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Latest revision as of 22:43, 26 June 2021

Secret and Patterns
Date of Scene: 24 June 2021
Location: A six story mansion on the outskirts of New York City. The mansion has a big driveway filled with several expensive cars. There are a few guards partolling the huge grounds.
Synopsis: A small time crime boss with powers is brought down by Cael, and Cinque keeps his promise to one of the residents of his shelter.
Cast of Characters: Cinque Evers, Cael Becker

Cinque Evers has posed:
Secrets and patterns. The world is motivated by a collection of patterns and secrets. After Cinque liberated the money and some relics from that cartel in Peru, he was prompted to stop his crime fighting duties to make sure no one could follow some pattern to discover his secret identity. It is secrets and patterns that have caused him to don his costume again. It is the pattern of a young mother with three children that comes to his shelter, then returns to her abusive husband, then returns to her shelter. It is a vicious and sad cycle.

It is the secret her youngest son shared with him that their father was a monster. The child was so scared that the word, "Monster" was the only word he could repeat as he huddled next to his siblings and his mother, when they checked themselves into the shelter. There was such fear and anguish in the little boy?s eyes that Cinque waived his usual practice of using his secret identity to solve the problems of the people who come to his shelter"..

This "Monster" real name is Flavio Balzarini, and he has some other troubles this evening. The other trouble comes in the form of a shipment of 10 millions dollars worth of heroin that he was trying to smuggle into the harbor that has just been seized by cops. He is going to owe his higher ups a lot of answers for the loss of this shipment, but he is going to make sure that he can offer them someone's head instead of his. There is a rumor there is a rat or undercover agent in his organization. So tonight he has arranged a midnight party for his closest associates.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael had fielded a panicked call from her informant - certain that the guy was on to him. Just certain. The pair had managed meet up - Cael assuring the man, Sansone Gucci, that she has his back. It's his call - if he wants to run now and confirm Balzarini's suspicions, or try to stay in.
    The guy decided to stay in, and Cael can only hope he hasn't just signed his own death warrent with that decision. She and a team wait near the house - using a mother-in-law cottage they'd rented a block or so away as their staging ground. Rather than being in the house itself, they're loaded into a van pulled up behind the main house off the street - ready to move on an instant's notice. Two of the guys on her team pass the time with a deck of cards. One is cleaning his backup pistol. Cael is trying to read through a stack of reports from the driver's seat. All of them listen anxiously for the sound of the panic button they'd given their informant - incase this all goes sideways. Hopefully the guy can keep his cool - and it'll all blow over.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Balzarini walks around the room. "We are in the hole, gentlemen. 10 million dollars is a lot of heroin to lose due to incompetence, but it unforgivable amount to lose due to betrayal." Balzarini sits down at a table with five other men, including Sansone Gucci.

Agnostino, one of Balzarini's solder wipes the sweat from his brow, "We should be burnin all traces that link us to the shipyard, then spending chasing rumors."

Balzarini slams his fists on the table, "It ain't no rumor. I know one of you is spilling information to the feds! Balzarini pulls out a silver case, "My little case is going to help me find out each which one is a Judas."

After memorising different photos of the house that he got from various sources off the web, Cinque puts on his Oletha Ukufe guise and rides his motorcycle to the house. There is a small wooded area near the house that allows him to navigate to the house, and makes his way to the roof. If he was a little bit more seasoned or sneakier, he might have noticed the extra surveillance on the house.

Cael Becker has posed:
    The guys at their card game are also watching the monitor - glancing up frequently to a bank of feeds, from cameras set on the trees, and on some of the power and telephone poles nearby.
    "Becker," one of them hisses, getting Cael's attention. She glances over - frowning as she spots what has gotten Kronenberg's attention - someone scaling the side of the building.
    "Well... shit," she mutters quietly. "Who the hell is that? Any of you guys recognize the outfit?" she asks, as she turns her attention back to the controls of the van - turning it on. She starts doing mental calculations - trying to decide just how close they can get without alarming Balzarini's guys - who were doubtlessly on high alert at the moment. What a mess.

Cinque Evers has posed:
On missions like this, Oletha like to quitely sing a song. It calms his nerves and steadies his resolve. It is another pattern. As he fires his grappling hook to a the run, while kicking off a tree to giving him some extra lift, he starts to sing quitely, "I'm just a little black rain cloud hovering under the honey tree. I'm only a little black rain cloud. Pay no attention to little me."

Inside the house, Balzarini taps his silver case a few times on the table, "My family has a secret. It is a secret that has allowed us to gather immense power and wealth. Balzarini takes a huge tablet and forces the tablet down his throat by hitting his chest, "After generations since discovering the secret, it is harder to bring about this gift." Balzarini closes his eyes as he trots floppy his arms in a state of euphoria, "The first thing it blesses with able to hear the heart of another one. I can hear your hearts.

The other mobsters let out laugh, and Joe, another soldier, "Perhaps, we should be selling what is in that silvercase..

The next thing that is heard over Sansone's Gucci is Joe's blood curling scream that seems to last for several minutes, but it is only a few seconds. The next thing that is heard is Sansone shouting, "He ripped his heart out of his chest!"

Balzarini wipes his blood stain on Sansone, "Joe was incompetant. He should have watched you better, but I could hear that his heart was good. Your heart is a heart of rat, but I am going to take my time with you, Mr. Gucci. I not going to be nice."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Well. Regardless of the man on the roof - they are a go. Cael puts the van in motion - tearing around the corner of the house, and down the short block to the home where the meeting is taking place. She guns the engine - charging towards the gate in front of the house with no signs of slowing - indeed, the van is only picking up speed and momentum as they approach. Without waiting for any prompting, Kronenberg opens a window on the side of the van, sights in on the gate - and fires on the lock. There's the sound of an explosion damaging the lock - just before Cael barrels into the gate, and through it - taking a direct route towards the front door. Behind her, a second van follows - and the sounds of sirens can be heard starting up in the distance.
    "Well. This is what we train for, people. Lets go ruin their fucking day."

