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Latest revision as of 06:36, 9 March 2020

Further Roses
Date of Scene: 06 March 2020
Location: Lois Lane's Apartment
Synopsis: Superman and Lois discuss secrets, Superman's return, and what is between them.
Cast of Characters: Clark Kent, Lois Lane

Clark Kent has posed:
Hours ago, back when the morning first began, there was a token left on Lois's balcony. Flowers again. This time, tropical ones: hibiskus, some others, in a variety. The note was there as expected, and had a 'Tonight; 10pm. -S' on it.

It is now a bit after ten, when the balcony visitor returns, landing smoothly. He's dressed simply - a snug, dark blue long-sleeved shirt (no collar or button up), clean pale jeans, clean white shoes. There's no big 'S' on his chest this time, but it isn't necessary, he hasn't hidden who he is in any way.

Lois Lane has posed:
Flowers on the balcony is something she could get used to. Lois put these ones on the table near the couch--a display piece. Around 10, she made sure to leave the balcony doors slightly, just enough to be welcoming but not so much to make the room cold. She's learning not to let herself freeze in her own apartment with the doors open.

She's dressed in a deep purple blouse and a black skirt--just dressy enough to be making a little more of an impression, but not so dressy to look like she's trying too hard. As soon as she hears the familiar sound of someone on her balcony, she makes her way towards it. "The flowers are nice," she offers as she pulls the doors open the rest of the way.

Clark Kent has posed:
"I'm sorry I've ran a little late," Kal-El apologizes. "I did not want to come here without cleaning up. There was an attack at Coney Island." There's a frown to the words, but he's feeling a sense of strange relief, to be able to just say that, and not have to pretend to have been stuck in traffic. The excuse is an excuse, but at least it's not forcing a lie.

He comes inside, towards her as she opens the doors, and moves aside to allow them to swing back to closed. "I thought they might remind you of the beach," Kal-El speaks of the flowers, with a softened smile and dip of his head, though blue eyes remain on her, warm.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Don't be sorry for that," Lois looks back at him. "Your excuses are good excuses. I hope no one was hurt?" She is a bit curious about the attack, but it's something she can pry into later if it really matters. "I'm glad you made it, though. I'd hate to be waiting /all/ night."

She shuts the doors entirely, moving further into the room. "They /do/ remind me of the beach. It's a good memory. One of many, I hope." There's a grin. She's more certain than she's saying. She begins to move further inward, but stops, instead turning to face him. "It's honestly good to see you."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Unfortunately, a number of people were hurt, and nearly drowned, but I don't think we lost anyone," Kal-El answers, with a shake of his head. "It is going to be impossible for me to not bring this... things like this... in with me." He can't just put down how he feels about the disasters, and his role in attempting to help those people. In the battle that is very fresh: he was just there, hauling an enormous monster away from the shoreline.

"I'm glad to see you, too." Kal-El gives her a good smile, relaxing his hands down at his sides, approaching, but stopping as she stops, looking down at her with a quiet question.

Lois Lane has posed:
"You don't have to worry about that, Kal-El. I bring work home with me all the time," Lois gives him a bit of a smile, half amused, half comforting. "I kind of knew that would be part of the package deal. Did you... need to talk about it?" She definitely seems concerned.

She reaches her hands out for his, unsure of how to approach comforting him. It's still new. It's a dance she hasn't figured out the steps to--just that she wants to learn.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El allows her to take his hand; there's no resistance there, it's the same as taking the hand of anyone else. Should he have wanted to resist, he absolutely could have. But there's nothing harsh to his touch, just a gentle quality: amplified all the more by what he's actually capable of, and what he was just doing before he came. It's a dramatic difference.

"It isn't necessary," he answers, pulling a brave serenity to the front. This is a very, /very/ Superman look and expression: a charismatic, leader's smile. It may not be 'necessary', though if it's wanted, that may be something else. He's giving her the option to take the strength of Superman as it is, and to be boosted by it, inspired... or to aim her gaze at what may be his vulnerability under it all.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois admires Superman the way that other people do. There's strength, security, heroism... but she knows that's not all there is. She's /seen/ it. She's seen and heard enough from him to know that he's hiding. Is he doing it for her? Himself? Maybe both of them? It is, however, not in Lois' instincts to sit when there needs to be action. Especially not since Superman died. It changed things.

