ends up more curled up and tucked in safe against his side by the time he's done. There's nothing untoward about any of it, it's just... caring the way he treats her.

    He goes into a little snickerfit when the brownie plan just goes WOOSH over Clarice's head. But he's been at this pot smokin' a good amount of time, he brings it under control enough to reply, "Yeah, I can fly... it's not as awesome as catchin' a killer wave though."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane does not snore. She's royalty that is not something she does. Though that was perhaps a little bit of a snorgle until Alex shifts so that her head isn't quite that far back. It makes it easier to keep her airway straight. Half asleep, or fully asleep? Hard to tell. Her eyes flutter open and she mumbles, "Flying's good. Bring you sometime," she offers before yawning and drifting off again.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah, you better," Clarice agrees - eyes still on the clouds. On the way the whisps move, and change, a little bit at a time. "I'm used to seeing this from the other side," she murmurs.
    "So what's it like? When you fly. You just like... blast things until whoosh?" That's a complete sentence, right?

Alex Summers has posed:
    That fond smile is back again when Lorna mumbles. "Maybe we can all go, touch a cloud or something," he murmurs in response to her.

    "Pretty much," he concurs in regards to how he flies.

    He lapses into silence for a little while, just enjoying the view. His arm drops so that it's more around Lorna. He gestures with the other hand after awhile. "Just so y'know, I'm not all about all of this either." Meaning the whole Xavier's dream more like than not. "But do you *really* think the Brotherhood is all new and improved and... if so, is that really better?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Does she really think the Brotherhood is new and improved? There's no answer for a while. Maybe Clarice is falling asleep. Maybe Clarice forgot the question. Maybe she's really interested in that cloud that used to looks like Wolverine wearing a bear?
    "I think so," she finally says. "I mean - I don't think- I don't think it benefits, trying to be all 'mutants are better. Fuck the humans,' you know? Makes people mad. Makes people fight us. Makes us enemies. And people are still, you know... //people//." There's a bit of Lorna there in that sentiment. At least - she didn't really learn it with the Brotherhood.
    "And Mystique seems sincere. But sometimes I wonder if I would know if she weren't? Everyone tells me - everyone warns me - she's using me. She's lying to me. I'm just a tool to her. But I- she cares. I know she cares. It seems like she cares. And orders are... not to kill. Not if we can help it. And to work with authorities, when we can. And to always keep mutants safe, and free. And that's all good, yeah?
    "...but it's still okay if we kill, sometimes. You know. If they were //really// assholes."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "They tend to be 'all humans are better, fuck the mutants'," Alex points out quietly. "I mean not all of them, but..." Enough. Now he can only roll one shoulder in that shrugging gesture. He doesn't want to disturb Lorna.

    "Leopards don't generally change their spots, Clarice." He can be a bit of a pragmatist. "Just watch your back is all I can say. I haven't dealt with her much, but I know how Rogue feels."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah. Rogue and Remy had choice words," Clarice confirms. She's silent for a moment before adding more quietly, "But they're my family. I don't- I don't have any other family. My- they're dead. They're all dead." Now there's a downer. She lifts the pipe still in her hands to her lips - but most of what was in the bowl had managed to tumble out - and besides it was no longer burning. "Damnit." Oh well.
    "I'll be alright though. If any of them hurt me Mister Creed'd kill 'em," she offers.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Way I see it, you have a group run by two people that have children they've hurt deeply. Not just... a little bit of hurt but a lot of hurt." Alex pulls the baggie out again and just damned well goes about rolling a blunt this time. Cherry vanilla is the flavor of the day for the blunt wrap. "I mean, don't say much for their character, either of'm."

    Look at those fingers roll, he knows what he's doing that's for sure. It takes a little time, but not much. When he's finished, there's a perfect blunt. Not too tight, not too loose. He lights it, drags off it and passes it to Clarice.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice flashes Alex a dazzling smile as the blunt is accepted, and she pulls a deep drag off of it, eyes going back to the sky once more. "Yeah," she confirms. She's silent a moment before saying, "But I think... I think they both regret it. A lot. I think- what happened with Rogue? I mean, Mystique'd never say it. She wouldn't ever. But it hurts her. She made a mistake, and she wants to fix it, and she- ...she wants Rogue back. She wants to make it right. She said I was changing things. That I'd convinced her, that's what she said anyways, to Professor Xavier 'n Jean. But I think she was lying.
    "...she wants her daughter back. So she's fixing it." She takes another drag - then offers it towards Alex with a questioning look, unclear on if it was a 'gift' for her, or not. How's ettiquette work here?

Alex Summers has posed:
    "General rule is puff puff pass," Alex explains in regards to the last unspoken question. He takes the blunt and hits from it again. But then he licks the thumb and index finger of his opposite hand and pinches the thing out. "Save it for later, yeah? Something tells me you're not a pro..."