Cinque Evers has posed:
On top of the roof, Oletha is about to sneak into the sixth floor window as he sees the van run the gate. Oletha shrug his shoulders deeply, "Well, I needed a distraction, and this is a distraction. Unaware of what is really going on inside the house, Oletha continues to see as he breaks inside the sixth floor of the mansion, "Oh, everyone knows that a rain cloud never eats honey, no, not a nip."

Outside the house, the guards are scrambling and firing on the truck while radioing to the guards that they are under attack outside.

Inside the house, Balzarini's body begins to transformed taking a more demonic look as he now stalks across the room, "I am afraid, gentlemen. I cannot allow, myself to be taking prisoner, but I also cannot allow either of you to be taking into custody either. Balzarini lets out a deep sigh, "I promised that I will not visit any harm upon your families, but know your sacrifice will give me enough power to get out of here." And with that there is more screaming over Sansone's communication.

After five minutes, demonic voice speaks over Sansone's communication, "Come and get your rat, if you dare! Sansone whimpers, "Save me!"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Now - most people might pull up in front of the house, open the van doors, pile out...
    Cael's a bit more bold than that. Some might say reckless - but screw them.
    That's all the warning the people in the van with her get as the van flies up the short flight of steps - and plows into the front door of the house. //Then// her team starts to pile out of the van. The second time pulls up to stop laying down suppression fire for the first time.
    "FBI. Drop your weapons and get on the ground, arms spread out! FBI, drop your weapons!" Cael barks out in a commanding voice. The woman sports brown hair, and a pair of brown contacts today - as well as a tactical helmet, bullet proof vest, and some heavy ordinance she looks very capable with.

Cinque Evers has posed:
After Cael's stunt, the FBI is met with restistance, but it is only vocal resistance. The type of vocal resistance that involves obscenties describing the agents as being fatherless children, people who engage sexual content with mothers, and different types of boddy parts. The vocal resistance is barely audible by the time the goons are hugging the floor.

On the sixth floor, Balzarini steps out of one of the two elevators that run from the first floor to the sixth floor, dragging Sansone down the hallway. Balzarini growls loudly at Sansone, "I still have time to kill you slow, and even if some reason I am brought it...I am going to kill your entire family slow.

Balzarini sniffs the air and spins around throwing Sansone behind him against the wall, "Who is in my house, smelling of my wife and kids?"

Oletha places his hands on the gun on his right hip, "Your son said you were a monster, but...Oletha takes a deep breathe and sings, I'm just floating around over the ground wondering where I will drip."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Both teams are soon in the house - some of the men covering their peers - while others make use of flextie cuffs to restrain the men, hand and food.
    "Sansone isn't here. Kronenberg, Brown, you're with me," Cael barks as the trio start for the stairs - covering each other as they advance at a jog, guns held at the ready. The house is //huge//. How are they going to clear this whole thing?
    Outside, the sounds of approaching sirens is increasing in volume, and inside? Cael and her team pause at each floor - listening closely for signs of their informant. They don't have time to take this door by door, damnit.
    "No sign of him yet," she breathes quietly in her comm. "Once you have everyone loaded into the van, we need help clearing this place floor by floor."

Cinque Evers has posed:
Oletha tilts his head slightly as he listens to the sirens coming, "It seems this party is getting is too crowded, and I do not want to go to jail either." Oletha's right index finger lightly traces over the top of his holster, "Let your hostage go, and make your way downstairs to the authorities waiting below." Oletha tilts his head the other way, "I will release all of your secrets that I got from the passwords your wife stole from you. There are so many secrets that I am sure that more powerful beings than myself would want to know, and the things they would do to you once they knew your secrets....." Oletha sighs overly dramatically, "Or I can kill you, perhaps I die in the attempt, but I am sure I am going to wound you enough the the FBI will be able to arrest you, and the secrets I stole still get release. Oletha hmms, "I guess you only have one solution to this problem."

Balzarini growls, "There is always another choice. Balzarini jumps out of the hallway window and crashes to the ground. He slowly gathers himself up and charges out of the FBI agents, the fall weakening his powers as he starts to transform back into a normal, but there is blood lust in his eyes and he is not going to surrender.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael - with Kronenberg and Brown along with her, arrive on the top floor landing - Cael approaching Sansone, who's collapsed to the floor with relief at still being alive. "We've got you. You're good, Sansone. Come on." The other two agents cover both sides of the hall with their weapons - one of them just in time to catch a glimpse of the disappearing figure.
    "Hey! Stop, FBI!" Kronenberg calls out.
    Of course - that's drowned out by the guys downstairs in the courtyard. "What the hell is that?"
    "Stop! Get down or we open fire!"
    And then there's the sound of gunfire.
    "Up, Sansone. Let's go!" The trio, with Sansone in tow, are soon headed down the stairs at the jog to back up their fellows - and make sure that everyone gets loaded into the vans and brought in to be processed. It was going to be a late, late night.

Cinque Evers has posed:
As Balzarini's lifeless body is being zipped up in a body bag, Oletha is already highway back to his headquarters. Oletha's not happy that he almost got caught by the authorities. There were too many things that didn't fit the pattern, like who rams a van into a house. Someone is either very dedicated or very reckless. Oletha will have to look into this, and the other variables, or mistakes that he might have made last night. For now those possible mistakes are just temporary secrets.