She reaches to take his other hand. "You went through something. You've been doing it a few times, but not as Superman. That's got to feel different. Do you sit and process something like this on your own? Do you... even have someone to talk to?" She squeezes his hands. She might not have his strength, but she has intention. "You helped keep me calm after something bad. Let me do the same with whatever you've got going on in there right now."

Clark Kent has posed:
There's a thoughtful expression that's coming into his eyes. He has a solid quality to him, even if he's uncertain, there's a sense, perhaps, that he is still going to do everything possible to stay true to himself. It isn't that the brave front is untrue, or a mask. It's still him. Him being strong for others, allowing his own trouble to fall into the background when necessary. A humble selflessness when he senses he needs to be /more/.

"It is... different," Kal-El allows, gaze lowering to her hands on each of his, the sensation of her drawing his attention with the twin squeezes. He loves her slim, strong hand, with her passionate grip and view of life. He weighs her then, looking at her face, connecting with her gaze. It isn't indecisive: more that he's gathering himself, and searching for how much she's truly asking for.

Lois Lane has posed:
But her hands hold strong, and they don't let go. Lois is determined to stay there, determined to /show/ him that she wants to be there. The hands are a small way, maybe stronger than words. She squeezes again. "Different how? How does it feel different?"

She's unsure of how to prompt him. So instead, she tugs him gently by the hands, trying to draw him over to the couch where it's easier to talk than just standing and looking at each other. "You're still helping people, that must feel good. But you don't get to be that image, that icon... that part probably doesn't feel as good. It's harder to inspire that way... and you /do/ inspire people. People still talk about you, you know. All the time."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El allows her to bring him over, and there's a brief, natural softening to how he's holding his body that brings him more into 'reality' in a way. Out of the heavy Superman persona. That there's more. Some of that also comes through when he seats himself, facing her, and it lacks some of that reserved distance he often does. Superman the icon doesn't sit on couches in apartments. Yet he does, and the image has to be merged together with what this is.

"It wasn't about 'getting to be' the 'icon' or not," Kal-El shakes his head. He seems to be thinking through it, there's a firmness to how his brows move together and down. His eyes are bright and pale, framed in the dark masculine lash and brows. "It did feel... secretive. To arrive, hide myself. Somehow dishonest. And... shackled, to not communicate with the heroes there. To not assure them that we could do it together."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane says, "I can see how that is hard," Lois says, settling at his side. There's a closeness about the two of them on the couch, one that they haven't really had before. "Has this secretive thing made you uncomfortable? I.. I mean, I know it's personally hard to yell for help when you're hiding out." She laughs, trying to break some tension with it. His hands are squeezed again.

"Though, that's the inspiration part of Superman. He, /you/, are an icon. To talk to and inspire people is just what happens when you wear the suit. Encouraging, bringing people in... it's just something you can't do while hiding. It's hard to not be you, I imagine. I don't think I could do that.""

Clark Kent has posed:
"Maybe it is hiding out," Kal-El chuckles softly, though he doesn't seem upset. Thoughtful, yes. He doesn't seem to take many things badly, just rolls with them. "If so, I'd like to be better than that," he says, more quietly, and looks down at her hand.

But a deep breath is drawn in, and then released through from the broad, heavy chest of the big hero. "I can bring more light into the world as Superman. This stalling -- for fear, for whatever else -- it needs to end."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois shakes her head. "You don't have to do it yet. Not if you don't want to." She gives him a smile. "Don't forget that you're a person, too. You do it when you're ready and when the world's ready. I think the latter is true, but is the former?" She glances at him, trying to determine what the wall is.