    He adjusts again, just a little, so that Lorna might be a little more comfortable. "Seems it took a long time for her to decide to make that mess right," he muses. "Maybe she's on the up and up, but feels like maybe there's some sort of end game she probably isn't sharing with anyone. With him too, Erik that is. I mean... the things they did? They *really* believed in what they were doing. ...or they claimed to. So, they're either wishywashy fucks that abandoned their beliefs or... there's an end game." A beat and he adds, "I'd respect Erik more if he was still blowing up government buildings. At least that's stickin' to what he always claimed to stand for."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "They believed it," Clarice confirms. "Still believe it," many of them. It's complicated.
    "And wasn't so long. I mean- Rogue left after I- I mean, I never really got to know her that well, I wasn't really... me... yet, back then." She lapses into silence for a moment before realizing she was talking. "Oh! Right. No. I mean- It wasn't that long. And the Brotherhood, we're not... you know. Real in touch with our feelings? And Mystique, she's old. Ooooooold. Five years is like... nothing. It takes - it took her time. Tha's all. But I think- it really seems like she means it."
    She lets out a sigh. "It's complicated. And it's hard to explain. And no one seems to believe me, anyways. And everyone still thinks I'm just a child, still." And maybe she is. She isn't, but she is.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "You're working awful hard to make excuses for them. It shouldn't be that hard, yeah?" Alex idly brushes a bit of hair from Lorna's eyes. "Look, I'm not trying to burst your 'Rah team, go Brotherhood' bubble, I'm not. It's just... hell, my powers didn't even manifest until I was just about to graduate from college, so I ain't been doing this shit long and even I know Mystique is one to look out for and Erik? Even more so."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "They're dangerous," Clarice agrees. "They're deadly. But not to me. And they do want what's best for our kind. Everyone makes mistakes."
    She continues to watch the sky above her as she adds, "And they saved me. And they helped me when I wasn't even a person really. And- And they're my family. You don't have to like 'em. You don't have to trust 'em. It's fine. People don't. I'm used to that."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "You keep saying that... that their you're family? Well, just don't let that get in the way of seeing things for what they are if the time comes that you need to be looking." Alex shifts again, but this time it's to stand and lift the sleeping Lorna into his arms. "I'm deadly, dangerous... or I could be. We all are, that isn't the point I'm trying to make."

    The way he cradles her so gently definitely doesn't scream dangerous or deadly. "Don't confuse feeling indebted with ... loyalty either, that'll get you screwed over quicker than shit. It's the way manipulative people *want* you to feel." Seems he plans on carrying his girl to bed.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Not the way they are," Clarice answers simply. She watches Alex as he stands - still laying on her back - and it seems to take a moment to realize that, hey. That's her //Queen//. In a potentially compromised position. With some guy just about to take her to her room. Sure, he seemed like a decent guy, but...
    She starts pushing herself to her feet. "Here, I can just-" she starts reaching towards Lorna's leg.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "I got her, you're high. You aren't blinking her into a wall," Alex protests as he takes a step back. There's a fire in his eyes, in his tone, warning... and so very clear that he'd rather die than see Lorna hurt. He's an asshole, people know it... some don't like him because of it. But no matter how many temper tantrums he throws, Lorna is just *there* when he's blown of his steam and comes back to normal.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I wouldn't-!" Clarice starts in protest - then stops, looking at her hand. She's high. She's reeeeally high. "I- oh. I can't-" She can't go home either, can she? "Oh."
    The hand drops.
    "I'll walk with you," she finally says, looking back up at Alex. She's going to need somewhere to sleep this off, anyways. And 'in Lorna's room' is probably better than 'in the school garden.'

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Pro-tip, if you really don't want mummy and daddy to know you've been dancing with Mary Jane... shower and burn your clothes. The smell, it lingers." It really does too and it smells like three day dead skunk if it's the really good stuff, which his always is.