"What do you think it is? This stalling? You said fear... but are you scared? Of what?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El draws one hand back from contact with her, but it's to draw it up and rubs his face, up across his cheek and against one eye with the heel of his palm. It's actually something Clark does, but that's besides the point. Maybe just a little eerily familiar: but not the same, since there's no glasses to prevent the motion up against his eye and the side of nose bridge, then up into his hair. He scrubs his fingers into his scalp some, and gives her a shake of head. There's a distress under it. He doesn't know, or have a good answer.

"I'm sorry. I don't always have the answers. I wish that I did," Superman admits, though his smile is warmed. He worries that her vision or view of Superman may be lowered or destroyed through opening up, though the truth may be that his raw humanity is what is truly powerful about his personality.

"It's a massive responsibility. To have the answers."

Lois Lane has posed:
A lot of things feel familiar to her, but for the most part she shakes these things off. Lois watches him closely, watching the distress. Her free hand slips up to let her own hand rest on his cheek. "Hey," she says, taking the liberty of drawing his attention back to her. "You have a lot of responsibility. I understand that. But sometimes you don't have the answers and that's perfectly okay."

She smiles wryly at him. "You do realize that even when you go back to all of that, I'm still gonna be here, right? And when you don't have the answers I'll listen until you have something. That's what I'm trying to do. What I'm trying to build. So you don't have to feel alone in all of this. I can't take your responsibilities but I can help you handle them."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El watches her as well, from his mix of distress and bravery. He's upset, uncertain, but there's a sense that he's facing those things, as much as he is able. He leans his head forward as she touches his cheek, towards her, though it's just to gently lean his forehead to hers. There's a receptiveness there.

"I think... I don't know how to process my death," Superman says, very quietly. "And that I'm alive again. I don't know how, and I don't know why. I can only hope that it's to continue what I was doing. To protect this world."

Lois Lane has posed:
Her hand remains on his cheek, her forehead to his forehead. The affection's there, it's something building. Lois offers him a smile, a comforting one. Once again, his presense makes her feel soft. He's safe, even in his vulnerability. It makes /her/ feel stronger.

"I imagine that's... very hard to get over. I can't imagine how terrifying that must have been, and even scarier coming back and remembering everything you went through. You've been given another chance, though. The important thing is that you /did/ come back. And maybe time will make it easier. You've already gone back to saving people, that seems to be going alright. Maybe not back to your old self, but... you aren't alone."

Clark Kent has posed:
"I hope I can meet the... expectations that will be set before me," Kal-El brings his other hand to her wrist of the hand that's still holding his. She's free to leave her fingers on his cheek, touch however she would. It's a steadying to the emotional connection they're forming.

"I left the bar for myself a little high," Superman chuckles, a sudden pleasant smile curving into his features, revealing straight white teeth. He hasn't smiled much with teeth, there's been a lingering lack of ability to truly smile. "Everyone that has known has given me space and time." He lets out a brief breath. "I don't think that's what I want anymore. I don't want to be an outsider, or separate."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois's fingers remain on his cheek, fingers lightly tracing along the skin of his cheek and jaw. Light, as if she's still unsure she's allowed to, but enough so he'll still feel it. Her other hand squeezes his again. "Guess you shouldn't have been such an amazing hero the first time. And you have been. Everyone loves you." Well, she can think of one person, but she won't lose the moment to Lex Luthor.

"No one's stopping you, Kal-El. Just you. Don't be an outsider, don't be separate. You say the word and I'll have you an article in a heartbeat. You can present yourself however you want. You can show them you're living again. /Living/."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Everyone loves me?" Kal-El asks, with a slight movement of eyebrow, and head. He didn't catch the idea of thinking of Lex: no, he's looking at her, instead, about that particular statement. 'Everyone.'

There's no press or weight maintained, though, he isn't going to pin her down about it or embarrass her, and he continues on past it. "I have a few more people to speak to. The Justice League members that have been very patient with me."

Lois Lane has posed:
No, he didn't catch the implication of Lex. He hit on something else she didn't intend to let slip. Lois is fully aware of this, but he lets it slide away. He begins to talk again, but her cheeks are burning and it feels like the opportunity is just slipping through her fingers.

"Yeah," she says once he seems like he's done talking. But she doesn't pipe in with some comment about the Justice League. She follows it up shortly after. "Everyone."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Well, I'd hate to disappoint everyone," Kal-El says finally, after a somewhat lengthy pause looking at her. Maybe the opportunity did slip. Slipped into the strange distance that seems to change size now and again. They'll feel very close, then something in the dynamic adjusts, and he's protecting her from himself, or from something elusive.

Yet the distance can be crossed, reached over; he turned his lips into her palm at his cheek, a warm breath against her fingers.

Lois Lane has posed:
Her voice is softer now. There's a different tone to it. "You don't," Lois says. "Not at all." The warmth of his breath against her hand causes her to turn it more towards him... a gentle caress in the middle of things. But she can't help but feel that she missed. A shot in the dark, off target, but who knows how far. She's silent for a long moment, her fingers still keeping the connection to him through the touch on his skin.

He's hiding. He's scared. He's sabotaging himself. Eventually, she speaks up again. "Me especially." It's another push.

Clark Kent has posed:
As Lois tells Kal-El that he doesn't disappoint her, some blush comes in, warming his cheeks and neck, and there's a funny little moment of something akin to shyness, a softened uncertainty that he's allowing her to see. She has a window into the deeper self-reflective man that he is. It comes with the gentleness, the self-checking that he does to stay humble and balanced. He is conflicted because he cares deeply.

Kal-El swallows quietly, a flux of tension moving in the side of his squared jaw as he presses his teeth together and releases. He draws his face closer tentatively, brush of nose near her cheek, and settles his cheek to hers: a lingering closeness that's of a different style of intimacy.

Lois Lane has posed:
It's a battle, somehow, one Lois isn't sure if she's winning. But she's fighting for it. He opened this window for her again, she's not letting go, even if it's hard and confusing and she's feeling out what to do. No one said it would be easy.

They're close, cheek to cheek. It's a step, but she's not sure how big of one. So she lets out a slow breath, her voice soft. He'll hear her no matter how close she is to his ear. "You're still so scared of me. I'm not going to hurt you. And you're not going to hurt me."

Clark Kent has posed:
Will he hurt her? Will everything collapse, will she feel like he's lied for years? How bad will the betrayal truly be? Will she understand why he's had to conceal, that it was to protect both her and his family? It creates knots of tension low. He may have abs of steel -- and those are quite tensed up over this. He inwardly pleads with himself to either relax or pull away. Is it okay to allow himself this? Is it more fair to her to retract? There was a reason this went on for a decade. And if Superman is coming back, and once again attracting the eye of the villains of the world, how can he put her in that position?

If he does love her, shouldn't he protect her by letting her go?

The pain of it hurts, and he draws his other hand up gently against the opposide side of her neck, a tender stroke of fingers there, though there's a history of this: he's done something similar, this caress, years ago, before he had flown away...

Lois Lane has posed:
It's another familiar sensation, but this one is familiar in a way she recognizes. Last time, he had flown away. Lois finds herself suddenly trying to fight off a pang of worry. Her hand tightens around his, pressing herself a little closer against him, as if to encourage his presence. As if he were wanted and needed here. "Just don't go again," she murmurs. "Please."

Clark Kent has posed:
"It isn't that I'm concerned for myself," Kal-El replies, finally, with a weight to the words. His voice has dropped low, deep into his heavy, broad chest. "It is that whatever we have... it will have to remain secret. Being close to me, beyond just appearing to interview Superman..." He trails off.

"If those intent on destroying and harming me learn that I cared for you, and I caused that --" He still has his eyes mostly closed, resting his cheek still close, but he doesn't pull away. Instead, he lowers his hands to draw them around her, and pull her in close, enveloping her slim frame into his arms. There's no firm squeeze, but it isn't a rescuer's hold either, there's a romantic quality to it.

"Superman's return comes with that." Is he literally holding back from Superman partially due to a desire to have a relationship that isn't burdened, for just a bit longer?