    Lorna is a little thing, but she's also dead weight. There's a time or three along the way that he has to stop to readjust that weight but he does get her to her room and on the bed. He'll take off her shoes, but that's it, and tuck her in under the covers.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm pretty sure Mister Creed would smell it anyways," Clarice remarks, without realizing what she just admitted to.
    Hey. Maybe Alex won't, either.
    Somewhere along the way - as they stop for Alex to adjust Lorna's weight - Clarice adds, "Alex... Thanks. If I- If I'd accidentally- I would never hurt Lorna." And she'd never forgive herself if she did.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "You keep some fucked up company," Alex remarks. Once he has Lorna all tucked away safe and sound he asks, "So, stayin' here?" He has his own room here, not that he's been around much lately. But he does. "But I guess you do you, y'know? It'll bite you in the ass or it won't." That's kinda just what life is all about, it's just that it bites more than it doesn't most times.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'll stay here. Lorna won't mind," Clarice confirms - flashing Alex a smile. "I'll go home tomorrow." She retrieves herself a spare blanket - and then moves towards a plush chair in the room, starting to curl up into it comfortably. "Thanks again, Alex," she adds. "And really - you don't need to worry about me. And the Brotherhood. I'll be alright, you'll see." Despite letting some doubts peek through earlier - she does seem to believe that.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex pulls the half a blunt they'd been smoking from his pocket and gives it to Clarice before he presses a sweet, chaste kiss to the top of Lorna's head. "Yeah, well, no matter what you say, she deserved better than Erik," he grouses before he's heading for the door. "...and it'll be hard to convince me otherwise." A beat, "Don't smoke that whole thing at once, noob."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "He made mistakes," Clarice agrees - with her eyes on the blunt in her hand, now. She's not going to argue the point, though, she decides as she pockets the gift. "Everyone makes mistakes. Some more than others. Try figuring out Mister Creed sometime. That'll..." She shakes her head. "If his dad hadn't-"
    She lets out a sigh.
    "There's always worse dads. But yeah, he made mistakes."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Uh-huh, some mistakes," is Alex's only reply. His hand's on the door but he turns around again. "You really think the way the Brotherhood was before was just 'some mistakes'?" He may not believe in Xavier's fairy tale, but...

    "C'mon, Clarice... he's made her life hell. People look at her and think she's evil just because her dad's a jackass. I'm not just talking about *recent* events, although those are bad too. She's the best of us, man, she deserved *better*."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Those people are assholes. Judging someone by their dad that didn't even raise them? You're going to blame //Magneto// for what //some idiots// thing?" Clarice asks - fixing her gaze on Alex now that he's revealed what his problem is.
    "I mean... that's dumb. That's just... objectively dumb." She lets her head fall back against the plush chair behind her.
    "Way worse dads out there than that. And Lorna does okay. She's more annoyed about being saddled with the throne. She hates it."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Yes, I'm going to blame Erik. Good fathers don't go blowing up buildings filled with innocent people," Alex shoots back. "He should have given his kid a life." ... a beat. "Wait, let me correct that.. *kids*." It's a sore spot with Alex, really, the whole 'good parent' thing. Likely because his weren't the best either. "

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "My parents left me with people that tortured me, and changed me." They thought you were dead, Clarice. ... did they? "Mister Creed's daddy locked him in a basement for years and tore out his teeth again and again," she remarks - with her gaze up on the ceiling.
    "Magneto wasn't a great dad. But stop blaming him for what other people think. That's just being dumb."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "It's not a contest," Alex points out. "More awful parents doesn't make the other awful parents any less awful." He glances over at Lorna and frowns a little. "It's not dumb. When you have kids, those kids come first. *Everything* you do reflects on your kids." He snorts. "And now he just decides that his big cause that he blew her life up for wasn't the right one? Fuck, that makes it even *worse*."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "The cause hasn't changed. Freedom and safety for mutant kind, that's the cause," Clarice asserts simply. "We're just trying to do it without making so many enemies now. Because it was counter productive. Because it was a mistake. You'd rather he didn't learn from his mistakes?" She shakes her head.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "I don't believe Erik thinks he makes mistakes. He's too arrogant for that." Alex still has his hand on the door and takes one step through it. "Tell her I'll stop by tomorrow, we can go to Harry's for a burger." A beat before, "They both are, him and Xavier." He turns back to add, "Here's the thing, you're gonna do you and that's cool, whatever, but I'm gonna do me and there's no way you can convince me that Erik's humbled himself to admit any of his mistakes without there being an end game to it."

    He holds up his hands to stave off any argument, "... this is an agree to disagree situation and I *really* need to go blow off some steam." - almost literally, that's almost a literal thing with him. Except it's not steam, it's cosmic radiation building to nuclear levels in his body.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You don't really know him, though," Clarice points out. She's still staring up at the ceiling, not seeming to be bothered by the disagreement. "But sure. You're right, I'm wrong, I know nothing about the people who raised me." She gives a shrug of her shoulders. "And sure. Burgers it is." She lifts a hand - still without looking at him. It's hard to say what she's taring at on the ceiling - but it probably isn't anything interesting.
    "Don't blow up the school - I need it to still be here," she adds.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Haven't yet," Alex replies as he finally moves through that door and closes it... softly... behind himself. It wouldn't do to wake Lorna! He'll probably wind up in the Danger Room blowing shit to bits and pieces for a little while. It's his go to for that needed release and likely why he still has a room here at all.