Lois Lane has posed:
"I... I know." Lois is well aware that there is some element of secrecy. It's not a part of this that she likes to remember. She allows herself to be drawn in closer, shifting only a tiny bit so she can just be comfortable resting against him. Her arms move to rest about him, more content to hold him than stay otherwise. "I have to be a secret."

She frowns, not liking that idea, but not seeing a solution otherwise. It wasn't like Steve and Janet, who had public identities but could also both fight back against potential threats. Her skill with words wouldn't help against Superman's enemies. "I'll figure it out."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El feels a crushing worry, a loss. This may be too much for her. And they'll lose this. It isn't what he wants. But is it best for her? Isn't what they feel something important, too? Is there a way to find both?

There /is/ a way. And he's smart enough to see it. To start to open the door, just to see what could happen. "If I need to.... make a secret identity to be with you.... we can talk about it," is what Kal-El (Clark?) says, with a tone that is very very tentative. How will she react to this? It could inform a great deal of if he'll be able to tell her the truth.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois rests her head on his chest. "I just... I like this. I care about you. I don't want to lose you." She lifts her head a little so she can look at him. "If I have to be a secret, I'll be a secret. I can't say I'll like it, but I'd do it, if that's what it takes. I'll make it work."

His suggestion of a secret identity has her curious. Does he not have one? Maybe not a full fledged one, but he at least has part of one, somehow. "I mean, it would still be you and I'd be able to be a little more open about it. We could go places together." There is some possibility there. "As glamorous as it is to be dating Superman..." She grins.

Clark Kent has posed:
It would be nice to be up front about why he runs off, instead of making up excuses like forgetting his dry-cleaning. It would be infinitely nice. Every time he drops one of those lies it's a stab into his conscience. But it had to be done.

"It would still entirely be me," Kal-El assures, as if saying that were /really/ important. It's said in the same tone of voice that he'd tell a villain that good would not be stepping aside, not today.

"If you're dating me for the glamour of it, we have a different problem," he chuckles at her, good-naturedly. She's lifted her head from his chest to see him, and he meets her eyes. "I'd like to not hold any secrets from you," Kal-El tells her, with a true, honest longing in it. Above so many things in his life, he wishes that were true. He's wished it for years.

Kal-El brings his head to hers, to kiss her. It carries some of what he's held back. Some of what could be.

Lois Lane has posed:
It's not their first kiss, but there's something in this one that holds promise. It feels a little different, so Lois doesn't make any moves to end it, not without giving it the full weight it deserves. She lingers close, kissing softly, giving them both a moment she's sure they need. A future. She draws it out, taking her time with it, and when she does pull back, it's only just barely. She wants to speak, but she doesn't want to lose that connection.

"I'm dating you because I like the whole package, Kal-El. All of you." She means that, earnestly. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I wouldn't have even tried if I didn't. No one deserves to be loved for only one aspect of themselves."

Clark Kent has posed:
"I didn't want to be complicated," Superman answers, with a soft quiet relaxation of breath and his bulky shoulders. For as big as he is, he has never wielded his size or strength in a way that really pushes it forward with her. There's a finesse to it, to downplaying his physique, to not intimidate or overpower. So while his arms are about her, there's no message of restriction.

"But this is who I am, who I will be. At least until I retire, to sit in a rocking chair on a porch predicting the weather," he chuckles softly, picturing Pa Kent. His view comes from his upbringing: country somewhere, not city. It would make a lot of sense to have an alter-identity off in the middle of nowhere, as well.

"I'm Kal-El, Superman, the hero that died, the man trying to rebuild, the man 'everyone' loved---" He watches her, searches her eyes.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Loves," Lois corrects, her tone soft. "Every single day I hear a story about how much you still mean to people." It's something she wants him to remember, but it's beside the point. "I know you have to be a lot of things, and I know that's complicated. If me being in the mix is /too/ complicated for all of that, I understand, but if that's the case... just remember that you get to decide who you want to be. Let the world inspire who you are, but don't let it choose. You deserve to have what you want."

She's not entirely sure she's not the tiniest bit emotional about the words, but she's hoping if she is that he doesn't notice.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El lifts one hand from around her, drawing it in to brush two fingers along her jaw, to gently take her chin with thumb and forefinger, thumb resting just under her lips. He gathers himself, collects his inner strength. It isn't that he is masking or hiding, but regrouping.

"It might be 'easier' to stay dead. It might be easier to retreat," Superman says calmly. "But I choose to believe that I can do more good for the world than bad by returning. That we can have something that's worth the risk and danger. That I can choose us, too."

Lois Lane has posed:
"I'm not one for retreating," Lois says, letting her lips form a small grin. "But maybe that's part of why you like me." Her arms tighten around him. It's more for her own benefit rather than his--a physical, tangible person to hold onto and not just a concept or person talked about in newspaper headlines. "I've always thought you could do good for the world. You're still doing it, even if you need to hide your face a little longer."

The smile she offers him is soft, hopeful. He's good at drawing those soft ones from her. "You know I'd take whatever risk I need to in a heartbeat. But I can't guide you on the best way to go about things... secret identities and superheroes are things I write about, nothing from my own personal experience. I don't know how else to help you. How else to help /us/. Our situation."

Clark Kent has posed:
"It is my personal experience," Superman chuckles with a gentle amusement. "I will look at what I can do. I know more than one hero that has needed to hold a secret identity." Superman's extremely connected. Globally, really, to superhero communities. "But knowing that you are on board... is the most important piece of that."

"I do choose you, Lois." There's a pause. "I have wanted to for a long time."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois leans in close, pressing a small kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Good choice. I'll tell you, I'd be pretty disappointed if you decided the complicated logistics of this were too much effort." She looks at him seriously. "I'm not really a fan of not knowing where I'm going with something, so you'll have to forgive me for walking off a cliff and hoping you catch me."

She suddenly grins. "That's a metaphorical cliff, of course, in case you were suddenly worried." She has noticed the worry, sometimes, when she even jokes about her being in danger. The concern is endearing.

Clark Kent has posed:
"It's never about /effort/," Superman automatically reminds, with a very predictable little concerned look when she does mention putting herself in danger. It's a natural response that just happens.

"This isn't a cliff that I can fly up to. But I can jump with you, and we'll see what's at the bottom," he says, relaxing his embrace to be more loose, a trusting pose. His words remind that he's not a superhero emotionally: it's just as much a cliff for him as it is for her.

Lois Lane has posed:
His response does make her smile, and Lois reaches up to make the affectionate gesture of running her fingers into his hair. Besides selfishly just wanting to, it's another way to connect to him. "Alright," she agrees. "We jump together." She doesn't see any other way, really. Turning around and walking away was never a real option. She set sail on this course a long, long time ago.

"So we're back to being on the same page, I suppose it's just a matter of figuring out how we want to do this. Should we just keep seeing each other secretly?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Something's changed. There's a distance and disconnect in Kal-El's eyes, as if something drastic occurred to him. Something heavy, some problem that has changed his mood. At first it may appear to have been her words, or the touch to his hair....

He orients on her, then, as if being pulled out of an abrupt little daydream. "I've heard an urgent call for help," Superman says. There's no real apology to it, no regret. It is the same as a doctor being on call. Superman is on call. "A child is screaming. I'll return later tonight, to continue this?" He's drawing away: but it isn't that he's leaving her. This is different.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois does worry, briefly, that she's done something and her mind works furiously to figure out what it is before he explains himself. She laughs, relieved for a brief second before she sobers. There's a quick nod, and she moves to release him, but she leans in to press a brief kiss to his cheek before pulling back.

"Go help. You're good at it." A pause. "Don't worry. I'll wait for you. I'll be here."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El isn't in the mood for kisses, he's shifted into Superman mode. She'll see it as he rises from the couch. There's a squeeze to her hand, but he has become a stern shield of justice. There's no question of who exactly he is: he may be dressed in casual attire, but everything about is reaction, his swift decision, all of it: Superman. It's just the first time that she's seen him react to a crisis being initiated (....or is it?).

"All right." He nods once at her.... and is gone in a blur and sound of the balcony door.